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Is Polycount under attack?

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Stinger88 polycounter
So I noticed there's a spambot or maybe even a person posting more and more on these boards. I first noticed it in my P&P thread. As I'm notified by email of replies in that thread I get the full response there. Here's whats happening.

The post will be by a new member, very short and will say something like. "This looks great" or more recently "It blows my mind" which could be related to Art thread. but then it might not be in context with the subject. Anyhoo. In the replies there's a hidden web address but with img tags on it. So it doesn't show up in the reply but it appears as a link in the emailed report. Also if you quote the post it shows up there as well. I've noticed these types of spam are becoming more fequent on PC. Names I've seen this spam with are

George1, Dewitt1, EstherZS, and a few others.

The links i've seen so far.


Are these spambot attacks or is it more personnal and someone is actually posting as the replies seem at have at least a general idea of the forum and the kind of replies we get here?

Anyhoo. Watch out for short replies by new members. And never go to a dodgy link hidden in a post.

Here's an example of one of the recent posts


  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    It's quite annoying I have to say, I don't think there are persons behind the posts, the most recent I have seen is "More than words" and "Thanks for your post".
    Also polycount was down for me yesterday, don't know if it is related.
  • Sandro
    Yeah, both pimping and technical talk seem to be spammed to death. Not sure if bots or really persistent trolls though.
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Probably bots, can't really see why anyone would get some sort of satisfaction out of it, since no one actually reacts to the posts, and they just get deleted.

    A person would probably be bored of it already.

    And it seems especially bad today, usually they stop at like 7-8 threads, but today the whole first page of P&P and probably more has been spammed.

    But well, not much we can do about it, the mods are probably aware of it.
    Anyhow, I'm not really knowledged on this subject and how to stop it, the only thing I know is that I'm gonna be happy when they are gone :p
  • Moosey_G
    Usually it's just "cleaning cassette" spam but now I'm seeing other sites being hidden linked all over the place. I think the bots are having issues, one of them just went crazy and bumped a ton of threads with the same thing; MINUTES apart of each other. Just check out the newest posts.

    Hopefully the staff can beat them back to where they belong.
  • Tom Pritchard
    Yeah, I was getting 502 error yesterday a lot yesterday; site ground to a halt.
  • Vio
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    Vio polycounter lvl 6
    I'v seen this people doing the "thank you for your post" one and a few others. There are some security scripts out that there are quite useful that are not being used on Polycount if you click view source.

    Captcha code is totally useless, its so out dated and exploited that having it on your site just attracts scummy spam hackers like them.
  • Adam L. Gray

    Really, if you know what you're doing, you probably still shouldn't go! It'll register as referral traffic from polycount. And if they're getting a lot of hits from this forum I think they'll just spam even more :/
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    just spambots I think, some are clever and copypasta replies from threads to sound credible

    It seems the links they paste aren't actually clickable in the threads, I wonder if it's some way to trick their clients into thinking they've created many spam links while remaining undetected? I have no clue, it's probably more sophisticated than that.
  • Adam L. Gray
    Well, we could always send him a mail and ask him to stop: http://www.whois.com/whois/cleaningcassette.com :poly142:
  • Vio
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    Vio polycounter lvl 6
    rooster wrote: »
    just spambots I think, some are clever and copypasta replies from threads to sound credible

    It seems the links they paste aren't actually clickable in the threads, I wonder if it's some way to trick their clients into thinking they've created many spam links while remaining undetected? I have no clue, it's probably more sophisticated than that.

    That's a scary thought, that they are getting so smart that one day you might end up with friends who ar ar ar ar aren't real...oops.. :D
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    This looks great
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    Vio wrote: »
    I'v seen this people doing the "thank you for your post" one and a few others. There are some security scripts out that there are quite useful that are not being used on Polycount if you click view source.

    Captcha code is totally useless, its so out dated and exploited that having it on your site just attracts scummy spam hackers like them.
    The only sure-fire way to catch 99% of these critters is to manually verify registrations - it only takes a few seconds.
  • Adam L. Gray
    Hmm, aye, they used to have that. It does take a bit of time though, but I suppose now when they have more staff it might be doable (as long as they do it properly which will still require effort ^^). Problem is the bots don't always spam right away, which could make it a bit harder to determine.

    Still though, it seems that every time we got a new user on PC they were completely unaware of the approval process despite being informed of it, and went "Where's my posts?!"
  • Ben Apuna
    I've been reporting them as they pop up. I bet others are doing the same. I wonder if we are over spamming the reports to the moderators?

    Anyway, I think the purpose of these particular bots is probably simply to enhance the SEO of their various sites. Some businesses are silly and/or stupid enough to pay for these kinds of "services".


    Here's how Scirra (the Construct 2 guys) are handling spammers on their forum. There might be some good tips in there.
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    Putting honeypots on our entry scripts seems to be an effective measure as well. Some bots that do find these pages (either because they are more intelligently written or because they function differently). A honeypot is a juicy looking target which is actually a trap, like the common jam-in-a-bottle wasp trap.

