Michael Bay off to destroy my childhood by putting Aliens and other weird shenanigans, what is this witchcraft.
Seeing those Dave Rapoza paintings from TMNT makes me wish they made a movie off those, respect for this artist.
So... just because they change the backstory a little, everyone freaks out? Whats the difference between getting oozed on by alien shit, or actually being aliens? If anything, them being aliens are more realistic.... And everything else is gonna be the same. You don't watch all the other TMNT stuff and think every single scene "these guys are cool. they were mutated by ooze". No. You think that the first scene, then you just see them as giant turtles who love pizza and act goofy. Which they are still going to do. Bay flat out said everything else you know and love will be the same. So I really don't see the issue. Plus, maybe this way they wont look uber cartoony and crappy like the original movies. Give them a badass look. Im all for it.
Everyone freaked the F out when they saw the first picture of Joker for Batman. But wouldnt ya know it. Everyone loved it and thinks he played the best villian ever.
The original movie was great in the 80s, but try watching it now next to movies like Attack of the Clones and The Last Airbender, and it really does feel lacking by todays standards.
i don't even...
looking at the source it seems a little unlikely but then the article is just so...:poly122:
So... just because they change the backstory a little, everyone freaks out? Whats the difference between getting oozed on by alien shit, or actually being aliens?
Your kidding right?
So there just happens to be Aliens who look like earth turtles, and act like earth teenagers and then you claim
If anything, them being aliens are more realistic....
I laugh, HA! At that claim. You think somehow aliens is a more realistic concept than earth mutated turtles. While we have never had proof of Aliens, we have made glow in the dark cats, sequenced the human genome, made new types of plants, cloned, etc.
e "these guys are cool. they were mutated by ooze". No. You think that the first scene, then you just see them as giant turtles who love pizza and act goofy.
You just proved our point when you said "Giant Turtles". Not "Giant Aliens". You must not think much of children's intelligence. You know which group will be the ones who let this go? It won't be the kids. It wont be the adults. It will be the early teens just after tweens who are in the throw of hormones and think any action is cool. You know, the same group MB went after with the TF franchise.
Bay flat out said everything else you know and love will be the same. So I really don't see the issue.
1. Bay Lies.
2. Bay makes horrible action movies with shit plots.
3. Bay will have to have his Baysplosion
4. Bay will have to have his Helicopter.
5. Bay will have to have his "America fuck yea!" moment.
Did you actually like the TF franchise? If so, are your hormones permanently stuck at that teen level? (jk jk )
Something some people keep forgetting, is that its not just the turtles which got mutated, their mentor was a mutated rat. So there is going to be a rat-alien as well? Plus if I recall right, there was other mutated characters.
Taking something like that and change, is just fucking stupid. Seriously, next thing will be Batman: The New Beginning, where he is a fashion designer who really want to make leather underware, but has to fight the evil models to get his way. :P
Taking something like that and change, is just fucking stupid. Seriously, next thing will be Batman: The New Beginning, where he is a fashion designer who really want to make leather underware, but has to fight the evil models to get his way. :P
It would be a terrible shame if they changed the incredibly deep storyline of teenage ninja mutant turtles and their mutant rat mentor fighting an evil alien brain stuck into an android body by a samurai running a ninja clan in New York City, how dare they!
I laugh, HA! At that claim. You think somehow aliens is a more realistic concept than earth mutated turtles. While we have never had proof of Aliens, we have made glow in the dark cats, sequenced the human genome, made new types of plants, cloned, etc.
I'll tell ya what. Find me a genetically engineered TALKING animal of any sort... actually, scratch that. Find me a mutated or genetically engineered 4 legged animal that walks on 2 feet, that isnt normally capable of it. And they have to do it all the time, not just a couple steps. Show me that, THEN your statement above can be a viable argument. Every single star you see at night has a habitable zone, based on human requirements. But that's just humans. Look at all the crazy ass creatures that live at the bottom of the sea, where no human could survive. I really don't see why it's so hard to think that hey, there might just be something out there. Typical naive human thinking that we're the best / only in the universe. This new concept, I garentee they won't actually BE turtles, they `ll just look like them, so April will just be like oh, you look like a turtle, so I'm going to call you a turtle.
You just proved our point when you said "Giant Turtles". Not "Giant Aliens".
