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Your brain is right

polycounter lvl 10
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ralusek polycounter lvl 10
Or left, I'm not sure. Unfortunately, I don't know the validity of this claim, since I can very easily change the direction she spins, but the claim is:
If you were viewing her from the top, a counter-clockwise spin means you're Left-Brained (Logical), and Clockwise spin means you're Right-Brained (Creative).

Now, granted, I have opened this up a few times and seen her spinning in different directions on different occasions. After a little, I tried making her change directions by concentrating, and it's not too hard. Try looking at her feet, and understand that the foot going behind the leg and to the left is going to make her spin counter-clockwise, and behind and to the right is clockwise. If you start at the feet, get it to switch, then focus on the whole thing, it's not too hard to change. We're a little more complicated than "left or right brained," i'm afraid.


EDIT: Mixed up the brain hemispheres :D


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