I think it's there (can barely see it in the image in the OP), it's just a lot thinner now. Mechanism is less bulky, or it's more buried in the vambrance.
Do you really know any gamer who is like that? That seems like an exaggerated stereotype to me - I've been playing video games for almost 30 years and I've never heard of anyone dropping $60 on a video game just because it's set in America or has a flag on the cover.
Do I know any personally? I had some friends in the past I've since lost contact with, a brother as well. I don't know many people at all personally these days...but have I encountered many gamers like that in passing or random social situations? Yes, absolutely. Hell pretty much anytime I walk into Gamestop.
I will add that AC3 is being made by a studio largely staffed by French-Canadians, so I doubt there's any sort of "America, Fuck Yeah!" vibe influencing the game's development. Really, I'd love it if the Americans are revealed to be the Templars in this game, that would be a great twist
I've not been disappointed with any of the Assassin's Creed games so far, like I said I'm reserving judgement on the game until I see more of it, I certainly have a degree of trust in the developers. I just personally would've liked to see something a bit more foreign - Russia, or perhaps diving into the area/time of any of those other "famous" assassins you had statues of in the sanctuary in the prior games? Hell, I would've liked a female protagonist! So in comparison to those ideas, I think this is a "safe" choice. The most safe? No.
What I'm hoping for in this game is that you'll be sort of how you were in the first game, making kills on both "sides", not really being on either. Looking at the screens, art, and his outfit - I'd say that's a good bet and that would be really awesome.
Edit: Those screenshots are pretty sweet, thanks for posting them up!
I have to say I'm quite disappointed. Not being an American, I find that particular era of the US history quite boring. I was hoping for something along the lines of the French Revolution, or the Crimean War. Perhaps they could have went with HRE or Austria and let me murder a few inbred Habsburgs.
You probably haven't heard, but the reason they pasted that sequence from another movie was because they had an accident during the TF3 shoot and an extra got seriously injured by a snapped cable. As far as I know she's been permanently paralyzed, too.
So Michael Bay had to re-use footage to salvage the scene.
The present day storyline through the games made it necessary to jump forward in time, as the past events re-lived by Desmond are also happening in a timely order.
And the conclusion of that storyline - assuming it indeed happens in AC3 - has to take place somewhere in the year 2012, so it makes sense to pick the US for a suitable location.
Ubisoft will certainly not bury the franchise after AC3 though. Other games can explore different places and ages, and can also get rid of Desmond and the 21st century part altogether.
AC goes to Europe and Americans gobble it up, AC goes to America and Europeans give up on the series. Let that be a lesson game devs, you don't have to pander to US market :P
AC goes to Europe and Americans gobble it up, AC goes to America and Europeans give up on the series. Let that be a lesson game devs, you don't have to pander to US market :P
I'm european and i have the intention to buy the collectors edition, as i did with brotherhood, revelations, etc.
I don't care a shit if the action is focused in north america, and i remember it's very soon to talk about the game and make poor speculations, AC3 must have its good story behind it, but until then, better wait to the 5th.
What i hope is to see another game with the essence of the previous ACs, and i don't care if the result it's another ported game with videoconsole graphics. I'm sure than fans won't say "no" to this new game.
AC goes to Europe and Americans gobble it up, AC goes to America and Europeans give up on the series. Let that be a lesson game devs, you don't have to pander to US market :P
ha so true
I played the first AC game for a bit until the game of it was boring. Loved the local and the whole idea of the game. Never got into 2 even though it looks good. Actually really looking forward to this one. Seems like it could be extremely brutal, very Mel Gibson Patriot style.
Nice to see a game set in Colonial America, with the Revolutionist, Britain overloads and Native Americans it gives a lot of nice diversity that you just dont get in Europe during colonial times.
AC goes to Europe and Americans gobble it up, AC goes to America and Europeans give up on the series. Let that be a lesson game devs, you don't have to pander to US market :P
Why does everybody think this is some move to pander to a U.S. market? Practically every American I've talked to simultaneously thinks that while hating this change.
Why does everybody think this is some move to pander to a U.S. market? Practically every American I've talked to simultaneously thinks that while hating this change.
That's not what he said, or at least not how I understood it.
They made a game set in Europe, and Americans loved it. They made a game set in America, and Europeans dislike it.
So if you're a company thinking about making a game, and you're trying to determine the setting, you'd be better off pandering to Europeans, cause Americans don't seem to give a shit. But set it somewhere Europeans like, and you get the best of both worlds.
