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Apples Anti Windows Commercials



  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    Japhir wrote: »
    I disagree with that, I got my old ipod nano (the old one ;)) quite a while ago, and all the simple mp3 players I had before that used to crash within half a year, buttons falling off and software crashing. Never had that problem with this thing. I did have to buy new earplugs every now and then, and i agree that the default ones suck pretty bad, but overall a good product :).

    im not disagreeing with the quality (which is very very goood) but the issues surrounding the player itself. I got me a creative zen vision m and love it.
  • Martin Henriksson
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    the only thing that bothers me about those commercials and about the new windows commercials is the I AM A PC/MAC phrase.
    Since when are we the hardware that we own. Oke if we came to a point where all of us are cyborgs. But even then i would first check the buglists instead of watching such a lame commercial , you don't want to end up having your brain deleted by some bug or having a bluescreen in front of your eyes
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
  • hyrumark
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    hyrumark polycounter lvl 12
    The 90% of the world who chooses PC's over Macs should feel offended by these ads. Implying that anyone who uses a PC is an out of touch simpleton who just doesn't know any better.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    Mac... pc... but if i can run os X in my PC ¬¬, why do i need to waste the double of money in a MAC? because it has an apple?

    BTW, i have a creative vision M, and it works like the first day. Sound in apple mp3s is a shit, i bought a ipod touch long ago and i sold it, to buy a cowon s9, cheaper, fantastic, and like gold. I don't need to charge the mp3 player all the days.

    Win 7, yeah.. Microsoft Japan’s CEO Yasuyuki Higuchi has been humiliated live on stage

    A way to go...
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    never really been a fan of the get a mac ads. I find them funny at times but also snide and pompous.

    mac is hardly the game developers platform of choice. It's natural that most game devs wouldn't touch one with a barge pole.

    However I do take a dislike to the un-informed trash in this thread: hardly any employed designers use them / they are expensive / they are slow / only one button - myths.

    Most of the graphic design or production studios I've been to are 99% mac. I sometimes ask why and the usual response is that they are reliable and handle print setting / video crunching properly. The standard desktop iMac is capable of all sort of things, even the graphics card has been 512mb for the past 3 or 4 years and totally capable of running high end games. The newest one can handle 16gb of ram with a Quad core processor. This is billed as a "consumer" machine.

    When you pitch the Mac Pro against a Dell of the same spec, a Mac Pro is cheaper. Mac Pro also have server grade components and intel chips that take months to appear on pc hardware (Xeon, and now Nehalem. Soon Gulftown six-core), if you needed some serious beef they also support upto 128gb ram. This is the same case with the laptops. The hardware you get is really high quality and often first to the market.

    I'm not going to preach the personal reasons I use a mac, however ignorance about the hardware should be set straight.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    I don't understand the draw of the Macs. I can build a much better computer for the same price or less. The same could be said of Dell, or a number of PC companies, though.

    Also, a mac is a PC. How stupid does that make that commercial look, now?

    In an unrelated Apple experience:
    I spent nearly $300 on my wife's iPOD touch and the fucking headphone jack didn't work. We returned it for another and, now, 2 months later, the jack in this one doesn't work. She's going to send it in to be serviced.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    the "I'm a PC" commercials were done with Macs :P

    It's just one of those things, back in the old days Macs trounced PC's with audio/video/font handling and they became the defacto platform in those industries. I've heard that Apple didn't want to promote gaming on their platform because they wanted to foster the idea that they were work machines not toys.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    8FtSpider wrote: »
    I can build a much better computer for the same price or less.

    hang on, did a fault with your headphone jack on a freaking iPod suddenly equate that you can build a better computer?

    Did I miss something?

    anyone reading this thread can go to a website and build a computer for less.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    honestly Im probably going to change to a mac at work but thats only because the rest of my studio is pretty much on macs and I use C4D for 3D and font and compatability issues can randomly plague our projects when we collaborate.
  • Taylor Hood
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    When I tell people I'm an artist, sometimes people ask me

    "Really? Do you use a Mac"?

    My retort is usually 'No, I'm an EMPLOYED artist'.


    :) +1
  • System
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    System admin
    Macs - too expensive, poor software support and for upgrading components but good virus protection because no-one bothers to write harmful code in osx.


    O and the userbase: If your head is full of fluffy cuddly bunnies and air then buy a mac.
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 18
    what it comes down to Hawken is that you CAN build a PC for less, you can NOT build a Mac. They keep their motherboards to themselves which means no matter how hard you try you just cant do it. Maybe, just maybe, you can hack together a version of OSX that runs on windows hardware but then why? You just removed all stability.

