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Unreal Engine 4



  • jimmypopali
    Oh man, the tech demo. The tech demo! I'm so happy see all this, amazing.
  • bounchfx
    at first I thought I'd be really impressed. Then I heard peoples feedback and thought I'd be disappointed. I wasn't. I don't understand how people are missing the fact that these demos are all supposed to be real time. I guess it's too good to be true to them? ;)

    I love the freaking fluid dynamics, particles, cloth, and lighting in these vids. this one was freaking incredible too, in it's own way. And think about how much crazier shit is gonna look in 4 years on the same engine after we all figure it out.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    Yep, I thought I would be disappointed too. But then I watched it and to be honest, it looks insane. What really blew my mind was that development walkthrough; I love all these changes to the editor. :)
  • slipsius
    Bounchfx, people miss the fact its suppose to be real time because they dont really say that in the demo. "this is all real time, in engine" would help. The last of us did with their first trailer.

    I wasnt impressed too much. Yes, it looked GORGEOUS. But it wasnt anything Blizzard wasnt already doing. Then I saw the tech demo and was blown away. It was soooooo good. Seeing all the stuff, then having the guy just say oh, by the way, this is all in the editor. BOOM! WHHHHHHHHAT!
  • chrismaddox3d
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    chrismaddox3d polycounter lvl 17
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOvfn1p92_8"]Unreal Engine 4 - GT.TV Exclusive Development Walkthrough - YouTube[/ame]
    The Development Walkthrough was just too Awesome can't want to get my hands on this.
  • Leodido
    Awesome stuff, take my money please, so long to wait :(
    ambershee wrote: »
    Epic's "standard" development hardware features the top-end i7, 16Gb of memory and a 680GTX; so it's not like they didn't throw a fuckton of processing muscle in order to do it.

    Well anyway if it is releasing in two years the common rig at this time will be double of that so...
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Man I wish I could get my hands on this right now. The editor looks so nice with dockable sections and no more building lighting*drool*
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    I think that's what a lot of people miss. Yes, it's Blizzard quality but you can interact with it. :)

    While we're here, spill the beans on how the flowing lava works. I'm guessing its vector-field manipulated UVs and dynamic displacement through tesselation? Or is there actually a notable feature in there that controls it?
  • WarrenM
    To be honest, I don't know. :) Maybe Jordan will chime in on that ...
  • Rico
    Man...really looking forward to unreal 4 now after that tech demo.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    ambershee wrote: »
    While we're here, spill the beans on how the flowing lava works. I'm guessing its vector-field manipulated UVs and dynamic displacement through tesselation? Or is there actually a notable feature in there that controls it?

    Maybe some basic fluid simulation ?
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Leodido wrote: »
    Well anyway if it is releasing in two years the common rig at this time will be double of that so...

    Plus its still gonna be optimized for shittier platforms,.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    I wouldn't mind, but it seems unlikely - fluid simulation tends to lack the kind of control you'd want to get it to move like that. If I were to do it in UDK, I'd use dynamic displacement.
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 14
    I'm freaking out right now! I'm excited about unreal 4. Not just because they're doing amazing stuff in real time. But also because it seems everyone is moving in this direction. Looks like it wont matter what engine u decide to use, it's all going to be amazing!!! Cry engine 3 has some amazing stuff as well. It's an exciting time when games catch up to film (almost.)

    I guess what's really going to be the selling point for next gen engines is just how much production time can be saved by the tools. To see my assets in game can take upwards of 2-3 minutes. I would kill to be able take that down to 1-2 seconds.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Next gen tech is melting my brain
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    So then they are using basically this tech,

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAsg_xNzhcQ"]Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Voxel Cone Tracing - YouTube[/ame]
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Development walkthrough vid is where it's at. Very excited about the improvements. The new kismet interface and feedback made me giggle.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    omg the tools, the tools! it looks 200x more intuitive.
  • Gestalt
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    Gestalt polycounter lvl 11
    It's a UE4 tech demo... why wouldn't it be real-time?

    I think for the people comparing it to Samaritan, the big difference is that the Samaritan demo had tons of dx11 reflections and tons of emissive elements contrasting in a nighttime scene to make it really striking. Making something reflective look accurate/dynamic/interesting isn't nearly as difficult as for something diffuse. Also keep in mind this is all dynamic.
  • Mik2121
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    Mik2121 polycounter lvl 9
    So.. where's people taking the 2014 release date from? I guess I missed it somewhere.

