I'm still waiting for a character-lock camera. I'm way too uncoordinated to be able to manage moving my character about and the camera separately.
I'll check to see if I've got any invites to give out to you guys
Its suppose to be like that. You could just click your character's avatar to center the camera, or click LMB on your character's avatar and hold so it can follow your character. =\
Of course there is. You click on Watch tab and pick the match to Spectate =\
I think the beta is still North America only. As the Steam store just put the DOTA2 page as accessible here a couple of weeks ago (Before it would show "This game is not available in this region"). I will fill out the beta thing again, but don't know if it will fly.
I'm pretty sure you won't get any invites if you yourself were invited. Only if you were accepted through the beta survey, which they are still sending out invites through.
If anyone's looking to get together some Polycount games I'd love to play. I play mostly Drow Ranger, Queen of Pain, Pudge, and Sand King but I can play quite a few more heroes.
Its funny isnt it; There was a time when people used to sell the beta key when it was soo preciously found on ebay for $200.00 per piece, and there were people who were willing to pay approx $600.00 just to have one game of it even if there was a crack version of the beta existed. (If you remember what happened in pre-starcraft II.)
Now it is pretty common, many people just dont give a damn, I mean even I was like, If I get beta keys for the games that I have planned to buy or pre-ordered, thats nice, if not, no harm done. I made my mind up like that while I stand being a pro gamer.
But now things are kind of opposite now. For example; we got in to dota 2 beta, and got our 2 invites to invite someone else, now we are just trying to get rid of them keys.
@Nitewalkr, yeah... In January I was looking for a key and would have even bought one for like $20 if necessary but most people's offers were $60 games or even more because people would pay that... Then a few weeks later I got invited by Valve and now another few weeks later it seems the invites are pretty much worthless. Glad I didn't buy one now.
This has been going on for a long time now and its not over yet. Im pretty sure that valve has already considered this before they started making the game and they came to the conclusion that they can win the legal battle ahead, we will see.
"it would be like Blizzard seeing the success of the original Counter-Strike, a fan-made mod for Valve's Half-Life, and developing a Counter-Strike 2 without the consent of Valve, making money off a property that wasn't theirs to begin with."
This isnt true, the big difference is that Valve saw the CS mod and then brought the devs on board basically buying the IP from the mod creators. Blizzard never did this with dota. It is more like if a mod team was making a cool mod, some big name developer saw the mod and decided to invest in it and convinced the mod team to port it to a different engine instead. If the court decideds that Blizzard has the IP rights then i guess we can go ahead and congratulate Epic games because they just scored a TON of new IPs.
That article is 3 months old. Also IIRC Blizzard just opposed their trademark with the patent and trademark office not directly attacking the game or valve, just the name trademark.
I am finally not crappy at Dota 2 anymore but I still find myself playing more LoL. The Dota 2 community frustrates me. I shouldn't read their forums. Everyone is an elitist and against making usability tweaks because it would make the game easier...
That article is 3 months old. Also IIRC Blizzard just opposed their trademark with the patent and trademark office not directly attacking the game or valve, just the name trademark.
I am finally not crappy at Dota 2 anymore but I still find myself playing more LoL. The Dota 2 community frustrates me. I shouldn't read their forums. Everyone is an elitist and against making usability tweaks because it would make the game easier...
I know, I just found out about that. I mean all this time I thought they were ok with it because Blizzard is also releasing "Blizzard's Dota," this year while Valve is releasing "Dota 2." I never for once thought this might happen.
But this is just sad. =\
I am a fan of LOL and Dota, though after sucking as a blood seeker few times; I just casually play those games like I play Sid Meier's Civilization V or AOE online.
Since Lol, dota and those type of games require alot of practice and getting used to.
Funny how many people are raging about the new UI before they've even played with it, especially since they did the same thing when they saw the previous Dota2 UI for the first time.
Def. gearin' up to try my hand at makin' some alternate art! The hero and idea i have are hardly original, but it's too good to pass up. We'll see if anyone does the same thing
Can't wait to see the crazy submissions people make. Anyone know of resources on how to get started? Obviously there are models and textures floating around but it'd be good to know some official guidelines. I would imagine this is a bit more involved than tf 2 hats and weapons as some things may need to adhere to rigs more and the like.
