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Modern Warfare 2



  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Completed it today as well - took around 5 hours on regular too. The SP campaign is just as action packed as I expected, lots of "whoa" moments. That knife bit in the end was awesome, and so was the credits :p
    I wasnt offended by anything, but then again I'm not one of those easily offendables.

    The atmosphere in each of the environments was really nice. Overall I was just as happy with it as MW1.
    Don't have any friends or clans playing atm so don't know how easy or hard it is to set up a game with friends, I don't think its that hard... you can setup private games and invite friends~ Will try it when some friends start playing :p

    Spent around 3 hours in multiplayer, seems to work ok so far. I didnt play MW1 online much so cant compare it to that, but it takes about 1 min to get into a game (including time to find lobby, waiting for players, waiting for it to find a server and server to initialize). I haven't noticed any lag at all, and I'm very picky about lag.
  • 00Zero
    nice to hear you guys are liking it! it was great working on it. Yes Ark, they put all the employee's names on the NPCs so everyone is in the game. pretty cool.

    If you guys want to play some MP hit me up on xbox live, my gamertag is Zer0Pr0bability

    PS. the nightvision goggles worked far better than i was expecting. you can walk around in a PITCH BLACK room with ZERO light and it will allow you to see everything clearly. the field of view is a little tight, you cant see anything in the peripheral vision, but you can see with one eye (for all you pirates out there) because it has 2 screens.
  • bounchfx
    really enjoying it so far. put 2 hours into MP, haven't tried story yet (I want to but I have almost no time before I leave.. still gotta pack too!). There's SO much crap to unlock, it's insane.

    and is it just me, or do people die a LOT faster this time around? literally 1-2 hits, and shotguns drop you in a split second even from mid distance, as long as your aim is true. It's a little different (I mean, you still died fairly fast in the others, especially compared to halo/uncharted), but I'm liking it!

    shot you a request, 00.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Jackwhat wrote: »
    WinterLord - So, how is IWNet? I'm guessing by your enthusiasm it works fairly well? Ive been holding out and playing around in Torchlight to see what the general consensus is! But i shall probably get it next week if all is well o/

    Well I have only played for 1 day or 8.9 hours (ingame a little less) so I cant really give a final statement but here is my notes: Me and my two friends could flawlessly make a party and then join games on the internet, when you make a party through steam friends and go multiplayer you will always be on the same team and you ''friends'' will be blue on the map/names so thats pretty awesome. (while others are green and red like normal). There was one server yesterday with lag so that I could not play on it (so we switched) and from then on with some very minor hickups its been LAG FREE. It happened twice that the guy having the server, whoever it might be because i didnt notice anyone having an advantage (like i say i havent played a lot but so far), anyways, when he left the game it was like in that first MP video that everything stops and continues in less than 10 seconds and to be honest I had no problem at all with that it was very smooth.
    So far im very impressed with IWNet, only downside i see is that i cant join a list of servers, i like to see regulars on servers but i dont want to add everyone to my steam list.

    Bug with steam, probably COD related but i dont know, is that if you are using steam chat with voice, u can talk to people but you cannot listen/hear what they are saying. restart steam, fixed :)
    happens once per person, it happened in 3 occurances with different people at work.

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Singleplayer was very short! Max Payne 2 kind of short! 5 hours tops.

    Multiplayer blew me away, was expecting another game to kill time with, this is tuned perfectly.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    So any word on the multiplayer on PC? How does the lack of dedicated server, and 18 player limit make it feel? That's what's stopping me from buying it full price...
    And I don't like what I'm hearing about people dying alot faster. I was never a fan of hardcore mode in CoD4, cause I thought it just made it whoever shoots first wins, which is fairly boring, and reduces the point of weapon variety.

