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Really? This is what we have come to in self-entitlment?



  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    [HP] wrote: »

    What is this? Is it a sailboat?
  • Mark Dygert
    What is this? Is it a sailboat?
    Go down to the lower left corner, and count up 8 images, also take notice of the other surrounding images, but particularly that one.

    Then step back and squint a bit... wait for it... wait for it...
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    :( all i see is a poodle looking thing. hahaha
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    What really? Oh maybe I've seen the picture it's portraying too many times but think "Space...the final frontier!" To be fair, that's a poor picture, I have a much better one on my harddrive somewhere D:
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    seforin wrote: »
    so im like this with double fine studios, you think if I make some video and sing some lovely caring song I will get enough internet hype to have them look at me? :p

    Don't be that guy
  • Mark Dygert
    glottis8 wrote: »
    :( all i see is a poodle looking thing. hahaha

    Or maybe this will help...
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Ghostscape wrote: »
    Don't be that guy

    What guy?

    The idea guy!
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9

    Or maybe this will help...

    hahaha i see it now... i gotta say the poodle was more amusing. haha But i now see him in his star trek attire showing me his disappointment that i didn't see it right away! Glorious praises! I have been saved from ignorance and i can see now!
  • JakeM
    There's a time to put together a funny little animation and get noticed and its not before you have any marketable skills... It was cute, but she put the cart before the horse.

    Exactly. I don't think people are upset about the video itself, but more so just irritated by the mentality that's so prevalent today... that "if I can just be a big enough attention whore on the internet, I'll get what I want," instead of directing all of that energy into actually developing some relevant skills.

    I liked the video, and obviously quite a bit of effort went into making it, but her portfolio doesn't have a single piece of work that's relevant to game design or development. I don't think anyone is trying to be a naysayer here, or tell her she'll never accomplish her goals, but for god's sake, you should put all of that effort into producing some kick ass work (3D modeling, concept art, level design... whatever you're trying to get into) instead of making funny youtube videos.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    JakeM wrote: »
    Exactly. I don't think people are upset about the video itself, but more so just irritated by the mentality that's so prevalent today... that "if I can just be a big enough attention whore on the internet, I'll get what I want," instead of directing all of that energy into actually developing some relevant skills.

    You are suggesting she knew that she was going to get this ridiculously overblown reaction on the web? Her medichlorian count must be through the roof. Could she be the one the prophecy speaks of? Could she be the one to finally bring balance to Valve?
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14

    Ah yes, the Quake SBAR face facepalm replacement. The most brilliant thing to ever come out of the Quakeworld community.
  • Mark Dygert
    Wow I'm surprised anyone even picked up on that... it's hilarious and frightening all at the same time.
  • JakeM
    Andreas wrote: »
    You are suggesting she knew that she was going to get this ridiculously overblown reaction on the web?

    No... I'm suggesting she uploaded it to a PUBLIC, VIDEO-SHARING site, and then submitted it to a SOCIAL NEWS site, with the hope that it would get ridiculously overblown.

    The more I continue this conversation, the worse I feel about it. I feel bad for her for some of the disgusting and vitriolic comments she's getting on youtube and reddit (I guess it's to be expected). Like I said earlier, I enjoyed the video. I just think her efforts would be better spent elsewhere, until she has a portfolio that'll get her hired at a place like Valve.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I would like to apologize if this thread is out of place, I was hasty in my wording and posting a thread that is mediocre personal subject at best, if any of the Admin/Mod's want's to lock it, please do.

    However, just let me correct myself in my previous hastiness of posting and berating the video and her.

    I'm not angry at her initiative, but rather, her paradoxic approach of the subject matter. She made a video to get attention so that she can get hired by Valve, that is good and all but here is my problem.

    -Her video IS NOT an animation, just stills, with only A-O animations, which is what students in first year of animation programs learn, before learning the Phoneme.

    -Her pictures don't have any style, their neither stylized, nor realistic, you get about 10 of these scribble drawn art on Newgrounds every day.

    -She has 'ideas' and is a 'team-player', which last I checked, weren't part of the Photography school requirements, unlike in many schools for games and movies. You have to put where your money is, your mouth and make it count.

    -She didn't sing from her diaphragm, if you want to a voice actor, you have to know how to give your voice pressure, strength and tone, not simply changes of decibels.

    -I will do anything...her mother would be so proud of these few words.

    I'm mind boggled that instead of improving her work, updating with new works (her last real work was from early 2010) and trying again with a good animated piece wasn't in her list of "To do something good, and not in a hurry".