If an alien comes to earth that looks exactly like a turtle, are you going to call it an alien, or are you going to call it a turtle? Chance are, whoever discovers this alien isnt going to call it some weird alien name. It's going to have some sort of turtle-ish name to it, because that's what humans do. They name things based off other concepts they already know. Hell, knowing humans, they would probably just call it a different breed of turtle. Say its in the turtle family, or something like that.
Actually, no, you`re right. Talking aliens from a different planet that look turtles is so incredibly stupid. Talking, transforming robots for a metal planet are far more believable. Sorry, My bad.
Maybe they'll make the Turtles a product of Krang or something - which could be cool.
That could be cool and a reason why they are in conflict. He wants to collect his lost experiments and they like their freedom? Krang always seemed kind of contrived but then he was born out of a contrived cartoon so I guess he didn't have to make sense.
I hope they don't focus too much on the how and why of how they came to be and do try to do a bit of justice to the original source. Which was less "cowabunga" and more "Seven Samurai".
Don't get me wrong I liked the cartoon but it was what it was and my tastes have kind of changed.
lol you know technically we're already IN outer space... earth is FLOATING in it. So we're all aliens and michael is heading the right direction! :thumbup:
I'll tell ya what. Find me a genetically engineered TALKING animal of any sort... actually, scratch that. Find me a mutated or genetically engineered 4 legged animal that walks on 2 feet, that isnt normally capable of it. And they have to do it all the time, not just a couple steps. Show me that, THEN your statement above can be a viable argument. Every single star you see at night has a habitable zone, based on human requirements. But that's just humans. Look at all the crazy ass creatures that live at the bottom of the sea, where no human could survive. I really don't see why it's so hard to think that hey, there might just be something out there.
Are we seriously going to get into this argument on this thread? Ok, for my response. E=MC² . How many years have we searched for any life without luck? While we are MUCH closer to being able to change the genetic makeup and differences between different animal species to figuring out a way around the speed of light limitation. But on a more geekdom response.
Krang was based on the TCRI aliens in the original series who were actually aliens, but good. They however made the mutation by accident.
The TMNT series from 2003, this was more in line with the original (why is NO ONE MENTIONING THIS SERIES!) It was on like for 6 years so it must have had some fan base.... I loved it because it was so much closer to the originals (and the turtles could be serious when needed).
Anyhoo, in this reprisal Krang was a ostracized general from the TCRI aliens who came to ancient Japan and made a humanoid body (AKA Krang was Shredder). That worked. I can admit it. But in all cases the turtles were earth turtles who got into mutation gel. Either from earth or alien orgins. They were never aliens themselves nor would it have made sense given the tile.
In either case, the TCRI tech was based on "boom tubes" or folding space tech. They did not have spaceships for most of the time.
Typical naive human thinking that we're the best / only in the universe.
Dude, I take offense to that, I would say our planet if anything even if they have figured out pinpoint gravity wells/space folding. Without having to have an area preset on the other side (which would still require for the first journey to any place at sub speed lights). Why would they want to come to this backwater planet where the "intelligent" inhabitants kill one another easily and ruin their own environment? I could argue its human naivety to think any intelligence would consider us worthy of contact as equal if at all.
(see what I did there?)
If an alien comes to earth that looks exactly like a turtle, are you going to call it an alien, or are you going to call it a turtle? Chance are, whoever discovers this alien isnt going to call it some weird alien name. It's going to have some sort of turtle-ish name to it, because that's what humans do. They name things based off other concepts they already know. Hell, knowing humans, they would probably just call it a different breed of turtle. Say its in the turtle family, or something like that.
And how do you with this reasoning account for "Mutant" in the title versus "Alien"?
Actually, no, you`re right. Talking aliens from a different planet that look turtles is so incredibly stupid. Talking, transforming robots for a metal planet are far more believable. Sorry, My bad.
You do realize I thought MB transformers was horrible? He turned them into a Go-bots mentality. Go-bots came to earth already speaking the same language and looking as they did. MB one upped that with the TF easily capable of reestablishing what vehicles they were by simply scanning it and boom! there goes the dynamite.
Oh for my last dig... How well did "Biker Mice from Mars" do?
Agreed! Street Sharks, Inhumanoids, M.A.S.K. then Turbo Teen or that show where the bad buys where plant vehicle hybrids, to put the final nail in the reto mining coffin.
