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Assassins Creed 3

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LRoy polycounter lvl 14
Saw this up and got pretty pumped. AC finally moving out of the Rennasaince. Next stop the American Revolution. Looks like some patriot action going on with that hatchett




  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I've not been interested in AC since the first one, the Italian ones never grabbed to be honest. But this is a very interesting development. Looking forward to tomahawking foo's in the face.
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    I've wanted this since the beginning. The first time I played the Original AC I thought, "this would be awesome you were a Native American in colonial America doing the assassin thing." I'm guessing Ubisoft stole my idea.
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    I'm not so sure, I was hoping for victorian England but I trust them so I imagine it'll be amazing.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Meh. Victorian London would have been a better choice
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I never really got into the series but isn't there a genetic line running from Altier to Ezio up to the current guy?

    Plenty of European powers were sending military advisers and money to the rebels so it's a good reason for the assassin's guild to send a rep over and take out some key people.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I was going to complain that the tomahawk wasn't a remotely accurate design, and then I realized it's a stylized version of the Assassin's guild symbol. I see what you did there, Ubisoft! :D

    Anyway, looking forward to this one. I don't think I've ever played any game set in colonial America, should be fun to see.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    AC 4 is going to be the mafia because ezio was italian
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    "every man under my command owes me 100...colonial scalps. AND I WANT MY SCALPS!"
  • ScudzAlmighty
    So, can one assume that ol' Ben Franklin is taking DaVinci's place as the gadget-man?
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    oooh.... Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    It would be cool if they ended up doing Victorian London in 3.5... I assume they have a plan like that.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I'm honestly disappointed that out of all the places in all of history, they feel like taking the "safe route" sticking it in America. I'm trying to figure out how I'll be free running over the rooftops of...log cabins?

    That being said, I've loved all the Assassin's Creed games to date so I'll reserve making judgments against it until I actually see more of it in action, but I'll probably wait for it to drop down to $30 or so like I did with Revelations.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    I thought the whole "colonial america" thing was a bad rumor/fake game cover at first. I definitely would have preferred a Victorian English style like mentioned above.

    Also, am I the only one who finds that the Game Informer cover looks a LOT like Skyrim's style? It's one of the reasons I thought it was fake at first.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Two Listen wrote: »
    I'm honestly disappointed that out of all the places in all of history, they feel like taking the "safe route" sticking it in America. I'm trying to figure out how I'll be free running over the rooftops of...log cabins?

    In what way is it the safe choice? If anything, you showed it is anything but in your very next sentence! ;P

    Very curious to see if we'll be scaling trees/cliffs/waterfalls to pounce down on our prey >:D
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Maybe it's more nature based.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    I never really got into the series but isn't there a genetic line running from Altier to Ezio up to the current guy?

    Plenty of European powers were sending military advisers and money to the rebels so it's a good reason for the assassin's guild to send a rep over and take out some key people.

    I also see it as highly likely that they are going to portray some of the Founding Fathers as Assassins, in opposition to Templar-influenced European powers... specifically King George.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Two Listen wrote: »
    I'm honestly disappointed that out of all the places in all of history, they feel like taking the "safe route" sticking it in America. I'm trying to figure out how I'll be free running over the rooftops of...log cabins?

    That being said, I've loved all the Assassin's Creed games to date so I'll reserve making judgments against it until I actually see more of it in action, but I'll probably wait for it to drop down to $30 or so like I did with Revelations.

    They had more then log cabins in late 17th century America, and correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the first time the series has come to North America? I for one really look forward to this. Go watch The Patriot and tell me this game wont kick ass in this setting. Loving the colonial / native clothing fusion.
  • xk0be
    Can't wait to see if its going back to the awesome more stealthy style of the first 2 or if I can run through and button mash......
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Andreas wrote: »
    In what way is it the safe choice? If anything, you showed it is anything but in your very next sentence! ;P

    I don't like to assume that the entirety of gamers enjoy and purchase games in the same manner I do. Just because I'll be waiting doesn't mean everyone else will, I think a lot of people will see that American flag behind our new protagonist and think "Fuck yeah, boyiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!" and pick it up because they see that + a tomahawk.

    Though I'll admit, I do look forward to not being old. I really enjoyed Brotherhood (and am in the process of enjoying Revelations), but being old was kinda weird while still pulling off such crazy stunts.

    I look forward to seeing some screenshots, will be interesting to see what kind of scenarios we can expect from such a different change in scenery.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    think of towns like charleston and DC and New york
  • ScudzAlmighty
    Gangs of New York AC style, fuck yeah!
  • kaze369
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    kaze369 polycounter lvl 8
    Kotaku posted a great about how the American revolutionary war in Assassin's Creed 3 makes sense.

    Why a Colonial Assassin’s Creed Makes Complete Sense (and Sounds Awesome)

    I love where they're going and in reality it really does make sense.
  • Joseph Silverman
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I don't see how it's the safe route, Victorian London was the safest choice - The American Revolution isn't really the big popular hit in the US you may think it is and the choice seems to be alienating Europeans.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    one game per year... incredible, and same graphics, same assets, same all... this is not good.