    This is what I mean about the self-entitlement issues, she believes that if she bashes her head enough times, with enough force on the wall, it's going to give away, and having people back her up by saying on how she is giving her heart and soul is going to the ace in the hole.

    Heart and Soul aren't all you need in the entertainment industry, you need training, skillset, determination to weather periods of dryness and not simply work hard when the days are bright and sunny before going home, as well pushing yourself to bet better.

    She had a golden chance to do ALL THIS in her ANIMATION, which she didn't, this is what boggles my mind! It's an animation, she could have at least animated it!

  • know-it-null
    It's sad, but not facepalm sad. Taking the initiative and doing something to get noticed is fine. Passing off desperation as creativity and edge begs the question, "Just how stupid do you think employers are?" You just can't hang outside their office with a boombox over your head like John Cusak. You still need the CV and reel to back your loud mouth up.
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    Man, you guys are mean! It's a good thing that the song I used for my application to Blizzard never got out...
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    JakeM wrote: »
    I just think her efforts would be better spent elsewhere, until she has a portfolio that'll get her hired at a place like Valve.

    What happened to running some successful mod or SP map campaign and getting noticed for that? That's how Valve picked up people in the past, not from picking hopefuls from begging videos.

    When Valve started, they already began doing that:

    Ben Morris, for Worldcraft
    Yahn Bernier, for BSP
    Steve Bond, for flashlights, jetpacks, bananas, anvils, aircraft, and flares
    Robin Walker, for Team Fortress
    Dario Casali, for The Prodigy and Plutonia Experiment
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    I would like to apologize if this thread is out of place, I was hasty in my wording and posting a thread that is mediocre personal subject at best, if any of the Admin/Mod's want's to lock it, please do.

    However, just let me correct myself in my previous hastiness of posting and berating the video and her.

    I'm not angry at her initiative, but rather, her paradoxic approach of the subject matter. She made a video to get attention so that she can get hired by Valve, that is good and all but here is my problem.

    -Her video IS NOT an animation, just stills, with only A-O animations, which is what students in first year of animation programs learn, before learning the Phoneme.

    -Her pictures don't have any style, their neither stylized, nor realistic, you get about 10 of these scribble drawn art on Newgrounds every day.

    -She has 'ideas' and is a 'team-player', which last I checked, weren't part of the Photography school requirements, unlike in many schools for games and movies. You have to put where your money is, your mouth and make it count.

    -She didn't sing from her diaphragm, if you want to a voice actor, you have to know how to give your voice pressure, strength and tone, not simply changes of decibels.

    -I will do anything...her mother would be so proud of these few words.

    I'm mind boggled that instead of improving her work, updating with new works (her last real work was from early 2010) and trying again with a good animated piece wasn't in her list of "To do something good, and not in a hurry".

    This is what I mean about the self-entitlement issues, she believes that if she bashes her head enough times, with enough force on the wall, it's going to give away, and having people back her up by saying on how she is giving her heart and soul is going to the ace in the hole.

    Heart and Soul aren't all you need in the entertainment industry, you need training, skillset, determination to weather periods of dryness and not simply work hard when the days are bright and sunny before going home, as well pushing yourself to bet better.

    She had a golden chance to do ALL THIS in her ANIMATION, which she didn't, this is what boggles my mind! It's an animation, she could have at least animated it!


    i am not going to judge on what she believes or thinks, but the video didnt seem self-entitled at all. if anything it seemed like a tribute to valve by a fan.

    also if you know that her work is not up to the valve quality bar then what are you really so worried about it ?

    it is not like valve has the reputation of hiring people without a high level of skill.
  • Neavah
    anyone watch king 5 news tonight?


    .... .... ... I don't even know what to think about it... ...
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    We should mail her a formal letter of acceptance into polycount high.

    The most prestige-filled art school there ever was.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    .. ya know, with a tiny bit more effort, she could have made her application a cover of "still alive". :)
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I still find it hilarious that her fave game is Alice (Not knocking it) and not a valve game seeing as how she's so fanatic towards Valve.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    That doesn't refute anything I said. I'm not arguing that all exposure is 100% positive so there's no need to attempt to debate that with me.

