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Haz-Course Character: Dizzy (GuiltyGear)

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Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
I'm lucky enough be in Haz's character course, so here's mah thread!
I've chosen to do a version of Dizzy from Guilty Gear X.
Like some of the others I'm gonna try and catalog the process and TOP-SECRET Haz advice and so on :)
[course threadz: Hazardous: Miku | almighty_gir: Rogue | MrSkullFace: Samus | YBourykina: Lady Mechanika | Briggs ]

Stage1: Round 1: 'Select your character!'
Haz introduced some criteria for us to choose our girl project for the next X weeks.
the basic idea is to take a well-known character/person and match some representation of her ~ 1:1

It's hard for me to articulate why this common task in itself might be a challenge haha.
I know some people who always work this way no problem, but I think we all do art for different reasons and with different goals/ideals in mind.

It's definitely not that I mind working from a concept, or that I think anyone should think the way I do, but it's just as important to me that someone on the team or that I personally have the freedom to make some decisions if necessary on the idea/design/style/etc as it is important to me for the final piece itself to be awesome. I definitely don't mean to compromise the concept, quite the opposite - Sometimes I feel that having some level of freedom can help allow you to extend the intent of the concept to counteract the natural progression that tends to dilute originally awesome ideas if it's rigidly reproduced. I think ideally each step of the process should take steps to expand upon the previous one... Ugh hopefully I explained my thoughts properly but I'm trying not to run on for thousands of lines of text before even starting on this character ahaha. Lemme know if that didn't make sense!

Anyway based on the course criteria, and what concepts I thought would individually benefit me most, I was super inspired by Dizzy. What drew me were the epic design, dynamic potential, and awesome contrast in character between Dizzy and her 2 opposing wings (1 angel, 1 reaper). The particular concept that inspired me most is – in a way - slightly unfinished to the whole character; she has no wings. That means I won't be making the wings for this course :(, BUT it also allows me the relief of artistic freedom in how to extend the concept if I have time to do so (and I intend to) :)

Stage1: Round 2: 'Scoutin for Resources'
I gathered as many images as I could and put together the most important ones into a refsheet - I wanted to combine a buncha images that help me with design, readability, style, personality,mood, and whatever personal goals that I hope to maintain throughout the process, but of course I have a bunch more that I'd go through as I narrow in on certain parts.

If anyone knows the original artist of this awesome concept id appreciate it :D


  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    As for the artist. I'll put my money on...

    Ishiwatari Daisuke.
  • Rens
  • BrendtheCow
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    BrendtheCow polycounter lvl 8
    WOOHOO! Two awesome threads to follow in one morning. Can't wait to see what you and Hazardous come up with ^^
  • njc6425
    Should be a good thread to follow and see what you come up with :) i understand and agree with you completely on the freedom bit with the character design. Currently doing a character myself for uni and they assigned someone from another class to be our art director and he knows exactly what he wants, down to the last damn pixel...not as fun as i thought it was gonna be but a nice challenge...Good luck!!!! look forward to seeing your progress :)
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15

    I'm ready. Bring it on.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    If your studies are any clear indication of of what's to come with this project I honestly can't wait to see your progress mate.
    if you record the process I may explode

    ps. Thanks for some of your Maya scripts, I use them at work :D
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    I fkn loveee the guilty gear series..you HAVE to do the wings!
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    ohhh....sweet. As has been mentioned above I have high hopes for awesome from this mister bunnies after the quality of your warm up sculpts of late.
  • wretchedgoat
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    wretchedgoat polycounter lvl 8
    yes, another one up and running. sub'd
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Pimpalicious Funk. Tear it up!
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    thanks a ton brohammers <3

    Rens, thanks brosiah, i'll go crazy alright! :D
    STRIKER, man me too and I hope to :)
    hahah ceebee that's actually hella awesome to hear, well i wholly expect my name in the credits! hahah nah I'll try and record at least some portions of it, but I wouldn't want you to explode, that would most certainly break my heart <3


