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Who's pumped for SSF4?

Excuse the cheesy lingo, but hey, it's Street Fighter.

I'm an arcade man through and through, I love fighting and driving games, particularly from Sega and Capcom of course.

Anyway, SSF4 is here in less than two months. I played the absolute shit out of SF4, it's my most played 360 game by far. I got bored of it and got too busy. Partly got bored because I'm only really good with Rog and Honda, and partly because online turned into a real turtle fest. I would rather lose a fast paced, exciting match, than out turtle a turtle in a hideous turtle fest.

But anyway, I'm very excited about SSF4. I'll be happy to dish out some beatings when it's released. Who else is getting it?

And have any of my fellow Brits ordered from shopto? They are selling it cheaper than anywhere else, just over 20 quid.

It looks like they've nerfed Sagat to some degree at least, and hopefully Ryu too. I hope they've buffed some of the other characters too, and I hope that at least some of the new charaters are fun to play and effective enough to play at a decent level.

I also hope they've tweaked the mechanics slightly in regards to startup and recovery times, to not make turtling as effective.

What characters do you like the look of from the new cast? Juri looks excellent, and I'll be playing Dudley, DeeJay and Adon. And Edmond of course.

Oh and I hope they've buffed Dan.


  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    oh im totally getting it and very excited for it as well.

    The new characters I'm most anxious to try are: Dudley, Deejay, Adon and Cody. I'm a lil sad they wont be including Hugo, Alex, or the rest of the third strike cast haha
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Any chance of a PC release?
  • rumblesushi
    Eric, ha, yeah, same as me basically. Dudley, Deejay and Adon are easily 3 of the most appealing of the new characters. Although I very rarely use female characters, Juri looks very fun to play too, and pretty effective.

    Cody, well, he looks like a highly effective character, people are already acting like he's top tier (which remains to be seen of course) - but I'll want an alternate costume without the pyjamas and handcuffs :D

    Blenderhead - I have no idea actually. One would assume so, seeing as SF4 was released for the PC.

    Do you not have a 360 or PS3? Apparently the PC online play was crap compared to consoles, with far less competition, and far less players etc.

    I was surprised about no Alex too. And seeing as they included some SF3 characters, I'm really surprised about no Yun or Yang, two very popular characters, that dominated competitive play in SF3.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Ibuki, yes! Obnoxious characters hell yeah, love her in sf3
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Never really got into IV even tho I got it for both PC and 360 ... I keep trying to like it but it just doesn't click for me for some reason. Super will be a rental, and a buy whenever it goes under 20$ ...

    I'm excited to see the new characters up close tho. Some looked fantastic in IV and I can only assume that the char artists got even better since then!
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    *lets fight like gentlemen*

    Is all I have to say to you

  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    First Seforin, your Dudley is prolly 80% cheese, no match for my Ibuki. And if she can rock like in 3S, then it's over. But since there's no parry system, hopefully they tweaked her a bit because I like baiting people to think they can get a free attack, parry then combo. Hopefully they made her a little bit faster.


    I'm glad the arcades over here aren't as dead as the States, and I've had no end of SF3: 3rdS and SF4 people to play.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    BTW anyone here on GGPO ?
    I'm KowKow over there, we should play some games y'all!
    (online is so much more fun in 3s (GGPO) than in IV (Live) ... the ingame chat is so snappy and games start in a flash, plus you can rematch easily and get a better feel for your opponent ... soooo good...!!)
    Btw I suck but I'll take you anyways!
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    lamont: Boy you dont know about my cross counter. we shall have some epic matches soon ! I'll shoot you my xbox handle and such one its all out!

    Pior: I havent heard of GGPO .... I know of 2Df , is that similar?

    On a side note, after many many years growing acustomed to playing fighting games on control pad...im finally switching to a arcade stick and im finding it really... I .well alien to me....

    any suggestions of good arcade pads to look into? I want to get a good one for xbox...

    Im also planning (After my move and such) to build a arcade machine on 2 screens facing opposites (like the japanese type arcade machines where each player has a machine opposite) that runs on a small pc//emulators.

    Any suggestions on good sticks for the pc as well? (I plan on ripping it apart and rebuilding it for a case but if its a good enough stick I can probably keep it in its case and have it hard built into it.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    Looking good!
    I'm excited to see some of the new moves and characters in action. I just recently got my SF4 back from someone who had borrowed it for May-January.
    FINALLY finished up the character training on Normal. Some of those are ridiculous to pull off and Dan is a terrible character for a training dummy..

    Juri looks so badass and a bit overpowered.
    Makoto, I wasn't familiar with. Dudley and Ibuki I only know from images. I never did play 3rd Strike. THawk and Deejay, good to have them back but I don't see myself playing them. Guy and Cody are about the same. Fun to have, doubt they will see much play.

    I'd love to pick up a good arcade stick but I really don't play often enough to require a $100 expenditure.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    SF3S/SFII is like the finest Pinot Noir wine, or the most robust 90 year old brandy... everything else is like wine coolers or Coors Lite.

    You can pick up a decent arcade stick for $50. Just have to look.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah pior, i feel you about sf4. I own it but have never really played it. Everytime i do it just feels off. Doesnt help that im not a fan of sf2, i guess.

    I play sf3 intermittently on Supercade.net (used to be 2dfighter.) I'll check out ggpo.
  • soulstice
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    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    I really miss the gameplay of third strike, SF4 is good but feels more like SF2. Still a big fan and will get SSF4!
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    pior wrote: »
    BTW anyone here on GGPO ?
    I'm KowKow over there, we should play some games y'all!
    (online is so much more fun in 3s (GGPO) than in IV (Live) ... the ingame chat is so snappy and games start in a flash, plus you can rematch easily and get a better feel for your opponent ... soooo good...!!)
    Btw I suck but I'll take you anyways!

    Is that swahili because I can hardly understand a word of it.
  • rumblesushi
    That's kind of what I love, that it feels more like SF2. I loved SF2, played the Japanese version when it first came out on the SNES, played it in the arcades etc.

    SF3 is a great game, the mechanics are top notch, and it's as technical as ever, but the problem for me is it doesn't really FEEL like Street Fighter.

    Aside from Ryu and Ken being there, it's like a completely different game.

    SF4 feels like Street Fighter, and even though it's not perfect, I prefer it to SF3. It's just as technical too.

    I wish SF4 was a TAD faster, and also I do think I'd rather just have a few supers to choose from than the Ultra.

    Why? Ultras encourage turtling too. Say I beat someone senseless, he's down to a 1/4 bar, and I've only taken a few hits. If I continue to be aggressive, there's a big chance that he can land a reversal Ultra. The smart thing for me to do would be to play it safe, get him to come to me, throw out a few safe moves etc.

    But that's not my idea of fun, I like playing aggressive. So I do hope they've tweaked the mechanics slightly to not encourage turtling as much.

    Having not played it yet I already know the worst thing about SSF4 - no Honda bathtub.
  • rumblesushi
    pior wrote: »
    BTW anyone here on GGPO ?
    I'm KowKow over there, we should play some games y'all!
    (online is so much more fun in 3s (GGPO) than in IV (Live) ... the ingame chat is so snappy and games start in a flash, plus you can rematch easily and get a better feel for your opponent ... soooo good...!!)
    Btw I suck but I'll take you anyways!

    What is GGPO? You mean to tell me you can play SF3 lag free?

    I played SF3 on mame online, and the lag made it unplayable, frequently lagging for at least a second.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yup, lagfree indeed! It really works
  • System
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    System admin
    Not really, I stopped playing this after sf2 turbo, although I can say that the port from arcade to home entertainment systems is one of the best I have played. Soul Edge comes second but there's one game that imo had a terrible port but I definately got the most fun out of playing it in the arcades, Killer Instinct!


    *sorry for the spam[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-UY3hh8D_w&feature=related"][/ame]
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    I was always pretty good at most fighting games in the arcades, but Killer Instinct and the sequel were the ones I just owned people at. Something about that game just clicked with me. They have one at a pizza buffet near work, so still play it often.

    As for SSF4, its probably the game I'm most excited about in the coming months behind God of War 3. They just hit all the sweet spots with 4, and with all the new characters, new balancing, supers, etc, I'd gladly shell out the cash for this. I played the hell out of Cody and Guy in the Alpha series, and Ibuki and Dudley in 3rd Strike, so it's def worth it for me.
  • alexl
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    alexl polycounter lvl 10
    pior wrote: »
    Yup, lagfree indeed! It really works

    +1 to this, it really is amazing, well for fighting game fans atleast. (sometimes in the 3s channel, alias: alexl)

    As for SSF4, kind of interested but not going to rush out and buy it, maybe when its cheaper I guess.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    I bought SF4 on the pc and a hori ex2 stick, lasted a good 80 hours or so till I moved onto playing other games.

    I'm thinking about buying SSF4 on my (new) PS3, which means I have to buy a new stick or a converter which costs the same as a new (cheap) stick :( wish I foresaw that I'd buy a ps3! (or that xbox-specific-usb devices can be used on ps3 :/)
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    but the problem for me is it doesn't really FEEL like Street Fighter.

    It has almost none of this.


    consequently it's actually fun.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
  • rumblesushi
    SupRore wrote: »
    It has almost none of this.


    consequently it's actually fun.

    You mean fireball spam/zoning?

    But that's PART of Street Fighter. That's like saying GTA would be better if you couldn't steal cars.

    And the fireball spam just got replaced by excessive parrying.

    Don't get me wrong, I like SF3 a lot, but it was basically a different game. And in intermediate play and above, fireball spam just got replaced by excessive parrying, people were over reliant on the parry.

    And although I am by no means a fireball spammer (I play Rog and Honda) - it's part of Street Fighter. The Hadouken is iconic :D

    I also like the challenge of getting in someone who is skilled with projectiles.

    I like fighting games without projectiles, I'm a big VF5 fan, but Street Fighter is Street Fighter, and it would be Street Fighter without Hadoukens and flaming uppercuts ;)
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I also like the challenge of getting in someone who is skilled with projectiles.

    This challenge exists in sf3, though, which definitely has zoning and projectiles -- it just isnt a retarded metagame anymore. You said it's part of the game, but really in sf2 it is almost the entire game.

    And parryspam only really happens if you're trying to use douchebag tatics. Like projectile spam. :p
  • rumblesushi
    Projectiles are not effective at all in SF3. When two skilled players fight, they hardly even throw fireballs, why? Because if you can parry consistently, they are almost useless. Not even good for chip damage and zoning.

    And also, we're not talking about SF2, we're talking about SF4.

    It's true, that even in Super Turbo, fireballs are very effective. Even so, Balrog is a top tier character in Super Turbo. If you can get in on a fireball spammer you can do huge damage in seconds. Same with Honda.

    In SF4 fireballs aren't quite as effective as SF2.

    And again, I don't even use fireball characters, I prefer to be aggressive and get up close than "zone" - but fireball spam is not really a douchebag tactic at all.

    The best player in the world - Daigo Umehara - controls and wins matches mainly with fireballs. It's not as easy as he makes it look though.

    You have to have an excellent sense of timing on the fireballs and their recovery time, otherwise you'll just get people jumping over them all day, sweeping you, throwing you, ultra-ing you through fireballs etc.

    Even with Honda, who has no move that goes through fireballs like Balrog, I'll eat up a fireball "spammer" ie someone who just throws them constantly and mindlessly. I'll have more trouble with a skilled Fei Long or Dan even.

    If you get SSF4 I'd be happy to have a few games with you, I'll pick Honda, you pick Ryu or Ken or Sagat, and I'll show you what I mean.
  • rumblesushi
    And to reiterate, if we're talking SF2, I agree fireballs are slightly OP.

    But in SF4 they are not, they are a significant part of the game, but not OP at all, and SF4 is actually more balanced than SF2 and SF3.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    BTW guys I have a question, its been bothering me for a while now.

    Don't you notice that players press the stick buttons MUCH harder and longer in SFIV than in other games of the series? It's a bit hard to explain but I notice it a lot for either myself or even players claiming they don't do it. I can even see it in pro demo videos - its as if the timing is tight so you cannot buffer moves much, yet you still have to input them in advance.

    It's as if the inputs have to be performed a little earlier thanusual ... to compensate for the non pop-through animations somehow. It seems like there is a always some sort of transition between things, it's so odd!!! I tried the game on my PC to avoid any screen lag but it feels the same...

    (I thought either my stick or my projector were to blame and bought it on the Steam just for that but it's the same on all platforms)

    I would love SFIV to be animated like Tatsunoko VS Capcom - it seems like they didnt bother with animation blending in that one and it feels better...

    What dyou think?
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Fireballs are a vital part of any decent sf3 play -- they just aren't a big damage dealer. Which gives them a good strategic role and stops them from being spammy bullshit. Daigo uses fireballs a hell of a lot in sf3, too, his tactics are just much more varied since they aren't a magic offensive bullet like in other sf gmaes.

    In this video both players' strategies rest on projectiles, but the match ends up varied and interesting. If you've played very much sf3 i'm sure you can see exactly how vital fireballs are to pretty much everything that goes down here, with the exception of daigo's offense in the second half of the first round.


    Whereas, daigo in sf4...


    hadoken hadoken 4, super hadoken edition.

    Pior, i only ever played with a 360 gamepad, but i definitely agree with what you described. There's a very natural rhythm to other sf games, 2 and alpha and ESPECIALLY 3, whereas 4 is this weird, non-tactile input everything in advance setup.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I love me some street fighter 4. Friend had it for a while and we played the shit out of it, but he sold it after discovering it was "too hard" and such. Soul Calibur games are still some of my faves, although I really wish Square would publish/make another bushido blade. (Still my favorite fighting game of all time)
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah weird huh ? I don't know if its because of the animations, or the much finer pixel 'grid' that the characters evolve on (tapping forward makes you move only a fraction of what a SF3 pixel would be)

    BTW I love what happens at 1:40 on that Akuma video. The guy is being demolished but at least he manages to trick Daigo at his own game there, very nicely done!!
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    pior wrote: »
    Yeah weird huh ? I don't know if its because of the animations, or the much finer pixel 'grid' that the characters evolve on (tapping forward makes you move only a fraction of what a SF3 pixel would be)

    The impression i got was that it's the animations. In earlier sf games there's kindof a pause on every hit, where the fighters hang for just a moment before the next move, and in sf4 it is a fraction of the length it used to be. But idunno for certain, i only played sf4 for a couple of weeks and then shelved it.
  • rumblesushi
    SupRore - that video was a good example of what I am saying.

    The fireballs weren't vital at all. They both threw the odd fireball to give the opponent something to think about it, to keep busy, and force the opponent to react, but usually Daigo is a DILIGENT fireballer, he is very skilled at it, and very disciplined. He threw hardly any fireballs at all compared to normal.

    Personally I find that style of play boring (fireball spam). I preferred watching the Korean guy's Ryu, but what Daigo is obviously very good at what he does.

    In no other SF would you see Daigo throwing lead shurookins, and lead crouching fierce etc. Fireballs are far less important in SF3 high level play compared to any of the SF2 games, or even SF3.

    Some good evidence of that is that neither Ryu and Ken are the best characters in SF3. Yun is generally considered the best, and he has no fireball.

    And by the way, I think SF3 is one of the best fighters ever. I wasn't suggesting SF2 is better, it's more than as good a fighting engine as SF3 has, I preferred the atmosphere and roster and stages of SF2.

    I don't really like any of the SF3 characters to be honest, apart from Dudley.

    One of the reasons I love SF4 is I love having the old cast in there, Honda and Balrog especially, but even guys I don't play like Guile and Dhalsim, they are just classic characters and it's good to have them.

    Although for pure mechanics I think SF3 and SF4 are neck and neck, the reason I prefer SF4 is really just the characters.

    In regards to inputs, even though they gave SF4 some HORRIBLE shortcuts, like press anything and you get a shurookin, ironically the links are tighter than ever. Quite a few 1 frame links, and most advanced combos require some incredibly strict timing. No button mashing allowed. Just play through some of the characters hard trials.

    I haven't noticed any input lag at all, the only thing I notice is that the game is slightly slower than SF3 or Super Turbo etc, and that most moves have a higher start up time than usual.
  • rumblesushi
    SupRore wrote: »
    The impression i got was that it's the animations. In earlier sf games there's kindof a pause on every hit, where the fighters hang for just a moment before the next move, and in sf4 it is a fraction of the length it used to be. But idunno for certain, i only played sf4 for a couple of weeks and then shelved it.

    You should get SSF4 and give it more of a chance.

    I was dubious about whether it would be as good as SF3, but the more I played it, the more I loved it, and it's every bit as technical as SF3, just different. Parring has been replaced with FADCing and focus attacks.

    The only things I would change about SF4 is the speed, I think it could do with being a tad faster, I wish they would have an option to turn shortcuts off, and also I do think Ultras reward turtles too much.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    The fireballs weren't vital at all. They both threw the odd fireball to give the opponent something to think about it, to keep busy, and force the opponent to react, but usually Daigo is a DILIGENT fireballer, he is very skilled at it, and very disciplined. .

