Or left, I'm not sure. Unfortunately, I don't know the validity of this claim, since I can very easily change the direction she spins, but the claim is:
If you were viewing her from the top, a counter-clockwise spin means you're Left-Brained (Logical), and Clockwise spin means you're Right-Brained (Creative).
Now, granted, I have opened this up a few times and seen her spinning in different directions on different occasions. After a little, I tried making her change directions by concentrating, and it's not too hard. Try looking at her feet, and understand that the foot going behind the leg and to the left is going to make her spin counter-clockwise, and behind and to the right is clockwise. If you start at the feet, get it to switch, then focus on the whole thing, it's not too hard to change. We're a little more complicated than "left or right brained," i'm afraid.

EDIT: Mixed up the brain hemispheres

Seriously. Am I missing something? I can't even figure out how I'm supposed to see her spinning a different way... does this mean I've been using the wrong side of my brain all along? o.o
scroll down so you only see the reflection for a bit...then quickly drag the mouse up fast scrolling all the way back up and at the same time take your eyes off it by looking at the polycount banner very fast. The figure then goes counter-clockwise in your peripheral vision and you can slowly look down at it and it'll remain counter-clockwise.
EDIT: and a better example:
one trick to change her spin : try 'switching' it when the two legs become one silhouette. Easy!
Not sure why they put the weird floaty castshadow tho. I dont think it adds anything to the illusion?
Mezz, don't worry, that just means you're a girl :P
OH SNAP!!!!!
edit:now it spins counter clockwise
but according to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spinning_Dancer
"The illusion has been incorrectly[3] identified as a scientific personality test that supposedly reveals which hemisphere of the brain is dominant in the observer. Under this unproven interpretation, it has been popularly called the Right Brain–Left Brain test,[4] and was widely circulated on the Internet during late 2007 to early 2008."
This. Couldn't figure out why my brain didn't work (was spinning clockwise), then BAM! The devious wench goes and changes direction, just to fuck with me. What manner of arcane trickery is this?
Strange that what I saw at first was a clockwise spin, I've always thought of myself as left-brain dominant.
Hmm... maybe that's why I chose art over programming as a career.
Oh actually I got it after squinting hard core for like 3 minutes.
I will try again when I'm drunk
btw - the whole logical OR creative thing is utter, utter bollocks.
Glad to finally get this out of my system, been wanting to post it in the beautiful men thread
Does this mean we are creatively logical or logically creative?
no i see it spinning clockwise most of the times, sometimes it switches for a few seconds
if you don't have it, [ame="http://www.amazon.com/New-Drawing-Right-Side-Brain/dp/0874774195/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1264598907&sr=1-1"]you should get this book[/ame]... kickas ass.... or at least sit in a barnes and nobles for a couple hours like the rest of the people in there and don't bother buying the thing. :P
It never does an entire spin in one direction... My brain hurts lol... but initially i just saw it spinning clockwise
thas coolll
i cant believe ti
Since we're reposting old stuff, I posted these in the TOA thread a few days ago.
The right brain left brain thing, reminds me of a story NPR did on will power. They suggest its probably easy to occupy your cognitive thought center and the emotional impulsive, creative side will attempt to make decisions. I'm not sure I buy into it but it was interesting to listen too. I would have taken cake even if I had a simple number to remember...
I wonder if people who can only get it to spin one way "left brain" what happens if they try to memorize a 7 digit number then look? Probably nothing as they are driving hard in cognitive mode?
I can get it to switch directions if I stare at the pivot foot long enough. I feel so confused! When she's spinning clockwise I feel the urge to model things and have sex with men, is this normal??
I dont really get the whole right/left brain shit... I've got the book and on "drawing with the right side of the brain" and as a whole i don't get it - anyone can draw in my book, i see no reason as to why one couldnt. I r simple.
That first image doesn't change direction though, EVER.
I don't even get how you could ever get it to, since she's rotating clockwise and that's just how the animation is. Anything else is preposterous!
Your assumed perspective makes all the difference in this test, and has nothing to do with 'brainedness'. This test probably only tells you if you're tall or not. If you assume you're taller than the woman, then it would follow that far elements are higher in screenspace and she's rotating clockwise. If you assume you're shorter, or sitting down, then you assume higher elements in screenspace are closer, and she rotates counter-clockwise.
i do not believe this has to do with brain hemispheres. i believe this has to do with your perspective, and that's it. those of you who refuse to see her spinning the other direction are probably stubborn people
Its a TRAP!
from the same wiki link:
blur yer eyes and try to force imagine the foot to be of the opposite side to switch direction.
( me a big dummy, so I actually have to chant: "it's the right foot" repeatedly and visa versa )
When the blured version turns in the opposite direction SLOWLY unblur yer eyes.
anyone draw the shapes for each rotation version yet? ( gif frames )
jeez thats awesome - did the squinty trick and back to get ti to woork..