what the fuck after the last season you honestly give a shit?
just curious. I suppose they deserve a chance to redeem themselves. though I'd personally start straight at the new season instead of forcing myself to watch the rest of the other one
I tihnk I saw or heard it is starting late September.
IT will be called Redemption!
Spoiler alert, they are reviving Charlies character who Hiro took a liking to in the diner in season 1. That is pretty cool...
Ok, so tonight is the 2hr premiere. WTF is it with these two hour premieres? Today, House returns for 2hrs too. Not sure which to DVR. And 2hrs means I'd have to stay up late to watch one after the other.
awesome come back episode imo!
it had its moments, sure, but those moments at least were building up the story and adding more to the characters themselves.
quinto was amazing... the part in the police rehab session.... jaw dropping.
i am so totally wondering the motive behind the carnival guy... his power is pretty damn interesting and how he's learned to use it with others to his advantage.
i didn't catch the first 15min... in a crunch at work right now... so i'll have to catch that bit on hulu i guess.
still wish they would work peter getting his full powers back into the story somehow... the whole 1 pwr at a time thing (with zero explanation as to why) has pissed me off to no end since the beginning of last season.
still wish they would work peter getting his full powers back into the story somehow... the whole 1 pwr at a time thing (with zero explanation as to why) has pissed me off to no end since the beginning of last season.
He's got multiple powers now..he had speed, flight, and strength at the beginning of the episode at the end he had knifes and speed too. He even said he's still a collector and the other guy said he ran into an 'empath'.
I just got into Season 3. Does that annoying cheerleader die/STFU? Does Hiro stop going "Yatta!!" like a spastic fool in the middle of a fight? Some of the characters got really annoying... made it really hard to watch.
Buddy, give up now, that season only gets worse from there :P
So far I'm intruiged by the new season, but they'll really have to work hard at really getting my interest back. New bad guy seems cool though, and I like his tattoo lady :P lol
And thank god Sylar is still making his appearances...
still wish they would work peter getting his full powers back into the story somehow... the whole 1 pwr at a time thing (with zero explanation as to why) has pissed me off to no end since the beginning of last season.
seriously? peter was retardedly overpowered, at least with sylar he needed to put some work in to collecting powers and they could only give him abilities from minor characters. if peter wasn't a moron there wouldn't be a series, just him walking in to a room, copying everyones powers and whacking the big bad. one at a time means they can make him interesting.
Dekard: yeah i missed that first bit of the episode and they didn't really display him having additional powers except for speed once he obtained them throughout the rest of the episode, but i guess i shoulda caught on when HRG asked him to be there at the bank..... at the end of last season, he could only hold onto one at a time (i.e. couldn't fly after sylar and nathan because he stole the shape shifting power)... but i'm assuming that their explanation was that suresh had something to do with it since peter mentioned him when HRG paid him a visit at the apartment. but cool deal... i'll shut up now :P totally over analyzing that shit.
marine: it just got me bent from the bad story writing... how it all happened was total BS at the end of the second season and beginning of the third... so i wish they would just pretend that shit never happened more or less... plus, i hear ya on the making his character interesting... i agree it puts a cap on him that makes every situation challenging and grounds the character better... they do need to build up some essence of team work though (that was only apparent in the last few episodes of season 1 and the last episode of season 3 which really paid off for nathan btw) in order to counter balance sylar (or any enemy) and really make peter's 1pwr at a time from last season really make sense... everyone is just damn runnin' around with their junk hanging out not knowing how to zip up their fly... the whole "this person does this while unknowingly assisting this person which in turn lead to this person being able to afford breakfast the next morning which lead that person to go to the bathroom where sylar sliced their head off" is just nonsense interaction between the characters and has gotten really old.
Peter had Suresh's ability at the beginning of the show, which was power and agility. So he was strong and agile. He couldn't fly or run fast - he just could jump high from his strength.
I sort of like that Peter is restricted to one power at a time, but there's no way anyone could beat Sylar then, should he "get out".
The new cast members are great and they introduced them well. I don't feel the same hatred towards them that I did for Alexandro and Maya. They did a good job in that respect.
Looks like Hiro is on his way out. As much as I love his character for comical relief, he was far too powerful and his time traveling ability caused too many paradox's and stupid story lines throughout the last 2 seasons. I'd like to see how Ando develops, however.