    Their "special" ram is ridiculously over priced, though at least you can buy it outside of a computer.

    And then there's iMacs. Seriously. Do people normally buy a brand new monitor every time they get a new computer? Well if you get an iMac you do, because it's BUILT IN. You want that brand new shiny $2200.00 imac with a 27in screen and half-breed touchpad mouse? Have fun throwing away your entire previous setup. And get ready to do it again in 2 years when they release the 29" iMac. Oh and that touch screen mouse? BACK TO ONE BUTTON. It doesn't even have physical buttons (damn you steve jobs OCD), and they limit it to one "click zone."

    Yes, I know, option key. But wtf? Why when you can have any number of buttons you please on a touch surface do you say "you know what, it's hardware set to one clickable button. You have to do the rest with gestures. Fuck you."

    Even then at least iMac hardware isn't a COMPLETE rip off compared to macbooks. Say what you will about dell pcs, but it's almost a challenge to find a laptop with identical specs (and if you count OS as a spec, then load it with linux...turns out it's still UNIX) for half the price.

    The only brand I can think of that comes close is that bullshit Sony Vaio line.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    hawken wrote: »
    When you pitch the Mac Pro against a Dell of the same spec, a Mac Pro is cheaper.

    Source? I'd like to see why you're claiming this as my weekend Best Buy circular had an i7 HP laptop (I know, not Dell, but its a PC) next to a dual core Mac Pro and the HP cost far less and had better or similar specs.
    Mac Pro also have server grade components and intel chips that take months to appear on pc hardware (Xeon, and now Nehalem. Soon Gulftown six-core), if you needed some serious beef they also support upto 128gb ram. This is the same case with the laptops. The hardware you get is really high quality and often first to the market.
    This is because Apple has some deals with Intel and other hardware manufacturers where they can put out their stuff first. Its not because Apple hardware or software is inherently special, its because Apple paid them off so they can be special. There are already test PC's out in the wild with 8 core CPU's. Windows runs on them just fine. If Apple does eventually debut them first it isn't going to be because their hardware or software is special, but because they paid to do so.
  • Mark Dygert
    When you have nothing positive to say about your product, go negative on the other guy and hope people don't notice.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    these religion threads never end well
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    hawken wrote: »
    Did I miss something?

    Apparently so. The first part of my post was unrelated to the second part. I'll edit my post so it's obvious that my Touch experience is an unrelated anecdote.

    The Touch's quality has nothing to do with being able to get more bang for my buck by building my own PC, which I state in the post goes for other PC companies as well.

    I just don't understand the draw of the Mac as a thing to label yourself as a user of. To me it's about what's inside vs cost. It's no different than Makita vs Dewalt vs Craftsman, etc. Some people get really caught up in brand loyalty.

    Apple has a brilliant marketing hype strategy, though.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    8FtSpider wrote: »
    It's no different than Makita vs Dewalt vs Craftsman, etc. Some people get really caught up in brand loyalty.

    True. The whole Apple fanboyism thing always reminds me of a quote from Douglas Coupland's jPod:
    Don’t discuss Sony like it’s a great big benevolent cartoon character who lives next door to Astro Boy. Like any company, Sony is comprised of individuals who are fearful for their jobs on a daily basis, and who make lame decisions based pretty much on fear and conforming to social norms — but then, that’s every corporation on earth, so don’t single out one specific corporation as lovable and cute. They’re all evil and greedy.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    It would be more annoying if it weren't true. Is search still broken in 7? What about the folders changing format by themselves? What about "warning" me when I do totally normal stuff? Is Games for Windows gone?

    I am not a huge Mac fan, but their battery life seems to be better than any PC laptop I have seen. My wife has had hers for 2 or 3 years and it just now is having a little trouble holding a charge. Probably still good for a few hours unplugged.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Slum wrote: »

    Fuck that, poser. My Os Lead system will never crash, but I do occasionally need a pencil sharpener to improve performance, and the user interface does decrease a little over time. However, replacements are cheap and I the new Mechanical version is pretty badass.
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    The ads are amusing but having done tech support for both *types* of computer, the truth is that they're just a shit as each other and equally prone to problems.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    hi, new as active user(not new but well rarely post). im currently looking for article of
    any kind of Ipod touch game made by mac.

    anyone have it?
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    I was looking at macbooks when I was looking for a laptop as they had the better laptop graphics card in them at the price range I was looking in. I ended up finding a better laptop over at newegg. The only point the cheapest macbook beats it on is battery life.