    Anyway, that new UI looked great. It would be awesome if the current UDK got modified to use that, though I guess they might want to separate it and have the new layout just for whenever they release the actual engine, and just stop support of UE3 and leave it as it is without any UI changes?...
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    The 2014 date came from an interview, I believe. That's when real details should start to emerge, alongside projects. The public won't get their hands on it until a bit later.
  • walreu
    Unreal Engine 4 - GT.TV Exclusive Development Walkthrough - YouTube
    The Development Walkthrough was just too Awesome can't want to get my hands on this.

    I had severe eyegasm during that dynamicly lit particle systems room.
    I don't know why but this video had way more impact for me than others.

    Epic, y u no give it to us already!

    btw.. got to love the way they just had to put zillion particles on that gizmo that represents the player in the end :poly136:
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Wonder if they will put it out to the public as a new UDK or package it with a game like UE3 was when it first comes out.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    While I did like the trailer part of it a lot, I really dont see how on earth people think this looks like a prerendered blizzard cinematic beyond the fact that there dude looks like Arthas ha. I get that its real time which is impressive, but still, shouldnt be compared to a pre rendered cinematic when it dosnt. I think the Final Fantasy and Samaritan demo were more technically and artistically impressive. That being said....

    DAYUM, that engine walkthrough demo was FANTASTIC! THat was what was really impressive. Seeing all those changes made basically live and take effect, the lighting, and those sexy ass particles. Great looking UI too, god I hope it works with a wacom pen!
  • slipsius
    I compared the two because the particle systems have a similar quality. Plus the over all look of it looks like its pre-rendered... I don't see how you think people cant compare the two. This real time demo is the same quality of a lot of pre-rendered cut scenes in the industry right now. Just because 1 is pre-rendered and 1 isnt doesnt mean you cant compare the two. Quality is quality. If I wasn't told it was real time, i would think its pre-rendered. Yes, if I watch it a second time, I can tell the difference, really looking at it. And no, its not BETTER than blizzards cut scenes. But it's definitely close to the same quality. Mainly the particles
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    ambershee wrote: »
    The 2014 date came from an interview, I believe. That's when real details should start to emerge, alongside projects. The public won't get their hands on it until a bit later.
    Yep, the one on Spike TV.

    I have to say, it looks spiffy so far, everything is as it should be from the looks of it.

    I'm hoping from more info about the SSS setup in the future, one of the issues I have with the current SSS setup (in almost all engines) is they cannot process shadows and diffuse term shading at the same time properly, you either have to kill all shadows in the model and rely only on the diffuse shading, which can cause for weird looking effects, and so this means stuff like a half lambert setup is kinda lost if you want to create and use it a point from where you use it to control the 'pass-through' amount of light.

    If UE4 does give the user/artist/etc control on a material level, where both the diffuse shading term and shadows are pulled and pushed based upon inputs dynamically on the fly, instead of manually changing that in the code itself, that would be uber.

    The only other thing I'm hoping is Tablet support, that would killer for some us peeps who suffer from too much clickage in our lives.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    slipsius wrote: »
    I compared the two because the particle systems have a similar quality. Plus the over all look of it looks like its pre-rendered... I don't see how you think people cant compare the two. This real time demo is the same quality of a lot of pre-rendered cut scenes in the industry right now. Just because 1 is pre-rendered and 1 isnt doesnt mean you cant compare the two. Quality is quality. If I wasn't told it was real time, i would think its pre-rendered. Yes, if I watch it a second time, I can tell the difference, really looking at it. And no, its not BETTER than blizzards cut scenes. But it's definitely close to the same quality. Mainly the particles

    Ah yeah no thats true and I see where you and others come from. I also felt it looked pre rendered, but more of a pre render from like early 2000's. I guess it was more of compairing it to a pre render of Blizzards as opposed to one of the many other pre rendered scenes mainly becasue I feel every Blizzard cinematic I have seen is so many leaps and bounds beyond anything any else done by other studios. So I guess I felt it unfair to Blizzard to compare what was shown to the mind blowing work they actually do ha :)

    Also it might have been having just watched the Final Fantasy demo which I still struggle to believe is real time (even though I watched them change things in engine in real time) this one just didnt seem as impressive and things just felt a little more off. Think it might have been how "white" the lighting looked, think that is what took me out of it, made it look a little too fake I think. idk just my thoughts.