(sigh) I've spent a good year and a half away from the Polycount boards. It just figures that a Michael Bay discussion would be what sucked me back in.
Okay, let's acquire a little perspective here. The issue at hand is not the changes to the TMNT story or premise. In all its various incarnations, the TMNT franchise has always been bananas. It's actually difficult to imagine a franchise that is wackier and more random than TMNT. Giving the "Turtles" extra-terrestrial origins really isn't that much of a stretch.
No, the real travesty here is that it is associated with Michael Bay, in this case his production company. The fact that he isn't going to be directly supervising this project would normally inspire some hope. But this is probably the same production company that produced the re-makes of Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th. (neither of which are encouraging)
Whatever you can say about the TMNT, they are DEFINITELY a staple of geek culture. The bizarre nature of their universe placed them firmly in the sci-fi/fantasy genre. And as has already been conclusively proven, Michael Bay has no understanding of these genres, or how to handle them properly. Michael Bay excels at making brain-dead movies about douchebags and explosions. Science Fiction requires some degree of intellectual stimulation, and fantasy requires whimsy, and an appreciation of grandeur. Michael Bay is incompetent in these areas.
One of the first scenes of this film is going to be a close up April O'Neil's ass.
And how do you with this reasoning account for "Mutant" in the title versus "Alien"?
I'll stop arguing the rest of the stuff, but this quote sort of makes sense. But again, they are "alien", but people could just see them as a mutated version of turtles, which goes back to my other argument that they'll just be part of the turtle family to humans.
Though, I can honestly see them changing the to just "ninja turtles". That would be the title of the movie. like Mark said. I wouldn't be surprised.
But im curious, if the rest of the movie is exactly like the original. they still eat pizza, and act goofy and all that fun stuff, but the first 5 minutes of the movie is them crash landing to earth. Would that be enough to ruin the entire movie? I dunno. Ya, they are alien, but say they are fighting people in the street, 2 random stoners are off in the distance and see them. "What are those?" "They look like... ninja... turtles". I know a lot of people hate all these remakes, but I think remakes can be awesome. Even if it changes the original story. They take an idea, and expand on it. Why does an idea have to stay that same idea? Why can't it be changed? Sure, it could flop. Or, it could be awesome. I think if they went for a darker version of TMNT, like they did with the batman movies (I know it's not the same director), it could be cool. I know lots of people will hate it because they are so close to the original. But I'll keep an open mind till I see it.
All of those points are valid and really good arguments, most of us just don't trust them in the hands of Micheal Bay.
If you look at his track record (ignore the box office)
Bad Boys & The Rock, pretty much everybody agree's these are awesome action movies.
Armageddon kinda fits with these two but not without it's detractors.
Then we Have Pearl Harbor, Bad Boys II, The Island, and the 3 Transformers films. That's 6 movies in a row generally considered to be mildly entertaining crap.
The horror movies mentioned earlier were only produced by him, so I don't know how involved he was beyond having them make the violence more violent.
One of the first scenes of this film is going to be a close up April O'Neil's ass.
Maybe the reason he`s flipping it to aliens is to avoid any kind of political, hot-button topics brought on by whatever non-green story points it would take to mutate baby turtles into people sized ninjas.
It seems at the end of the day, the bottom line is making as much money as possible, and doing anything that could be construed as an "agenda" could reduce ticket sales.
While I have cooled off a bit after initially reading about Bays idea to make them alien, I'm still rather ticked off about this for one reason only; Bay does not care about franchises like this. Now sometimes it's a good thing to bring in someone that can look at a franchise objectively, but if you ever saw any interviews or articles where Bay was talking about the Transformers franchise, you'll see that he doesn't seem to care one bit about what made the franchise great.
Compare the way Bay handled the TF franchise to the way Del Toro handled the Hellboy franchise and you'll see the huge difference. You don't have to be a huge fanboy to direct these type of movies, but I do feel that you need to have an understanding of the franchises place in culture and to it's fans, and NOT look at it as something that requires 'fixing.' Change for the sake of the narrative where needed is one thing, change because you don't understand the franchise and think it'd be 'cooler' this way, is another, and it will remain to be seen what Bay's reasoning behind this is.
Would anyone be able to capture the essence of our childhood memories in a contemporary film?