    For the iphone, I personally don't see the appeal to it. There's been multiple stories of Apple screwing over developers and rejecting anything that might compete with their products. I personally like to see competition in software, it tends to make things better as each software competes for the market share. I personally like the android phones since they are a more open platform for developers and don't try to restrict applications just because they dulicate or even look similar in some fashion to something apple already made.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Sandbag wrote: »
    And then there's iMacs. Seriously. Do people normally buy a brand new monitor every time they get a new computer? Well if you get an iMac you do, because it's BUILT IN. You want that brand new shiny $2200.00 imac with a 27in screen and half-breed touchpad mouse? Have fun throwing away your entire previous setup. And get ready to do it again in 2 years when they release the 29" iMac. Oh and that touch screen mouse? BACK TO ONE BUTTON. It doesn't even have physical buttons (damn you steve jobs OCD), and they limit it to one "click zone."

    Yes, I know, option key. But wtf?

    the mouse has more than one button - it senses your fingers like the previous mouse, which has 5 buttons. This new one has right click, why do you think it doesn't?

    on the subject of the new iMac, read this:

  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    8FtSpider wrote: »

    I just don't understand the draw of the Mac as a thing to label yourself as a user of. To me it's about what's inside vs cost. It's no different than Makita vs Dewalt vs Craftsman, etc. Some people get really caught up in brand loyalty.

    I use wacom for the same reasons I use a mac. sure theres other pen tablets out there, but they fall apart, or are just built badly.

    back when I used to make games I went through 3 dells in one year. I bought a top of the range HP and it melted it's self just outside of warranty. To this day, the hardware I got off Jobs hasn't failed once. I'm currently using a $600 mac mini - the hardware is flawless.

    (ram prices from apple are daylight robbery, so skip that)

    Sure I could get the same for cheaper, but it would be low grade, noisy and probably break (at that price point)
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
    I agree with whoever said it, what's with the computer in a screen bullshit that has been going on recently?

    I hate Apple, why? Because of these arrogant adverts. If two kids are selling lemonade on the same street but one's getting more sales because he's next to a bus stop and the other kid starts calling him a twat and telling everyone his lemonade is crap, people will ignore/take a dislike to him, NOT BUY THE KIDS FUCKING LEMONADE!

    "Oh, hi Mac, how are you?"
    "I'm great PC, I just brought myself a new iMac, it's got 2gb of RAM more than my last iMac!"
    "Really? How much did that cost?"
    "Only £1300, but it's alright, I sold my last one for £400 so it didn't really cost that much!"
    "Well I just added 4gb of RAM and a second harddrive for £100."
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 18
    You can click anywhere, but it's all the same click; when I read the announcement it very much sounded like it's a single click because the entire surface was a single 'click zone', rather than "click here for left click, click here for right click" etc

    I know that you can buy any normal usb mouse for a mac but when it comes with an $70.00 mouse it seems ridiculous to have to buy a new one.

    After checking the apple site it does not clarify one way or the other on the number of unique click zones, though the only image that attempts to display/address it shows a single zone in the center/front of the mouse.

    I have an acer laptop that I've had for four years that I got with twice the specs and screen size and half the price of the closest comprable mac book and it has lasted me four years with no hardware issues whatsoever. When I build my own towers they always use high quality parts and are still leagues cheaper than comparable mac products.

    Macs are not magically "higher quality", this myth is ridiculous. The best part about mac products are the liberal use of aluminum (on the top end models).

    As for the new imac article, a "free computer stuck to the back" is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The "starting price" of a 1699.00 27" is a Core 2 Duo, 4gb RAM, 256mb radeon. Very far from a "super computer."

    If you want a computer that is actually more than a screen upgrade it will run you $2399.00; that's a 2.8ghz i7 (defualt is an i5), 4x2gb (8gb) of ram (default is 4), 1Tb hdd.
  • skankerzero
    I'm happy with my Android powered MyTouch/HTC Dream.

    I used my friend's iPhone a lot, but in the end, it was too restricted for me.

    With this phone, I can replace the battery (novel concept there) if needed and use up to a 16 gig mini sd card. Those two alone were enough to make it far superior to the iphone.

    Granted, webbrowsing isn't as smooth as the iphone, but that's a small gripe compared to being able to expand my memory and replace my battery.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Sandbag wrote: »
    Macs are not magically "higher quality", this myth is ridiculous. The best part about mac products are the liberal use of aluminum (on the top end models).