That's not to say that they did that for this game. And of course not all Americans loved the earlier AC games, and not all Europeans dislike this new one. Just a generalization.
I probably shouldn't have quoted that because I wasn't speaking specifically about that post, just in general about peoples perceptions of this change. Even looking at page 1 with Two Listen and his fuck yeah america comments... I've talked to a lot of people who actually think like that and it makes zero sense.
People are jumping to a massive amount of conclusions.
I'm European, and I don't like the European AC's. I liked the first one, and this seems very interesting too.
Let's just wait till we see a trailer before we go making decisions about what this game is and isn't? It does seem like its a native american on the side of the Americans, as the leaked screens seem to depict the English as the targets; and that's quite strange, but yeah, let's wait to see the actual game first eh?
AC 3: American Revolution
AC 3 Complete Edition: American Revolution
AC 3 Brotherhood: American Revolution
AC 4: Western bounty hunter
AC 4 Complete Edition: Western bounty hunter
AC 4 Brotherhood: Western bounty hunter
AC 5: Mafia hitman
AC 5 Complete Edition: Mafia hitman
AC 5 Brotherhood: Mafia hitman
AC 6: RIGHT NOW spec ops mercenary in the middle east
AC 6 Complete Edition: RIGHT NOW spec ops mercenary in the middle east
AC 6 Brotherhood: RIGHT NOW spec ops mercenary in the middle east
AC 7: desmond
AC 7 Complete Edition: desmond
AC 7 Brotherhood: desmond
Andreas is right, the massive amount of conclusions is ridiculous...
I don't get why some of you are generalizing so much with stupid statements like this one:
"They made a game set in America, and Europeans dislike it."
How the hell can you think that? Is there any anti-european feeling or what? In the majority of spanish game portals the people are happy, excited, and they are waiting for a great CG cinematic as usual.
And FYI, the first AC is not set in "europe". I also disliked a bit the Ezzio Arc in Europe, and more with guns.
I don't know if some of you bought the revelations collector edition, but if not, i spoil you that in the animated short film included, ezzio at the end died like an old man. A change of character was needed, and with desmond, it's logical to set up a story in north america.
I won't give you more cookies if you continue with these stupidities
C'mon give it a rest, and wait to the 5th of march!
Looks nice. Reminds me of Red Dead Redemption in a way. If Ubi used that as gameplay inspiration then this is going to be the first AC game that I'll play
Andreas is right, the massive amount of conclusions is ridiculous...
I don't get why some of you are generalizing so much with stupid statements like this one:
"They made a game set in America, and Europeans dislike it."
How the hell can you think that? Is there any anti-european feeling or what? In the majority of spanish game portals the people are happy, excited, and they are waiting for a great CG cinematic as usual.
lol you're blowing this way out of proportion. All it is, is that with the first games the comments were generally positive. The negative comments I remember hearing were about gameplay things. This game also has generally positive comments. But the negative ones, before the game is even out mind you, seem to be exclusively about the American settings. That is all.
That's the thing though. No one cares about Desmond.
Just to be clear, I'm still stoked about this and a dramatic change of setting, I just don't like being reminded that this is all coming back to Desmond and the super secret American conspiracy ninja shit that just gets churned out of Hollywood anyway.
If this game resembles a fraction of the wild savage side of Mel Gibson in the patriot that would be awesome.
I like AC.... not the 1st one... i thought it got boring way too fast.. i put plenty of hrs into AC2... i have been playing brotherhood and i like it.. i got revelations just because i like the story and the characters so far.
With that said... way too early to speculate on the game being garbage haha I think it has potential.
I love that last screenshot. I will totally buy this. I'm just concerned how everyone having guns is going to change things. I loved the up close combat but now with rifles and guns should be interesting what they do for the gameplay.
That's the thing though. No one cares about Desmond.
Just to be clear, I'm still stoked about this and a dramatic change of setting, I just don't like being reminded that this is all coming back to Desmond and the super secret American conspiracy ninja shit that just gets churned out of Hollywood anyway.
I personally think it should be in Medieval Britain/England or Germany. Just the prime castle time period
That's the thing though. No one cares about Desmond.
Just to be clear, I'm still stoked about this and a dramatic change of setting, I just don't like being reminded that this is all coming back to Desmond and the super secret American conspiracy ninja shit that just gets churned out of Hollywood anyway.
I care about Desmond.
I didn't really give a fuck until the end of AC2 but that whole thing is such an awesome mindfuck I started caring.
The meta-narrative they're weaving is interesting. I think the entirety of the AC series is pretty awesome.