Sure, someone could do what Nolan did with Batman and make the movie dark, gritty and violent (and awesome), but this wouldn't be faithful to the franchise, either. When most people think of TMNT, they're not usually thinking about Eastman and Laird's original graphic novel. Even if someone like Nolan took it on and did what he did with Batman, it still wouldn't be the same TMNT that many people remember, no matter how great the result would be. It would still deviate from the 'feel' of the franchise, just in a more acceptable way according to the internet's standards.
Whether it's changes to how movies are written, or advances in technology that made the rubber suits obsolete, today's films don't have the same naive charm they did in the 80s. Chances are, even if Bay weren't involved in the project, the result would still end up lacking 'something' and displeasing the fans. Trying to make a pretty fantastical concept 'real' by today's standards is always going to end up falling flat compared to how most of us remember it.
I'd love to see Nolan or Del Toro tackle it instead of Bay, but I don't think that their adaptations would be much closer to the original franchise than this whole aliens business will be.
I'm pretty sure only Pixar could pull of a lighthearted TMNT movie. Bay would probably get closest to the original films from the 90s, Nolan's would be darker, and Del Toro woud have some trippy ass turtle designs.
Did nobody see the animated TMNT film that Imagi studios put out? That was as close to a Pixar turtles film as anything, and I thought it was a great way to reestablish the franchise. I'd put it only behind the original live action movie as far as quality.
Did nobody see the animated TMNT film that Imagi studios put out? That was as close to a Pixar turtles film as anything, and I thought it was a great way to reestablish the franchise. I'd put it only behind the original live action movie as far as quality.
@SanderDL: I fear that guy is more correct than I can handle. The only thing he has wrong, is the boobs will come from April Oneil. She won't be able to hold the mic in front of herself, because her tits will be too large.
@SanderDL: I fear that guy is more correct than I can handle. The only thing he has wrong, is the boobs will come from April Oneil. She won't be able to hold the mic in front of herself, because her tits will be too large.
Simple answer, shove the mic down her cleavage- problem solved!
Mr Bay's words.. he doesnt mention anything about aliens..
"Paramount marketing changed the name. They made the title simple. The characters you all remember are exactly the same, and yes they still act like teenagers. Everything you remember, why you liked the characters, is in the movie. This script is being developed by two very smart writers, with one of the original creators of Ninja Turtles. They care VERY MUCH about making this film for the fans. Everyone on this team cares about the fans. Just give them a chance. Jonathan the director, is a major fan of the whole franchise. HE'S NOT GOING TO LET YOU DOWN."
“Look, it’s so funny—if everyone was such a die-hard fan, they would know that the TCRI canisters where the ooze comes from. That is alien ooze. Now I’m not saying what Michael said is exactly what the movie is, because we’re sitting in a room now figuring everything out. So we don’t know, but we are like Michael said: we’re expanding it, and the expansion will be true to the mythology. I promise you: fans will love it.”
When asked if the turtles would be practical or CGI, Liebesman hinted that they may be done similar to another recent visual effects-laden project:
“All I’ll say is that I love how they did [The Rise of the Planet of the Apes]. That was exceptional.”
On another note, anyone else crack up at the fact that, assuming it's not aimed at kids I]and who are we kidding, the core fanbase is old[/I, a live action film named Ninja Turtles, which will likely contain a modicum of seriousness, being made in today's gritty-post-modern-remake world that features the likes of Nolan's Batman and Jason Bourne?
Seems like everything from the larger-than-life 80's is on a hilarious crash course with (quasi-)reality.
It will be like Transformers - a mix of doofus slapstick comedy that's clearly aimed at little kids smashed into T&A and gritty "realism" for an odd chunky milkshake that somehow makes massive box office numbers.
"...and yes they still act like teenagers", Ok, dick jokes confirmed
"The characters you all remember are exactly the same", if they are aliens, that resemble turtles, then no, they are not what I remembered. If they are turtles, who transformed due to contact with alien ooze, then yeah, fine.
"...because we’re sitting in a room now figuring everything out. .... I promise you: fans will love it.” How can you promise anything, if you are still writing it? I guess you think you are so brilliant, that anything you write is magically delicious
To be fair, it does sound like those responsible for this movie are at least familiar with the source material. (which is more than could be said for the Transformers films) And it also seems clear that Michael Bay is serving as a mouthpiece at the moment, and isn't directly involved in the production.