    If you look at our registration page you will see it's pretty trim as this is designed to make registering as accessible as possible.

    If you view the source you will see that there are some hidden fields:

    <input type="hidden" name="Username" value="" />
    The field called Username is actually a hidden unused field that users can't type anything into. The actual username field has an obscure name.

    As spam software will probably be scouring the HTML for fields it will sometimes come across the username field and automatically fill it in. This means when the form is submitted with this username field containing any value we can reject the registration. Actual users wont be filling this input box with any values!

    This method is also very effective, blocking a few registrations a day. There are other ways of doing honeypots - they all rely on the fact that the spam bot isn't smart enough to realise the actual username field is a different one, or that the field is hidden. To work those things out is actually pretty darned difficult so I don't imagine there are many spam bots out there that do this.

    Pretty easy to implement.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    The problem there is that the majority of the spammers are real people, not bots. A lot of them make actual comment on the content of the thread that they post in. I've even seen a few of them give critique on art in Pimping and Previews.

    Curiously, the cleaning casette website (which I opened via google, so there won't be any hits from here) doesn't actually contain any content. It links directly to a "medical insurance asistant .com" which is just a blank webpage. You can easily get into the index which also contains very little aside from a php that seems to generate fake email addresses.
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    Hmm, aye, they used to have that. It does take a bit of time though, but I suppose now when they have more staff it might be doable (as long as they do it properly which will still require effort ^^). Problem is the bots don't always spam right away, which could make it a bit harder to determine.

    Still though, it seems that every time we got a new user on PC they were completely unaware of the approval process despite being informed of it, and went "Where's my posts?!"
    Personally, I'd prefer a clean forum with a few of those than a single spam registration, the damage they do isn't just the spam they post.
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    This blows my mind.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    Jackablade wrote: »
    The problem there is that the majority of the spammers are real people, not bots. A lot of them make actual comment on the content of the thread that they post in. I've even seen a few of them give critique on art in Pimping and Previews.

    Curiously, the cleaning casette website (which I opened via google, so there won't be any hits from here) doesn't actually contain any content. It links directly to a "medical insurance asistant .com" which is just a blank webpage. You can easily get into the index which also contains very little aside from a php that seems to generate fake email addresses.

    are you sure they weren't just copying an earlier reply? I've actually seen a bot post words that I've previously posted
  • Adam L. Gray
    kat wrote: »
    Personally, I'd prefer a clean forum with a few of those than a single spam registration, the damage they do isn't just the spam they post.

    Aye, I completely agree on that point. Just saying that it's quite a bit of work for the mods though. So personally I would prefer that they approved the first two or so posts in order to make sure they're not bots, like they did previously.

    I'm not sure how it is in the US btw (or wherever this server now is located) but at least in Sweden it could actually have legal implications of using the method where you approve posts as well. Approving a post is seen as agreeing with the content being distributed, so if someone posts something racist, illegal w/e, the owner of the forum will be held responsible.. It's a bit crap :x

    /edit: Basically, what I'm trying to say is: I also hate the spam, but I understand why polycount chose to do this as well. Now that they got more mods though, they may want to look into bringing the approval process back, but then they got to make sure it's done properly for their own sake.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    setting some traps for the bots usually works, i've hosted some forums in the past and had spam issues, and including a few honey pots.

    aside from that the only good method is approvals, since most other effective methods effect legit users too, such as asking questions on registration.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    rooster wrote: »
    are you sure they weren't just copying an earlier reply? I've actually seen a bot post words that I've previously posted
    There are some that do that, and others that simply post the same generic line through every thread that the post in, but there are definitely others that make their own semi-releavant comments in their typical poorly spelled Engrish.
  • yodude87
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    yodude87 polycounter lvl 5
    yea theyre copying early replies, i noticed it. at least the dvid bot. including in a topic of mine.

    and i was getting loads of 502 too yesterday... "glad" to know i was not the only one, had a way long wall of text i was gonna post, and couldnt cos when i hit the post reply button got the 502 error...
  • StrangeDave
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    StrangeDave polycounter lvl 4
    They are infiltrating and learning ours ways. Soon they will be indistinguishable from us. Dun, Dun, Dun!
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    They want to turn us agains each other! Don't let them destroy the mankind!

    What I found interesting is that one of those bots even had avatar. I'm all for approving few first posts. It is rather bullet proof.
  • uncle
    It's scary! Let's just bring back some good old verification methods and feel safe, no goddamn zombies should wander here...
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I've also been just using the report post function to report these users as they've come up.

    One thing I had mentioned in one of my reports was - is there a way to simply ban the phrase or prevent posts containing the phrase "cleaningcassette", or what have you? I'm not talking simply filtering it like considering it a "swear" (as this would allow the post and simply change the phrase), but actually not allowing posts containing it, or something of the sort?

    I have no idea what's possible with this sort of thing, I'm pretty sure this wouldn't exactly be a built in function. And I guess then they could just use a tiny url or something.