Only thing I care about is that its a Ubisoft title with DRM, so will be it American or European, its just a no-buy for me like the previous DRM-infested title. Shame though.
Unless they suddenly have changed their policy.
Only thing I care about is that its a Ubisoft title with DRM, so will be it American or European, its just a no-buy for me like the previous DRM-infested title. Shame though.
Unless they suddenly have changed their policy.
Really? I mean, yeah it's a bit of a bummer to have to sign on to play, but it's no different than a lot of Steam titles and that sort of thing. The only game of the series that had atrocious DRM was AC2 when it was first released, having to have a CONSTANT connection, and that got patched out. Brotherhood even had an offline mode (can't remember if others did or not).
I'll admit I'd rather not have to sign in, but for a series as consistently good as AC, and given I don't really imagine my career can go anywhere without an Internet connection, I think it'll be worth it to buy at some point.
On a more gameplay relevant note, I hope I'm not feeling forced to use a ton of guns. I'm totally fine with there being guns in the game, I don't mind getting shot at, but I'd like my freedom in missions to go all stabby. Or perhaps "hacky" in this title.
Really? I mean, yeah it's a bit of a bummer to have to sign on to play, but it's no different than a lot of Steam titles and that sort of thing. The only game of the series that had atrocious DRM was AC2 when it was first released, having to have a CONSTANT connection, and that got patched out. Brotherhood even had an offline mode (can't remember if others did or not).
I'll admit I'd rather not have to sign in, but for a series as consistently good as AC, and given I don't really imagine my career can go anywhere without an Internet connection, I think it'll be worth it to buy at some point.
On a more gameplay relevant note, I hope I'm not feeling forced to use a ton of guns. I'm totally fine with there being guns in the game, I don't mind getting shot at, but I'd like my freedom in missions to go all stabby. Or perhaps "hacky" in this title.
Was this screen posted yet?
Yeah, well I don't like the way Ubisoft in general have been going around with the whole thing and their replies whenever they mess up, like the constant online thing and also the recent "change hardware count as activation" thing. People always say to use the wallet to show it, so that's that I do.
What's 'worse', discard your principles to play a game, or discard a game and keep your principles... And yes, its all relative, but its the only thing I can do to show that I don't support DRM.
Yeah, well I don't like the way Ubisoft in general have been going around with the whole thing and their replies whenever they mess up, like the constant online thing and also the recent "change hardware count as activation" thing. People always say to use the wallet to show it, so that's that I do.
What's 'worse', discard your principles to play a game, or discard a game and keep your principles... And yes, its all relative, but its the only thing I can do to show that I don't support DRM.
Interesting. Let me ask you this. I agree with you with some degree. Now I am a developer and as of lately I tend to put more weight on that, than thinking myself as a consumer. So when I buy a game, I am not thinking about EA, Origin or Steam, I am thinking about giving my money to the developers of the game and help them out. There are several indie titles I've bought that I didn't play but I just wanted to give them my money to support them.
Which is more important to you? Supporting a fellow developer or stand against DRM and practices like that?
Just curious.
back to topic. This one screenshot got me really excited about it.
Confirmed - main character is half Mohawk (remains to be seen whether they distinguish between Mohawk and Mohican / Mohegan, they're two different tribes). Native voice actors and dialogue consultants are in play. We're going to hear actual, honest-to-God Algonquin from a main character here, folks.
Sounds to me like gameplay is going to be pretty damn sweet, story will probably be pretty damn sweet, atmosphere will probably be great for the setting, but not as appealing to me as the rest of the series simply because I don't find colonial America to be very interesting as a setting to begin with.
Really looking forward to this installment the more is revealed, but I know I'll never get that feeling of "Wow, I wish I was there" like I did with the other games in the series. Still, maybe that will make it more interesting? Maybe they'll be able to make me care about and enjoy colonial America, it looks like they're trying their darndest.
seems like theres gona be additional gameplay elements. just curious do I have to play both Brotherhood and Revelation to get the story? Do i miss anything major?
I'll give it a chance. Much like the Holy Land from the first game it's a setting and time period that I only have vague knowledge of so I'll make for a somewhat interesting learning experience. I just hope that they can tie up the tiresome bookending here and just move on with the series without having to kowtow to captain boring pants and his fish-faced girlfriend any more.
