After I threw up, twice... I rubbed my eyes and doubled checked the news coming out of Hollywood.
Michael Bay is re-writing the teenage mutant ninja turtle origin for the upcoming live action reboot.
They are now aliens...from outer space, not mutants.
(below image is not from the movie)

"When you see this movie, kids are going to believe one day these turtles actually do exist when we are done with this movie," said Bay as he took the stage to discuss his new vision for the reptilian reboot. "These turtles are from an alien race, and they are going to be tough, edgy, funny and completely loveable." -Bay
God.. the worst director ever in charge. Its like a nightmare.
Also makes no sense with the "Mutants" in the title.
How 'bout we wait till we've seen the movie?
Maybe just the mutagen comes from space somehow and the rest is just as we know it from our childhood.
T.A.N.T. gunna do well...?
Welcome back from whatever parallel universe you've been lost in
This I could deal with pretty happily.
The whole thing just smacks of already planning the sequel - "And then they returned to fight bad guys on their totally bodacious home planet!"
The whole Krang / Dimension X thing could work with the aliens angle. I don't know, the fanboy in me wants to hate Bay, but I usually find his movies reasonably entertaining.
Its not really over reacting. The reaction is that 1, if it aint broke dont fix it..especially where narratives with backstory are concerned and 2, I dont like and can say i dont like it. Just not liking what he is doing and continues to do is not an over reaction...unless you qualify your reaction to this an over reaction.
Im sure when they make a barbie movie and turn them into aliens, or the next batman movie he is no longer modeled after a bat but a honey badger, you might say the same thing.
The name of the franchise kind of solidifies their origins. They mutated from radio active material...LIKE GODZILLA. One does not just remove that fact and still keep the name.
Consistency and the desire for more consistency is never an over reaction.
The only thing that's clear about the movie right now is that it'll absolutely be the latest over-marketed and over-merchandized piece of entertainment to hit the screen. And that April will be played by a supermodel. Whether it'll be bad or good remains to be seen.
They'll probably chalk up the name to some reporter jokingly describing the aliens as TMNT.
Here, The Guardian explains my thoughts to a T:
"Making the turtles aliens would ruin everything their desire to be accepted, their bizarre late-1980s street lingo, their fondness for pizza. Everything," the paper argued. "Are we really meant to believe that there's an alien race of giant turtles who just happen to all be named after renowned Renaissance artists from this planet, and speak English, and who came to Earth with a giant elderly rat who's presumably from the same race, just to live in sewers and loudly eschew anchovies at every opportunity? Hardly, Michael Bay. Hardly."
Now if he can hire a writer and team that can make it work, hats off to him. I dunno though...
Someone should have said lets not do this...
I'm sure the Ninja Turtles movie he makes will make bank if its anything to the production quality of Transformers, but, like a lot of his films, they won't really stay with people like other long existing properties like Nolan's Batman, or the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica.
Besides, rationalizing the existence of anthropomorphic martial arts trained turtles is kind of a hard and silly task too.
This isn't like the Transformers where Bay can make the excuse that nothing existed before life-action. There is a history here of some movies that at least showed the TMNT could be a good franchise with a decent story (first and third).
hhaahahahahahahahahahaah omg you nailed it xD
And if you think I hate the guys because I hate him for it being 'cool', I'm not kidding, he lies all the time, he's condescending, doesn't listen to anyone and must always include his 'life-style' and how it affected his creative thinking of a movie while doing sit-ups.
I hate the guy, he's like the annoying, small bully kid at school, who couldn't get anything in their thick skull, even if you pounded it down his head, and yet somehow always got the easy ride in life.
I hope next time he's having sex, his partners transformers in a cheetah, and mauls his pecks before tossing him from the building and landing him in a convertible car.
Translated to "I've got anger issues but I am seeking help for the most of it."
Guys.. I'm sure it will be just fine... (I HOPE)... But seriously my guess the mutagen or whatever he will use comes from space while the turtles are from earth... My guess...
is that even possible?
Teenage, mutant, ninja turtles that live in a sewer under New York. I don't need to wonder why Hollywood is struggling if they can't follow through with that without changing them into something that came from space.
Transformers 1 gave me goosebumps, but they all look like 3D tribal tattoos, and are completely unreadable when motion blurring across the screen.
Not gonna happen. Viacom/Nickelodeon owns it now.
I couldn't care less about TMNT, TF, PH, or any other the movies in the 'making' of his movies listed under his banner, I don't like them, I don't watch, period. Fair game to all.
And other then Batman, Spider-Man and a few other main-stream hero's, I didn't have anything else to be nerdy about other then games. So these movies don't appeal to me since I don't have a childhood appendage attached to it.
But the guy is a serious travesty to the whole of the film community! People complain about his stuff, he fires back by saying "Oh, shut up you nerds" followed by "Don't worry, this movie corrects everything and doesn't have X from Y", which doesn't happen at all. This isn't corporate lie's, this is an INDIVIDUAL lying about something which people can see a mile away from, and he still insists it's the truth.
Then he rants about how during a booze party he thought of making A, B, C as changes because he saw it on 60 minutes, and though putting soldiers in sugar squirrel gliding kit is awesome.
He is the epitome of decadent thinking and attitude of self-masturbatory peck to his own cheek and high thinking. If he wants to make a movie and make it with 'aliens', fine by me, want to add explosions and orange crushed tones? Even better, but please, stop thinking you're deity to be worshiped with your awesome abs.
So what's next? masters of the universe reboot? keeping fingers crossed!
The only reason Bay still manages to get to ruin these franchises is because people for for them to succeed with their money. People, indirectly, want him to make whatever he's doing. I just hope this will dive in the box office. Not gonna happen, I know, but one can hope.
No actual info yet, beyond the fact that it's in production.
I am conflicted though, it seems like this would be better if it was named something else that was original. You turn too many knobs on the design-concept-o-meter for an idea, it doesn't become a reboot or new vision anymore, it becomes something new entirely. Hope they're not going too far, hell.
Maybe they'll make the Turtles a product of Krang or something - which could be cool.
and with [sarcasm = on]
Next up, "There is an X-Men reboot, but instead of people with new genes and being human, they'll be octopus people who emerged from the Deep Sea! They have special abilities such as regeneration, telepathy, super strength, skin-driven camouflage, eyes that shoot lasers. The twist is that they are actually inter-dimensional beings." That'd be a cool movie, but its not an X-Men movie. Would be better being called C'thulu Adventure Team Prime.
oh no you le didn't.
Beast Wars 4 lyfe
I hope they don't resemble aliens. Maybe just their origin. But that's it.
HAHAHHAHAH Joshua, what ever the hell i was going to post didn't matter after seeing that!!! i watch that show sometimes JUST for that guy!
EDIT: oh yah, why would they even give this to Michael bay in the first place!?
As for the movie, the only way I can find this remotely acceptable, is if the aliens somehow lead to the creation of the turtles (as some have suggested here already). Honestly though, why does Bay take these existing concepts, and then thinks he needs to reinvent the storyline? Isn't the storyline the reason they WANT to make it? If he wants ninja aliens, why not make a new title?
This is why people get so upset. They loved the original storylines, and now he's just trying to USE those people, to bring them to his new abomination.
They want to make MONEY and the quickest/safest way the studios (typically) know how to do that is to take an existing and popular license and throw it up on the screen as either sequel #87 or an edgy new reboot to appeal to a new audience. Occasionally the people they hire to do this happen to have an ounce of talent (Nolan's Batman films) but most of the time we end up with Bay-Transformer, Summers-G.I.Joe, Ratner-X-men and slew of other cinematic disasters.
now I just feel sad for him.