@conte - creation process is pretty straightforward - i used pepakura to unfold the model and create a paper template, printed it out on a large scale printer (36in x 36 in), cut it out from cardboard (i used a 2-ply museum board), and use a glue gun to glue it all together. then i gave it a coat of resin so it's a little more weather resistant. took a little while since it's so big, but it was really fun!
i have a lot of ideas in mind, so will definitely update this thread as i go. thanks for the interest guys!
This, is reeeealy awesome. I personaly think what makes it stand out the most is the shadows that the polygons create from the "bad subdividing". The sharper the angle, the more interesting it becomes. Flat surfaces just seem boring. The shark is okay. The mouth is wicked sweet while the rest of the skin is okay. The human is a bit boring too. Something more complex like a giant octopus. Idk, its your creativity ")
Also, Id stick with white or flat colors personaly. It shows more of the shadows going on while in multy color, you kinda lose that cause it becomes to busy and takes away form the shadows and "geometry" of it all.
Thanks guys! I have some WIP shots that might be helpful in answering questions about the process. Can post them later. It's fairly straightforward though. Model and texture like you normally would, then pepakura like you normally would, except with really big sheets of cardboard. then apply epoxy resin (got mine from the art store) with a brush, let it dry overnight. place in streets and hope little kids don't smash it and rip all the teeth out! yay!
What!? I tried something like this a couple of weeks ago for an art project-- it didn't turn out too well. I must try this paparuka. This is just too cool great job
Holt shit. The shark just blows my mind. The pixelated texture job is just awesome! How long does it take approx to do these/how much effort is required?
*edit* ok strike the effort required - you explained above, but my other question still stands
That is really really awesome. I really love how these purely virtual things look when entering real life. With the pixelated textures it makes it that much more awesome!
Also, Id stick with white or flat colors personaly. It shows more of the shadows going on while in multy color, you kinda lose that cause it becomes to busy and takes away form the shadows and "geometry" of it all.
thanks again, really appreciate the feedback.
i think i speak for everyone when i say this is frickin awesome!... and that we all want a step by step guide on how to make our own!!
*edit* ok strike the effort required - you explained above, but my other question still stands
@jimmypopali i've got it down to a few days for completion per piece. ~15-20 hours of work.
on another note, got featured on kotaku yesterday! yeee!
will try and post a tutorial soon, since folks have been interested. thanks again polycounters!
Really cool!