Saw this at the midnight last night. Did not disappoint, it was all I wanted it to be.
I look forward to a potential Avengers 2, as well as possible sequels for the leading characters.. I would love to see a Captain America 2. Supposedly there are some avengers deleted scenes that show more of Cap coping with modern society, so i guess I can look forward to the DVD for that. Er, blu ray.
Yeah just popping in to echo everyone else's statements; it was beyond amazing. Dark Knight might've been the best comic book movie when it comes to realism and telling an emotional story, but Avengers has it beat just on how much fun it is. I had a big stupid grin on my face throughout the entire thing.
Especially loved what they did with Hawkeye. As the one character that hadn't been used yet (well aside from his brief cameo in Thor) I really liked how he was introduced and the audience was able to learn about his character and what he can do.
Smart storytelling, nothing felt too forced. Whedon is a genius, and I'm really happy that so many people are going to realize it now.
Company took us out to see it at the Alamo Drafthouse. Really enjoyed it! Some amazing funny moments, where everyone cheered Best of the Avenger movies so far, followed by IronMan 2. imo
I look forward to a potential Avengers 2, as well as possible sequels for the leading characters..
Every actor has signed for multiple movies, and Whedon for a sequel too. Seeing how much money the movie's making, I think you'll have your wish granted
if... no wait, when they do make a sequal, i wonder which other marvel heroes/villains will enter the fray.
personally i'd love to see cameo appearances from Wolverine or Spiderman... maybe that's too cheesy, i don't know. i'm just interested in how they'll expand the team/s.
Spiderman is an Avenger, no? But Sony Picture Imageworks own all rights to Spidey showing up in movies and won't sell him back to Marvel, who distribute the rest of their motion picture content themselves. Hence no Spiderman. I feel the movie was stronger without him, would have overpowered the movie.
if... no wait, when they do make a sequal, i wonder which other marvel heroes/villains will enter the fray.
personally i'd love to see cameo appearances from Wolverine or Spiderman... maybe that's too cheesy, i don't know. i'm just interested in how they'll expand the team/s.
I would like to see more avengers too, but spiderman and wolverine are both likely off limits, since Sony owns the film rights to spiderman and fox owns the rights to the xmen. Fox also has their claws on fantastic 4 and daredevil, so they are probably off limits too.
I saw Avengers last night at midnight...had a great time, really enjoyed the movie...I'm probably gonna have to go watch it again.
My studio took us all out to see it today because it just came out in Canada.
I guess I really liked it. I am not sure what to think. I really didn't like Hawkeye, loki and Nick Fury. I didn't think the plot had any meat to it, it didn't make me think at all. Stuff just happened in predictable sequence.
The character interactions were good and there was some funny stuff which I suppose was the Whedon influence. The best scenes for me were all ones where the avengers were talking together. I also really like how they built up to the Hulk being unleashed for the first time (though the next time you see him all of a sudden he has full control?).
I'm really sick of big city destruction 20 minute battle sequences. They all remind me of transformers and transformers 3 and I hated those parts of those movies. I was hoping I'd be more compelled here but nope. I get bored of watching constant action after about 5 minutes. I felt like I shouldn't be watching the action as a movie but playing it in a game, a feeling I find more and more when I watch action movies like this.
Too much action, not enough meat plot. Though I did enjoy it, I still prefer Dark Knight and even Captain America, Iron Man and Thor.'s pretty freaking great. If you haven't seen it, go see it. Even if you aren't invested in the characters or the universe, there's enough solid acting, great action sequences, and well-delivered humor for general audiences to have a good time at this movie.
I was especially impressed with some of the cinematography in this movie. A lot of action-heavy movies these days rely on the shaky-cam. This one keeps the hand-helds to a minimum, and had several very impressive smooth pans in the middle of huge action sequences. Through proper planning they transitioned to showcase multiple characters in unbroken shots. It was clear that some real thought and care was put into the story-boarding.
And the way in which the Hulk behaved was...just delightful.
I also really like how they built up to the Hulk being unleashed for the first time (though the next time you see him all of a sudden he has full control?).
see i took it to be that he was never OUT of control, just the first time round he was sick of the situation/manipulation and wanted out. if he were truly out of control then
Black Widow wouldn't have gotten back up, you saw how hard he was hitting Thor... he knew exactly what his "opponents" were capable of taking
I'm really sick of big city destruction 20 minute battle sequences. They all remind me of transformers and transformers 3 and I hated those parts of those movies.
I was thinking of transformers after those scenes but actually what i thought was "this is transformers vfx action but properly directed".
With transformers there is so much vfx going on and you couldn''t keep up with it, with the avengers i had the feeling that the vfx shown was a lot but so well balanced in the shots that it felt like you knew where everything was coming from.
