If the gliding resembles Banjo Kazooie, then I should totally get some ideas from there. Thanks for that, Atomander!
The Chef is quite fun. You can buy vouchers at the bakery and use them in the field, after which the Chef will make a grand entrance like falling from the sky or tunneling up from the ground to deliver you quality products.
I'll get it Kickstarted eventually. I just need to get this demo level finished and make a handful more characters for the trailer.
Speaking of the demo level, I've been working on some lights:
I love those sprinting action lines. In general, your effects are looking better than I remembered the older ones. Always a joy to see an update in your thread.
I guess I forgot to post this whole thing here, too:
A bit of a rough sketch and old now, but Ethios consists of two segments; an enormous world tree whose branches hold up a good amount of the worlds landmasses, big and small. It controls the forces of chaos and form and is represented by the Archdeity, the Wysteria King.
Up top is an enormous mechanical clock-type thing that contains the celestial bodies and makes day and night happen, as well as making the rest of the landmasses stay afloat. It controls the forces of time and space and is represented by an as-of-yet unnamed Archdeity.
These two work together to maintain the world, as well as holding back the unfathomable void of nothing that is the Fell, which is also where the same-named Fell creatures come from, but more on that later.
Anyway, I felt like doing the clockwork thingy, so here's a clockwork thingy:
Hard to get a decent picture of the bastard in-game, as it's a bit big:
Each of those off-center gears has a frame running around it that holds the sun or the moon. The one that's active is attached to the lens bit in the very center, and whenever the other one makes a full rotation, they switch out. Thus day and night.
I'm thinking it'll be a not-so-subtle transition where the current sky has a circle open up in it that eventually removes the entire thing, revealing the other sky in its place.
Oh my god, i was scrolling through page by page, and the progress was crazy good, your character improved loads, and this is a game i would defo buy, your style is awesome and its developed so much over time. Keep it up man, dont give up on it
Your words please me greatly, lophead. I'm glad you like it!
Working on a modular tileset for the interior areas, keeping the texture gray and just doing the details until I get everything together and decide on a color scheme:
I'm making a few changes to the switching system. Originally, you'd have the three combatant heroes and switch between them by 'scrolling' with two buttons. Now I'm assigning each hero to an arrow key (Or whatever buttons you want to set them to), meaning that there's a fourth space that Celeste can occupy. So she'll be playable as well.
Due to that, I'm removing double-jumping and gliding from the others, and having it just be Celeste that can do it, as it was her doing it anyway.
Now I just need to figure out how she'll fight, aside from her spells; Basic combos and stuff.
I'm also planning on stealing the cooking system from Trails in the Sky, as I really liked how that whole thing was done: You could buy healing potions from stores, or rarely find them on the field, but it's far more cost-effective to pop on over to the general store and load up on a bunch of ingredients that you can use to cook any number of recipes that you've discovered.
And I don't think I mentioned it, but I've also changed the way Ellie's Parry skill works. It used to be that you would parry a projectile, and it'd fly back to the one that fired it and deal damage.
Now I'm making you aim the reflected projectile, which opens up more possibilities; you could send it right back to the sender, OR you can hit it at another enemy, or a switch, or any number of things. This'll allow it to be used for puzzles.
A vagabond people; it was a generation or so back that their homeland of Grelga was destroyed by a fragment of the Fell that was called The Omen. They spread about as wanderers, making their homes where they could.
Grells are excellent craftsmen, and don’t really have it in them to put anything but the utmost effort into anything they do. As it turns out, this is a double-edged sword; Their works and efforts are of the highest quality, but they can’t hurry themselves, and are slow to react when things suddenly need to be done.
Love how Celestes clothing looks, but it catches a lot of attention and distractes a little from her pretty face. Especially since her hair is so low on contrast.
Doing some new UI stuff, as I had some new ideas. I needed to anyway, as well, since I changed the three-way switching into four-way switching. Here's that element:
Had some ideas for the health system, too. They'll be organized into Major and Minor hitpoints, with the Major ones being made up of three Minor ones. Normally, losing three Minor hitpoints will result in the Major hitpoint going dark, but being able to be healed normally.
However, if you take a strong hit that damages you for all three Minor points, the Major point will shatter leaving an empty bracket, and you'll have to go to an inn or find a doctor or something like that in order to heal it. I'm picturing a minimum of one Major point for a grievous hit. If the attack would deal damage across more than one Major hitpoint, only half or so will shatter.
So if you get hit by an attack that deals twelve points of damage only two Major points will shatter, even though it took all of the Minor points for four of them.
(A concept for this is on the bottom of the notes shown above)
I’ve also decided to have Ellie’s shield, magical as it is, float alongside her rather than be anchored to her shield arm.
It just meanders around her general left-ward vicinity when she’s not focusing on it, but when defense becomes necessary, she can control it directly making it incredibly fast.
I’ve also decided to have Ellie’s shield, magical as it is, float alongside her rather than be anchored to her shield arm.
It just meanders around her general left-ward vicinity when she’s not focusing on it, but when defense becomes necessary, she can control it directly making it incredibly fast.
This just got frankenthreaded in general chat and boy and I happy about it. I had completely forgotten about this project, but I remember really looking forward to the updates back in the days cheers to @Marshal Banana for all his awesome work!