    Stage1: Round 3: 'Visualize your opponent'
    Haz suggested sketching multiple version of our characters to get a firm understanding of the design and/or address any troublesome areas and so on. I'm really not comfortable showing stuff like this, but I think it's a useful step as an explicit sanity check to your process of effectively breaking down a concept before starting in 3d and for getting a sense of the character itself. I started with front/side and re-sketches because I'm uncomfortable worrying about perspective, but in retrospect I think you'd gain way more by focusing on getting the posture/personality/dynamism down rather than very lifeless set of orthos. (does anyone even really use orthos anymore i wonder? I usually dont haha) Anyway I'll try and continue to sketch stuff out throughout the process

    edit from original: I did some really quick tweakage to try and address the sleeves, maybe this works better Joe? Thanks a ton for the crits man, any more thoughts and I'm all ears :)
  • Jigsaw
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    Jigsaw polycounter lvl 12
    Interesting choice, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for sure. As for who's responsible for that piece of art, I'm fairly certain it's not Ishiwatari, it definitely looks like fanart to me. Can't help you more than that though, I'm afraid...
  • njc6425
    Looking good :) I concept my characters in orthographics, partly due to my skill level (not being able to represent the features right in perspective) and partly due to the fact that i like to flesh out each silhouette thouroughly, if it works in the orthos sil wise then itll look awesome regardless

    again looking good :)
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    Can't Wait! This is going to be great.

    - BoBo
  • MeintevdS
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    MeintevdS keyframe
    Can't help but find the tail slightly disturbing, never sure if it's attached or something trying to force its way in.

    Love the style you're going for and seeing the fox girl earlier today I think you have a great chance of nailing the style in 3D.

    Good luck and looking forward to seeing your progress.
  • wretchedgoat
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    wretchedgoat polycounter lvl 8
  • nyx702
    Can't wait to see this man!
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Looking forward to seeing updates, wooo! :O
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Woahhh, pimp! Othos are clean and pleasantly painted, who says that art school didn't do you good!? Post more sketches! Just trace/gesture over the ones you've done already and don't like, and show us the new ones!
    if I may jump in before you dash out of the realm where I can offer critique: There are a couple of key transitions/masses that I think you failed to capture in the drawings you've got here.

    #1 is her waist! It has a distinct two point curve in the concepts, down her ribcage, which is super feminine and powerful and rad.
    #2 is her sleeves! The white fabric is way thicker and the mass is way bigger than in your concept, and it creates this super cool sense of weight when it interacts with the undersleeve(??), I'm sure you'll catch that in your 3d
    #3 is her knees! The anatomy is a lot more stylized in the figure and concepts than your drawings. The knee is a sharp disc with some muscles sortof around it, not a bland human woman's knee.

    Lastly: Don't use 3d hands, you son of a bitch, that's cheating! :p
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    #1 is her waist! It has a distinct two point curve in the concepts, down her ribcage, which is super feminine and powerful and rad.
    #2 is her sleeves! The white fabric is way thicker and the mass is way bigger than in your concept, and it creates this super cool sense of weight when it interacts with the undersleeve(??), I'm sure you'll catch that in your 3d
    #3 is her knees! The anatomy is a lot more stylized in the figure and concepts than your drawings. The knee is a sharp disc with some muscles sortof around it, not a bland human woman's knee.

    That's some solid advice man, did you go to art school by any chance? Was looking at some courses myself (Apologies for topic derailing)

    Lastly: Don't use 3d hands, you son of a bitch, that's cheating! :p

  • Donavonyoung
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    Donavonyoung polycounter lvl 6
    Very cool stuff man. Can't wait to see the finished product for all of these course threads.
  • Guedin
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    Guedin polycounter lvl 11
    Subscribed ! Love the character you chose, I can't wait to see your next update
  • nkonstantino
    I'm excited to see where this goes. I love Guilty Gear's characters.
  • karytsukino
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    karytsukino greentooth
    Nice choice, Dizzy is a great character. I like her hair, her clothes and etc. Looking foward to see this!
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    wow, seriously Funky...Seriously ?!!!! Dizzy may be one of my all-time fav 2dfight Boss. Seems like you're specifically targeting characters I just love. Too bad for you, now I've set my lock on on your thread.

    Give'em hell !
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    SUPER awesome sketches man. do some more gesture drawings maybe?
    I love that one you have already. nailed the anime duck footed thing.
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    very cool- im definitely following all of you guys' progress. great Concept
  • afisher
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    afisher polycounter lvl 6
    Your recent sculpts have been awesome, so I can't wait to see some progress on this!
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    I agree with Mr Fisher. This is gonna rock. I can tell.
  • Rafferty_Eggleston
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    Rafferty_Eggleston polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for sharing, can't wait to see what you come up with!
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    dang thanks a ton for the kind words, everybody! :D
    Dylan: I'll definitely try and do some more gestural stuff, i think that's really useful to capturing the character itself (and getting some ideas for poses later on)
    Joe: you're a champ man, thanks for pointing that stuff out. Hopefully I addressed what you meant but definitely let me know if not :)
    Scythe: hahaha all is going according plan! :poly130:

    Stage2: Round 1: 'All your Basemesh are belong to us'
    I'll try not to make this too long and boring haha. I had some concerns going into the planning/setup phase of the 3d. I actually haven't done this much of a full female body for a while, so I was too scared to use dynamesh like I normally would for a speedy bust since it's inherently less forgiving than having subdivision levels. I was also really concerned about doing a face like this which is stylistically way different than what I've done before. So I ended up doing pretty explicit poly modeling for the head and sculpting ontop of it, but I think I psyched myself out and it'd be much faster/easier to just sculpt it out in zbrush from basic geo rather than being tied so much to poly flow. For the body, I ended up doing a really nondescript bodymesh with relatively even and square quads for easy sculpting. (it's not 100% even, but I figured I would split it into sections later so I kept that in mind).