I also really like how they built up to the Hulk being unleashed for the first time (though the next time you see him all of a sudden he has full control?).
hes under loki's control in that first bit, then in the end you see the hulk in his true form. I wasnt too sure either when I first saw it, but Kevin Feige (marvel studiio head) cleared it up in Empire Magazines podcast the other week. guess he could have hinted at it more but its good to show just how powerful he is.
hes under loki's control in that first bit, then in the end you see the hulk in his true form. I wasnt too sure either when I first saw it, but Kevin Feige (marvel studiio head) cleared it up in Empire Magazines podcast the other week. guess he could have hinted at it more but its good to show just how powerful he is.
what? thats totaly not how i interpreted that at all
i interpreted it kinda how people are if you are angry and you keep bottleing it up inside and holding it in, eventualy you snap and throw something or sock someone in the eye." the beserk hulk was the result of him trying to hold back the monster untill he snaps, . at the end he came to the realization that he's always angry and just kind of accepted that. and thats what gave him the ability to control hulk. the just going with it and acepting it.
i really liked the movie, but as a whedon fan i expected a little more beef in the storytelling. i also thought the alines were completely lame and generic (beisdes big fish snakes) and the jet ski aliesn were pretty lame. loki seemed like a complete wuss and was obcviously just a pawn. so i hope part 2 really cranks up on the why these weird aliens were using loki as a pawn to get to earth.
also i found that cage that furry was so impressed with to be rather silly.. so the supert awesome cage just drops out the bottom of the ship. i dont think that would actualy kill loki. or any of the avengers besides hawk, widow and cap. it sure would not bother hulk.. for who it was made for. i mean he easily fell from the flying ship and crashed thru a building and was okey dokey. i understand that its nice because it gets any crazy powere monster out of the ship if they are close to breaking out, but its kinda like making a jail cell that if someone atemspts to pick the lock. a secret back door opens and just lets them out.
what? thats totaly not how i interpreted that at all
i interpreted it kinda how people are if you are angry and you keep bottleing it up inside and holding it in, eventualy you snap and throw something or sock someone in the eye." the beserk hulk was the result of him trying to hold back the monster untill he snaps, . at the end he came to the realization that he's always angry and just kind of accepted that. and thats what gave him the ability to control hulk. the just going with it and acepting it.
I took it as a little of both
Loki's staff was obviously causing people to be bitter towards each other, and the Hulk even picked up the staff, but I don't feel like he was being completely controlled by Loki
I look at it as more that it depends on how he turns into the Hulk. If it's because he is so angry and loses control you get the pissed off unstoppable behemoth. However, when he finally gives in and turns into it on his own accord, he has more control over it. It's kind of like the ending of the hulk movie when he fights Abomination. He has way more restraint in that fight for his surroundings. As for the cage on the helicarrier, it's not so much that the fall would kill Hulk, it's more that if he was out of control it would drop and get him the hell out of the ship before he could do major damage.
He's basically a long-running uber marvel villain whose obsessed with death (er...romantically, even, at times) and who's so tied up in so many Marvel characters/plots that I was really surprised they'd even attempt to go that direction with the films. It has high potential to be as much a train wreck as the Xmen/dark pheonix stuff turned out to be, but if they do enough build up, treating up like they did with all the Fury/Shield cameos over the last few years, then they could make something awesome.
what? thats totaly not how i interpreted that at all
i interpreted it kinda how people are if you are angry and you keep bottleing it up inside and holding it in, eventualy you snap and throw something or sock someone in the eye." the beserk hulk was the result of him trying to hold back the monster untill he snaps, . at the end he came to the realization that he's always angry and just kind of accepted that. and thats what gave him the ability to control hulk. the just going with it and acepting it.
I agree somewhat, but I don't the the end part was too much of a 'realization'. In an earlier scene he was just about to show the Avengers his 'party trick', so we can assume he had that level of control the whole movie. But I agree with the other posters saying it has to do with the way he changed that he had less control. When the helicarrier was hit and he fell down a floor, he was probably in serious pain/maybe even knocked unconscious, which would explain why he didn't have much control when he was the Hulk during that time.
This was an awesome movie! Just went out to see it with some friends, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I did feel a little like I was able to enjoy it more than my friends though, since I had watched all the other movies (Thor, The Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America) that tie into this one and some of my friends hadn't yet (they will now).
I loved the parts where the hulk randomly hits people, especially when he rag dolls Loki all over the place
Going to see it again this week. I really love how at the end of the movie, Cap really comes into his own, giving orders and rallying the troops, and truly being the leader. Nice to see that. I was worried he might get lost in the shuffle, but he really became the Captain America we all know from the comics.
Also, I had to look up online what the hell Hulk said after smacking Loki all around. The theater was laughing too hard for us to catch it.
