Wtf, i'm seeing absolutely nothing, just a girl clearly rotating clockwise, i've tried squinting, focusing in different areas, looking at it in all kinds of odd ways yet its always going clockwise.
I really want to see it.
Nope i honestly cant do it, my brain is just constantly reminding me what side of the body the legs are (if that's what you're supposed to do)
I find with the spinning girl if I unfocus my eyes, don't concentrate on any particular point and just absorb the image as a whole, every few seconds she changes direction. Nice find.
i got her to alternate spinning clockwise and counter-clockwise every half rotation.
its pretty easy
first cover up the upper body half of the image including the hands, with your hand, then imagine, as the legs are moving away on the left half, that they are instead coming towards you.
then after you can change direction of the legs at will, remove your hand, and try it with the upper body too. at first only the leg will spin towards you, but after some more trying, the whole body will spin.
Thank you, Soft_Hands. I am officially going to worship you for the next week.
I kept coming back to this page, hoping I could finally make her change directions. And I COULDN'T. And now I can finally see it. Apparently I'm not crazy. Maybe.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :P
I can make her go both ways now.... yyyesss!!!
Edit: "That's what she said!" lol
(sorry, been a looong night)
Using the cheat sheet, looking to each side as she reaches half a rotation to bounce it back the other way... It's crazy, like eye pong or something. Very Amusing. I also got that to happen on the plain version for a while.
Actually! I just spotted a foreshortening fail on the counterclockwise, so the original is made clockwise!
if you look at the foot as it is supposed to be close to you on the counterclockwise, the foot gets oddly smaller as it is supposed to get bigger due to being closer, if it really was in the first place.
Thank you, Soft_Hands. I am officially going to worship you for the next week.
I kept coming back to this page, hoping I could finally make her change directions. And I COULDN'T. And now I can finally see it. Apparently I'm not crazy. Maybe.
+1 back.
Thanks Soft_Hands I finally saw it happened.
Edit: Now I see them alternating...I blink and they this shit is weird.
Well, without the cheat sheet, I would take my eyes off the image and watch in my peripheral vision, and my mind would make the figure do a shuffle as if dancing instead of spinning (like kicking a ball in between the legs), and when I look back depending on which leg was shuffling, it would turn differently.
^ can you please state what we have to look for? It says, "the image is black and white but you DID see the color on the walls didnt you." =\
Yes!!! after the bar loads while looking the dot in the negative image, the left one turns yellow and the right one is red for .2 sec before image turned to black and white.
Either this was an illusion fail or I didnt understand moral of the picture at all.
@Original Poster: After observing this for 12 hours I have concluded my opinion on the illusion picture. That it is just a mind game and that there is no right answer to this mystry at all.
^ can you please state what we have to look for? It says, "the image is black and white but you DID see the color on the walls didnt you." =
Yes!!! after the bar loads while looking the dot in the negative image, the left one turns yellow and the right one is red for .2 sec before image turned to black and white.
Either this was an illusion fail or I didnt understand moral of the picture at all.
@Original Poster: After observing this for 12 hours I have concluded my opinion on the illusion picture. That it is just a mind game and that there is no right answer to this mystry at all.
The idea is, to concentrate at the black dot in the picture and nothing else, so, when the picture actually turns black and white while you're still focusing on the black dot, your eyes will see the surrounding picture as a colored one, but which, is actually b/w.
Called an Afterimage: "An afterimage is a visual impression that remains in the retina after the initial stimulus is removed. The afterimage always has colors that are complementary to those of the original image."
It works for me, I see the full colour image for as long as I stare where the dot was, as soon as I move my eyes it turns back into the black and white image.
I really want to see it.
Nope i honestly cant do it, my brain is just constantly reminding me what side of the body the legs are (if that's what you're supposed to do)
I find with the spinning girl if I unfocus my eyes, don't concentrate on any particular point and just absorb the image as a whole, every few seconds she changes direction. Nice find.
its pretty easy
first cover up the upper body half of the image including the hands, with your hand, then imagine, as the legs are moving away on the left half, that they are instead coming towards you.
then after you can change direction of the legs at will, remove your hand, and try it with the upper body too. at first only the leg will spin towards you, but after some more trying, the whole body will spin.
nice tits
Man that's fucking weird, i cant get it to change back now, lol.
I kept coming back to this page, hoping I could finally make her change directions. And I COULDN'T. And now I can finally see it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :P
I can make her go both ways now.... yyyesss!!!
Edit: "That's what she said!" lol
(sorry, been a looong night)
This is fucking amazing by bouncing my eyes left to right I can make her bounce forwards/backwards
if you look at the foot as it is supposed to be close to you on the counterclockwise, the foot gets oddly smaller as it is supposed to get bigger due to being closer, if it really was in the first place.
+1 back.
Thanks Soft_Hands I finally saw it happened.
Edit: Now I see them alternating...I blink and they this shit is weird.
Yes!!! after the bar loads while looking the dot in the negative image, the left one turns yellow and the right one is red for .2 sec before image turned to black and white.
Either this was an illusion fail or I didnt understand moral of the picture at all.
@Original Poster: After observing this for 12 hours I have concluded my opinion on the illusion picture. That it is just a mind game and that there is no right answer to this mystry at all.
The idea is, to concentrate at the black dot in the picture and nothing else, so, when the picture actually turns black and white while you're still focusing on the black dot, your eyes will see the surrounding picture as a colored one, but which, is actually b/w.
Called an Afterimage: "An afterimage is a visual impression that remains in the retina after the initial stimulus is removed. The afterimage always has colors that are complementary to those of the original image."
It works for me, I see the full colour image for as long as I stare where the dot was, as soon as I move my eyes it turns back into the black and white image.