Claire is still bother me though. Why the fuck did she jump out of the window? I mean REALLY? They always make some kind of drama for her, like someone finding out the truth, just like with her old boy toy, superman. I wish they'd give her some more integral role in the overall arc, or just kill her off once and for all.
Overall I think it was a great starter episode for the fourth season. My interest is hooked again, hopefully wash out the bad taste of seasons 2 and 3. Looking forward to see what this season holds and who the new players are.
Thanks for clearing that up Vassago... I so totally didn't catch onto that "Thank you Dr. Surresh" comment that way... makes perfect sense now since I went back and watched the first snippet on hulu that I missed.
I hope they explain what really happened to Claire's roommate. It's kinda silly to introduce a character and kill her off all in one episode and not explain what happened.
I think they are trying to make the audience believe it WAS a suicide. I think her new roommate did it to be honest. Seems pretty obvious IMO. I hope they just stop doing anything with Claire's character. I hope she just goes to college and we don't see her on the show for 4 years. I get tired of them using her for the gore affect. Like it was necessary to show her getting her hand cut
They still haven't been clear on Peter's powers yet. Not sure if he needs to knowingly take them, or if he just inherits them automatically via touch. The ink thing is kind of cool, but in the scheme of things, it's a sucky power to be stuck with
However, the writers might be using an elemental connection between iron and earth (a la Avatar: The Last Airbender - Toph could bend Iron, and she was an Earthbender) - and as Iron Gall Ink (for example, not that it's stated that's what it is) has iron in it, then that could explain how he can manipulate it.
That or is a special kind of ink that he can manipulate - someone on another forum mentioned Samuel mentioning he had whipped up a "special batch".
I think Peter can select the powers he takes, but can only have one at a time. Remember how he specifically stole shapeshifting from Sylar in order to trick him last season? When he stabs him in the car, in the guise of the President (I think), he says something like, "Bet you didn't think I'd take that one".
Yeah, Claire jumped to see if the angle was possible for someone jumping out the window... and she established that it was via her corpse, which OBVIOUSLY someone was gonna see, and OBVIOUSLY it was gonna be her bulimic lesbo buddy. Ah well, I enjoyed having a character around that made Claire seem less annoying in comparrison... but she had to kill herself to get away from Claire, this happens.
I think Peter got it cause of the fancy compass moving away on his arm? Don't see how else it could be there...
I kinda like the deaf lady right now, but how exactly are they gonna make her power... uh.. interesting? So she can 'see the music', so what? So could Lisa in Simpsons after the beer water :P
Yeah, Claire jumped to see if the angle was possible for someone jumping out the window... and she established that it was via her corpse, which OBVIOUSLY someone was gonna see, and OBVIOUSLY it was gonna be her bulimic lesbo buddy. Ah well, I enjoyed having a character around that made Claire seem less annoying in comparrison... but she had to kill herself to get away from Claire, this happens.
I think Peter got it cause of the fancy compass moving away on his arm? Don't see how else it could be there...
I kinda like the deaf lady right now, but how exactly are they gonna make her power... uh.. interesting? So she can 'see the music', so what? So could Lisa in Simpsons after the beer water :P
No, that compass was on his arm because Samuel put the ink in Peters hand and was controlling it.
Still wonder what Samuels motives are. He's looking for the valiant people to fill his team, yet in the last episode, sinks a house full of people out of frustration.
I kind of wonder if the woman who can see sound is going to be developed, or if they are starting a side deal, where they just introduce someone 'normal' each week that discovers their powers, but doesn't try to be a superhero. That, or she's just being set up to be Peter's love interest. I don't see here trying to save the world, or anything like that.
was a cool episode IMO . evil plot around claire's roommate uncovered, lesbo uncovered, interesting change with sylar and the deaf woman just turned out to be able to create cracks in a wall. And peter is on LSD aswell now. :P.
yeah, I agree... they aren't progressing well. Ok, Claires in college... move the fuck on. The deaf chick can see sound... move the fuck on. Hiro is having health issues when he time travels... move the... ok, you get the point.
The only thing progressing at all is Sylar, and that is going slow.
Oh, and I refuse to watch their special 'online only' storyline. Was that some of the cheesiest damn CG fire you've ever seen?
yeah, I agree... they aren't progressing well. Ok, Claires in college... move the fuck on. The deaf chick can see sound... move the fuck on. Hiro is having health issues when he time travels... move the... ok, you get the point.