Now, whoever came up with the idea of using Micheal Bay in this capacity for a property of this type was smoking something bad for them. If you want to pull out Michael Bay to help draw in the douchebag crowd and boost sales, you can easily do that closer to release. At this stage only die-hard TMNT fans are going to following coverage of the film's development, and the last thing they want to hear is that Michael Bay is associated with the film. Having one of the original TMNT writers coming forward in support wouldn't have been as much of a marketing tentpole, but it would have been more convincing for the market they need to be reaching at this juncture.
This whole thing whiffs of marketing fiasco. I'm still worried about Platinum Dune's involvement. So far their claim to fame is a series of poorly handled horror film remakes. But with the TMNT license it sounds like they will have a bit more creative breathing room. Perhaps this will be their big break.
Seeing those Dave Rapoza paintings from TMNT makes me wish they made a movie off those, respect for this artist.
Everyone freaked the F out when they saw the first picture of Joker for Batman. But wouldnt ya know it. Everyone loved it and thinks he played the best villian ever.
I lol'd tho when I read the link.
i don't even...
looking at the source it seems a little unlikely but then the article is just so...:poly122:
So there just happens to be Aliens who look like earth turtles, and act like earth teenagers and then you claim
I laugh, HA! At that claim. You think somehow aliens is a more realistic concept than earth mutated turtles. While we have never had proof of Aliens, we have made glow in the dark cats, sequenced the human genome, made new types of plants, cloned, etc.
You just proved our point when you said "Giant Turtles". Not "Giant Aliens". You must not think much of children's intelligence. You know which group will be the ones who let this go? It won't be the kids. It wont be the adults. It will be the early teens just after tweens who are in the throw of hormones and think any action is cool. You know, the same group MB went after with the TF franchise.
1. Bay Lies.
2. Bay makes horrible action movies with shit plots.
3. Bay will have to have his Baysplosion
4. Bay will have to have his Helicopter.
5. Bay will have to have his "America fuck yea!" moment.
Did you actually like the TF franchise? If so, are your hormones permanently stuck at that teen level? (jk jk
"Those aren't ideas, those are special fx"
"I, I don't understand the difference?"
What if...all turtles are actually from outer space?
Taking something like that and change, is just fucking stupid. Seriously, next thing will be Batman: The New Beginning, where he is a fashion designer who really want to make leather underware, but has to fight the evil models to get his way. :P
Oh please make this happen. Zoolander 2!
It would be a terrible shame if they changed the incredibly deep storyline of teenage ninja mutant turtles and their mutant rat mentor fighting an evil alien brain stuck into an android body by a samurai running a ninja clan in New York City, how dare they!
I'll tell ya what. Find me a genetically engineered TALKING animal of any sort... actually, scratch that. Find me a mutated or genetically engineered 4 legged animal that walks on 2 feet, that isnt normally capable of it. And they have to do it all the time, not just a couple steps. Show me that, THEN your statement above can be a viable argument. Every single star you see at night has a habitable zone, based on human requirements. But that's just humans. Look at all the crazy ass creatures that live at the bottom of the sea, where no human could survive. I really don't see why it's so hard to think that hey, there might just be something out there. Typical naive human thinking that we're the best / only in the universe. This new concept, I garentee they won't actually BE turtles, they `ll just look like them, so April will just be like oh, you look like a turtle, so I'm going to call you a turtle.
If an alien comes to earth that looks exactly like a turtle, are you going to call it an alien, or are you going to call it a turtle? Chance are, whoever discovers this alien isnt going to call it some weird alien name. It's going to have some sort of turtle-ish name to it, because that's what humans do. They name things based off other concepts they already know. Hell, knowing humans, they would probably just call it a different breed of turtle. Say its in the turtle family, or something like that.
Actually, no, you`re right. Talking aliens from a different planet that look turtles is so incredibly stupid. Talking, transforming robots for a metal planet are far more believable. Sorry, My bad.
I hope they don't focus too much on the how and why of how they came to be and do try to do a bit of justice to the original source. Which was less "cowabunga" and more "Seven Samurai".
Don't get me wrong I liked the cartoon but it was what it was and my tastes have kind of changed.