    Those particles were beyond impressive as was the engine walkthrough.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    ambershee wrote: »
    The 2014 date came from an interview, I believe. That's when real details should start to emerge, alongside projects. The public won't get their hands on it until a bit later.

    I'm sort of hopeful that since the Spike TV spot was aimed at gamers, that the 2014 date refers to not seeing games based on UE4 until 2014, whereas people would be developing with it much sooner.

    With the talk about highschoolers using the same tools etc... maybe there will be more of a push to to get the tools out there and a UDK might be released sooner rather than later.
  • Gestalt
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    Gestalt polycounter lvl 11
    m4dcow wrote: »
    I'm sort of hopeful that since the Spike TV spot was aimed at gamers, that the 2014 date refers to not seeing games based on UE4 until 2014, whereas people would be developing with it much sooner.

    With the talk about highschoolers using the same tools etc... maybe there will be more of a push to to get the tools out there and a UDK might be released sooner rather than later.

    Yeah I think sooner rather than later. The next consoles are likely going to be released at the end of next year, so I think 2014 is referring to when consumers could expect to see UE4 in their games.

    They took the time to show off their new tools and talk about how much better they'll be for development, and it wasn't just for Epic, they seem to have a wider focus (highschool and indies mentioned). I'd assume they wouldn't market the features and discuss the implications of the sdk at this point unless they were well on their way to something similar to a udk release. I believe they also mentioned people already working on projects which is promising (there was that clip with the alien vehicle over terrain or something or maybe I'm remembering wrong).
  • Kringlan
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    Kringlan polycounter lvl 4
    m4dcow wrote: »
    I'm sort of hopeful that since the Spike TV spot was aimed at gamers, that the 2014 date refers to not seeing games based on UE4 until 2014, whereas people would be developing with it much sooner.

    With the talk about highschoolers using the same tools etc... maybe there will be more of a push to to get the tools out there and a UDK might be released sooner rather than later.
    In this walkthrough at 05:01 it says UDK in the upper left corner http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusive-development-unreal-engine/731871
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    I watched the video this morning...I was a little underwhelmed from the showing on spike last night, but the demonstration of the various things being done in that other video is nice.

    UI refresh looks interesting. A lot of new things look like they were inspired by the Unity engine (tabbed ui, the properties tab, "blueprints", modifying code while running the game, etc..)

    I'm most curious about how this will get into peoples hands..other than developers..are we going to get a new udk 2.0? or are we all gonna have to run out and buy the next unreal game on PC and toy with the editor in there, ala ut3?
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    The RockPaperSHotgun article comments on this are hilarious, everyone is complaining about the "art direction" and are totally "unimpressed". Saying things like "at least Square Enix demo had beards (forgetting that Samaritan had DX 11 hair way before that..)

    Every time a gamer slams a tech demo or the power of an engine based on the art made to demonstrate it on, I want to break their fingers, into tiny little fleshy bits and wear them as a necklace.

    On topic: I LOVE the UI redesign, everything being realtime is so awesome, I hope it supports wacom tablets, all we need now is some kind of facial animation system on the level of source :D
  • DeadlyFreeze
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    DeadlyFreeze polycounter lvl 17
    I kinda get the feeling we won't actually get our hands on this till next generations of consoles are in full development.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Skamberin wrote: »
    The RockPaperSHotgun article comments on this are hilarious, everyone is complaining about the "art direction" and are totally "unimpressed". Saying things like "at least Square Enix demo had beards (forgetting that Samaritan had DX 11 hair way before that..)

    Every time a gamer slams a tech demo or the power of an engine based on the art made to demonstrate it on, I want to break their fingers, into tiny little fleshy bits and wear them as a necklace.

    On topic: I LOVE the UI redesign, everything being realtime is so awesome, I hope it supports wacom tablets, all we need now is some kind of facial animation system on the level of source :D

    And people ask where is the passion...
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Skamberin wrote: »
    Every time a gamer slams a tech demo or the power of an engine based on the art made to demonstrate it on, I want to break their fingers, into tiny little fleshy bits and wear them as a necklace.

    That's quite... interesting...
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Was a very interesting presentation. I'm really looking forward to working with it. The realtime bounce-light, and the node-based kismet stuff was just amazing.

    Now, there are a couple of things I didn't see that I'm curious about.