The only thing progressing at all is Sylar, and that is going slow.
Oh, and I refuse to watch their special 'online only' storyline. Was that some of the cheesiest damn CG fire you've ever seen?
Well it's progressing faster than day soap's heh heh
ok.. i'm done wit dis show... needs to wind down and end with a bang or just go away I'm sick of them continually milking my time. It's coming off the Tivo tonight.
Agreed, after the first season they clearly lost all sense of direction. It should have been a mini-series with a clearly defined plot from start to finish instead of:
"oh crap what do we do now that this doesn't suck?"
"Oh wait it does... never mind"
Here's what I think happened in their meetings: "What made season 1 so great? It was about saving the cheerleader. So, this season, we need to return to focusing on Claire, because obviously that's what people enjoyed." NO! that's not it.
I'm tired of every fucking episode being about her and her relationship with her dad and that depressive chick. I don't need them to find a way EVERY episode, to demonstrate how she can get cut and heal. Think about it, she's either shown someone as she cuts her palm, cuts her arm, has her foot fall off (which I don't understand why it regrew... I thought she only healed), or this last episode, where the guy cuts her face open and freaks out. Who didn't see that coming?
Anyway, it'll still be on my radar, but I'm not going out of my way to watch it. They need to figure out wtf they are going to do with Sylar too. I'm tired of him being part of someone else. It makes no sense that Peter would want him to be Nathan.
I predict next season will consist of Hiro seeking out Charlie, and that's it. There is no peril, no storyline, no nothing right now. What I liked in season 1 was them discovering new people with new powers (and not in a FORCED way). It had more of an XFiles feel, with HRG going after each person. If anything, make him stop being a pussy, and make him start gathering people with powers to create a team, like the X-Men, which I'm sure they are trying to distance themselves from, but I think that's what people want more of.
Here's what I think happened in their meetings: "What made season 1 so great? It was about saving the cheerleader" NO! that's not it.
OMG yes, agreed
I'm tired of every fucking episode being about her and her relationship with her dad and that depressive chick
yeah that's getting old fast.
which I don't understand why it regrew... I thought she only healed
when they moved to Costa Verde remember, she cut off her toe? It grew back. Her healing abilities are in addition-to, lizard-like limb regeneration.
They need to figure out wtf they are going to do with Sylar too. I'm tired of him being part of someone else. It makes no sense that Peter would want him to be Nathan.
In the last episode, Nathan was gone. When Peter dropped him, Nathan was purged from Sylar as he fell. Nathan is is toast now. I hope SOMETHING awesome comes from Sylar now. I want Peter to get all his f'n powers back and fight Sylar damnit!
If anything, make him stop being a pussy, and make him start gathering people with powers to create a team, like the X-Men, which I'm sure they are trying to distance themselves from, but I think that's what people want more of.
That'd be nifty shit, actually.
I'm getting pretty damn pissed off with the show, to be sure. What's the deal with Samuel? He's like a little whiny bitch "why didn't you tell me about my powers!? Whaaaaaaaaa. I want to know about my powers! Whaaaaaa." MAN THE FUCK UP. Like a spoiled kid.
Kill Hiro. NOW. No more time traveling and pausing time for fucks sake. It screws up EVERYTHING, regardless of how cool it is. Kill mama Petrelli - her story is DONE. Kill Alli Larter, she's another whiny bitch.
They need to button this shit up. We know all about these characters already. We've been seeing them for FOUR FUCKING SEASONS. We don't need to know anymore backstory or family relationships - start fucking fighting already!
Why do I persist in watching this fucking show? I'm actually having to fight the compulsion to start up the second hour of the mid-season opener. The whole Hiro arc was insultingly bad. "Hey, let's throw in as many fucking geek references as we possibly can; maybe we'll get the geeks interested again!"
Also, is anyone else completely annoyed with how they killed off Nathan? Did characters recall that Sylar doesn't die, let alone from a fucking fall?
I'm in the same boat as most... I, somehow, missed Monday's 2 hour episode (somehow = playing Super Mario Wii...) and can hardly bring myself to go online and watch it. Everything is in so many places and what made it so good in the first two seasons is almost totally gone. I'm forgetting where it's even at... I want to say 3 and 4 were the worst and it picked up a bit this last season... but still. I dunno what to think anymore.