    Really hesitating about picking it up, Kotick isn't helping, even though I'm sure the IW guys did some awesome work.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I'm really not a fan of people dying in one or two shots, that's one of the things that really put me off CoD4 MP, it was too much of a "you have to be looking in the right direction at the right time or else you're dead" sim... so if MW2 is even less forgiving than that, I don't think I'd like it much...
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    There are some things that could be improved on that i can think of now:
    Text chat in the lobby, plus chat log
    FOV options, people are getting sea sick with the 65 fov.

    oh and I would add the 18 player limit is pretty much perfect, it works exremely well, perfect for these maps, and i played a lot of games.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I sold out and picked up COD4 and MW2 over Steam. I blame that review I saw earlier today.
    Just finished downloading on Steam so I'm going to play the first one while I wait for MW2 to activate tomorrow.
  • System
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    System admin
    So then... Do i start up a social networking thread for steam? ZING.

    But seriously - im karkossa . at .hotmale. com (mmm) - I'll have the game at some point in the near future so yea, im gunna be down like a clown...

    Time to hit up gameplay!
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Stop trolling and draw me some turtles you bitch!
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Stop trolling and draw me some turtles you bitch!

    turtles?? freak..
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    So I ran thru the SP campaign on normal in just over 5 hours, pretty much constant insanity with very few times where you can rest and slow down to smell the roses, on top of that I just rushed thru levels quickly, a lot of the time I neglected killing enemies and ran past if I could. It is definitely linear to a fault, but your visually bombarded with so much going on at once those 5 hours are jam packed full of content.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    MoP wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm really not a fan of people dying in one or two shots, that's one of the things that really put me off CoD4 MP, it was too much of a "you have to be looking in the right direction at the right time or else you're dead" sim... so if MW2 is even less forgiving than that, I don't think I'd like it much...

    Eh? It was only one or two shots to kill someone if it was hardcore mode, regular mode allowed you to take quite a few more hits and was more forgiving overall.
  • Talbot
    I sold out and picked up COD4 and MW2 over Steam. I blame that review I saw earlier today.
    Just finished downloading on Steam so I'm going to play the first one while I wait for MW2 to activate tomorrow.

    At least I'm not the only one who was forced to buy it after watching that review!
  • bounchfx
    ebagg wrote: »
    Eh? It was only one or two shots to kill someone if it was hardcore mode, regular mode allowed you to take quite a few more hits and was more forgiving overall.

    I was talking in regards to multiplayer, at least. Haven't tried SP yet (won't for a month now :( )

    but it's fun, which is the important part. if I want to take more hits I can always play TF2 or Halo. I like myself some variety :P
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    I have to admit

    this game has the BEST

    marketing strategy ever ^^!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    The game is amazing.


    I played on hardened, and it's pretty tough. Played about 6 hours, and still not done, dying lots.

    Sounds like Normal is waay to easy.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    picked it up for PC last night... got home at 11... 1 hour install... started playing at 12... finished at 5:30 am.

    SP wasn't as good or shocking as the first game... I don't think you could top a nuke going off, but I'm not an american, so maybe I didn't get the full effect of washington getting face raped. It still took my breath away, but not as shocking as jackson getting nuked and crawling out of the chopper, giving you that hope that he's going to live... only to die.

    The story did seem to jump around a little too much... really too fast paced, MW1 had slow moments to let you catch your breath.

    So ok.. I can get the general's motivation for wanting to do what he did, it's a rather diabolical scheme, it would've been a bit more of a reveal if you actually found out he was in kahoots with the ultra nationalists all along on the mission you get the intel... I know it sort of eludes to it but I found it rather abrupt, and in the next part of the mission you're soap again trying to dodge between the 2 sides fighting.

    The big problem I had was no backstory to Price's return. Obviously they intended to tell the whole story in MW3, but I felt they needed to drop a breadcrumb or two here to wet the palate and get a few gears grinding, plus, his return happens so suddenly, the 141 guys just seem to accept it like it's nothing out of the norm, if he was gone for a while, we should've at least seen the reaction of soap on price's return.

    Now I love the goons saying that US would never be invaded like that. You have to look at mw2 in the context of what happened to the world in mw1... there was a military coup in russia that led to the ultra-nationalists to power sometime between the 2 games, we can see there was open rebellion in the first game, you were trying to help stop some of it when going into pull out nikolai. And the ultranationalists hate the US, since they turned zakiev into a martyr, so yes, they can hate the US that much.