    But what the heck, i'm sure i will be buying this... i have all the collection!
  • MasteroftheFork
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    MasteroftheFork polycounter lvl 18
    I was really hoping they'd go for this era after watching gangs of new york. :D
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah, I'm not sure about this one. The best thing that Assassins Creed did was brought settings and characters to games that aren't often seen. A Syrian character running around Jerusalem, Acre, Damascus and Constantinople is something one would never reasonably expect to see in a mainstream title of any format. Renaissance Italy was a bit more familiar but still not something we've seen much in games. I guess revolutionary America is something kind of new too. There have been a few strategy typed titles and I guess Red Dead Redemotion to some extent, though that's coming from a very different direction and set well after the war. Still, I wonder whether it'll feel as fresh as the other settings, particularly for American Audiences who must have had this stuff drummed into them since the beginning of primary school.

    Revolutionary Russia was what I was hoping for. It's a setting ideal for Assassins Creed with a lot of ruthless politics and indeed no small number of assassinations, and environments with some interesting and unique architecture to traverse. And it's not somewhere we've really ever seen in games before, besides perhaps as an incidental setting to an FPS level.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, american setting like this just doesn't feel cool but who knows. Maybe they can make it so. I won't get it though, not part of the market audience I suppose as I haven't played the others either (more than 1 hour).

    Victorian London however, That would be awesome for the design and environments alone.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    There's already an official Assasin's Creed comic (series?) in Russia with the Tsars and everything. It did look and sound cooler than this american revolution thing.
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    I'm quite happy with the American Revolution setting, it just makes sense for where the story is going, and I couldn't imagine Desmond's story concluding if the 3rd game took place elsewhere.

    I'm hoping if they continue doing yearly releases they end up visiting the French Revolution which takes place not long after the American Revolution. They would be stupid if they didn't do that.
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Xoliul wrote: »
    There's already an official Assasin's Creed comic (series?) in Russia with the Tsars and everything. It did look and sound cooler than this american revolution thing.

    Yeah this was one of the options in the questionnaire that went around and it sounded awesome, ancient Moscow would be beautiful from an artists point of view.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    There is no ancient Moscow (you mean medieval?) - even so, Moscow as a town was sacked several times over and has only really existed for around 400 years. The only building older than the Crimean war that still stands is the Kremlin.
    Blaizer wrote: »
    one game per year...

    Nearly two games per year, one in the main series (Creed, Creed 2, Brotherhood, Revelations), and one "spinoff" too (Chronicles, Bloodlines, Discovery). There's also Legacy and Rearmed (facebook / iOS).
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Yeah I guess ancient was the wrong word, I was only really thinking as old as revelations but I'll admit the only real thing I was thinking of when I said it'd be beautiful was the Kremlin :P
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    Jackablade wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm not sure about this one. The best thing that Assassins Creed did was brought settings and characters to games that aren't often seen. A Syrian character running around Jerusalem, Acre, Damascus and Constantinople is something one would never reasonably expect to see in a mainstream title of any format. Renaissance Italy was a bit more familiar but still not something we've seen much in games. I guess revolutionary America is something kind of new too. There have been a few strategy typed titles and I guess Red Dead Redemotion to some extent, though that's coming from a very different direction and set well after the war. Still, I wonder whether it'll feel as fresh as the other settings, particularly for American Audiences who must have had this stuff drummed into them since the beginning of primary school.

    Revolutionary Russia was what I was hoping for. It's a setting ideal for Assassins Creed with a lot of ruthless politics and indeed no small number of assassinations, and environments with some interesting and unique architecture to traverse. And it's not somewhere we've really ever seen in games before, besides perhaps as an incidental setting to an FPS level.

    What game has used the American Revolution as a setting before?

    I think Revolutionary Russia is a great idea as well, but I don't see how this has been done before.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    I was really hoping they'd go for this era after watching gangs of new york. :D

    Ah, you make me wanna go back and watch that again now.

    I've got an image of that butcher guy stuck in my head. God that character was awesome. :)

    As for this game...mmmmmeeeh, seems kind of neat but at the same time, I liked the holy theme of the AC games, now it just seems like marketing has really taken over and ezio (i know its not ezio but for the sake of not saying "the AC guy") is becoming some sort of American hero.

    Just seems like one of those stories that just comes back to america being the center of the world.

    Maybe they have a good story reason, maybe they don't, just smells fishy to me. Especially seeing as there are many, more relevant settings they could have chosen for an assassination based game.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    JFletcher wrote: »

    As for this game...mmmmmeeeh, seems kind of neat but at the same time, I liked the holy theme of the AC games, now it just seems like marketing has really taken over and ezio (i know its not ezio but for the sake of not saying "the AC guy") is becoming some sort of American hero.