    As someone who's had their hands in thousands of computers over the last 10 or so years, the manufacturing quality on macs are generally better. Except for the beige G3 tower, I think the devil designed that case.
  • ebagg
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Wow. I had no idea there was so much anti-Mac sentiment on these boards. Personally, I'm fine with Macs. I like the external design of the systems, and I like Mac OS X quite a bit. It is a clean, orderly operating system that tends to be very stable.

    The biggest argument in favor of Windows is that its still the most popular platform for releasing games. And this is just because of its install base, not because of any other benefit that it provides. I've never really liked Windows as an operating system. It's buggy, unstable, and has a lot of lazy practices in its development.

    Of course, one of the best modern options is Linux. (and its various distributions) Using Linux provides you with the benefit of being able to assemble your own system. (one of the biggest draws of a non-Mac system) It also gives you a stable, customizeable, and memory-efficient operating system. (one of the biggest draws of a non-Windows system) The truly tech-savvy should all be using Linux.
  • Noia
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    Noia polycounter lvl 15
    Fanboys complaining about fanboys.
  • Steviant
    I love that people still continue this debate, like choice of computers is like a political leaning or religious belief.

    I like Macs, I don't like Windows. Whenever PC users ask me why, I say because I prefer them, which 99% of the time spurs them to say "but you can't do [insert subject here] on a Mac!" and "but they're so expensive!". Both of which are irrational arguments. I have a Mac (two, actually), so the price isn't a factor that stops me from getting them, and if I wanted to do something with a computer that OSX can't do, I'll buy a Windows computer or install Windows as a dual-boot.

    The other fun argument is "Well, why do you use Windows? Ubuntu is better, and it's free" and then watch them try to define what "better" and "worse" means in computing terms, and sit back and enjoy the show.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I will chime in to say this.. I want to stab in the face whoever penned the Mac ads that suggest all pc's are beige cases. I also want to stab in the face the fanboy I know who suggested cool pc cases only started to exist after Apple's candy-colored cases came into existence.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Ha ha, this thread made me laugh quite a few times.

    I really didn't mean to start a debate on which is better Windows or Mac, or even defend one or the other O.S.

    All I was saying is that the commercials are really annoying and they are only getting worse. Looks like I'm not the only one who feels this way.

    Lots of interesting info in here though :)
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Who cares about PC vrs Mac

    Just wait till Google Computers start rolling out.
  • mLichy
    Well it's the same shit with the ps3 and 360, it seems that feud will never end. People just like to bitch, although I have my moments too. But usually my motto is, "If you don't like it, don't buy it".
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Sandbag wrote: »

    After checking the apple site it does not clarify one way or the other on the number of unique click zones, though the only image that attempts to display/address it shows a single zone in the center/front of the mouse.

    didn't look very hard then:

    can this finally put the "but you can't right click!" myth to bed?




    Apple has been shipping right click, scrolling and swiping mice for many years on all models.

    I wouldn't advise using an apple mouse though... they are crap.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Macs = Scam <hmmm.

    Windows should use that /\ in a commercial that would stick it to them!

    I don't care either way (I PC) until something better comes around, I heard google and hopefully it will happen.
    Also all the videos being posted are awesome!
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    I don't swing either way. I like aspects of both and dislike them both in equal measure :P

    Using macs is a refreshing break from windows systems and likewise, when I want to game I use a PC unless the mac version is better....
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    I still like the Apple commercials, for the most part. I don't use a Mac because of the pricing and software availability, but the stuff they say about Windows in the commercials is all mostly true, so it's kind of funny.

    Some of the older ones (like the Christmas one, for instance) where they just made the Mac guy out to be an all-around nice guy and the PC to be kind of a jerk, I liked less.

    I don't like any of the Windows "I'm a PC" ads though. The Mac ones weren't intended to be showing Mac and PC users, they were supposed to be personifications of the products themselves. But in the Windows ads, it's like they missed that and they're using the same vocabulary but showing a broad range of users instead of a human representation of their OS. So where Mac shows its OS as a cool young guy who's probably in a band and stuff, Windows presents an 8 year old girl who makes slideshows. Or even worse, they show the little montages with different kinds of people saying they're PCs, and almost all of them look a little skeezy or appear on a grainy webcam.

    The shopping ones are stupid too. Anyone who has special computer needs probably already knows what their options and price ranges are, and anyone who just wants Facebook, YouTube, porn, and photo storage can either buy an epic Mac or pick up a netbook for under $300. So I don't see how those ads really target anyone.