Yeah, I realized today, when discussing things with coworkers, that you really need to see the individual movies before this. Especially Thor. I didn't think about it, because my family has already seen them all, but a good part of the plot-line is really tied to the Thor movie. At minimum, that should be seen first. Maybe Ironman too, but probably not as important.
It was great up until the part where the city gets attacked. The tension just sort of got lost there, the enemies died like flies(even the large fish creatures) and I didn't like how they decided to make fun of Loki(plotwise) every time he got a little threatening. He was like a big joke and I just couldn't take the bad guys seriously. The jokes just got really predictable too.
I was expecting something more because Joss Whedon wrote and directed this movie but I guess I was wrong. Oh well... Pretty far from movie of the year for me but not the worst though(American reunion and Red tails are good candidates for that.).
It was great up until the part where the city gets attacked. The tension just sort of got lost there, the enemies died like flies(even the large fish creatures) and I didn't like how they decided to make fun of Loki(plotwise) every time he got a little threatening. He was like a big joke and I just couldn't take the bad guys seriously. The jokes just got really predictable too.
I was expecting something more because Joss Whedon wrote and directed this movie but I guess I was wrong. Oh well... Pretty far from movie of the year for me but not the worst though(American reunion and Red tails are good candidates for that.).
i dunno man, Loki came across to me as "the trickster god". making his own jokes and puns, which just seemed to backfire on him... hence he became the butt of some of his own jokes.
it wasn't too difficult to take him seriously, but he's a different kind of villain. he's not like the red skull, or doc oc, or victor von doom... he's not an uber serious guy, he's a laughing joking guy. and i think they did well to make him both evil and trickster-ish at the same time, let's face it, it's hard to pull off.
i guess i just enjoyed that... yes it's another villain plotting to take over the world, but at least among the ones we've seen, he's been able to keep his own unique personality.
i dunno man, Loki came across to me as "the trickster god". making his own jokes and puns, which just seemed to backfire on him... hence he became the butt of some of his own jokes.
it wasn't too difficult to take him seriously, but he's a different kind of villain. he's not like the red skull, or doc oc, or victor von doom... he's not an uber serious guy, he's a laughing joking guy. and i think they did well to make him both evil and trickster-ish at the same time, let's face it, it's hard to pull off.
i guess i just enjoyed that... yes it's another villain plotting to take over the world, but at least among the ones we've seen, he's been able to keep his own unique personality.
Pretty much this, all characters came together wonderfully imo and set a great start for what is hopefully one of many movies to come
So few movies are able to find that perfect balance of humor, action, and heroism. Avengers is a fantastic film. Coming from someone who rarely goes to the theater anymore, I, very much, enjoyed it.
I saw it this past weekend. Amazing. Thought it was great. The humor and leading up to it was spot on. Gonna go see it again in IMAX 3d while I still can.
Best part for me was when Loki was cussing the Hulk out and Hulk just smashes him to bits over and over. AWESOME! So many other great parts as well. Can't wait for Avengers 2.
Anyone else catch the A on Stark tower at the end. Pretty sure this is going to become the Avengers tower AWESOME!!!!
Just got back from seeing it in iMax 3d, what a fantastic film and the 3d was subtle when it needed to be.
The hulk definitely had the best animation of any cg character ever, like seeing Gollum for the first time again. I loved the chaotic almost childlike fits of rage.
Jesse: everyone in the theater was cracking up at that part lol.
So many more movies to see this summer, and that Prometheus trailer in 3d.... holy shiiiiieeeet.
The fight at the end dragged on a bit. Why didn't they just go to the roof and turn off the machine in the first place? Could've cut some of that part down. But overall an above average superhero movie.
The fight at the end dragged on a bit. Why didn't they just go to the roof and turn off the machine in the first place? Could've cut some of that part down. But overall an above average superhero movie.
Why didn't they turn it off in the first place? They tried remember? Iron Man tried to repulse it. They only found out about the fail safe AFTER the scientist woke back up and they also needed Lokis staff.
So yeah they couldn't just turn it off from the beginning.
Saw this at the midnight last night. Did not disappoint, it was all I wanted it to be.
I look forward to a potential Avengers 2, as well as possible sequels for the leading characters.. I would love to see a Captain America 2. Supposedly there are some avengers deleted scenes that show more of Cap coping with modern society, so i guess I can look forward to the DVD for that. Er, blu ray.
Especially loved what they did with Hawkeye. As the one character that hadn't been used yet (well aside from his brief cameo in Thor) I really liked how he was introduced and the audience was able to learn about his character and what he can do.
Smart storytelling, nothing felt too forced. Whedon is a genius, and I'm really happy that so many people are going to realize it now.