    One is physics on particles. Like what they did with the last Batman game with the fog on PhysX cards. I wonder if that's possible now with Unreal4 without PhysX.

    Another is cloth simulation and where that's at. I know Unreal3 has a bit of that, but I'm not sure it's something you can do in real-time or what, and how does that translate into U4.

    Also hair simulation. Like what we saw in the Square-Enix video. Looks like the tech is there to do it in real-time like what the Square-Enix people are doing, but I wonder if that'll be in Unreal4 at all.

    But really that's all just gravy. I'm super psyched for this thing.
  • NoltaN
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    NoltaN polycounter lvl 15
    Wow, Extremely impressive. I can't wait to hear more over the comings month's. What I've always liked about Unreal Engine is that it feels much more artist/end user friendly over say Cryengine (in my experience). With UE4 it seems like Epic has really taken most of the hack work, so to speak, out of the design process which allows us to focus on the art and less on the tech side. I'm really excited to see more.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Andreas wrote: »
    That's quite... interesting...

    And totally serious :P
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    there are a couple of things I didn't see that I'm curious about.

    One is cloth simulation and where that's at. I know Unreal3 has a bit of that, but I'm not sure it's something you can do in real-time or what, and how does that translate into U4.

    Also hair simulation. Like what we saw in the Square-Enix video. Looks like the tech is there to do it in real-time like what the Square-Enix people are doing, but I wonder if that'll be in Unreal4 at all.

    Same here. The Luminous tech demo benefited immensely from both of those features. Decent cloth simulation for clothes (as opposed to single sheets like flags) is a must for next gen, and hair simulation would go a long way towards alleviating the bald space marine thing we've had going on this whole gen.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    slipsius wrote: »
    I compared the two because the particle systems have a similar quality. Plus the over all look of it looks like its pre-rendered... I don't see how you think people cant compare the two. This real time demo is the same quality of a lot of pre-rendered cut scenes in the industry right now. Just because 1 is pre-rendered and 1 isnt doesnt mean you cant compare the two. Quality is quality. If I wasn't told it was real time, i would think its pre-rendered. Yes, if I watch it a second time, I can tell the difference, really looking at it. And no, its not BETTER than blizzards cut scenes. But it's definitely close to the same quality. Mainly the particles

    Yeah they really seem to be getting closer, especially considering that the pre rendered has been hand tweaked by a comp team. I really found the Square Enix demo to be more impressive than allot of in game cinematics I've seen recently.

    Arent the new particles part of the Physx sdk (or atleast a Nvidia tech) rather than something specific to UE4?
  • walreu
    I definetly hope that future games won't have long haired prettyboy spacemarines just because
    game devs want to show off with hair simulation :D
  • Seirei
  • dregoloth
    Here's an interesting video: LINK

    I find it interesting that they're targeting indies at this point, given the 2014 release date for the engine.

    But I suppose they might be referring to game releases.
  • Robbyh
    i still think this will come out soon. 1 year time.
    considering nextgen will be announced next year ( from what ppl att e3 sayd atm , and speculations been going on since forever ). I mean we need games to be out on release date.
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 14
    Ok so... after seeing it in 1080... wow. Yes this is pretty much on the level of a blizzard cinematic. When I watched it the first time in 480 (the only thing I could find this morning.) I thought it looked pretty sweet. But now... wow I am truly blown away.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    dregoloth wrote: »
    Here's an interesting video: LINK

    I find it interesting that they're targeting indies at this point, given the 2014 release date for the engine.

    But I suppose they might be referring to game releases.

    If any of you find more articles be sure to post 'em.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Like the article mentions, this is on GTX680+ cards. While the next generation of PC games will look this amazing, don't expect the next generation of consoles to look that good.

    I can't wait to get my hands on the editor :D
  • Talbot
    Like the article mentions, this is on GTX680+ cards. While the next generation of PC games will look this amazing, don't expect the next generation of consoles to look that good.

    I can't wait to get my hands on the editor :D

    I feel though that since there isn't even an announcement for the next console gen yet, this could be what they are shooting for. I mean look at the gap between xbox and 360, or ps2 to ps3. It's pretty big. But also down the road after a launch games start looking better even though they are on the same console. Personally if the next console gen gets released 2+ years out, it better look like this! :)
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    I'd think that a powerhouse like Epic would be privvy as to what'll be coming in the next gen of consoles.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Can't wait for this, running particles that complex real time has blown my mind haha.
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