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Art Rip? - Check to see if you have your work here



  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    As much as i'd hate to bring up drama back up, the cockiness continues. Check out this "interview", lol


    As for rexil (the other guy in the other thread, who apparently supplies J-Century's models) his account on dA was briefly deactivated and his whole gallery has been wiped due to "trolls". He moved to some blog site instead
  • MadnessImport
    No mention of Xnlara in the interview?
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    The author of that is just some college kid.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    No mention of Xnlara in the interview?

    Nope but he did say Make/made at least 9 times. The liar scale is off the charts here...
  • Aigik
  • EtotheRic
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    EtotheRic polycounter lvl 20
    I remember way back when I was working in graphic design. We interviewed this woman that claimed her cat on a fence was her work, which was actually the illustrator tutorial file. We hired some other dude that turned out to be a fraud as well. He just didn't come in to work one day after not being able to do get his job done. It's got to be tiring faking it all your life, 2 weeks at a time until your workplace realizes you can't do what you claim.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Meh, whatevs. If you want to go to that level to ruin your image and forever have your name blacklisted in the creative industry, be my guest :)
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    leilei wrote: »
    As much as i'd hate to bring up drama back up, the cockiness continues. Check out this "interview", lol


    As for rexil (the other guy in the other thread, who apparently supplies J-Century's models) his account on dA was briefly deactivated and his whole gallery has been wiped due to "trolls". He moved to some blog site instead

    A quote from that interview:
    TP: Have you ever had to deal with a situation where someone else took credit for your work? If so, what did you do to resolve it? How did this art theft make you feel?

    JC: Sure, it always happens to me. I found a lot of people using my art without my permission and some of them steal my art, make some modify and claim as their it as their own. I report that as a violation and usually in DeviantART the staff has a high efficiency of reaction for the report I make. Honestly, I feel quite happy when someone steals my art because no one will steal my art if it looks bad.

  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    kwakkie that was the best quote.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    He seems to love you Hazardous :P Be proud... I... guess? :D

    Probably a deeply unhappy guy who knows deep down how sad he really is.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    I got the impression he was more deeply delusional and doesn't see anything wrong with it.
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    wow.....speechless..this is what i wake up to..T-T
  • Adam L. Gray
    "That’s a long story. I’m a self-taught artist, I think."

    'I think'

  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter

    arrgh... bad intel
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    Jaco's catwoman is in there.

    where ?

    the catwoman i see is from batman game and actually has the proper copyright information at bottom of description.
    ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
    © 2008 Rocksteady, all rights reserved.
    © Torunedo Dezainsutajio 2012. All Rights Reserved.

    it seems obvious to me that there is a disconnected between what we think he is doing and what he thinks he is doing. he basically extracts art assets from games and poses them and renders them. his friends and people in his circle are hobbyists and dont really know the difference or care to look deeper into to issue.
  • Olli.
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    Olli. polycounter lvl 8
    kill the cancer
  • Bibendum
    Nah that's the catwoman model from Arkham City.

    Not even sure how he would get his hands on Jaco's model unless he gave it to him.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    hmmm, I'm confused. From reading some of the model comments I don't see him anywhere saying he modeled them, per-se, and on one of the FF dudes (Snow?) he actually posts a link to where he downloaded it. So is he saying he modeled them as well, or just posed and rendered them?

    Jacque, I only see the AC Catwoman as well, sure you're not just subconsciously wishing AC had used Jaco's model instead?
  • Bibendum
    hmmm, I'm confused. From reading some of the model comments I don't see him anywhere saying he modeled them, per-se, and on one of the FF dudes (Snow?) he actually posts a link to where he downloaded it. So is he saying he modeled them as well, or just posed and rendered them?
    "I never said I modeled it" is really a weak rationalization in my opinion.

    People tend to assume when you put your name on something that it's your work. The copyright notice at the bottom is worthless information, even the artist who actually created the original has to put that notice down there because the studio owns the copyright regardless of who made it.

