I'd say some opinions do remain valid. However it's unusually hard to escape polycount though for some reason I don't know why. Just be little easy on me okay ?
And you are 19. NINETEEN. NINININININININETEEN. YOU ARE HAVING A TEENAGER MOMENT WHERE EVERYTHING IS MORE EXAGGERATED THAN IT NEEDS TO BE cool off bro it's not badyou can get over it pretty easily remember that polycount is one of those lax easy art places in the entire internet world where the men are boys, boys are boys and girls are men.
What is your goal to this topic anyway to pick a fight and be a dick? (BTW POLYCOUNT HAS A "Don't be a dick" RULE) If you aim to accomplish that it will get you nowhere really there is nothing to worry about DON'T LET ZBRUSH DETAIL WANKS AFFECT YOUR SELF ESTEEM BECAUSEYOU CAN DO IT TOO YOU JUST HAVE NOT UNLOCKED YOUR SCULPT SKILL YET they are not trying to be 'better' than you THEY LIKE ART LIKE YOU DO LIKE ART
From what I seen from your work you have a hard time understanding hard edges and you have a habitual over-reliance on smooth tools. Try practicing modeling by the plane or sphere primitives without dialing that 'smooth' stuff up, instead of this weird teenagery 'standing up for myself' boohoo crap i'm seeing now you'll be much better off that way
tl;dr: less bitch, more ... some art term that rhymes with bitch
cooljay, stop being arrogant. If you want to leave, just do it. You can't really debate or argue on the internet like this without making your self look bad. At this point, you are really just causing pointless forum drama. There was more than a few solid attempts by our members to try to help you out and point you in the right direction. You have to earn respect, we don't owe you anything.
Everyone, stop being dicks. He is a bit full of himself, he's young, he has a lot to learn about 3d and art. He will grow or move on. But we can honestly say that we tried to help him out.
just a note for the future, if your thread dosnt make a point that is comprehensible by more than just you. You should have not made it in the first place.
just a note for the future, if your thread dosnt make a point that is comperhandable by more than just you. You should have not made it in the first place.
cooljay i knew you would come back, they always do. but seriously glad to see that your back just gotta keep your cool and realize that crits are not peoples way of being dicks, rather they are trying to help you make yourself a better artist. i know it can be tough seeing other peoples amazing work and comparing to yours(it is for me) but you gotta keep pushing forward. each model you make and each crit you receive you should take it as an opportunity to better your work. don't try to cram a million polys into your work rather take the time to step back and look at your work and use what you need.
That makes sense actually, never thought about it that way. Maybe I don't need to try to reinvent the wheel with my work, and just make a polygon amount that will suffice. I'm certain I won't disappoint anyone with something good at a lower polycount than something horrible at a higher one.
...hadn't you already left?
I'll miss the funny turbosmoothed face avatar you've had.
on the bright side....
No more 50 reply topics please
Edit; On the side note, I seriously need to get my shit together though. Figure out some better stress relief.
And you are 19. NINETEEN. NINININININININETEEN. YOU ARE HAVING A TEENAGER MOMENT WHERE EVERYTHING IS MORE EXAGGERATED THAN IT NEEDS TO BE cool off bro it's not bad you can get over it pretty easily remember that polycount is one of those lax easy art places in the entire internet world where the men are boys, boys are boys and girls are men.
What is your goal to this topic anyway to pick a fight and be a dick? (BTW POLYCOUNT HAS A "Don't be a dick" RULE) If you aim to accomplish that it will get you nowhere really there is nothing to worry about DON'T LET ZBRUSH DETAIL WANKS AFFECT YOUR SELF ESTEEM BECAUSE YOU CAN DO IT TOO YOU JUST HAVE NOT UNLOCKED YOUR SCULPT SKILL YET they are not trying to be 'better' than you THEY LIKE ART LIKE YOU DO LIKE ART
From what I seen from your work you have a hard time understanding hard edges and you have a habitual over-reliance on smooth tools. Try practicing modeling by the plane or sphere primitives without dialing that 'smooth' stuff up, instead of this weird teenagery 'standing up for myself' boohoo crap i'm seeing now you'll be much better off that way
tl;dr: less bitch, more ... some art term that rhymes with bitch
Everyone, stop being dicks. He is a bit full of himself, he's young, he has a lot to learn about 3d and art. He will grow or move on. But we can honestly say that we tried to help him out.
You have stupid friends, this was a dumb idea.
Why is it we always have a big ego at the teen years. I hate it so much
Edit: Do wish someone could a give me a big cuff on the head IRL
Do yourself (and everyone else) a favor and turn that big post into a hyphen. Save yourself the embarrassment.
1. post art - recieve crit - accept crit - become a better artist
2. post blog - recieve cat gifs - get angry - thread closed/ban hammer
Edit: Those threads couldn't help but make me lol. Still think the best had to be the 3 penis troll one though.
It's been through what it's need to be through.
Edit.. Thirty three!!
Intervention FTW
Next time you feel like going to Polycount, open 3D app of choice and get to work.
They'll eat that shit up.
What does comperhandable mean.
through or tough or though ?
Why man.. don't do such a fag move if your going to leave just leave we don't need to hear your good-bye's.
so lame
@ Zip
I think he meant comprehensible.
I'm more of a dog lover myself. Don't see many demotivationals for them
Not usually my job but...
It use to mean something at some point. Now it should be closed. Where is the moderator for this ?