may be different for some people but here's how i pronounce them .
1. (beh-zee-ay)
2. just like its spelled (bi-ped)
3. (ant-eye ay-lee-ace-ing)
4. (mit-chull) second part no clue
5. (uh-doh-bee)
6. (sky-p) thatd be just the P sound, not the way the letter is said.
may be different for some people but here's how i pronounce them .
1. (beh-zee-ay)
2. just like its spelled (bai-ped)
3. (ant-eye ay-lee-ace-ing)
4. (mit-chull) second part no clue
5. (ah-doh-bee)
6. (sky-ip)(rhymes with the word 'type')
1. (beh-zee-ay)
2. just like its spelled (bai-ped)
3. (ant-eye ay-lee-ace-ing)
4. (mit-chull) second part no clue
5. (ah-doh-bee)
6. (sky-ip)(rhymes with the word 'type')
id say maybe bai doesnt really give the BI sound. maybe BY but bai sort of gives a "bay" sound.
sky-ip... no. rhymes with type yes.. but skyip does not rhyme with type.
HUD stands for "Head Up Display". Pronouncing it "Hood" makes no sense.
Wacom is pronounced "Way-com". Anyone who says different has a head full of crazy, and if that includes the developers of the peripheral, then I guess it was developed by crazy-head people.
Heh, I think it's completely optional how anyone wants to pronounce Wacom, but I'm pretty sure the 'official' way is Wa as in 'wah' and com as in '.com' since Wacom is a Japanese company and there isn't a Japanase character that is pronounced 'way'.
I would imagine that the Japanese spelling is probably ワコム which would be pronounced Wah Com (u).
I'm not sure what Wakomu means but I'm sure someone with more Japanese speaking ability than me would know.
Wacom is pronounced Wah-Com.
Says so on their AboutPage.
It's a fusion of two japanese words. Wa is for "harmony" or "circle", and Komu for "computer".
Z-Brush gets its name because your painting/sculpting in the Z axis, instead of just the usual Y and X axis with regular canvas.
So technically if its just the letter before brush then I imagine you say it however your nation says "Z".
really? cause i was pretty sure people were asking about words they weren't sure how to pronounce that are common in computer graphics. I just often hear Fresnel(as used when people say a "Fresnel effect") mis-pronounced. I was surprised no one had asked about it.
But I could have misread the whole thread, as you said.
really? cause i was pretty sure people were asking about words they weren't sure how to pronounce that are common in computer graphics. I just often hear Fresnel(as used when people say a "Fresnel effect") mis-pronounced. I was surprised no one had asked about it.
But I could have misread the whole thread, as you said.
the most redundant thread in the world. teaching people to pronounce words using a medium of words that they might be pronouncing wrong because they cannot hear them.
the most redundant thread in the world. teaching people to pronounce words using a medium of words that they might be pronouncing wrong because they cannot hear them.
"yo dawg.."
And another useless post from the most useless poster on polycount, thank you for your enlightening insight.
A spanish guy I know pronounces it as Gee. (which for you non irish folks is a local slang for vagina )
Did anyone mention Euler, thats another real common one.
its pronounced 'Oiler'
Yes I've come across 'Gee' before ;P
Ah yes, Euler. I would pronounce it Oiler.
Problem I'm seeing here is, too many frenchies and people with weird surnames are developing new tech/shaders. If you have a hard to pronounce surname, top working in CG, its confusing the rest of us. :poly142:
some earth shattering revelations here
here's a few moar:
deus-ex ?? (i say: deh-oz-ex)
meme? (i say: meh-meh)
i usually say deus ex as "day-us-ex"
i have a friend who will yell at anyone who pronounces meme as "meh-meh". he insists its "meem" (which i agree with) lol.
of course it should. but i guess the creators of the company wanted it to be "wack-om"
a friend of mine was at GDC a few years back and ran into someone who worked there. they were chatting and my friend said "i really love all the wacom (way-com) products"
and the person from the company just looked at them with a serious face and said "its pronounced "wack-om"
Beh-zee-a (a pronounced like the letter)
An-tea-Alias-ing (an-tie is also correct for anti, like Day-Ta or Dah-Ta for data)
Sky-p (p pronounced like how it sounds, not pee)
deus-ex ?? (i say: deh-oz-ex)
gibs?? (some1 insisted it was 'jibs')
meme? (i say: meh-meh)
Day-us-ecks (or days-of-sex, both are correct)
gibs with a G, like game (atleast that's how i've always done it)
It is pronounced "jibs", as in giblets. It's a soft "g". I have a selection of different weights and gauges of plastic spoons to throw at anyone who says it otherwise in the studio. That punishment also applies to anyone who whistles the Kill Bill theme song.
Yes, the pronounciation of gibs is up in the air I'm afraid... I personally use it with a G rather than a J. Actually, I should say I rarely if ever have occasion to use the word. More QIII Arena might be needed.