    What I'm saying is that, basically, without risk there is no reward. Good on her for taking a chance while most others are content to sit back and do their Eeyore routine.
    Well, you did say that you fully disagreed with what I said which was that exposure isn't always good. =)
    I do agree that you should be taking risks however they should be somewhat suitable. I don't think this is an encourable approach, if you really want to reach your dreams you should be sacrifising a lot more and the right things, not just using whatever you think is fun(which in this case is making music and drawing simple anime'ish drawings). This is a pretty good example of staying in your safe-zone while aiming a lot higher.
  • Mark Dygert
    SO i watched it again and a few things popped to mind as I watched.
    "if zombies ever attack I'll lead the charge"
    1) The zombies are moving left to right, she's pointing a crowbar at the valve HQ... is she leading the zombie charge?
    2) She's in a HEV suit holding crowbar, a nod to Gordon I guess... but she's yelling "WARCRY!" Gordon's mute so wouldn't that be "......"
    Way to go, super fan.
    My favorite game: "American McGee's Alice"
    As stated before by a few people WTF, go apply at Spicy Horse.
    I draw... <shoddily drawn zombies on frame>
    She had some better stuff on her site, but this is a cringe worthy moment... Not a good way to draw attention to your "drawing" skills.
    I write...
    Yes, we've seen the handwritten slides for 10-20sec a piece. But do you have samples of creative writing? Or do you want to design hand writing fonts for valve? If you're a creative writer does that mean you want to think up stories and be a "designer?" Because designing video games isn't the same as writing short stories.
    I play on steam...
    90 bajailion freakin hours.
    Portal2: 5hrs.
    Alice Madness Returns: 8hrs.
    I'll even move to your crummy state and give up everything I love
    ouch... now they're forcing her to be unhappy, I'm sure that's something employees feel warm and fuzzy about. "oh its a hardship to live here, well hell how about we all move to Hawaii just for you, princess?"

    Ok I'm being a douchebag, and it was pretty cute, but she need to be a little more in tune to what she's doing...
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I didn't get the feeling by her video that she ever actually thought they'd hire her for anything. I got the feeling she was just being silly.

    I mean, there's loads of people, I'm sure we all know someone - who's always, "OMG, I would SOOOOOOO love to work for V4lve, I have sooooo many ideas, I could make them SO MUCH MONIES!" You know how it is, they often times even have notebooks full of crappy game designs that've already been done (better), and they think they're the most innovative things since pocketed pants.

    I always just kind of assumed they didn't actually think of it as a likelihood. I kind of looked at it like how your dad always talks about scenarios or eventualities, like - "When you kids move out, I'm buying a convertible."

    They know it's not true, but that doesn't stop them from voicing it. I thought this person just sort of acknowledged that and decided to have some fun with it.

    I guess I could just be really misinterpreting things, though. Wouldn't be the first time.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    It's only because she's a girl that some of you think it's cute. I wonder what your opinion would be if this was a 40 year fat guy? Also her other youtube videos are kind of sad and socially awkward as well really. Seriously, who the f makes an animation about some random thing that happened in a restaurant once, get a life!

    Other than that, her portfolio is filled with cliche standard "I used to be into goth/rock" tribal and butterfly shit and she doesnt seem to have any history or even a clue about actual game development so I cant really blame Valve for not replying.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    kwakkie wrote: »
    It's only because she's a girl that some of you think it's cute. I wonder what your opinion would be if this was a 40 year fat guy?

    It's a fun video because it's a fun video, I don't care if it's made by a 40 year old fat guy or an 80 year old transgender.

    In fact depending on how you did the visuals in those scenarios it could be even better.

  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Two Listen wrote: »
    I didn't get the feeling by her video that she ever actually thought they'd hire her for anything. I got the feeling she was just being silly.

    She believes it is because she wasn't noticed or that she doesn't stick out enough, she doesn't believe it is because she lacks the experience or skills.
    No one sends off three applications, one being an entire video, just for the lulz.

    Also, Craig is adorable, Schafer should totally hire him.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I need to stop assuming things about people.
  • Mr_Paris
  • Barnstable

    So for all the media coverage, hate (and support) she's gotten, her video worked. Didn't get her a job yet, but it got her foot in the door, and that's more than anyone could hope for from a video.

    I know Erin personally. Use to work with her at Apple. She's a great person, and I couldn't be happier for her.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    @Barn, sounds just like a small tour. Pretty much anyone can get a tour like that of the Valve offices just by e-mailing them. I got a tour of the offices myself earlier this year before I moved out of Bellevue and got to speak with an artist on the TF2 team for a bit. I guess she will physically get her foot in the door though.
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    she has the apple logo on her website, she has a donate button with multiple payment methods, her photography is bad, her drawing is passable but who knows how it was created or for what purpose.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    @Barn, sounds just like a small tour. Pretty much anyone can get a tour like that of the Valve offices just by e-mailing them. I got a tour of the offices myself earlier this year before I moved out of Bellevue and got to speak with an artist on the TF2 team for a bit. I guess she will physically get her foot in the door though.