I lied and watched the 2 hour one, wife came in and said I thought you weren't watching Heroes anymore and I felt ashamed I watched the whole two hours. It's coming off the tivo again. Can't believe the time I've wasted with the show. I could have been doing arts.
Haha, I just picked up Heroes of Might & Magic V off Steam recently and I was surprised to see an active PC thread about a seven-year-old game. Should have known it was too good be true!
Just to stir the pot, I did watch the first season of Heroes a while back but have to say the only character that seemed to have any depth was the cheerleader's dad. Hiro was pleasantly amusing too, but the rest of the cast never really did much to make me care about them. The villain came close, but every once in a while he had a scene that was like several steps backward. Ah well. Would you guys say things have been on the upswing after the first season?
just curious. I suppose they deserve a chance to redeem themselves. though I'd personally start straight at the new season instead of forcing myself to watch the rest of the other one
IT will be called Redemption!
Spoiler alert, they are reviving Charlies character who Hiro took a liking to in the diner in season 1. That is pretty cool...
seriously though, for me, no Sylar, no show.
Ya that show looks good and it has one of the writers from "The Dark Knight"
go on...
That's beginning to sound like Buffy. The lesbian part at least. That's good.
/edit damn my necroposting!
it had its moments, sure, but those moments at least were building up the story and adding more to the characters themselves.
quinto was amazing... the part in the police rehab session.... jaw dropping.
i am so totally wondering the motive behind the carnival guy... his power is pretty damn interesting and how he's learned to use it with others to his advantage.
i didn't catch the first 15min... in a crunch at work right now... so i'll have to catch that bit on hulu i guess.
still wish they would work peter getting his full powers back into the story somehow... the whole 1 pwr at a time thing (with zero explanation as to why) has pissed me off to no end since the beginning of last season.
Now to watch the house premiere :P
He's got multiple powers now..he had speed, flight, and strength at the beginning of the episode at the end he had knifes and speed too. He even said he's still a collector and the other guy said he ran into an 'empath'.
So far I'm intruiged by the new season, but they'll really have to work hard at really getting my interest back. New bad guy seems cool though, and I like his tattoo lady :P lol
And thank god Sylar is still making his appearances...
seriously? peter was retardedly overpowered, at least with sylar he needed to put some work in to collecting powers and they could only give him abilities from minor characters. if peter wasn't a moron there wouldn't be a series, just him walking in to a room, copying everyones powers and whacking the big bad. one at a time means they can make him interesting.
marine: it just got me bent from the bad story writing... how it all happened was total BS at the end of the second season and beginning of the third... so i wish they would just pretend that shit never happened more or less... plus, i hear ya on the making his character interesting... i agree it puts a cap on him that makes every situation challenging and grounds the character better... they do need to build up some essence of team work though (that was only apparent in the last few episodes of season 1 and the last episode of season 3 which really paid off for nathan btw) in order to counter balance sylar (or any enemy) and really make peter's 1pwr at a time from last season really make sense... everyone is just damn runnin' around with their junk hanging out not knowing how to zip up their fly... the whole "this person does this while unknowingly assisting this person which in turn lead to this person being able to afford breakfast the next morning which lead that person to go to the bathroom where sylar sliced their head off" is just nonsense interaction between the characters and has gotten really old.
I sort of like that Peter is restricted to one power at a time, but there's no way anyone could beat Sylar then, should he "get out".
The new cast members are great and they introduced them well. I don't feel the same hatred towards them that I did for Alexandro and Maya. They did a good job in that respect.
Looks like Hiro is on his way out. As much as I love his character for comical relief, he was far too powerful and his time traveling ability caused too many paradox's and stupid story lines throughout the last 2 seasons. I'd like to see how Ando develops, however.
Claire is still bother me though. Why the fuck did she jump out of the window? I mean REALLY? They always make some kind of drama for her, like someone finding out the truth, just like with her old boy toy, superman. I wish they'd give her some more integral role in the overall arc, or just kill her off once and for all.
Overall I think it was a great starter episode for the fourth season. My interest is hooked again, hopefully wash out the bad taste of seasons 2 and 3. Looking forward to see what this season holds and who the new players are.
