We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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some quick look dev for. .stuff
some progress on a painting I am working on. Feedback very welcome I wanna push it as much as possible. Heavily inspired by lastest destiny concepts.
full view: http://fav.me/d5zqt2g
As for critique I think you could add a little bounce light to the back of the head, just so it reads as more of a 3-d object. I'd also work on making your forms a bit stronger (hard and soft edges) Lookin sweet!
here's a brush test thingy from my head
Awesome I appreciate it! I agree it's very weak in a lot of areas. I'll focus on the bounced light to make it pop.
it's been done but eh... :poly142:
Selaznog, those skulls look so expressive! I think the loose pen strokes give them motion too
bbob, juiiiicy marker drawings! I'd love to see more of them from you. They inspire me to go find my old pack of Copic markers. They make me feel a bit nostalgic because I remember some 10 years ago seeing tons of artists doing marker drawings
Quesocotl hope you get back healthy soon! I see a polycount shirt on that guy!
WIP of a Tiefling character I am making for a friend
This sketch first started off as a study of 16th or 17th century bishop dresses and turned out as a ying-yang kind of a pair. Sisters maybe?
Normally I just stick to 3D, but I want to learn to draw/paint as well.
btw i thought of something; what if we adopted a lighthearted "rule" that when you post in this thread, you always give the the post above you some crits? (if they posted a picture of course)... good idea? it doesnt have to be a wall of text or anything just a sentence.
i can start,
hayden; i like it, its very moody, but maybe the colours are a bit TOO grey? im not sure ... also maybe some more contrast and more intresting shapes in the clouds.
hmm now when i scroll back, i relize there's a lot of simple sketches that, eventhough they look great, would be hard to crit in any useful way...hmm
Im thinking that you might wanna throw in some out of focus grass or something, or just maybe add a moss covered rock in the foreground.
30 min sketch.
Critiques please!
SO it's been a long time since I posted anything. I really wanted to draw something purely for art sake, so here is a study from a black and white photo, lots of fun was had
yeah yeah i know my anatomy sucks dick, but thats what you get when you're too lazy to find photo references and you just feel around on your torso as you paint
but i really like the composition of this one. Might have to flesh out this sucker for my portfolio to SCAD
What do you guys think? crits comments? be honest please this is scholarship portfolio were talking about here! lol
solid work man
I like the mix of fat and muscle you've captured in the torso of the guy to the left. I do get Frazetta vibes from him! Though like you yourself admitted would be beneficial, I think it would help you to find some photo references to apply for the rest of the anatomy and other characters! I think his shoulders, arms and legs call for more attention.
There is good narrative action between the expression of the left guy and that the other characters look up to him. having him stand higher than the horde of other guys suggests he is a tough guy to beat. Compositionally it works for me and makes him the hero of the picture. Before you start rendering the characters more, I think it would make the image stronger if
- it didn't seem like you were trying to cut off hands and feet. Often it seems amateurish when an artist seemingly tries to avoid drawing hands and feet. In this case it seems the hero's hand is intentionally hidden behind his head, his leg is cut off at the ankle and the sword wielding bad guy's left arm has been cut off near the wrist.
- perhaps give the hero some more air around him, a bit more space? At the moment it feels like he is a little squeezed inside the borders of the image - I'd suggest making him a bit smaller to make him fit in better, or make a more close-up picture of the scene. I think the sword guy closest to the camera could be a little bigger to give the space more depth. There could be some foreshortening from his back to his sword wielding hand.
- sketch in some more of the background to help you plan scenic lighting, as an idea a ruined or cliffy background that slopes diagonally from left to right
Just suggestions and ideas that crossed my mind, keep it up :-)
wasker : those last BW sketches are cool! I dig the crispness and design ideas
EdBrillant - he'd make a cute low poly char!
From the sketchbook.
frustration sketch. 30 minutes
A 30min evening sketch from today:
eight- cool nose studies!
cool stuff everyone.
did this the other day.
threesidedpolygon: digging the helmet design, and the tentacles popping out of the slots. frustration TENTACLES
Thanks so much for this! i didn't even notice that subconsciously i was hiding the hands and feet but now its so obvious and I'm going to work on making the hands stand out
and i was wondering why the demon in the forefront looked so close to the one looking up at the hero.your suggestion to make the forefront demon bigger was spot on!
on the topic of the background i was thinking of doing like a ruined orc village or something in the back with the hero's back against a wall or something, but i don't know if it changes the narrative from "he's a badass who does this all the time" to "he was lucky to have made it this far in the battle"
I really appreciate you taking the time out to give me a good in-depth breakdown of this piece when you didn't have to! and i won't let your input goto waste, so I'm off to lasso a few things since i painted it on one layer
@DAVEN that translucent flesh with the skull showing through is sick! it looks like its sitting in ballistics gel
I was watching a few episodes of the River Monster TV show, fun stuff.