We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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nice sketchbooK!
Today I tried to find out what've learned from my previous studies:
PS: It's nice to have everyone posting on a regular basis and sharing their studies, it sure keeps me motivated
Btw. How would you environment heroes paint macro environment for those mushroom boys?
Here is something I did. I started with acrylics and then reworked it in Photoshop:
Unfortunately, there were deadlines instead of practise sketches, so this one is some weeks old already and got a bit more time as a sketch normally do. Done in procreate, mostly with fantastic Nikko's Rull brush.
@knacki maybe get some Noisy brushes for vegetation etc, and some texture brushes for rocks and ground. But in general its more about how you use your brushes, If you dont know how to use them they wont help you. Obviously you probably want some textury brushes etc but John Park did some great environments with a roundbrush that he tweeked for different uses (Scattering + Color Dynamics etc for leaves) so you can do a lot with one brush as long as you know how to use it.
Im pretty sure its this one, you can tell a lot of the flowers and foliage uses a round brush with scattering, Im sure he wrote some stuff about it but, its a long time ago now so i might be completly wrong. Point is, Try to figure out what level of detail you are after, get some brushes for that and learn to use them, Master studies are a great way to build up skills.
(Pic by John J. Park - not me!)
(Pic by John J. Park - not me!)
Quick sketch
Thank you so much for your time! Unfortunately, I didn't find much time for drawing.
But I'll follow your suggestions
These guys are super funny and very well presented - love them
You landscapes are awesome! The last one is most interesting to watch for me, very cool.
I just had time for a technique study. I really do love Asian ink paintings, and verve painter love it as well.
!! I love those pixel sketches~
Won't be able to participate much in mermay this year but have a little something!
I've been trying to do sharkmerms too
finally got a moment to do some fun doodles
Here is something I did: my first livestream:
I'm studying some Medieval soldiers this week:
Love the color on that last one, @ErikNilsson
I recorded a little sketch using that random eyeball brush:
Here is another medieval character study
@Lyno i loooove the texture at that tree!
One more mermaid to close out the month~
And Awesome mermaid and lineart as always @danipanteez
Character exploration, I wanted to go for a mix between Darksiders and Dark Souls.
Jak from Jak and Daxter for Fun
I've been setting limits/objectives per mini sketchbook, this one being black ink only.