Are we seriously going to get into this argument on this thread? Ok, for my response. E=MC² . How many years have we searched for any life without luck? While we are MUCH closer to being able to change the genetic makeup and differences between different animal species to figuring out a way around the speed of light limitation. But on a more geekdom response.
Krang was based on the TCRI aliens in the original series who were actually aliens, but good. They however made the mutation by accident.
The TMNT series from 2003, this was more in line with the original (why is NO ONE MENTIONING THIS SERIES!) It was on like for 6 years so it must have had some fan base.... I loved it because it was so much closer to the originals (and the turtles could be serious when needed).
Anyhoo, in this reprisal Krang was a ostracized general from the TCRI aliens who came to ancient Japan and made a humanoid body (AKA Krang was Shredder). That worked. I can admit it. But in all cases the turtles were earth turtles who got into mutation gel. Either from earth or alien orgins. They were never aliens themselves nor would it have made sense given the tile.
In either case, the TCRI tech was based on "boom tubes" or folding space tech. They did not have spaceships for most of the time.
Dude, I take offense to that, I would say our planet if anything even if they have figured out pinpoint gravity wells/space folding. Without having to have an area preset on the other side (which would still require for the first journey to any place at sub speed lights). Why would they want to come to this backwater planet where the "intelligent" inhabitants kill one another easily and ruin their own environment? I could argue its human naivety to think any intelligence would consider us worthy of contact as equal if at all.
(see what I did there?)
And how do you with this reasoning account for "Mutant" in the title versus "Alien"?
You do realize I thought MB transformers was horrible? He turned them into a Go-bots mentality. Go-bots came to earth already speaking the same language and looking as they did. MB one upped that with the TF easily capable of reestablishing what vehicles they were by simply scanning it and boom! there goes the dynamite.
Oh for my last dig... How well did "Biker Mice from Mars" do?
*Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors
Okay, let's acquire a little perspective here. The issue at hand is not the changes to the TMNT story or premise. In all its various incarnations, the TMNT franchise has always been bananas. It's actually difficult to imagine a franchise that is wackier and more random than TMNT. Giving the "Turtles" extra-terrestrial origins really isn't that much of a stretch.
No, the real travesty here is that it is associated with Michael Bay, in this case his production company. The fact that he isn't going to be directly supervising this project would normally inspire some hope. But this is probably the same production company that produced the re-makes of Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th. (neither of which are encouraging)
Whatever you can say about the TMNT, they are DEFINITELY a staple of geek culture. The bizarre nature of their universe placed them firmly in the sci-fi/fantasy genre. And as has already been conclusively proven, Michael Bay has no understanding of these genres, or how to handle them properly. Michael Bay excels at making brain-dead movies about douchebags and explosions. Science Fiction requires some degree of intellectual stimulation, and fantasy requires whimsy, and an appreciation of grandeur. Michael Bay is incompetent in these areas.
One of the first scenes of this film is going to be a close up April O'Neil's ass.
I'll stop arguing the rest of the stuff, but this quote sort of makes sense. But again, they are "alien", but people could just see them as a mutated version of turtles, which goes back to my other argument that they'll just be part of the turtle family to humans.
Though, I can honestly see them changing the to just "ninja turtles". That would be the title of the movie. like Mark said. I wouldn't be surprised.
But im curious, if the rest of the movie is exactly like the original. they still eat pizza, and act goofy and all that fun stuff, but the first 5 minutes of the movie is them crash landing to earth. Would that be enough to ruin the entire movie? I dunno. Ya, they are alien, but say they are fighting people in the street, 2 random stoners are off in the distance and see them. "What are those?" "They look like... ninja... turtles". I know a lot of people hate all these remakes, but I think remakes can be awesome. Even if it changes the original story. They take an idea, and expand on it. Why does an idea have to stay that same idea? Why can't it be changed? Sure, it could flop. Or, it could be awesome. I think if they went for a darker version of TMNT, like they did with the batman movies (I know it's not the same director), it could be cool. I know lots of people will hate it because they are so close to the original. But I'll keep an open mind till I see it.
If you look at his track record (ignore the box office)
Bad Boys & The Rock, pretty much everybody agree's these are awesome action movies.
Armageddon kinda fits with these two but not without it's detractors.
Then we Have Pearl Harbor, Bad Boys II, The Island, and the 3 Transformers films. That's 6 movies in a row generally considered to be mildly entertaining crap.