Maybe they have a good story reason, maybe they don't, just smells fishy to me. Especially seeing as there are many, more relevant settings they could have chosen for an assassination based game.
i love what theyre doing with ac. They really bore you with zones and then they dish out a completely new environment that pulls you back in. I love this its so unexpected. Take note COD and BF
Speaking of ubisoft, I am so happy they are bringing Farcry 3 back to tropical instead of Africa, good move seeing as how the spinoff crysis was ruined because of their poor choices.
back to topic. This one screenshot got me really excited about it.
Yeah I wanna see wires of what's happening to that snow when he moves through it... is it always heavy triangle wise or does it subdivide as he moves closer, kinda like the add detail feature in Sculptris?
i love what theyre doing with ac. They really bore you with zones and then they dish out a completely new environment that pulls you back in. I love this its so unexpected. Take note COD and BF
OH relax dude! it's not like it's revolutionary.... ! [exit stage right]
sorry, that's not gonna fly with me.
I think it's there (can barely see it in the image in the OP), it's just a lot thinner now. Mechanism is less bulky, or it's more buried in the vambrance.
Do I know any personally? I had some friends in the past I've since lost contact with, a brother as well. I don't know many people at all personally these days...but have I encountered many gamers like that in passing or random social situations? Yes, absolutely. Hell pretty much anytime I walk into Gamestop.
I've not been disappointed with any of the Assassin's Creed games so far, like I said I'm reserving judgement on the game until I see more of it, I certainly have a degree of trust in the developers. I just personally would've liked to see something a bit more foreign - Russia, or perhaps diving into the area/time of any of those other "famous" assassins you had statues of in the sanctuary in the prior games? Hell, I would've liked a female protagonist! So in comparison to those ideas, I think this is a "safe" choice. The most safe? No.
What I'm hoping for in this game is that you'll be sort of how you were in the first game, making kills on both "sides", not really being on either. Looking at the screens, art, and his outfit - I'd say that's a good bet and that would be really awesome.
Edit: Those screenshots are pretty sweet, thanks for posting them up!
You probably haven't heard, but the reason they pasted that sequence from another movie was because they had an accident during the TF3 shoot and an extra got seriously injured by a snapped cable. As far as I know she's been permanently paralyzed, too.
So Michael Bay had to re-use footage to salvage the scene.
And the conclusion of that storyline - assuming it indeed happens in AC3 - has to take place somewhere in the year 2012, so it makes sense to pick the US for a suitable location.
Ubisoft will certainly not bury the franchise after AC3 though. Other games can explore different places and ages, and can also get rid of Desmond and the 21st century part altogether.
I'm european and i have the intention to buy the collectors edition, as i did with brotherhood, revelations, etc.
I don't care a shit if the action is focused in north america, and i remember it's very soon to talk about the game and make poor speculations, AC3 must have its good story behind it, but until then, better wait to the 5th.
What i hope is to see another game with the essence of the previous ACs, and i don't care if the result it's another ported game with videoconsole graphics. I'm sure than fans won't say "no" to this new game.
ha so true
I played the first AC game for a bit until the game of it was boring. Loved the local and the whole idea of the game. Never got into 2 even though it looks good. Actually really looking forward to this one. Seems like it could be extremely brutal, very Mel Gibson Patriot style.
Nice to see a game set in Colonial America, with the Revolutionist, Britain overloads and Native Americans it gives a lot of nice diversity that you just dont get in Europe during colonial times.
That's not what he said, or at least not how I understood it.
They made a game set in Europe, and Americans loved it. They made a game set in America, and Europeans dislike it.
So if you're a company thinking about making a game, and you're trying to determine the setting, you'd be better off pandering to Europeans, cause Americans don't seem to give a shit. But set it somewhere Europeans like, and you get the best of both worlds.
That's not to say that they did that for this game. And of course not all Americans loved the earlier AC games, and not all Europeans dislike this new one. Just a generalization.
AC 3: American Revolution
AC 4: Western bounty hunter
AC 5: Mafia hitman
AC 6: RIGHT NOW spec ops mercenary in the middle east
AC 7: desmond
I'm European, and I don't like the European AC's. I liked the first one, and this seems very interesting too.
Let's just wait till we see a trailer before we go making decisions about what this game is and isn't? It does seem like its a native american on the side of the Americans, as the leaked screens seem to depict the English as the targets; and that's quite strange, but yeah, let's wait to see the actual game first eh?
I don't get why some of you are generalizing so much with stupid statements like this one:
"They made a game set in America, and Europeans dislike it."
How the hell can you think that? Is there any anti-european feeling or what? In the majority of spanish game portals the people are happy, excited, and they are waiting for a great CG cinematic as usual.