Not a bad starter, really
They still haven't been clear on Peter's powers yet. Not sure if he needs to knowingly take them, or if he just inherits them automatically via touch. The ink thing is kind of cool, but in the scheme of things, it's a sucky power to be stuck with
However, the writers might be using an elemental connection between iron and earth (a la Avatar: The Last Airbender - Toph could bend Iron, and she was an Earthbender) - and as Iron Gall Ink (for example, not that it's stated that's what it is) has iron in it, then that could explain how he can manipulate it.
That or is a special kind of ink that he can manipulate - someone on another forum mentioned Samuel mentioning he had whipped up a "special batch".
I think Peter can select the powers he takes, but can only have one at a time. Remember how he specifically stole shapeshifting from Sylar in order to trick him last season? When he stabs him in the car, in the guise of the President (I think), he says something like, "Bet you didn't think I'd take that one".
I think Peter got it cause of the fancy compass moving away on his arm? Don't see how else it could be there...
I kinda like the deaf lady right now, but how exactly are they gonna make her power... uh.. interesting? So she can 'see the music', so what? So could Lisa in Simpsons after the beer water :P
No, that compass was on his arm because Samuel put the ink in Peters hand and was controlling it.
and the deaf chick in real life is only 6 years older then peter.
The only thing progressing at all is Sylar, and that is going slow.
Oh, and I refuse to watch their special 'online only' storyline. Was that some of the cheesiest damn CG fire you've ever seen?
Well it's progressing faster than day soap's heh heh
"oh crap what do we do now that this doesn't suck?"
"Oh wait it does... never mind"
This makes me hungry for Lost.
I'm tired of every fucking episode being about her and her relationship with her dad and that depressive chick. I don't need them to find a way EVERY episode, to demonstrate how she can get cut and heal. Think about it, she's either shown someone as she cuts her palm, cuts her arm, has her foot fall off (which I don't understand why it regrew... I thought she only healed), or this last episode, where the guy cuts her face open and freaks out. Who didn't see that coming?
Anyway, it'll still be on my radar, but I'm not going out of my way to watch it. They need to figure out wtf they are going to do with Sylar too. I'm tired of him being part of someone else. It makes no sense that Peter would want him to be Nathan.
I predict next season will consist of Hiro seeking out Charlie, and that's it. There is no peril, no storyline, no nothing right now. What I liked in season 1 was them discovering new people with new powers (and not in a FORCED way). It had more of an XFiles feel, with HRG going after each person. If anything, make him stop being a pussy, and make him start gathering people with powers to create a team, like the X-Men, which I'm sure they are trying to distance themselves from, but I think that's what people want more of.
yeah that's getting old fast.
when they moved to Costa Verde remember, she cut off her toe? It grew back. Her healing abilities are in addition-to, lizard-like limb regeneration.
In the last episode, Nathan was gone. When Peter dropped him, Nathan was purged from Sylar as he fell. Nathan is is toast now. I hope SOMETHING awesome comes from Sylar now. I want Peter to get all his f'n powers back and fight Sylar damnit!
That'd be nifty shit, actually.
I'm getting pretty damn pissed off with the show, to be sure. What's the deal with Samuel? He's like a little whiny bitch "why didn't you tell me about my powers!? Whaaaaaaaaa. I want to know about my powers! Whaaaaaa." MAN THE FUCK UP. Like a spoiled kid.
Kill Hiro. NOW. No more time traveling and pausing time for fucks sake. It screws up EVERYTHING, regardless of how cool it is. Kill mama Petrelli - her story is DONE. Kill Alli Larter, she's another whiny bitch.
They need to button this shit up. We know all about these characters already. We've been seeing them for FOUR FUCKING SEASONS. We don't need to know anymore backstory or family relationships - start fucking fighting already!
And jesus, just kill off claire already. Or box her and fly her into the sun. Fuck.
I gave up.
The plot thickened so much that it just became a steaming pile.
Also, is anyone else completely annoyed with how they killed off Nathan? Did characters recall that Sylar doesn't die, let alone from a fucking fall?
Just to stir the pot, I did watch the first season of Heroes a while back but have to say the only character that seemed to have any depth was the cheerleader's dad. Hiro was pleasantly amusing too, but the rest of the cast never really did much to make me care about them. The villain came close, but every once in a while he had a scene that was like several steps backward. Ah well. Would you guys say things have been on the upswing after the first season?