Also this is a great time to sign up, they're expanding the player base all the time:
Also, any of you heading to the International in Seattle? It's running side by side with PAX Prime. -I have an extra ticket for that, let me know if you need it.
Also, any of you heading to the International in Seattle? It's running side by side with PAX Prime. -I have an extra ticket for that, let me know if you need it.
Its suppose to be like that. You could just click your character's avatar to center the camera, or click LMB on your character's avatar and hold so it can follow your character. =\
Ofcourse there is. You click on Watch tab and pick the match to Spectate =\
However, the server is glitchy because it goes offline and than online from time to time you may have to reset Dota 2 client and try again.
*squeals like a girl* I'd very much love one if you have any spare
If anyone's looking to get together some Polycount games I'd love to play. I play mostly Drow Ranger, Queen of Pain, Pudge, and Sand King but I can play quite a few more heroes.
For those who would not like to reach others and request for beta invites but still would like to try the game,
Click here
It will guide you how to sign up for it.
According to the discussion relative to Dota 2 beta by my clan mates, it doesnt take that long to be invited.
Woot, thanks for the key Jungsik ^_^
Now it is pretty common, many people just dont give a damn, I mean even I was like, If I get beta keys for the games that I have planned to buy or pre-ordered, thats nice, if not, no harm done. I made my mind up like that while I stand being a pro gamer.
But now things are kind of opposite now. For example; we got in to dota 2 beta, and got our 2 invites to invite someone else, now we are just trying to get rid of them keys.
my name is joichan on steam
I've got 1 more after that if anyone wants it, scudz_almighty on steam
gz! we should play a round or two sometime
Well...soo much for dota 2.
This has been going on for a long time now and its not over yet. Im pretty sure that valve has already considered this before they started making the game and they came to the conclusion that they can win the legal battle ahead, we will see.
"it would be like Blizzard seeing the success of the original Counter-Strike, a fan-made mod for Valve's Half-Life, and developing a Counter-Strike 2 without the consent of Valve, making money off a property that wasn't theirs to begin with."
This isnt true, the big difference is that Valve saw the CS mod and then brought the devs on board basically buying the IP from the mod creators. Blizzard never did this with dota. It is more like if a mod team was making a cool mod, some big name developer saw the mod and decided to invest in it and convinced the mod team to port it to a different engine instead. If the court decideds that Blizzard has the IP rights then i guess we can go ahead and congratulate Epic games because they just scored a TON of new IPs.
That article is 3 months old. Also IIRC Blizzard just opposed their trademark with the patent and trademark office not directly attacking the game or valve, just the name trademark.
I am finally not crappy at Dota 2 anymore but I still find myself playing more LoL. The Dota 2 community frustrates me. I shouldn't read their forums. Everyone is an elitist and against making usability tweaks because it would make the game easier...
I know, I just found out about that. I mean all this time I thought they were ok with it because Blizzard is also releasing "Blizzard's Dota," this year while Valve is releasing "Dota 2." I never for once thought this might happen.
But this is just sad. =\
I am a fan of LOL and Dota, though after sucking as a blood seeker few times; I just casually play those games like I play Sid Meier's Civilization V or AOE online.
Since Lol, dota and those type of games require alot of practice and getting used to.
You know you can just sign up for beta and you will receive it in about a month or so. =\
EDIT: nevermind just checked my email and I had received an invite today
Congrats and good luck. =]
New hud, so slick. Love the rock in this game. Icons are slick too. Just gets better and better.
matchid: 16145360
I've been converted, this is the best game ever made.
- Game will be free
- Steam workshops
Time to make sweet art ? and enjoy game as well
Polycount should definitely have a contest for this game x) who knows it would bring the same amount of success like tf2 polycount pack =D
Can't wait to see the crazy submissions people make. Anyone know of resources on how to get started? Obviously there are models and textures floating around but it'd be good to know some official guidelines. I would imagine this is a bit more involved than tf 2 hats and weapons as some things may need to adhere to rigs more and the like.
Also this is a great time to sign up, they're expanding the player base all the time:
(bottom of the page)
Seriously no one plays this anymore?
Steam: deathknight23
Also, any of you heading to the International in Seattle? It's running side by side with PAX Prime. -I have an extra ticket for that, let me know if you need it.
Added you on steam, would love an invite
I would love one as well:)
Added you on steam.
Been waiting ages for a invite from steam ^^
steam nick is di5co5tu