    In any case anything of value has already been said on page 1: None of these people have futures as artists. At best they get some false sense of pride from the praise they garner from ignorant strangers (and I guess ignorant editors on websites that interview them...)
  • Kala.Istvanek
    Hello Members of the Polycount Forum,

    I am the author of the article and first of all I would just like to apologize for my ignorance. I have been doing a lot of interviews with 2d artists and even a sculptor that I've found on deviantart.com and I wanted to branch out and interview someone who was working with 3D modeling. This "artist" just happened to be the one of the ones that popped up and I saw that he had a lot of submissions so I went for it. Considering the amount of submissions he had I didn't even consider the possibility that he may have been an art thief, since usually deviantart is pretty good about getting rid of those kind of things or at least in my experience. I also don't know a whole lot about 3D modeling as I've never actually done 3D modeling. This was definitely a big mistake on my part and I apologize for spotlighting him without doing my research.

    Now, on to the "good" news or at least I think it is good news, however, you guys might think differently. Anyways, in an effort to diversify the artist spotlights and as a chance to apologize to the people that J-century may have ripped off I want to interview some of the fine artists here. So if you are interested in an interview please send me a private message with a link to your portfolio or some of your pieces and I will take a look at them and then. After reviewing your work I will send you questions that I would like you to answer for the interview. You can also send me links to artists that you think I might be interested in or that you think deserves a spotlight and I can try and contact them myself.

    Again my sincerest apologies!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    hmmm, I'm confused. From reading some of the model comments I don't see him anywhere saying he modeled them, per-se, and on one of the FF dudes (Snow?) he actually posts a link to where he downloaded it. So is he saying he modeled them as well, or just posed and rendered them?

    Jacque, I only see the AC Catwoman as well, sure you're not just subconsciously wishing AC had used Jaco's model instead?

    oh woops! you n MM are right.

    my bad.

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i will be as good as him one day!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Hello Members of the Polycount Forum,

    I am the author of the article and first of all I would just like to apologize for my ignorance. I have been doing a lot of interviews with 2d artists and even a sculptor that I've found on deviantart.com and I wanted to branch out and interview someone who was working with 3D modeling. This "artist" just happened to be the one of the ones that popped up and I saw that he had a lot of submissions so I went for it. Considering the amount of submissions he had I didn't even consider the possibility that he may have been an art thief, since usually deviantart is pretty good about getting rid of those kind of things or at least in my experience. I also don't know a whole lot about 3D modeling as I've never actually done 3D modeling. This was definitely a big mistake on my part and I apologize for spotlighting him without doing my research.

    Now, on to the "good" news or at least I think it is good news, however, you guys might think differently. Anyways, in an effort to diversify the artist spotlights and as a chance to apologize to the people that J-century may have ripped off I want to interview some of the fine artists here. So if you are interested in an interview please send me a private message with a link to your portfolio or some of your pieces and I will take a look at them and then. After reviewing your work I will send you questions that I would like you to answer for the interview. You can also send me links to artists that you think I might be interested in or that you think deserves a spotlight and I can try and contact them myself.

    Again my sincerest apologies!

    great that you're doing that and all. but you also might want to add a footer to the offending artical, explaining the difference between what he's doing, and real genuine creation. especially as some parts of the interview seem to allude to the possibility that doing what he's doing can actually land you jobs (or at the very least, that people THINK it can).

    also, this really made me chuckle...
    TP: Have you ever had to deal with a situation where someone else took credit for your work? If so, what did you do to resolve it? How did this art theft make you feel?

    JC: Sure, it always happens to me. I found a lot of people using my art without my permission and some of them steal my art, make some modify and claim as their it as their own. I report that as a violation and usually in DeviantART the staff has a high efficiency of reaction for the report I make. Honestly, I feel quite happy when someone steals my art because no one will steal my art if it looks bad.
  • Bibendum
    great that you're doing that and all. but you also might want to add a footer to the offending artical, explaining the difference between what he's doing, and real genuine creation. especially as some parts of the interview seem to allude to the possibility that doing what he's doing can actually land you jobs (or at the very least, that people THINK it can).
    Really don't think that's necessary... The article got comment bombed pretty hard. Either leave it up or take it down but don't try to turn it into some PSA.
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 17
    Kwakkie & Gir beat me to it haha, that quote from the interview was the best.

