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Who's pumped for SSF4?



  • rumblesushi
    Lee, though a novel idea, I have to admit the idea of SF4 on the iPhone is insane :D

    SF4 has such strict timing for inputs and combos, getting consistent execution on a pad or stick isn't easy, let alone a touch screen, hahaha.

    In all honesty, I would have preferred a DS version, with really stripped down graphics as long as it ran at 60fps.

    How on earth do you even pull off an Ultra on the iPhone?
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    hehe its funny watching an sf3 video then a sf4 vid right after. Sf3's animation and movement feels so much more fluid. Sf4's movement in comparison looks slow and deliberate

    I agree with this.. They definitely perfected the 2d fighter over the years. here's to hoping one day they get the 3d to be as fluid as the 2d Street fighters..
  • Asherr
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Lee3dee wrote: »
    just bought SF4 for the iPhone today, it surprisingly plays well on my 1G. May have to upgrade my phone to a newer one. Its a little choppy, but looks great. The controls are a little hard to pull off, but once you understand where the touch stick needs to be, you'll be pulling off fireballs and uppercuts really easy. The buttons are punch, kick, special, and focus attack. A good buy for $10 with 8 characters and all the moves present, SF4 on the go :D

    I got a gut feeling that the app alone would burn out my battery in 1 hour flat! I got a 3GS and it runs most stuff smoothly, but the battery is just hell every now and then, it's an on and off thing, some days the battery has 70% when i get home at night, other days it has 50+% by lunchtime and is burning hot! Anyone getting any of this weirdness?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Asherr wrote: »

    Still too much IMO, I bough SF4 a few months ago for $45.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    ZacD wrote: »
    Still too much IMO, I bough SF4 a few months ago for $45.
    I think they announced this 6 months after SF4 was released, like in late August of 2009.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    is the only difference 10 characters and more costumes?
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    A few more levels, some tweaks and a few features.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    ZacD wrote: »
    is the only difference 10 characters and more costumes?

    Are you being serious here? Increasing your character list by 1/3rd is a pretty big deal in a '2d' fighting game. Additionally every existing character is rebalanced and has a new ultra.
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    SupRore wrote: »
    Are you being serious here? Increasing your character list by 1/3rd is a pretty big deal in a '2d' fighting game. Additionally every existing character is rebalanced and has a new ultra.

    Yeah, I think 40 dollars is a very good deal. The characters they're bringing in aren't throw away characters at all. Add to that the fact that they rebalanced everyone (cough, Sagat) and I'd pay full price. Remember when SSF2 came out? That was only 4 new characters, new colors, 4 new levels and a handful of new moves, and that was full price.
  • rumblesushi
    10 new characters is almost a whole new roster. Some fighting games only have 10/12 characters total.

    It's not overpriced at all.

    10 new characters, 4 new stages, overall tweaking/balancing etc.

    That's not bad at all for a fighting game, a lot of the time the next iteration has less than that.

    I think it's good that it's only 25/30 quid.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Dudleys rose still works, nuff said.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    so whos pumped? its coming out soon?

    I finally splerged and got the new SF4 V 2 tournament Fighting pads!

    Im going to be customizing it soon! I already ordered the 8 sided plastic to replace the standard 4 sided one thats in the default arcade sticks!

    So far I think this will be my new template.

  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18

    Whats that? Awesome Pre order that comes with a dudley shirt?

    Yeah...I ordered it...im such a sucker for a gentleman with a rose. :p
  • Kewop Decam
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    Kewop Decam polycounter lvl 9
    seforin wrote: »

    Whats that? Awesome Pre order that comes with a dudley shirt?

    Yeah...I ordered it...im such a sucker for a gentleman with a rose. :p
    man, that's a $40 mark up. Stuff is cool, but not $40 more cool if you ask me.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    man, that's a $40 mark up. Stuff is cool, but not $40 more cool if you ask me.

    shirt $15, gym bag $10, aluminum water bottle $10, usb thumb drive $10, head band $1
    and that's low balling everything, Capcom sells their SFIV shirts for $19.95
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    I just hope all the extra costumes arent DLC again. If not then thats another 10-15 dollars right there which I do not think is fair or should be purchased extra
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Those items look pretty crappy to me. So does that template seforin :/ Dont worry, I think the same for most templates and merchandise, anything that just sticks either a logo on it or some unaltered character models/images on it looks cheaply designed to me.
    Your template doesn't look professional, the akuma looks like amatuer fanart (doesnt matter whether it is or not), and worse, that coffee cup looks like ClipArt. The font and text at the top is equally amateurish.

    There are some exceptions of course, some logos look awesome by themselves and would look cool when put onto anything such as the final fantasy title logos. The SSF4 one looks really crappy compared to the original SF4 one. Yes all that is different is a giant SUPER at the back, but thats all it needs to ruin it... just like putting a giant lensflare on some nice art.

    My favourite templates/decals/whatever are things that are designed around the actual thing instead of just dumping some existing artwork onto it. For example something as plain as this; http://www.portalversus.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/HRAP-V-SA.jpg is much more preferable to something like http://www.ps3informer.com/playstation-3/images/street_fighter_stick_madcatz.png

    Of course this is all just my personal preferences :)
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    Yozora wrote: »
    Those items look pretty crappy to me. So does that template seforin :/ Dont worry, I think the same for most templates and merchandise, anything that just sticks either a logo on it or some unaltered character models/images on it looks cheaply designed to me.
    Your template doesn't look professional, the akuma looks like amatuer fanart (doesnt matter whether it is or not), and worse, that coffee cup looks like ClipArt. The font and text at the top is equally amateurish.

    There are some exceptions of course, some logos look awesome by themselves and would look cool when put onto anything such as the final fantasy title logos. The SSF4 one looks really crappy compared to the original SF4 one. Yes all that is different is a giant SUPER at the back, but thats all it needs to ruin it... just like putting a giant lensflare on some nice art.

    My favourite templates/decals/whatever are things that are designed around the actual thing instead of just dumping some existing artwork onto it. For example something as plain as this; http://www.portalversus.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/HRAP-V-SA.jpg is much more preferable to something like http://www.ps3informer.com/playstation-3/images/street_fighter_stick_madcatz.png

    Of course this is all just my personal preferences :)

    ....give me your user name when the game comes out and well see whos professional in the game then :p
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    seforin wrote: »
    ....give me your user name when the game comes out and well see whos professional in the game then :p

    I'm getting it on the PS3, PSN username is tom_poon :p

    Buuut I never claimed to be pro at the game, I do love playing it though.
  • Kewop Decam
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    Kewop Decam polycounter lvl 9
    seforin wrote: »
    ....give me your user name when the game comes out and well see whos professional in the game then :p
  • rumblesushi
    Like I said before, I'll bump this thread like a day before release, we can all exchange GTs (360 users) and do battle.

    I'll be happy to hand out some serious arse whuppings with Rog and Honda, and have some fun learning the new characters with the Polycount crew.

    I'm a pad warrior by the way. Been playing on a pad since the Japanese SNES release of SF2, even though I've played in the arcade, I'm just much better with a pad.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    well I just got x-box live again so if anyone wants to play

    its Seforin on there SOOOOOOOOOOO anyone wanna play?
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    I'm always up for some SF4 :) I'll add ya Seforin
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Sorry for the thread bump, but i got my copy of SSF4 and so far impressions are better than expected! New to PSN online play, but if u'd like to try, add me as crasong :)
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    Picked it up Tuesday but really got to spend some quality time with it last night. Definitely worth the money. I'm loving all the additions to the online play. Pretty cool to be playing arcade mode and have random people pop in and challenge you; and the new spectator mode is a nice add too. As far as replicating the arcade experience, this game probably comes the closest so far. Didn't have any lag problems at all either.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Im experiencing a ton of mad lag atm =( my ps3s wireless connection seems to be dipping badly today. Anyone experience anything like this?
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    mines in the mail on its way to me still, but I'll play against you crasong!
    Although I predict a lot of lag due to our locations ;o
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    SFII. that's what M.A.M.E. is for
    all the rest is immitations!
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    crasong wrote: »
    Im experiencing a ton of mad lag atm =( my ps3s wireless connection seems to be dipping badly today. Anyone experience anything like this?

    No problems for me. I had one match where it seemed to have a lag but that was only for a few seconds.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    Well it aint 3rd strike, alot of the dudley combos I use to do no longer work in this...but its interesting change of pace..still prefer 3 to 4 any day though

    And if any of you guys wanna challenge me to a fight im Seforin on XBL
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I'd love to smack you around a bit :D... but I got the PS3 version.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    crasong wrote: »
    Also, I find i have a strong hate on shotos, blanka was my SF4 main ;P

    Yeah, a nice parry system would be nice. I loved it in SF3S when they think you're getting baited into jumping into a fireball, super fireball or a dragon punch only for you to parry and whoop the shit outta them.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    lamont : Just because you live in japan now does not give you shit talking rights now :p

    Also for all you guys who havent seen SONIC BOOBS!

  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    seforin wrote: »
    lamont : Just because you live in japan now does not give you shit talking rights now :p
    I'll consider the 360 version in the future... if I can find it for like $20 somewhere.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    gonna grab it for the 360, been playing it at work on the PS3. I've been trying to get good with Hakan but I haven't won a match yet.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Haha yeah I've found Hakan to be an uphill experience so far. Just had a session of good ol 3rd strike on GGPO, man i still love it so much more than SF4, but SSF4 is a good improvement. Sure hope Ono manages to push for Hugo as a DLC character, which i hear is amongst Capcoms considerations.

    Anyways, off to hit the sack.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    crasong wrote: »
    Haha yeah I've found Hakan to be an uphill experience so far. Just had a session of good ol 3rd strike on GGPO, man i still love it so much more than SF4, but SSF4 is a good improvement. Sure hope Ono manages to push for Hugo as a DLC character, which i hear is amongst Capcoms considerations.

    Anyways, off to hit the sack.

    I would LOVE for that. Him and Alex I would pay for in an instant!
  • Mladen Jovicic
    played it at a friends house. it was super fun. probably gonna pick it up soon

    seforin: some of those were hilarious haha
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Rubber fest still, I want to love it but it just doesnt work.

    I keep noticing how much, MUCH stronger everybody hits buttons when playing 4 as opposed to 3. Its as if we all try to somehow compensate for the sticky frame 'lag' (interpolated rubber feel) by pressing harder to make things register. First time a game leaves me such a bitter taste in my mouth. I know about the refinements and possibilities ... but it just feels so overweight even compared to vintage SF2. Pass.
  • bounchfx
    pior wrote: »
    Rubber fest still, I want to love it but it just doesnt work.

    ? not sure what you mean here

    I broke down and got it the other day, really enjoying it. feels and plays great. not sure about the button lag you're talking about?
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    bounchfx wrote: »
    ? not sure what you mean here

    I broke down and got it the other day, really enjoying it. feels and plays great. not sure about the button lag you're talking about?

    Play a lot of MVC, tatsu, sf3, or Alpha, and then try sf4. It's not exactly something bad, but it's different than it used to be and something a lot of us find really goddamn weird and awkward. Especially since it changes up the 'feel' of cancelling, which is the foundation for fighting in capcom games. Heard it described as the game feeling like it was underwater pretty often.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah, another way is to have someone play 4 for a little while ... then select the same characters and have a round or two in 3. The matches are just more fun somehow. 'Woah it really does feel like another game altogether!', thats what my friend said to me hehe.

    Anyways, not trying to spoil any good SSF4 moments for anyone - I know ill end up buying it just like I bought regular 4 for both 360 and PC... (did that just to check if I could find the cause of the rubber/underwater feel! Thats telling how much that thing annoyed me haha)

    As a matter of fact I am pretty sure that wireless controllers + laggy LCD TVs are bound to make the experience different anyways. Running a fighting game on the PC, using a good keyboard mapper and a tube screen just got to be better, right?

    [edit] just to get my point across... check this out, at 1:30 all the way down the end of the round
    (not trying to bash 4, just hoping more folks would try out 3 and enjoy the great game it is! Too bad its not on XBL nor easy to find for console. PC emu is easy enough to find, and the PS2 and Xbox version work great, even if their timing are a bit different - yeah I got both haha)

    What I love is the amount of smart tricks they are pulling on each other. It also seems that they don't know each other perfectly well, hence they cannot read each other fully, which makes for more interesting fights I think. I love it when you crouch for a certain time, just enough to have your opponent think okay time to get aggresive, and you got him with a quick move and get the advantage back ... I never felt nor saw anything like that in 4. Almost feel like 4 is more about crazy execution, rather than playing smart? In TS one can win by just playing smart, its suuuuch a good feeling when it happens!