    Realistically though, I think the markets for both options are already aware of what's out there. I assume Microsoft and Apple are after some sort of untapped computer userbase or people who are already thinking about switching from one to the other; but I think brand-awareness TV ads are an old-fashioned, expensive, annoying, and minimally effective way to promote their products. Computers are already everywhere, and it's not something most people purchase on a regular basis and might casually switch between, like soap. They're not like cars, where rich people might decide to buy a few extra ones just for the fuck of it, or a regular person might happen to be in the market for one and want to know which of like a hundred models to choose from. But they're running TV ads anyway, seemingly because that's just the thing to do when you're a company.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I've only ever used a PC, and I feel like a complete idiot when I attempt to operate a Mac. Therefore, I will stick with Pc. It's not got a user friendly interface, leastwise not for me, i just can't get it's complex simplicities through my dense windows bleached skull
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    As someone who's had their hands in thousands of computers over the last 10 or so years, the manufacturing quality on macs are generally better. Except for the beige G3 tower, I think the devil designed that case.

    I used to have a G3 quicksilver and it was a huge pile of dung. The fan sounded like a jet engine getting ready for take off. Probably the worst machine they ever made (well, apart from the Cube)
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    hawken wrote: »
    I use wacom for the same reasons I use a mac. sure theres other pen tablets out there, but they fall apart, or are just built badly.

    back when I used to make games I went through 3 dells in one year. I bought a top of the range HP and it melted it's self just outside of warranty. To this day, the hardware I got off Jobs hasn't failed once. I'm currently using a $600 mac mini - the hardware is flawless.

    (ram prices from apple are daylight robbery, so skip that)

    Sure I could get the same for cheaper, but it would be low grade, noisy and probably break (at that price point)

    There is one thing that Macs fail at. Building your own system with top of the line equipment you choose. I have no sympathy for people whom use HP or Dell as comparisons as reason why Macs are better. Why don't they try like Falcon Northwest or companies that specifically use name brand components and hand build systems versus outsourcing?

    Again, beyond this. Building your own yields the best results (with research). But like the Yo Yo MA commercial, I have to agree. If you have no hardware interest, and just want things to "work". Then if your stuck in the fortune 500 mindset, Apple is the tier.

    I do love this though. I know Hawken your more just keeping it real versus a fanboy. But for fans who are ignorant of Apple being another corporate entity sucked into the hype. They never did stop their contract with Foxxconn, even though that employees suicide has not been the first complaint with Foxconns employee relations.

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I think all the mac and pc(windows) adverts are stupid. Mac is a brand, PC is a label. A label under which mac also falls(personal computer). You cant compare a brand with a label. Thats like saying a ford is better than a car or a sony bravia is better than a television. Its a pointless argument with no grounds in reality. Anyone who doesnt realise that a mac is a pc has just been duped by good marketing.
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 16
    Nice analogy Ged! :D

    But a Apple isn't just a fruit, it's a lifestyle ! :poly124:

    Polycount needs to release a greentooth range of PC's - I'd switch.

  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 18
    Hawken that's not the new mouse I was talking about.


    that's what I meant, infinite click zone possibilities, yet only one is implemented in Steve Jobs infinite quest to eliminate buttons and functionality. Hopefully it will be fixed/upgraded/hacked on the software end...
  • Mark Dygert
    Ged wrote: »
    I think all the mac and pc(windows) adverts are stupid. Mac is a brand, PC is a label. A label under which mac also falls(personal computer). You cant compare a brand with a label. Thats like saying a ford is better than a car or a sony bravia is better than a television. Its a pointless argument with no grounds in reality. Anyone who doesnt realise that a mac is a pc has just been duped by good marketing.
    Marketing based on facts and figures stopped working a long time ago.

    I'd like to see that conversation take place in a Mac commercial format.

    Mac: Hey customer, hows it going?
    Customer: Good good...
    PC: hi.
    Customer: Oh you scared me, hi PC, ha ha ha, does he always do that?
    Mac: Yea he's everywhere, that rascal...
    PC: You know Mac's are Personal Computers too.
    Customer: Is that true Mac are you a... ahh... a PC?
    Mac: Well... ahh... not just a PC, I'm Mac and I'm ahh different, but in a good way.
    Customer: But you're a Machintosh Personal Computer, right?
    Mac: yes... but BUT but... yes...
    PC: It's ok mac we still love you.

    Besides it's too hard to go head to head with all the other brands. What would they do, call one character, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Gateway Emachine, IBM the 3rd? There goes half of your ad spot right there and gives all those companies an opening to sue. It also seems to put them on "equal ground" instead of 1 in 1000 computers being a mac now there are 1 in 2. Oh and this one is spunky, I like that.
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