Every actor has signed for multiple movies, and Whedon for a sequel too. Seeing how much money the movie's making, I think you'll have your wish granted
personally i'd love to see cameo appearances from Wolverine or Spiderman... maybe that's too cheesy, i don't know. i'm just interested in how they'll expand the team/s.
I would like to see more avengers too, but spiderman and wolverine are both likely off limits, since Sony owns the film rights to spiderman and fox owns the rights to the xmen. Fox also has their claws on fantastic 4 and daredevil, so they are probably off limits too.
I saw Avengers last night at midnight...had a great time, really enjoyed the movie...I'm probably gonna have to go watch it again.
The balance overall is amazing from effects to characters to story.
and the new hulk is awesome!
I guess I really liked it. I am not sure what to think. I really didn't like Hawkeye, loki and Nick Fury. I didn't think the plot had any meat to it, it didn't make me think at all. Stuff just happened in predictable sequence.
The character interactions were good and there was some funny stuff which I suppose was the Whedon influence. The best scenes for me were all ones where the avengers were talking together. I also really like how they built up to the Hulk being unleashed for the first time (though the next time you see him all of a sudden he has full control?).
I'm really sick of big city destruction 20 minute battle sequences. They all remind me of transformers and transformers 3 and I hated those parts of those movies. I was hoping I'd be more compelled here but nope. I get bored of watching constant action after about 5 minutes. I felt like I shouldn't be watching the action as a movie but playing it in a game, a feeling I find more and more when I watch action movies like this.
Too much action, not enough meat plot. Though I did enjoy it, I still prefer Dark Knight and even Captain America, Iron Man and Thor.
I was especially impressed with some of the cinematography in this movie. A lot of action-heavy movies these days rely on the shaky-cam. This one keeps the hand-helds to a minimum, and had several very impressive smooth pans in the middle of huge action sequences. Through proper planning they transitioned to showcase multiple characters in unbroken shots. It was clear that some real thought and care was put into the story-boarding.
And the way in which the Hulk behaved was...just delightful.
see i took it to be that he was never OUT of control, just the first time round he was sick of the situation/manipulation and wanted out. if he were truly out of control then
I was thinking of transformers after those scenes but actually what i thought was "this is transformers vfx action but properly directed".
With transformers there is so much vfx going on and you couldn''t keep up with it, with the avengers i had the feeling that the vfx shown was a lot but so well balanced in the shots that it felt like you knew where everything was coming from.
what? thats totaly not how i interpreted that at all
also i found that cage that furry was so impressed with to be rather silly.. so the supert awesome cage just drops out the bottom of the ship. i dont think that would actualy kill loki. or any of the avengers besides hawk, widow and cap. it sure would not bother hulk.. for who it was made for. i mean he easily fell from the flying ship and crashed thru a building and was okey dokey. i understand that its nice because it gets any crazy powere monster out of the ship if they are close to breaking out, but its kinda like making a jail cell that if someone atemspts to pick the lock. a secret back door opens and just lets them out.
again just nitpicking, it was a good fun movie,
cuz he wasnt? that was
I took it as a little of both
I'll be reading over the spoilers in the thread and talking about the movie!!
Whole cinema was roaring with laughter for ages when that happened, was brilliant! Absolutely loved the movie every second of it
Also, I had to look up online what the hell Hulk said after smacking Loki all around. The theater was laughing too hard for us to catch it.
Movie of the year so far.
i dunno man, Loki came across to me as "the trickster god". making his own jokes and puns, which just seemed to backfire on him... hence he became the butt of some of his own jokes.
it wasn't too difficult to take him seriously, but he's a different kind of villain. he's not like the red skull, or doc oc, or victor von doom... he's not an uber serious guy, he's a laughing joking guy. and i think they did well to make him both evil and trickster-ish at the same time, let's face it, it's hard to pull off.
i guess i just enjoyed that... yes it's another villain plotting to take over the world, but at least among the ones we've seen, he's been able to keep his own unique personality.
Pretty much this, all characters came together wonderfully imo and set a great start for what is hopefully one of many movies to come
It was amazing.
Which did you prefer? I'm tempted to go again this week and see it in 3D
Anyone else catch the A on Stark tower at the end. Pretty sure this is going to become the Avengers tower
The hulk definitely had the best animation of any cg character ever, like seeing Gollum for the first time again. I loved the chaotic almost childlike fits of rage.
Jesse: everyone in the theater was cracking up at that part lol.
So many more movies to see this summer, and that Prometheus trailer in 3d.... holy shiiiiieeeet.
The fight at the end dragged on a bit. Why didn't they just go to the roof and turn off the machine in the first place? Could've cut some of that part down. But overall an above average superhero movie.
So yeah they couldn't just turn it off from the beginning.