    Anyways! Great 3D art in SSF4, thats for sure. I feel like the camera is a bit too bouncy tho, it can feel a bit nauseous at times I think.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    yea pior and me and suprore play fighting games on a 2D perspective that are way more fluid then this,

    it is way to slow and laggish compared to most other games to say the least
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    It's because it's 3D. Speed is the same, interpolation from stance to hit is more frames. Same issue with Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha. Was hard getting into it because it was 3D and felt sluggish and sticky. But in fact it was just as fast as the 2D ones. When we booted up SF:Alpha 2 next to it and went a few rounds. The hit and hit reactions are what makes things feel slow.

    SF3:3S is hard to play on older LCD TV's because of the lag. You can play SF:3S in progressive mode. Pior, I'd part with one of my 5 versions of 3rd Strike, but... I need them all. Jumping from different versions of SF isn't a good comparison, as going from SF3S, to CAP vs SNK, to XMenVsSF etc. all require different timings.

    The learning curve on SF4 isn't as harsh as 3S that's for sure. 3S had the parry system which if you were to excel at would mean you had to play a lot of characters just to master your own. 3S kept the fireball pussies scared, people who thought they could nickle and dime your health away played different, and players who thought they could turtle and come in with a big move didn't pull that crap much on 3S. You can get out of everything in that game (except Gils bullshit Super and command throws... a few others...).
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I guess my problem is that they didnt need to interpolate! The game would look just as good with pop through animations. They didnt played that card in TvsC and it feels so much more accurate. It's as if they negated their heritage for no reason?

    As a matter of fact, releasing an update letting players chose between interpolation or not would make everybody happy. Why they dont do that puzzles me. Of course it might change the balance and make the game play a little different but why not giving the option? I even tried recording sf4 footage at low rez to see how it felt but I didnt manage to find a framerate limiter to run it at 30fps instead of 60 haha. I need to get into the ipod version more, but so far I think I like it a little better than the 3D one indeed.

    I agree about having to learn other characters to master your own in 3S. It feels so good! Im a Ken player but i am getting a good feel of Makoto, Elena, Yun and a few others thanks to other player using them. Holding a parry timing just right in order to still catch Makotos delayed moves ... I love that stuff.

    Anyways ...
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    @pior: i *hate* teching makotos axe kick on wakeup haha! my friend does it to me all the time...

    I still like the 3rd strike roster more than the other SFs, some players like having a projectile heavy tactic, but i just dont like the depressing fact that Ehondas EX headbutt still had trouble going through a single hadouken in SF4, havent tried yet in SSF4 tbh.

    And id buy TvC in an instant if a ps3 or pc version was available.
  • rumblesushi
    Hey guys, if anyone is up for a battle on the 360 version, my gt is rumblesushi3D.

    It's actually kind of annoying that even endless battle (ie not ranked) is blind select.

    Why? Because then we'd be able to matchup the new characters with each other, characters we're still learning, then of course match up the old characters we actually know how to play with each other.

    I'm loving Guy and DeeJay, though I'm pretty awful with them both ;)

    And because I haven't played SF4 for about 7 months, my Balrog is much scrubbier than he used to be :D

    Still, let's have some games.

    Crasong - Honda's EX headbutt didn't have trouble going through fireballs, it simply didn't go through fireballs :D It's the same in SSF4. Honda and Balrog seem almost identical to be honest, they haven't changed much. Vega got a big buff, his range and priority is significantly better than in SF4. Sagat and Ryu are still the best characters in the game, their apparent nerfs are not that apparent. They still have ridiculous priority and good damage.

    The people saying Dudley is OP were completely wrong too, I have no idea where they got that idea. Dudley is a fun character, but he's not as effective as Rog, let alone overpowered.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Haha yeah suppose you're right. Dudleys still my fav though.

    Am i the only one here who still instinctively tries to tech in ssf4?
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