If the gliding resembles Banjo Kazooie, then I should totally get some ideas from there. Thanks for that, Atomander!
The Chef is quite fun. You can buy vouchers at the bakery and use them in the field, after which the Chef will make a grand entrance like falling from the sky or tunneling up from the ground to deliver you quality products.
I'll get it Kickstarted eventually. I just need to get this demo level finished and make a handful more characters for the trailer.
Speaking of the demo level, I've been working on some lights:
Basic mook for the demo level:
What a marvelous creature this guy thinks he is. Look how self-absorbed this bastard is:
Dang it, Garrolle.
Dang it, Garrolle!
Controls are as follows:
Mouse - Steer/Move Camera
Left Click - Flap/Increase Speed
Right Click - Brake
WASD - Dodge
Space - Boost
New stuff!
New Stuff:
Work on daytime stuff:
Also new grass:
I have it made up so that I can set a clump of grass above the ground in the editor and have it use physics to fit itself to the geometry beneath it.
A bit of a rough sketch and old now, but Ethios consists of two segments; an enormous world tree whose branches hold up a good amount of the worlds landmasses, big and small. It controls the forces of chaos and form and is represented by the Archdeity, the Wysteria King.
Up top is an enormous mechanical clock-type thing that contains the celestial bodies and makes day and night happen, as well as making the rest of the landmasses stay afloat. It controls the forces of time and space and is represented by an as-of-yet unnamed Archdeity.
These two work together to maintain the world, as well as holding back the unfathomable void of nothing that is the Fell, which is also where the same-named Fell creatures come from, but more on that later.
Anyway, I felt like doing the clockwork thingy, so here's a clockwork thingy:
Hard to get a decent picture of the bastard in-game, as it's a bit big:
Each of those off-center gears has a frame running around it that holds the sun or the moon. The one that's active is attached to the lens bit in the very center, and whenever the other one makes a full rotation, they switch out. Thus day and night.
I'm thinking it'll be a not-so-subtle transition where the current sky has a circle open up in it that eventually removes the entire thing, revealing the other sky in its place.
Making another enemy:
I'm updating the male one, too. Making the Grell less monstrous and more like a race of people.
Working on a modular tileset for the interior areas, keeping the texture gray and just doing the details until I get everything together and decide on a color scheme:
Also Ellie's shield is now a magic shield:
I'm making a few changes to the switching system. Originally, you'd have the three combatant heroes and switch between them by 'scrolling' with two buttons. Now I'm assigning each hero to an arrow key (Or whatever buttons you want to set them to), meaning that there's a fourth space that Celeste can occupy. So she'll be playable as well.
Due to that, I'm removing double-jumping and gliding from the others, and having it just be Celeste that can do it, as it was her doing it anyway.
Now I just need to figure out how she'll fight, aside from her spells; Basic combos and stuff.
I'm also planning on stealing the cooking system from Trails in the Sky, as I really liked how that whole thing was done: You could buy healing potions from stores, or rarely find them on the field, but it's far more cost-effective to pop on over to the general store and load up on a bunch of ingredients that you can use to cook any number of recipes that you've discovered.
And I don't think I mentioned it, but I've also changed the way Ellie's Parry skill works. It used to be that you would parry a projectile, and it'd fly back to the one that fired it and deal damage.
Now I'm making you aim the reflected projectile, which opens up more possibilities; you could send it right back to the sender, OR you can hit it at another enemy, or a switch, or any number of things. This'll allow it to be used for puzzles.
A vagabond people; it was a generation or so back that their homeland of Grelga was destroyed by a fragment of the Fell that was called The Omen. They spread about as wanderers, making their homes where they could.
Grells are excellent craftsmen, and don’t really have it in them to put anything but the utmost effort into anything they do. As it turns out, this is a double-edged sword; Their works and efforts are of the highest quality, but they can’t hurry themselves, and are slow to react when things suddenly need to be done.
I still need to do some stuff to make it look further away.
The old arms:
Working on some headlook stuff.
It's a "gun" called a Magicaster that channels and fires magic.
I'm doing a few character sketches, too:
And a new set of attack animations:
You’ve got your basic vine wall, whereupon you can climb in any of the four directions
Then ledge mantling, either when you reach the top of a climbing wall, or leap onto a ledge
You can jump from walls, too!
Attacking in four directions whilst climbing: Either above, to the right or left, or behind you.
I’ve also decided to have Ellie’s shield, magical as it is, float alongside her rather than be anchored to her shield arm.
It just meanders around her general left-ward vicinity when she’s not focusing on it, but when defense becomes necessary, she can control it directly making it incredibly fast.
You’ve got your basic vine wall, whereupon you can climb in any of the four directions
Then ledge mantling, either when you reach the top of a climbing wall, or leap onto a ledge
You can jump from walls, too!
Attacking in four directions whilst climbing: Either above, to the right or left, or behind you.
I’ve also decided to have Ellie’s shield, magical as it is, float alongside her rather than be anchored to her shield arm.
It just meanders around her general left-ward vicinity when she’s not focusing on it, but when defense becomes necessary, she can control it directly making it incredibly fast.
Did some new camera stuff.
cheers to @Marshal Banana for all his awesome work!