    Let's take into context that a nuke was set off in the world, and that the US just lost 30,000 troops in one operation. I think that would rub some of the military brass the wrong way, now why it led to what it did, I think that's a plot hole that can and should be filled in the 3rd game.

  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    sir-knight, you can use [ spoiler ] bla bla [ / spoiler ]

    without the spaces ofc.

    Picking this game up soon, i never even really gave MP a real go with the last one, as MoP said, its just full of people who manage to one shot you from a mile away, kind of like CS:S actually.

    but really looking forward to playing the SP campaign.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    lol sir knight thanks for NOT spoiling :(... FUCk
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Hope this modder got hired by IW to make their map in MW2 :)
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Wow Lee...yeah if they held a contest then stole the dudes work thats shady shady shady...
  • glib
    I'm on the mission
    right after Sheppard kills you and burns you, then you jump over to play Price again

    How far am I from the end?
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    very close.
    Lee3dee wrote: »
    Hope this modder got hired by IW to make their map in MW2 :)

    this seems a bit of a stretch though... there's a lot of changes, if the map layout were similar, then yes, I'd be very suspect, but a couple screenshots of similar themes and elements does not a theft make.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Glib your pretty close to the end iirc.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Wow Lee...yeah if they held a contest then stole the dudes work thats shady shady shady...

    I wouldn't be surprised if they hired him or he's credited somewhere. Every modders dream right :)
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    Multiplayer is great. but not liking the invite system at all for the ps3. i have yet to try the campaign but i will soon.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    The Museum level is a nice showcase. Also, there's a big red button on each of the reception counters (except the vehicle room). Try pressing it. :p
  • Dr Stench
    How is Zimmer's soundtrack?
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Personally I'm more a fan of the more open-ended levels in Rio, Russia and USA, while the vehicle segments felt weak because you were being funneled thru a set piece you barely needed to steer for.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    the Spec ops levels are super fun. Loved the sneaking through the snowy forrest and timing our sniping just right with my buddy to simultaneously take out groups of guards.

    also, the AC 130 level remake from COD 4 was awesome both being on the ground and being the gunner protecting your pal. so far ive sunk 11 hours into multilayer, 2 in spec ops and 3.5 in singleplayer. overall the game is super impressive with nice varied environments.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    What's spec ops ?
  • glib
    5 hours 10 minutes for single player. Fun, but I probably won't play it again for quite a while.

    Dug into multiplayer for an hour or two. It was a little uneven until it got a feel for my skill level. I dominated the first two games I played, then got crucified for two games, then it figured it out and I've been pretty much even in the following 4 or 5 games. This multiplayer is like crack, I love it. I can't wait to dig into the spec ops stuff once some of my friends come online tonight.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    Xoliul wrote: »
    What's spec ops ?

    Spec Ops is 25 co-op missions you can do, its not the campaign but rather inspired by it, similar levels, assets etc. like snowmobile racing, defending a point against waves of enemies, sneaking to the extract point etc. really fun and really fucking hard to get 3 stars on some of the later ones cause you gotta do them on veteran difficulty. you can also try to tackle them solo but its damn hard.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I just traded in like $300 worth of games for about $80 store credit...not having a job sucks. But I got MW2! HUZZAH
  • System
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    Wow, talk about different worlds... The PC MP seems to have peaked around 55,000 today and my mate was telling me that there were almost 900,000 people online around primetime on the xbox. Those figures are pretty fucking scary, although people knew thered be more on console i didnt quite realise to what extent.

    Its funny too, looking on mininova theres around 50,000 people leeching... its weird that even after that piracy topic recently where I thought I supported piracy to some extent it isnt half infuriating to read some of the comments. But then again, youtube and the like is the same, yay for the dregs of society badmouthing steam/iw without even considering the pros.

    Stupidity never ceases to amaze me, it really is something else.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Day 2 multiplayer PC: Pain in the ass getting 7 people in a party and on to a server, accepting invites and finding the window is really confusing, I dont think we would make it work if we werent sitting pretty much next to eachother. there is no chat in the party lobby so you are pretty much fucked if everyone is not on a voice service such as ventrilo... I guess we should try making a private game next day.
    Today there was a lot more lag and we had to switch servers about 6 times before we found a decent one. (that worked for all 3 of us, because often it would work for my friends but not me and sometimes another would have problems, and i have 100 down and 10 mbs up...)