    JEEEEESUS bitter much? Congrats to Erin, she deserves it after the shitstorm she had to go through. When will people learn that life is ironic. If they hadnt harrased her to the level they did, Valve would never have heard of her.
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    That's pretty rad. Congrats to her on getting the tour.

    So much hate in this thread.
  • Sean VanGorder
    Damn guys, jealousy is an ugly thing.

    Zipfinator wrote: »
    @Barn, sounds just like a small tour. Pretty much anyone can get a tour like that of the Valve offices just by e-mailing them.

    Yeah, how many people can say that Valve emailed them first?
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah to be honest the amount of crap that she would have gotten on her videos and youtube profile page, she deserves to get something nice like this.
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    quick! let's get this guy a job at valve!

  • WarrenM
    The tour and the meet'n'greet with the artists is an awesome gesture on Valve's part. If Valve is anything like us, you can't just walk up to the door and get a tour. We get people who try that here and it doesn't happen.

    "But we drove for 6 hours to get here!"
    "...Maybe you should have called first?"

    Valve knows of her now, which is a lot more than most people who want to work there can say. Good for her! I hope she gets hired there in the coming years and drives every hater in this thread insane with rage. :)
  • Cexar
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    Cexar polycounter lvl 6
    Valve knows of her now, which is a lot more than most people who want to work there can say. Good for her! I hope she gets hired there in the coming years and drives every hater in this thread insane with rage. :)


    Damn I'm jealous but it this would really be a fun way to break into the industry. :)
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Valve knows of her now, which is a lot more than most people who want to work there can say. Good for her! I hope she gets hired there in the coming years and drives every hater in this thread insane with rage. :)

    If we can still remember this thread in five to ten years ;)

    But seriously though, I hope valve does the "what WOULD you like to do?" routine with her, and explain the different magical spells behind making games, the downsides and upsides, what route she should take to work on her skills depending on what she'd like to do.
  • WarrenM
    But seriously though, I hope valve does the "what WOULD you like to do?" routine with her, and explain the different magical spells behind making games, the downsides and upsides, what route she should take to work on her skills depending on what she'd like to do.
    Totally. She obviously has the drive, she just needs some direction now.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    I think that she should have put her drive into being good enough at something to get hired, and then pulled this stunt...well done to her, but after the tour she will still have to get her arse in gear and actually develop the skills to get hired rather than make another song (unless she ends up in audio making comedy songs for TF2 or course but I doubt that)
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    I hope she gets hired there in the coming years and drives every hater in this thread insane with rage. :)

    Wouldn't she be hired for her skills at that time rather than the skills she's shown in this video? Who knows, perhaps she'll become extremely good by then, it would be pretty damn unfair(for her) to still say that she got the job by singing and begging. I don't think this is a "hate" against her personally but rather her approach.

    Anyway, good for her! I don't know about deserving this but she did get a lot of unnecessary shit so it's good that she got something good out of it. Good luck to her!
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah, how many people can say that Valve emailed them first?

    That's true.

    @Andreas, I wasn't trying to be bitter. I'm just saying it sounded like the small 30 minute tour that most people get, not a special invitation. I guess that last comment in my previous post was unnecessary though.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    Damn guys, jealousy is an ugly thing.

    Yeah, how many people can say that Valve emailed them first?

    this is just pedantry on my part, but.. she can't, she emailed them several times *and mailed them the video..

    anyway, good on her!
  • Delerium
    seth. wrote: »
    I think that she should have put her drive into being good enough at something to get hired, and then pulled this stunt...well done to her, but after the tour she will still have to get her arse in gear and actually develop the skills to get hired rather than make another song (unless she ends up in audio making comedy songs for TF2 or course but I doubt that)

    Yes! She done it all backwards. First be good at something and then pull this stunt and reap the rewards. No hate from my side, just common sense.
  • kite
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    kite polycounter lvl 17
    The quickest way to get into valve is to picket outside for hl3. You get free lunch!
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    Rick_D wrote: »
    quick! let's get this guy a job at valve!

    I want to hire him as the art director of my life....
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Once again, I apologize profusely for this thread, it had no place to be put like this out, I'm sure PC could do without the bitchy drama (which ironically I am against yet building it).

    So please, if we could close this thread and start a new one with this guys, it will be all the better for everyone.

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