    I think the quality of my art must've gone down, as I've not had anything ripped since I was submitting UT skins to Identity Crisis over @ PlanetUnreal Circa 2002. :(
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    JohnnySix wrote: »
    Kwakkie & Gir beat me to it haha, that quote from the interview was the best.

    I think the quality of my art must've gone down, as I've not had anything ripped since I was submitting UT skins to Identity Crisis over @ PlanetUnreal Circa 2002. :(

    you need more tits and guns dude.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Bibendum wrote: »
    Really don't think that's necessary... The article got comment bombed pretty hard. Either leave it up or take it down but don't try to turn it into some PSA.

    aww man! and i just got my pitch fork out of the cupboard =[
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    1305895662_copyright_tag_for_deviants_4_by_rclarkjnr-d3grs1p.png he put this, in every his deviantart submission, I want to !! :D

    this is quite small case compared to what I ve seen lately, someone extract game music, and claim it as his own, and he got mainstream media exposure ( TV), interviewed and praised.

    of course, with the power of internet community, he go down so fast, and made official apology statement. :3

    life lesson ...
    why so hard to be honest ?
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    xvampire wrote: »
    why so hard to be honest ?

    teh pageviews = big ego is srs bsns

    If you're against his quest for ego in any fashion, you are one of the "so many idiots in this world"

    Weird delusional approach to society.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    You could probably make it up better by making a very bold statement before the interview that he did not model, texture, or rig any of those. He simply rips them from games, poses them, renders it, then slaps worthless copyright messages on them.

    That would do more justice than asking to interview people here.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    How about notify some of the companies he is ripping off and get a couple cease and desist letters off to deviantArt? What's really getting me is that he takes "Commissions" :P
  • MadnessImport
    Edit: The bot was vanquished
  • Spavoski
    Come on, this guy is answering what is being asked by interviewer.

    and if you all visit his profile and read his deviantID, you all will know that he is a xnalara user.

    Based on what I see on his profile, he gives proper credits to those related developer companies and original artist (if he know the name). This is legal, and he did not abusing any regulation of copyright as well. I don't care he is ripping them or what, as long as he did not do anything harmful to the related developer that should be fine.

    Do you all see he making some nude stuffs like porn with those models? Fcuk Yeah and try to check out how many pervert artists making porn with those models.

    Try to think, guys. If he is abusing law and regulation, why are he still there? He should be disappear long time ago from there, right?

    Maybe he is not one of us, maybe he did not make model from zero but he is an artist too, good renders need time and experience as well. If he learn ZBrush or some other bad-ass sculpting software, I am pretty sure he will make some serious killing here and maybe some of us will be KO by him.

    So please, show some respect. 3D artists have categories too, full modeler, renderer, premade studio artist and so on. We are modeler and he is considered as renderer while those Poser/DAZ users are premade studio artist.
  • Bibendum
    I like your logic, piracy must be legal too because I mean if it was illegal wouldn't it be gone by now?
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Spavoski wrote: »
    Do you all see he making some nude stuffs like porn with those models?

    This not the first time I've seen a "at least it's not naked" sympathy excuse to justify plagiarism. I've seen that happen a lot from those who are caught by another author. It's also illogical because most likely he wouldn't even have the skills to make nudity out of another model, lol.
  • TeZzy
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    TeZzy polycounter lvl 12
    Spavoski wrote: »
    Come on, this guy is answering what is being asked by interviewer.

    and if you all visit his profile and read his deviantID, you all will know that he is a xnalara user.

    Based on what I see on his profile, he gives proper credits to those related developer companies and original artist (if he know the name). This is legal, and he did not abusing any regulation of copyright as well. I don't care he is ripping them or what, as long as he did not do anything harmful to the related developer that should be fine.

    Do you all see he making some nude stuffs like porn with those models? Fcuk Yeah and try to check out how many pervert artists making porn with those models.

    Try to think, guys. If he is abusing law and regulation, why are he still there? He should be disappear long time ago from there, right?

    Maybe he is not one of us, maybe he did not make model from zero but he is an artist too, good renders need time and experience as well. If he learn ZBrush or some other bad-ass sculpting software, I am pretty sure he will make some serious killing here and maybe some of us will be KO by him.

    So please, show some respect. 3D artists have categories too, full modeler, renderer, premade studio artist and so on. We are modeler and he is considered as renderer while those Poser/DAZ users are premade studio artist.

