We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Sweet! ^
another speedie from me
Terrabite - Eerie!
Ravenslayer - Dat lighting!
Heres a lil LAWL from me today.
busu son and hahahaha this is awesome!
morning warmup
from ref
[edit]: that grey gap bothers me... I'll have to go back and fix it.
but here's a lunch sketchy thingy
Still working out concept for my Showdown entry.
I dont even know:
Haven't posted here in a little bit - hope it's okay to drop a few at a time:
Hmmm... need to work on some different poses...
Took a few hours. Taking new paint method for a spin.
Anyhoo. Did this while I was away. Another female face photo study. Still need to do the hair though but i'll leave that for another time. Focusing on faces atm.
Time: 9hrs
Been away on holiday for a while, smashed this out today at lunch.
fightpuch: looks sick, dude.
Frakkin' rusty. 60 minutes from a photo, trying to get back on the horse.
Here are mine from last night.