MHtri is the one that hooked me to the MH series, I have 120 hours in the game on the Wii, but I must say the game is much cooler when you play with 3 buddies online (main reason I got 120 hours invested in it). SP I haven't even completed. maybe I am not a sp guy.
I spent a good 500 + hours playing MH3 so I'd say it's worth it. I don't play anymore cause I literally have everything and it's now become the "Do stuff over and over for nothing stage."
That and my Wii looks like it is dying. Whenever I go to the snow level the framerate spazzes all over the place when I look at a certain direction and lines appear and shit. Weird stuff. But I digress, I don't think one game is ever worth a console but I hear Wii's are cheap now.
Well, looks like I made my mind up already. Just found a local supermarket had the game and classic controller pack lying around in the stock room and I got it for £20! Also, I remembered I wanted to check out Xenoblade too, so that was another factor.
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Version came out for the PS3 in Japan, hopefully it will make it's way to the US.
Oh man, I just saw this, I'm so hoping they do the whole HD thing in the US/EU as well, I get why they don't localise all their PSP games so often, but to miss out on the HD classics would be a real shame.
I've logged a good number of hours on this game (200+ easy), the only reason why I had touched my Wii after a 2 years. Even ending up taking a 6 month hiatus from the game itself. I think it is definitely one of the more solid Wii titles on top of the fact it is for all intents and purposes, a solid MH game.
If it is still worth it at this point? Can't be sure. Just be on the lookout for the event missions that yield the skill boosting items. As much as I wanted to hate Alatreon (I sleep bomb him exclusively), the Jho's know my hate for them much, much more.
I get happy seeing the monster hunter thread get necro'd I know im going to be playing it again very soon.
Man I remember back in the days of MH1 on the PS2 taking on Fatty with my buddies online... *tear* Or having headlocking races in WOLAS, me using Eternal Annihilator versus a filthy black Dragon Spear user!!!! damn lancer n00bs! Yeah that's right bitches!!!
TeeJay - Cmon MAN GET IT!Come and join the kewl kids.Though the one for the psp is better in my opinion and free.......if you do it right lol.
Yeah this is true, been playing monster hunter 3rd for psp since december first ( jap version ) Online its....... just so good!! Wife and I hunt every night together before sleepy time.
Yeah this is true, been playing monster hunter 3rd for psp since december first ( jap version ) Online its....... just so good!! Wife and I hunt every night together before
sleepy time.
Every other day man im on.With the use of PS3's Adhoc system/game/software/whatever.Speaking of that, I'm thinking about making a PS3/XBOX360 gamer tags thread.It would be nice way to bring the Polycount community closerrrr together than we already are don't ya think???
Also Haz,whenever your ready im game to hunt whatever is on the menu.
I imported mhp3, and am importing the hd ps3 version have about 300 hrs logged so far haha. And haz, damn straight f lances! LS, DS, and SA all the way!
Djo is much easier in mhp3, have been soloing the entire time (have alatreon, Ukanlos, and Akantor left). It feels a little easier or more forgiving overall... But some of the hr6 and download quests are fuckin insane. The new psp version takes a lot of the accessibility improvements from the wii version and takes them further. It is the only game I've been playing for a while now, i love this fucking game
Read an article recently that suggested a vita release of mhp3 and the hd ps3 version! Hopefully that's true!!!
I imported mhp3, and am importing the hd ps3 version have about 300 hrs logged so far haha.
I was thinking of doing this, but I didn't know how much the language barrier might be an issue. How playable is it without any ability to read Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji?
I imported my MHP3rd but I specifically installed a cfw on my psp just to install the language patch, which converts most of the game into English.
I played through most quests in the village, and HR2 before patching it. Was hard... but learned what symbols went with what familiar item after writing them down on paper taking notes while I played, and having wiki sites & translation sites open ( and Also used the visuals of the armor & weapons to reverse engineer what the stats & items required were. Was a pain... so ultimately I did the english patch on an older psp w/ my legit copy.
Won't be able to patch the PS3 version but will be cool to play it in HD!
Only thing is I'm not sure if I can put CFW on my current PSP. It's a 3000, and It's running OFW right now. I used to have CFW on my S&L but I got a 3000 earlier this year and haven't tried flashing it. I'll have to look into it, but it's good to know there's a patch.
In other news, I took MH Tri to my parents house earlier and had a quick go on their Wii (still waiting to get one for myself, the prices are a little volatile so waiting a week or so to see if it drops sub-£100).
Loved what I played, although I didn't want to get too far on someone elses console, I'd rather not do all the 1* missions again
Is there no Elder quests? All the quests seem to come from the guild desk, which is fine, but I made the mistake of going straight for the guild quests in MHFU but there doesn't appear to be any elder quest equivalent in Tri.
There are teejay, however they split te two up in tri. The offline portion ends with caedeus (village) and from then is just an automated farm/mat gathering area (and point farming area). The real meat is in the city, where there are low and high rank quests. It works differently in tri tho - you level based on quest completion and points earned & completion of the key quests (more points with 0 deaths). Once you meet the Hr requirement the quest to unlock the next tier of hunts and Hr ranks become available. HR does not cap at 6 online, think it goes to 999.
After Hr 50 (maybe 40?) you get high rank quests.
So ya, there is only 1 quest desk in the village, but there is another set in the city/online portion.
you get hr quest after 31, and you don't need to know anyone, just jump in and there are rooms that you can freely join, some are locked for low rank players through.