    Definitely becoming a prevalent thing, though.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Vio wrote: »
    I'v seen this people doing the "thank you for your post" one and a few others. There are some security scripts out that there are quite useful that are not being used on Polycount if you click view source.

    Captcha code is totally useless, its so out dated and exploited that having it on your site just attracts scummy spam hackers like them.

    Actually it works well for the one I admin. Only 8% get through it. The rest never make the first log in so it makes it easy to clean up as I just delete anyone who has never logged in. That still ends up 2-4bots a day I have to seek where their ips come from.

    BTW Invaluable.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    I've felt like I was spamming the moderators and admins by reporting it all. It's kind of been a problem lately. Very annoying, too, to think you got a reply to your thread only to find out it's spam.

    I haven't cleaned my cassettes in weeks, just to boycott them.
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Curtis1 just hit PnP with mass res.

    God help us all.

  • Ben Apuna
    Would banning new account activations for people with numbers at the end of their names help?
  • Shaffer
    Curtis1 is a dickhead
  • Moosey_G
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    Kinda scary how bots are getting more complex. Reminds me of those counterstrike source servers where the bots take player's avatars and names, along with fake pings to get people into them.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Joopson wrote: »
    I've felt like I was spamming the moderators and admins by reporting it all. It's kind of been a problem lately. Very annoying, too, to think you got a reply to your thread only to find out it's spam.

    I haven't cleaned my cassettes in weeks, just to boycott them.

    we cant find it all so please spam the report button as much as you need to.

    Everyone's help is really appreciated.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    I was actually wondering how many new valid account is made every day, and how much work it would take for some thread mods to verify the first 5 posts by a new user. The first 5 posts by a user have to valid and proper (no "Oh that looks great" posts), which would require the spammer to actually have to create posts themselves, instead of having spammer bots doing it. So the post will be validated before visible, and until the first five posts has been validated, no new posts can be created.

    Just an idea though, might be better, automatical ways to handle it, but often there is bots against those as well.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    McGreed wrote: »
    I was actually wondering how many new valid account is made every day, and how much work it would take for some thread mods to verify the first 5 posts by a new user. The first 5 posts by a user have to valid and proper (no "Oh that looks great" posts), which would require the spammer to actually have to create posts themselves, instead of having spammer bots doing it. So the post will be validated before visible, and until the first five posts has been validated, no new posts can be created.

    Just an idea though, might be better, automatical ways to handle it, but often there is bots against those as well.

    I'm pretty sure that's how registering worked up until about a year ago. The mods got tired of sorting through all of the verification posts and decided it'd be easier to just remove the spammers.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    we cant find it all so please spam the report button as much as you need to.

    Everyone's help is really appreciated.

    You should really reduce the report time-limit then. 60 seconds is just too long, I was gonna report more than one, but just gave up when the second one told me to wait another 30 seconds before I could submit again...
    30 seconds is a better option I think.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Looks like Esther has just hit a few threads. No numbers in the name this time.
  • yodude87
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    yodude87 polycounter lvl 5
    indeed. just reported her.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Xoliul wrote: »
    You should really reduce the report time-limit then. 60 seconds is just too long, I was gonna report more than one, but just gave up when the second one told me to wait another 30 seconds before I could submit again...
    30 seconds is a better option I think.

    Maybe let people with 200+/500+ posts being able to report more aggressive.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Ill mention the 60 second limit to the other guys. I really dont' know how the BB software handles that.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    Ill mention the 60 second limit to the other guys. I really dont' know how the BB software handles that.

    the time limit is just to stop the feature from being spammed since it can take a lot of resources to update the db every few seconds with reports.

    the idea of no time limit or a short one for regular polycounters, above maybe 500 or 1000 posts sounds like a good idea.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18

    We're at war. No one wants to admit it but polycount is under attack.
  • Adam L. Gray

    I'm sorry, I'm having trouble hearing you- I'm getting a lot of bullshit on this line.

    Oh- I should go.
  • yodude87
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    yodude87 polycounter lvl 5

    I'm sorry, I'm having trouble hearing you- I'm getting a lot of bullshit on this line.

    Oh- I should go.

    omg, i laughed here hahahahahahah
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    In my experience i've used notCaptcha to reduce spammers - but the unusual part about it, it didn't render rotated images as it should. I went from 120 daily signups of spammers to 0 with the usual slow rate of humans coming through.

    .........and then the sysop upgraded the Debians, the image rotation bug is fixed and now I get my high volume of spambots again. :poly142:
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Easy fix, make a thread titled "Welcome, Post here".

    Post in that thread presenting yourself, and you get access to the post as much as you see fit, don't post, and you can't post at all.

    Easy way for Mod checkup I would say, since you're streamlining to one place the initial post if you're a human or not.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Ace, unless they specifically target this site. I think there was a site which actually used 9 thumbnails from their database of cats and dogs and then was asked a question, like "How many cats are there?" or "How many dog got spots" ect. Do the same here, just use the 3D images posted asking "How many penis' are there on the tank?"
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Haha, I would much prefer to be asked how many vertices a cube is unwrapped.
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