    Look verrrrry carefully.

    There are feathers, moccasins, and beadwork armbands and a ponybead necklace at play in his dress, along with the tomahawk and bow.

    Great-grandson (or whatever) of Ezio here... is at least part Native American.

    For everyone hemming and hawwing that this is just going to be a cheap way to Americanify the main character, I think a lot of you are going to be surprised at your sudden introduction to the cultures, languages, and histories of the Northeastern and Great Lakes tribes of the Revolutionary War period.

    Can't tell from the few details in the picture, but I'm thinking probably Huron, Mohegan, Mohawk, or some of the other East Coast Algonquin tribes. Depending on how late in the Revolutionary war they want to depict, there might be tribes from as far west as the Great Lakes - Sauk, Fox, Menominee, maybe a few others.

    Just be glad you guys all get your crash course via video game like this, instead of the way I did when I started dating one. :poly136:
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Two Listen wrote: »
    I think a lot of people will see that American flag behind our new protagonist and think "Fuck yeah, boyiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!" and pick it up

    Do you really know any gamer who is like that? That seems like an exaggerated stereotype to me - I've been playing video games for almost 30 years and I've never heard of anyone dropping $60 on a video game just because it's set in America or has a flag on the cover. If anything, I would say the American gamers I know tend to be more iconoclastic and rebellious than the average person, and not real impressed with gung-ho patriot types. But I'm getting old, so maybe younger gamers are that way and I don't see it.

    I will add that AC3 is being made by a studio largely staffed by French-Canadians, so I doubt there's any sort of "America, Fuck Yeah!" vibe influencing the game's development. Really, I'd love it if the Americans are revealed to be the Templars in this game, that would be a great twist :)
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    JFletcher wrote: »
    Maybe they have a good story reason, maybe they don't, just smells fishy to me. Especially seeing as there are many, more relevant settings they could have chosen for an assassination based game.

    It smells fishy to you that a game studio in Montreal, Canada has opted to set a game in colonial America? Is it because the vaguely secessionist, French-speaking Quebecois are such well-known lovers of the United States and Great Britain? That must be it.

    The game is set during a war, and in the midst of the most significant shift of world power in the late second millenium. Considering the series' plot revolves around secret societies and world domination, this time period strikes me as completely relevant for an assassination game.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    TomDunne wrote: »
    the most significant shift of world power in the late second millenium.

    I can tell you're American :p
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Haha I love this thread. Trust: You guys are in for a treat with this one.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Blaizer wrote: »
    ...same asset...

    I've never seen a repeat of assets in an AC game unless you count the flashbacks from AC: Rev with AC1.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    ambershee wrote: »
    I can tell you're American :p

    Why, because I'm right? Americans aren't always right, just almost always. :D
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    With Assassin's creed 2 and brotherhood there are too many repeated assets, textures, enviroments, characters, a lot. Revelations is more of the same, a console port reutilizing too many elements, you just need to look the game carefully instead of playing it lol, as an artist and not as a gamer.

    Modern warfare 2 y 3 is another example. And if you want another BIG example with the VFX industry, watch this :): http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=00lq2UNIY5k

    I must say that i tolerate these common practices, and having played all the AC Saga, i can say it :P.

    Let's see what they show us for this 5th of march. I'm expecting a cool CG Video!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20

    While the costume looks pretty neat, it feels rather out of place running around amongst the Lobsters and such like. He's never really going to be able to blend into a crowd with that get-up. I'm also not seeing any springy hand daggers on Mr Yankee Assassin. Seems like it might be a bit mechanically different to the predecessors which, I guess after 4 or 5 or however many games it's been, is probably a good thing.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    adam - more screens!

    i'm pretty excited about this. I thought the similar feel of the last 3 games was starting to get a bit stale. something like this is just what i needed
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    *waits for inevitable Skyrim jokes*

    Looks nice! Never been a fan of AC though.. Maybe I should try playing the later ones. The first one was very linear.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    hey guys, don't you have a feel like the film: The last of the mohicans? or the film The Patriot?
  • aivanov
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    aivanov polycounter lvl 5
    Okay, I could stand stretching my suspension of disbelief in regards to the Assassins' attire before (but even then, just barely). Altair's robes could conceivably have been mistaken for a monk (Although what kind of monk could afford bright white and red clothing back then, I don't know...) and Ezio's could have been chalked up to the extravagant and often eclectic fashion of the rich. Just why the hell do you have to run around dressed as a fucking superhero - anyone with half a brain outside the video game world would spot you a mile away. He sticks out even more like a sore thumb the more modern we get!
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    Blaizer wrote: »
    hey guys, don't you have a feel like the film: The last of the mohicans? or the film The Patriot?

    There is a LOT of Last of the Mohicans in this. I'm hoping to hear a bit of spoken coastal Algonquin in a AAA game title.

    Eagle From The Shadows, here, is just oozing native lineage from that era. If I'm right you guys will love this.
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