    I can agree to disagree with you on the rest, but there is absolutely no way either one of them would have gotten in for any of those combos without the fireball setups. It was the backbone of both player's offense. Just because it's used to create other attacks instead of used to deal direct damage doesn't mean it isnt vital!
  • rumblesushi
    They are still not vital though. Are they an extra part of the offense, like an extra punch in the boxer's arsenal? Of course. I was exaggerating when I called them useless, but they are just an average special move in SF3.

    If they were vital, Yun would not be the best character in the game.

    It's no cooncidence that Yun, a non fireballer, is SF3's best character, and Super Turbo's best are Akuma and Sagat, both fireballers, and SF4 - Ryu and Sagat, both fireballers.

    Seriously, if fireballs were vital in SF3, Yun would not be a more effective character than Ryu, Ken and Akuma.
  • rumblesushi
    Check this video out, Wong giving a Dudley a run through - http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusive-character-super-street/62756

    I have to admit, I liked the idea of Dudley in SF3, but couldn't get to grips with him, he has a strange play style.

    I'm excited about trying him again though in SF4. He looks good, and fun to play.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    Check this video out, Wong giving a Dudley a run through - http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusive-character-super-street/62756

    I have to admit, I liked the idea of Dudley in SF3, but couldn't get to grips with him, he has a strange play style.

    I'm excited about trying him again though in SF4. He looks good, and fun to play.

    I dont see his cross counter in there...I hope he still has it..
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    hehe its funny watching an sf3 video then a sf4 vid right after. Sf3's animation and movement feels so much more fluid. Sf4's movement in comparison looks slow and deliberate
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    You should get SSF4 and give it more of a chance.

    I was dubious about whether it would be as good as SF3, but the more I played it, the more I loved it, and it's every bit as technical as SF3, just different. Parring has been replaced with FADCing and focus attacks.

    Totally agree. Also, agree about the fireballs. Super Turbo was a game all about screen position and zoning, and fireballs played a big part of that. I for one liked that they took parrying out and introduced focus attacks and a bigger emphasis on cancelling.
  • snemmy
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Hell yeah! I was half-heartedly going to pick this up so I could hang with the SF4 crew at work but I'm totally getting it now so I can play Hakan. Finally a character that speaks to Justin... a half-naked oily man... waitaminute!
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18

    I just found my new dream team

    Akuma *Rage*

    Hakan *Grease*

    Dudley *Gentleman*

    Team Raging Greasy Gentlemen

    (That sounds like a bad movie)
  • cycloverid
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    cycloverid polycounter lvl 15
    God I wanted to get into this game, but it just lacks innovation, dynamics, and technical skill compared to Super Smash Bros. Melee.

    I really respect the balance and design though. For a game that plays as intended, it does very well. I guess I wish developers would try to innovate more in this genre!
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    You know who's pumped for SSF4?

    This guy:

  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Pior! Greetings from Singapore! xD I'm on GGPO SF3:3S as well, same name as always. Let's play sometime!

    I am a long time noob at 3rd strike, had my fill of SF4, which got boring after a while tbh, i always fall back on SF3 in the end.

    As a dudley player, I like that they kept the rose taunt in SSF4, and they brought back his original diving uppercut from 2nd impact, but without the parry system i just don't know how well i'd fare.

    Also, I find i have a strong hate on shotos, blanka was my SF4 main ;P

  • rumblesushi
    Hahaha, damn, I really didn't expect Hakan to look like that. I pictured him looking more subtle, more like Darun from EX plus Alpha.

    He looks hilarious, and his play style looks all awkward and strange.
  • rumblesushi
    cycloverid wrote: »
    God I wanted to get into this game, but it just lacks innovation, dynamics, and technical skill compared to Super Smash Bros. Melee.

    I really respect the balance and design though. For a game that plays as intended, it does very well. I guess I wish developers would try to innovate more in this genre!

    Is that a joke?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    $50 for an expansion pack?
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    just bought SF4 for the iPhone today, it surprisingly plays well on my 1G. May have to upgrade my phone to a newer one. Its a little choppy, but looks great. The controls are a little hard to pull off, but once you understand where the touch stick needs to be, you'll be pulling off fireballs and uppercuts really easy. The buttons are punch, kick, special, and focus attack. A good buy for $10 with 8 characters and all the moves present, SF4 on the go :D
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