    Stage2: Round 2: 'The wheel of fate is turning'
    I personally like to start stuff like this with the head cuz I think it helps define the character more than the body most of the time. I got it to about this level pretty quickly since the poly-modeling handled most of the major form but at the same time I was a little frustrated that I couldn't do any drastic changes in the sculpt. Then i did some tweaking while polypainting since makeup, eyes, and skintone can change the face a ton. At this point there are things I'd probably like to change but I'll wait to get the framing elements like hair and stuff blocked in. As for the body, I took a shot at it but left it sorta nondescript for the sake of style and time. It's largely unrefined and some areas are pretty much untouched, but at this point I'll get some feedback from Haz while I block in some of the outfit so I can make sure proportions work and I don't spend time refining parts that'll be hidden anyway. I'm also trying to play around with the posture just a little bit to get an idea of what character and poses i might eventually have her in.

  • daphz
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    daphz polycounter lvl 14
    this is looking great man, I really like the curves or her legs and arms.
  • BrendtheCow
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    BrendtheCow polycounter lvl 8
    Ohhhhh man. I love where you're taking this so far! The legs and eyes are easily my favorite parts right now.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    Holy crap <3
    :thumbup: +1
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    erm..oh, holy bulging pants. Tis is looking pretty neat so far. I like the bent-in knees, gives her a sense of shyness (going well with the character) Body is well sculpted too, but something is bugging me. Maybe because the body proportions doesn't fit the head. There's definitely something that bugs my eyes here, but apart from that, i don't know much :o I'll have to stare more at it

    Nice butt, too.

    Texturing wise, top notch ! I'd really like to know how you did the eyes :p

    need moar, and don't be afraid to post walls of text, it's always a pleasure to read
  • Donavonyoung
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    Donavonyoung polycounter lvl 6
    I give that face two thumbs up in real life. You can't see them, but they are definitely there.
  • YBourykina
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    YBourykina RIOT Games
    she's looking awesome Chris! you just made me rework my face again XD
  • spiderDude
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    spiderDude polycounter lvl 13
    wow, this is going to be good :D
  • nyx702
    Looking awesome! I am curious tho why you decided on the hands palms forward? The pose seems... like it would cause problems.
  • TehSplatt
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    TehSplatt polycounter lvl 11
    she got a perty mouth. but seriously thats an awsome face
  • dirigible
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    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
    Hot damn this is a great start! Nice curves!
  • InProgress
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    InProgress polycounter lvl 14
    Dizzy's my favorite character from Guilty Gear. It's great seeing someone giving her some 3D love!
  • afisher
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    afisher polycounter lvl 6
    Some really nice shapes! The kneecaps look a bit too defined, but a part from that it's looking great!
  • snow
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    snow polycounter lvl 8
    would love to see more of how you approach texturing! subscribing :)
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Hey, man. This is looking really nice. A few things I noticed though;
    1. The part where triceps meets the back muscles(teres major) looks merged together. This might cause problems when skinning later on. I could be wrong though...
    2. This is probably just a matter of taste but the hands look a bit big, especially when you compare it to how her head and the rest of the body looks petite.
    (3.) I agree about the knees.
    Cool stuff though, I can't wait for more updates. ;)
  • MeintevdS
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    MeintevdS keyframe
    Love the face! Shall be going into my inspiration folder :)

    Personally I feel like the head might be a bit small compared to the body? At the moment she's a rough 9,5 heads tall and in the concept she looks petite, but with the small head I get the feeling she's just a very slim giantess rather than a petite girl. Other than that I love where this is going and you really nailed the face!
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    WOW, she is looking top notch. Really digging that sculpt. I reckon her head is a bit too small. I know the hair will big'n it up but it still feels just a touch small. Not really with wise but it could do with a bit more forehead. I agree with Mr afisher about the knees but that will probably get smoothed out anyway.

    Kick ass man. looking AWESOME! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  • erroldynamic
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    erroldynamic polycounter lvl 18
    Beautiful job. Love her silhouette.
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