We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Here's a weapon concept I took further in terms of rendering
A good friend gave me good points on how to make it pop out.
Here's a random character I drew, taking a break from my character modelling.
Here's another fairly quick one from me today.
Another sketch from me!
Daven: really impressed with your progression lately, very inspiring ;D
[edit] btw what's up with polycount's performance lately? Everything is timing out every time I post. I'm getting used to it, but I don't know if that's a good thing
Callesaw: Looking sweet!
Redid a sketch from a long time ago(5 years old!), I really enjoyed the shapes of it now, but my 18 year old self had no knowledge where to take it too. Glad I stepped in and changed that :P
quick character concept.
Erik: Thanks man!
Decided to use the scary brush tool again, with a bit of the lasso style.
edbrilliant: That's sweet! did you do some symmetry first and then add the detail ontop of it?
Wildmax: Awesome ship shapes
Selaznog: Rad skull man!
I've always been scared to touch environments, so I revisted a bit of foundational stuff with perspective and tried again.
one more for tonight
speedy stuff.
been working away at this for a couple days when I can get the time.
Crit welcome, helps to get to know everyone too.
more sci fi smahup blops from me.
EDIT: One more for tonight, relatively happy with this one
Here is another fun portrait using the lasso tool.
It comes with a free paint job!
A doodle of some helmets from this morning.