    When it works its the best, got my ninja pro coldblodded pro knife throwing silenced set up that im happy with :)
    Lets see what happens today when all the steam buying people come on.
  • Gardini
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Tried out solo SpecOps, and it's fun, but I'm a bit annoyed by the lack of loadout selection. :\ Or am I missing something? (aside from the smattering of weapons on the ground in a handful of them)
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    I reccomend you guyz to choose the hardest difilcuties

    because i found a loophole in games :
    way too many checkpoints and lack of rest time
    some part i can just run , trough and win.
    well in real war id be killed in instant.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Boycott FAILS. I like seeing good games selling well. It's great for our industry. 5 Million in the first day. wow. Enjoy your success IW you earned it.

  • dolemite
    Multiplayer is great. but not liking the invite system at all for the ps3. i have yet to try the campaign but i will soon.

    word. Ps3 multiplayer sucks. I'm regretting that I didn't get it on PC or 360 right now.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Started lastnight @ 9PM, had it beat by 1:30AM lastnight (PC), 4 hours 34 minutes.

    Awesome, awesome, awesome singleplayer. Short, but oh so fucking sweet. The story is obviously bullshit, but it was fun bullshit and I enjoyed it.

    The end credits were so great too. Nice way to showcase the artwork.

    I really can't think of a company that does realism better or at a higher quality than IW. Yes, yes Crysis is great looking, but, it does one locale really well where-as this game pretty well nailed ALL of it many locales spot on.

    My favourite level/mission?
    West Virginia
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Cojax wrote: »
    Boycott FAILS. I like seeing good games selling well. It's great for our industry. 5 Million in the first day. wow. Enjoy your success IW you earned it.


    thats only the north america + UK numbers~
    Tried playing on veteran mode now, dying quite often but still fun... except for the chapter in the Favela map I died so many times it kinda got annoying :(

    So I switched to multiplayer mode which is very addictive! Theres hardly any down time at all for me so its just game after game really quick, kinda like TF2. Multiplayer alone is worth the money, and so is single player alone! great game :D
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    Beat it too last night, really liked the end credit art flythough and afterwards you can walk around in the museum from the mission select and blast all the characters. the final mission was really cool and totally felt like an action movie with zimmers music overlaid to it. overall the battles felt a little more special ops/smaller scale which was a nice contrast to the previous game. the pacing was really frenetic and constantly increasing with awesome little gameplay moments/details like others have said

    the only thing I wasnt a huge fan of was the missions set on american soil, felt a little too hand over the heart, patriotic shoved in your face. also, the annoying use of "hoorah" over and over was kinda annoying. those would be my only gripes. Looooooved the sea insertion part, wish it had some playble action in it.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
  • 3DLee
  • System
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    Anyone with a notorious traffic shaping ISP that has been experiencing problems with the multiplayer?

    It seems that the P2P network for MW2 is effected by the same "traffic shaping" as my torrents... and around this time I cant even play, itll take like 10-20seconds to find people, get in game, warp me around for a bit the d/c me. Hopefully later tonight when torrents can download the game will work too, which will mean it is my ISP and not some other silly problem.

    This is nildram (aka tiscali/talk talk), and if it is them, theyre getting one seriously fucking annoyed customer tomorow! I wanna play gameees.

    - However, the few games I did get in prior to my ISP telling me to fuck off were fine. The experience i'd get was one im curious about and its satisfactory to say the least! I dont like the fact that if i do lag on a loading screen i have to wait for a good minute to get to the lobby again. Also, 60seconds worth of intermission doesnt half break flow, sure... its nice when you want to tweak your loadouts and look at what you got but fuck me, too long!
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    every once in a while I get this behavoir from the packetshaping protocols on my ISP, but usually only when a game is connected for a long time.. like say... any MMORPG and say... um.. a lengthy raid. good thing I'm not a healer =_= My connection will start lagging then go down for about 5-20 minutes... come back up and rinse repeat. Of course, the ISP will deny any issues at all on their end, it's obviously my router or my computer. >:I
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