Hey to all,
Came across this gallery here:
I'm not sure what is going on with the Soul Calibur characters as well Enzio and Resident Evil characters, but there it goes, if anyone wanted a heads up as to their work being ripped off...or something.
The reason I'm bringing this up is because I thought Enzio was modeled by some talented bloke at Ubi in Montreal, and not by someone in Malaysia.
Totally, its not like these folks will get in anyones way for a job. This seems to be the Videogames worlds version of Poser 'Art'.
Also has some strange responses to comments like:
"how many polygons/tris?"
"I think It's quite much, I didn't notice the polygons."
"Please make a tutorial . You did it really fast ! Please !...."
"LoL I haven't reached that level yet, dude."
"a quick question, is it rigged?
"What mean rigged?"
"what modeling technique do you use?"
"Modeling Technique ? What did you mean?"
Interesting stuff to look at indeed. Mind = blown. The thing is that for some of them I could tell that they weren't ripped from a game, but then where else does he get them from?
It's Rip Ahf Baby!
Polys : 179,167
Verts : 99,469
256x256 Diffuse, Normal and Alpha Map.
edit: oh wow 256x256, impressive
(ya i know the majority of people want to get into character art, but c'mon, why doesnt anyone rip of enviro artists?!)
Notice that the XNALara community crossovers with this dude....
Ripping art takes time.
We give enviro props out for free and we still cant get them stolen!
I personally don't care. Technically the art doesn't belong to me and I have all the source files should I ever have to prove that I modeled it one day.
It's fun seeing what they do with them.
The description of this entry made me chuckle. Not a bad attempt for a first-timer!
This is not an artist, just a fan of games ripping their content because he loves it. There are communities specialized in ripping the content of Unreal Engine games such as Tera, or Blade & Soul.
Deviant should not tolerate this kind of things, but if you look better, that site is full of stupids and arrogant kids with too much ego, so report is the best solution. They think the internet is so huge... and their actions will always be noticed lol
Wanna kill his moral? report him massively. He will be surely banned.
http://help.deviantart.com/contact/ <--- policy inquiry, just do it
Oh wow we gotta get him in to do a texture workshop with us!! Maybe he has the time now cause he's taking a break from 3d...
it doesnt really matter. From what I can see is that anyone's art gets stolen or could get stolen and be changed for some other project if think about it.
for example:
Thief = Assassin's Creed
this definitely made my day xD
That'd work, right? :P I mean, you'd have to be crazy, but it could happen. <_<
Yes you should, but if he uses Daz, than I exactly know where this fuckin epic modeling and texturing is coming from. We dont have to kick him in the balls and tell him that we know who he is. The entry level art test will do it for us.
Besides I dont know if he cares much about your comment. =/
Was doing all that math worth it? ;P
Thanks to everyone! My fellow friends, my watchers and all the visitors !!!
Thank you so much for bring me to 10k page views
Problem was we were in the same class together when he showed "his" art work.
I never felt so proud and laughed so hard hahah. He got kicked out suffice to say X)
This is where he gets his models from, guys. He changes them a bit and pretends that he modeled them.
there are many free models on that site.
Its an ok approach to start out in modeling, but you lose out on many things. Such as: poly count, texturing, its always fun to see how the model was made and textured.
The idea is that you download the model and break it down to study it.
He alone doesnt do shit like we do. But there it is guys. With that in mind, if you like to waste more time discussing him or trying to explain that he isnt on the right track, sure, go for it.
This one is not an art thief. This one is just a kid who downloads finished models from Daz 3D's website, modifies it a bit and claims that he created it to impress the girls.
We are just making fun of him for doing so. <.<
I guess it depends on where each of us drawes the line for "theft".
Aye, thats a pity. Whatever happened to the art test for entry level 3d modeling artist everyone speaks of I wonder.
Sites like daz or turbosquid allows you to download the model, and do whatever with it, because the artists of those models put it there for either giving it away, it selling it with a reasonable price.
Although, those artists should worry about kids like these, because those models were supposed to be used as ref, or testing game engines. Mostly.
Having some fun with him.
I know i'm not industry quality yet but i really just wanted to break hit jaw when i read his last comment. Mostly this part'
Anyways I don't think there's alot of models from a western game, mainly Japanese ones. Which is even more aggregating, since the chances of the original owners finding out their work have been stolen on a foreign website is very rare.
To quote one of his posts:
"Hello overlordorochi, good question. I made them from scratch and I usually will upload some WIP in my profile. Some of the texture I use printscreen to get the picture, and edit with PS."
So he can cut out the "read description properly" shit, he's tried to make them out to be his own and now he's caught out and trying to cover his ass.
You know we had a thread about one of those xnalara friends that do rip...
"I found that it's really hard even just to being a hobbyist nowadays. Too many idiots in this world.
.......no comment
Well, I tried.:poly142: lets see if he takes the point when its not delivered so harshly. (not holding my breath)
Wow, the models that he posted there are directly from known games. I dont see him covering his ass, but hoping to get away with this rip off. Now I see that the art rip off has gone too far, even for the internet standard.
God, ok now this is obvious. People should start posting his work to the actual artists and see what they'll do to him.
I also don't get the impression that anything he does is going to significantly affect anybody who CAN make stuff like that.