  • StunWar
    Spavoski wrote: »
    Come on, this guy is answering what is being asked by interviewer.

    and if you all visit his profile and read his deviantID, you all will know that he is a xnalara user.

    Based on what I see on his profile, he gives proper credits to those related developer companies and original artist (if he know the name). This is legal, and he did not abusing any regulation of copyright as well. I don't care he is ripping them or what, as long as he did not do anything harmful to the related developer that should be fine.

    Do you all see he making some nude stuffs like porn with those models? Fcuk Yeah and try to check out how many pervert artists making porn with those models.

    Try to think, guys. If he is abusing law and regulation, why are he still there? He should be disappear long time ago from there, right?

    Maybe he is not one of us, maybe he did not make model from zero but he is an artist too, good renders need time and experience as well. If he learn ZBrush or some other bad-ass sculpting software, I am pretty sure he will make some serious killing here and maybe some of us will be KO by him.

    So please, show some respect. 3D artists have categories too, full modeler, renderer, premade studio artist and so on. We are modeler and he is considered as renderer while those Poser/DAZ users are premade studio artist.
    I don't think you could make it any more obvious that you are J-Century. Why not just speak for yourself rather than write in third-person as if you're someone else posting in his defense?

    Just because people don't normally bother to crack down on these issues doesn't mean they're okay; ripping models is clearly reverse engineering and goes against the EULA of most retail games, and doesn't fall under fair use for the copyrighted material, regardless of what you're using it for. Doesn't seem like you're too familiar with copyright by what you say here.
    Spavoski wrote:
    If he learn ZBrush or some other bad-ass sculpting software, I am pretty sure he will make some serious killing here and maybe some of us will be KO by him.
    Haha, good one; you couldn't even hold a conversation with an average 3d artist. Even when posing as someone else, you can't resist an opportunity to stroke your ego.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    Spavoski wrote: »
    Come on.

    at least try to lie a bit better next time .... man you are super obvious. ..., :p
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    At least the interview has the merit to show that the problem doesn't come from bad handling of the English language. The guy proved that he indeed is quite skillful a bending words and sneakily avoiding to make clear statements about what he does.

    "Hello, I download 3D models and render them from cool angles!"
    Now that wouldn't be too hard to type, huh!
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    Spavoski wrote: »
    ...This is legal, and he did not abusing any regulation of copyright as well. ... as long as he did not do anything harmful to the related developer that should be fine...
    Charging money to rip content and/or commercially exploit it isn't "fine". Copyright isn't just about claiming ownership of something, it's also about the privileges associated with licensed (often commercial) exploitation of an idea.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    Andreas wrote: »
    He seems to love you Hazardous :P Be proud... I... guess? :D

    Probably a deeply unhappy guy who knows deep down how sad he really is.

    I've got such a raging proud right now!
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Laughing while reading some of his supporters comments...It's all one big 'ol circle jerk
  • uncle
    Spavovski... what a clever disguise.

    Seriously, what is this guy still doing on DA? Anyone reported him?
  • JobyeK
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    JobyeK polycounter lvl 13
    PhattyEwok wrote: »
    Laughing while reading some of his supporters comments...It's all one big 'ol circle jerk

    That's the case for anything on DA really :P.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    unfortunately he's still at it. He deleted his journal entry with the interview (lol the comments he couldn't censor, that's why)

    and now he's feigning 'work in progress' as if he's pretending to make things, such as the texture

    "clay" render: COMPLETE
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    I'm not trying to play devil's advocate here, but I like seeing ripped content to see how it works and seeing interesting artistic reconfigurations. Of course to claim the ripped objects as your own original work is unjustifiable.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    well yeah, studying geometry for yourself is a different educational matter than exploiting it for personal gain and fame
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    1. Apply at Capcom

    2. Send portfolio as link with his contact info

    3. This popcorn won't eat itself
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    BlvdNights wrote: »
    1. Apply at Capcom

    2. Send portfolio as link with his contact info

    3. This popcorn won't eat itself

    LOL That would be epic!! Soooo... Did you do it?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    if nobody else does, i will...

    but i won't just apply to capcom... :D
This discussion has been closed.