And FYI, the first AC is not set in "europe". I also disliked a bit the Ezzio Arc in Europe, and more with guns.
I don't know if some of you bought the revelations collector edition, but if not, i spoil you that in the animated short film included, ezzio at the end died like an old man. A change of character was needed, and with desmond, it's logical to set up a story in north america.
I won't give you more cookies if you continue with these stupidities
C'mon give it a rest, and wait to the 5th of march!
lol you're blowing this way out of proportion. All it is, is that with the first games the comments were generally positive. The negative comments I remember hearing were about gameplay things. This game also has generally positive comments. But the negative ones, before the game is even out mind you, seem to be exclusively about the American settings. That is all.
That's the thing though. No one cares about Desmond.
Just to be clear, I'm still stoked about this and a dramatic change of setting, I just don't like being reminded that this is all coming back to Desmond and the super secret American conspiracy ninja shit that just gets churned out of Hollywood anyway.
I like AC.... not the 1st one... i thought it got boring way too fast.. i put plenty of hrs into AC2... i have been playing brotherhood and i like it.. i got revelations just because i like the story and the characters so far.
With that said... way too early to speculate on the game being garbage haha I think it has potential.
Also I've felt since the first AC that a bow and arrow should have been available to us, so very excited for that too.
wait until the game is out before you decide it's a colossal mistake haha
I care about Desmond.
I didn't really give a fuck until the end of AC2 but that whole thing is such an awesome mindfuck I started caring.
The meta-narrative they're weaving is interesting. I think the entirety of the AC series is pretty awesome.
Unless they suddenly have changed their policy.
Really? I mean, yeah it's a bit of a bummer to have to sign on to play, but it's no different than a lot of Steam titles and that sort of thing. The only game of the series that had atrocious DRM was AC2 when it was first released, having to have a CONSTANT connection, and that got patched out. Brotherhood even had an offline mode (can't remember if others did or not).
I'll admit I'd rather not have to sign in, but for a series as consistently good as AC, and given I don't really imagine my career can go anywhere without an Internet connection, I think it'll be worth it to buy at some point.
On a more gameplay relevant note, I hope I'm not feeling forced to use a ton of guns. I'm totally fine with there being guns in the game, I don't mind getting shot at, but I'd like my freedom in missions to go all stabby. Or perhaps "hacky" in this title.
Was this screen posted yet?
Yeah, well I don't like the way Ubisoft in general have been going around with the whole thing and their replies whenever they mess up, like the constant online thing and also the recent "change hardware count as activation" thing. People always say to use the wallet to show it, so that's that I do.
What's 'worse', discard your principles to play a game, or discard a game and keep your principles... And yes, its all relative, but its the only thing I can do to show that I don't support DRM.
Interesting. Let me ask you this. I agree with you with some degree. Now I am a developer and as of lately I tend to put more weight on that, than thinking myself as a consumer. So when I buy a game, I am not thinking about EA, Origin or Steam, I am thinking about giving my money to the developers of the game and help them out. There are several indie titles I've bought that I didn't play but I just wanted to give them my money to support them.
Which is more important to you? Supporting a fellow developer or stand against DRM and practices like that?
Just curious.
back to topic. This one screenshot got me really excited about it.
Confirmed - main character is half Mohawk (remains to be seen whether they distinguish between Mohawk and Mohican / Mohegan, they're two different tribes). Native voice actors and dialogue consultants are in play. We're going to hear actual, honest-to-God Algonquin from a main character here, folks.
Imma pre-order this RFN. So pumped.
Really looking forward to this installment the more is revealed, but I know I'll never get that feeling of "Wow, I wish I was there" like I did with the other games in the series. Still, maybe that will make it more interesting? Maybe they'll be able to make me care about and enjoy colonial America, it looks like they're trying their darndest.
And then off to Russia to stab some Tzars.
But this is something that hasn't been done before, I mean really. I'm excited to see where this goes.
Speaking of ubisoft, I am so happy they are bringing Farcry 3 back to tropical instead of Africa, good move seeing as how the spinoff crysis was ruined because of their poor choices.
Yeah I wanna see wires of what's happening to that snow when he moves through it... is it always heavy triangle wise or does it subdivide as he moves closer, kinda like the add detail feature in Sculptris?
EDIT: Conner, the Indian Assasin. lol
This game sounds better and better. Well done Ubi for freshening up the series this much. Bears!
OH relax dude! it's not like it's revolutionary....
Assasin's Creed 3 - Countdown
This is what got me realy exited!