1. (beh-zee-ay)
2. just like its spelled (bi-ped)
3. (ant-eye ay-lee-ace-ing)
4. (mit-chull) second part no clue
5. (uh-doh-bee)
6. (sky-p) thatd be just the P sound, not the way the letter is said.
wwwhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Is this a shader? Never come across it before.
I thought this was just for fun..x.x
Carry on please.
yes i can: "FFFFffffuuuuuuuuuu"
id say maybe bai doesnt really give the BI sound. maybe BY but bai sort of gives a "bay" sound.
sky-ip... no. rhymes with type yes.. but skyip does not rhyme with type.
pretty sure that's how you phonetically spell those words dude. Look up;
biped [ˈbaɪ-pɛd]
type [ta-ɪp]
so i guess Skype should be [Ska-Ip]
Here's one that I would like a definitive answer on:
Is it.. way-com, wak-em or wah-kum or what?
New Year's Resolutions ftw! x]
Way-com for me, but as Alberto says, it's probably just however you want to say it haha.
Zee Bee Yo
How does "wah-com" rhyme with "block'em"? Surely it's be black'om?
So - Whack-Om. That's the way to say Wacom. No other way exists. You can attempt it, but your mouth will fall off.
i also met someone who pronounced it fre-nel. guess thats the correct way huh?
My professor used to say GOOEY, I say G-U-I unit or Gra-phx us-er in-ter-fa-ce.
Because many people I talk to have no idea what GUI is and what it stands for.
Not sure about HUD because I never used it in any conversation.
Wacom is pronounced "Way-com". Anyone who says different has a head full of crazy, and if that includes the developers of the peripheral, then I guess it was developed by crazy-head people.
I would imagine that the Japanese spelling is probably ワコム which would be pronounced Wah Com (u).
I'm not sure what Wakomu means but I'm sure someone with more Japanese speaking ability than me would know.
Just for the canadians? I call it ZBrush, but everyone whose ever made a Zbrush video seems to call it ZedBrush....
Says so on their AboutPage.
It's a fusion of two japanese words. Wa is for "harmony" or "circle", and Komu for "computer".
Z-Brush gets its name because your painting/sculpting in the Z axis, instead of just the usual Y and X axis with regular canvas.
So technically if its just the letter before brush then I imagine you say it however your nation says "Z".
I say gooey.
You haven't read the thread properly.
But I could have misread the whole thread, as you said.
So for me Wacom is Wa (a as in the word Car) com (as in .com).
Skype -> Sky-p [Skai-p]
Biped -> Bi-ped [Bai-ped]
Anti-Aliasing -> Anti-Alias-ing [
You are correct, anyone who thinks the word "pivot" has a silent T is an "idi-oh"
"yo dawg.."
And another useless post from the most useless poster on polycount, thank you for your enlightening insight.
Smack them. Hard.
A spanish guy I know pronounces it as Gee. (which for you non irish folks is a local slang for vagina )
Did anyone mention Euler, thats another real common one.
its pronounced 'Oiler'
I feel as though I'm learning a lot in this thread
Yes I've come across 'Gee' before ;P
Ah yes, Euler. I would pronounce it Oiler.
Problem I'm seeing here is, too many frenchies and people with weird surnames are developing new tech/shaders. If you have a hard to pronounce surname, top working in CG, its confusing the rest of us. :poly142:
here's a few moar:
deus-ex ?? (i say: deh-oz-ex)
gibs?? (some1 insisted it was 'jibs')
meme? (i say: meh-meh)
Wacom - Wa (Way) com (.com)
i usually say deus ex as "day-us-ex"
i have a friend who will yell at anyone who pronounces meme as "meh-meh". he insists its "meem" (which i agree with) lol.
of course it should. but i guess the creators of the company wanted it to be "wack-om"
a friend of mine was at GDC a few years back and ran into someone who worked there. they were chatting and my friend said "i really love all the wacom (way-com) products"
and the person from the company just looked at them with a serious face and said "its pronounced "wack-om"
Beh-zee-a (a pronounced like the letter)
An-tea-Alias-ing (an-tie is also correct for anti, like Day-Ta or Dah-Ta for data)
Sky-p (p pronounced like how it sounds, not pee)
Day-us-ecks (or days-of-sex, both are correct)
gibs with a G, like game (atleast that's how i've always done it)
I used to read it "mimi" until I was enlightened.
1 Vertex = VERTEX
More than 1 Vertex = VERTICES...
I can't even count the number of times I've heard;
'Select the corner vertice'
'Select a group of vertexes'
1 radius
2 Radii (ray-dee-eye)
It is pronounced "jibs", as in giblets. It's a soft "g". I have a selection of different weights and gauges of plastic spoons to throw at anyone who says it otherwise in the studio. That punishment also applies to anyone who whistles the Kill Bill theme song.
U may dispense of ur spoons at will.