What about voice chat? I don't have a headset for the Wii, can you even get one? I guess chat isn't vital since the objective is kinda obvious, but I'm curious as to the usual etiquette online re voice chat.
If you are looking for games quick, use the board to the right of the city entrance, can search by level, creature, etc for available cities. The city browser is a little clunky. Can always just create one and wait too!
I pumped like 60 hours into this game when it first came out. It's really really great. Especially with a friend. I wish Capcom would make a new Monster Hunter but with current gen specs and graphics and on a better console than the Wii. The online connectivity got really weird at times.
Just started playing MH 3rd thanks to this thread -__-; Its like the same game as the previous ones, yet I CANT STOP PLAYING!! I probably sink 40-60hours into each MH game, this stuff is like crack. Doesn't help when you have 2-3friends who are equally as hooked
That and my Wii looks like it is dying. Whenever I go to the snow level the framerate spazzes all over the place when I look at a certain direction and lines appear and shit. Weird stuff. But I digress, I don't think one game is ever worth a console but I hear Wii's are cheap now.
Oh man, I just saw this, I'm so hoping they do the whole HD thing in the US/EU as well, I get why they don't localise all their PSP games so often, but to miss out on the HD classics would be a real shame.
*Outburst much*
If it is still worth it at this point? Can't be sure. Just be on the lookout for the event missions that yield the skill boosting items. As much as I wanted to hate Alatreon (I sleep bomb him exclusively), the Jho's know my hate for them much, much more.
Man I remember back in the days of MH1 on the PS2 taking on Fatty with my buddies online... *tear* Or having headlocking races in WOLAS, me using Eternal Annihilator versus a filthy black Dragon Spear user!!!! damn lancer n00bs! Yeah that's right bitches!!!
I need to get that Wii ASAP. For now, there's a monoblos who has a date with my Iron Striker+ (yeah I'm not very far in).
Hazardous - Or when a pissed off Rathalos was the scariest shit you've ever seen in your whole life.
TeeJay - Cmon MAN GET IT!Come and join the kewl kids.Though the one for the psp is better in my opinion and free.......if you do it right lol.
Yeah this is true, been playing monster hunter 3rd for psp since december first ( jap version ) Online its....... just so good!! Wife and I hunt every night together before sleepy time.
Every other day man im on.With the use of PS3's Adhoc system/game/software/whatever.Speaking of that, I'm thinking about making a PS3/XBOX360 gamer tags thread.It would be nice way to bring the Polycount community closerrrr together than we already are don't ya think???
Also Haz,whenever your ready im game to hunt whatever is on the menu.
Djo is much easier in mhp3, have been soloing the entire time (have alatreon, Ukanlos, and Akantor left). It feels a little easier or more forgiving overall... But some of the hr6 and download quests are fuckin insane. The new psp version takes a lot of the accessibility improvements from the wii version and takes them further. It is the only game I've been playing for a while now, i love this fucking game
Read an article recently that suggested a vita release of mhp3 and the hd ps3 version! Hopefully that's true!!!
I was thinking of doing this, but I didn't know how much the language barrier might be an issue. How playable is it without any ability to read Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji?
Even after a 6 month hiatus, I can still wield my lance with skill
I imported my MHP3rd but I specifically installed a cfw on my psp just to install the language patch, which converts most of the game into English.
I played through most quests in the village, and HR2 before patching it. Was hard... but learned what symbols went with what familiar item after writing them down on paper taking notes while I played, and having wiki sites & translation sites open ( and Also used the visuals of the armor & weapons to reverse engineer what the stats & items required were. Was a pain... so ultimately I did the english patch on an older psp w/ my legit copy.
Won't be able to patch the PS3 version
bought 3rd when I lived in Japan (also have 2nd), HR5 long sword (I believe it was, havent played in a while)
man, sitting around burger king in shibuya and joining peoples servers ... good times
Only thing is I'm not sure if I can put CFW on my current PSP. It's a 3000, and It's running OFW right now. I used to have CFW on my S&L but I got a 3000 earlier this year and haven't tried flashing it. I'll have to look into it, but it's good to know there's a patch.
In other news, I took MH Tri to my parents house earlier and had a quick go on their Wii (still waiting to get one for myself, the prices are a little volatile so waiting a week or so to see if it drops sub-£100).
Loved what I played, although I didn't want to get too far on someone elses console, I'd rather not do all the 1* missions again
Is there no Elder quests? All the quests seem to come from the guild desk, which is fine, but I made the mistake of going straight for the guild quests in MHFU but there doesn't appear to be any elder quest equivalent in Tri.
After Hr 50 (maybe 40?) you get high rank quests.
So ya, there is only 1 quest desk in the village, but there is another set in the city/online portion.
And with regards to online, can you jump in with randoms or do you need to have people friended? I don't think I know anyone else who plays MH!
What about voice chat? I don't have a headset for the Wii, can you even get one? I guess chat isn't vital since the objective is kinda obvious, but I'm curious as to the usual etiquette online re voice chat.
If you are looking for games quick, use the board to the right of the city entrance, can search by level, creature, etc for available cities. The city browser is a little clunky. Can always just create one and wait too!
Anyone got word of the euro Pc version?
oh blah 3ds, whhyyyyy! don't want to buy another handheld
Yeah for some reason I doubt it will make it to america, and the 3DS is region locked, so don't by an american 3ds if you plan to play imports.