The horror movies mentioned earlier were only produced by him, so I don't know how involved he was beyond having them make the violence more violent.
Best part of the movie?
It seems at the end of the day, the bottom line is making as much money as possible, and doing anything that could be construed as an "agenda" could reduce ticket sales.
remember this malarkey:
Compare the way Bay handled the TF franchise to the way Del Toro handled the Hellboy franchise and you'll see the huge difference. You don't have to be a huge fanboy to direct these type of movies, but I do feel that you need to have an understanding of the franchises place in culture and to it's fans, and NOT look at it as something that requires 'fixing.' Change for the sake of the narrative where needed is one thing, change because you don't understand the franchise and think it'd be 'cooler' this way, is another, and it will remain to be seen what Bay's reasoning behind this is.
Would anyone be able to capture the essence of our childhood memories in a contemporary film?
Sure, someone could do what Nolan did with Batman and make the movie dark, gritty and violent (and awesome), but this wouldn't be faithful to the franchise, either. When most people think of TMNT, they're not usually thinking about Eastman and Laird's original graphic novel. Even if someone like Nolan took it on and did what he did with Batman, it still wouldn't be the same TMNT that many people remember, no matter how great the result would be. It would still deviate from the 'feel' of the franchise, just in a more acceptable way according to the internet's standards.
Whether it's changes to how movies are written, or advances in technology that made the rubber suits obsolete, today's films don't have the same naive charm they did in the 80s. Chances are, even if Bay weren't involved in the project, the result would still end up lacking 'something' and displeasing the fans. Trying to make a pretty fantastical concept 'real' by today's standards is always going to end up falling flat compared to how most of us remember it.
I'd love to see Nolan or Del Toro tackle it instead of Bay, but I don't think that their adaptations would be much closer to the original franchise than this whole aliens business will be.
... did you read he's probably making them aliens?
I liked it, but the baddie(s) were underwhelming.
i want more movies where shia labeouf is running around hecdticly
Simple answer, shove the mic down her cleavage- problem solved!
Mr Bay's words.. he doesnt mention anything about aliens..
"Paramount marketing changed the name. They made the title simple. The characters you all remember are exactly the same, and yes they still act like teenagers. Everything you remember, why you liked the characters, is in the movie. This script is being developed by two very smart writers, with one of the original creators of Ninja Turtles. They care VERY MUCH about making this film for the fans. Everyone on this team cares about the fans. Just give them a chance. Jonathan the director, is a major fan of the whole franchise. HE'S NOT GOING TO LET YOU DOWN."
“Look, it’s so funny—if everyone was such a die-hard fan, they would know that the TCRI canisters where the ooze comes from. That is alien ooze. Now I’m not saying what Michael said is exactly what the movie is, because we’re sitting in a room now figuring everything out. So we don’t know, but we are like Michael said: we’re expanding it, and the expansion will be true to the mythology. I promise you: fans will love it.”
When asked if the turtles would be practical or CGI, Liebesman hinted that they may be done similar to another recent visual effects-laden project:
“All I’ll say is that I love how they did [The Rise of the Planet of the Apes]. That was exceptional.”
Seems like everything from the larger-than-life 80's is on a hilarious crash course with (quasi-)reality.
"The characters you all remember are exactly the same", if they are aliens, that resemble turtles, then no, they are not what I remembered. If they are turtles, who transformed due to contact with alien ooze, then yeah, fine.
"...because we’re sitting in a room now figuring everything out. .... I promise you: fans will love it.” How can you promise anything, if you are still writing it? I guess you think you are so brilliant, that anything you write is magically delicious
Now, whoever came up with the idea of using Micheal Bay in this capacity for a property of this type was smoking something bad for them. If you want to pull out Michael Bay to help draw in the douchebag crowd and boost sales, you can easily do that closer to release. At this stage only die-hard TMNT fans are going to following coverage of the film's development, and the last thing they want to hear is that Michael Bay is associated with the film. Having one of the original TMNT writers coming forward in support wouldn't have been as much of a marketing tentpole, but it would have been more convincing for the market they need to be reaching at this juncture.
This whole thing whiffs of marketing fiasco. I'm still worried about Platinum Dune's involvement. So far their claim to fame is a series of poorly handled horror film remakes. But with the TMNT license it sounds like they will have a bit more creative breathing room. Perhaps this will be their big break.