I know, I know, another generic real world gun model! I recently discovered how awesome 3D Coat voxel modeling is and after doing a few generic techy gizmos I decided to try something more realistic to test the workflow. Im extremely happy with the workflow between Max and 3D Coat and I only had to sub-d model a few base meshes for the gun. There are a few things I wish 3D Coat had such as voxel extrusion and curve lofting to create a clipping volume though.
It took 9 hours to model and I screen captured the entire thing, although Im not quite sure what do with the capture now :P

These are the only sub-d models used (the weird long one is used to subtract the thumb indention on the upper handle). Everything else was done in 3D Coat.

if u upload ur screen capture somewhere i will definitely it check out !