Hey guys

Planning on using this thread to dump speed paintings and sculpts... hopefully every day... critiques are welcome of course.
Here's some seed material, things from the last two days:

I liked doing the helicopter a lot there so I tried another techy robot

wanted to try for a different mood w/ similar subject matter... don't really like how the ship design turned out here

and this one just came out of the scribbles

Also made some process .gifs, since I always like seeing others do them

New one from today
I think I should do some city studies so I can paint them a little less ethereally. I also meant to do some ship or something in the upper-right, but ran out of time
just as you now have a pretty good mind for what's right and what wouldn't look right on a gun model, you need to spend some more time with reference on the other things you wish to represent in your work. in this case do some studies of actual airplanes you like, fold their essential "airplaneness" into your work, which will then allow you to be more freeform, conceptual with what you paint. right now you've got shapes that are nominally airplanelike, but fall apart on any sort of examination. there's just nothing there to hold onto.
otherwise color and overall mark making seem pretty good. your compositions and value balances are coming together well; working up from grayscale seems to suit you.
Decided for a study to try painting someone from my fashion folder
A self-portrait
Perfectblue - about a year and change for photoshop painting, and some college and high school drawing classes before that for theory stuff
bit of a failure here, in that i gave up on it, it wasn't coming together. but i can't just post the ones i like -
Screamin' Eagles?
Since I'm a few months out of practice with painting and I'm feeling a lot slower than I used to be, I decided to start recording the work so I can go over it later and see what I can improve process-wise. I decided to put them on youtube as well.
I dunno why Camtasia recorded my mouse in the middle of the screen the whole time but I'll try and find a setting to disable that next time.
through blockout stage right now.
I've recorded the process so far, but I wanna do an audio track for it before I put it up.
The reference: