MUCH Clearer forms in that last piece - in both the sculpt and paint job. Nice progression!
I would say the implementation of the weft alpha you used in some areas could have been better - especially in the under arm region of the undershirt. The way the you laid down the alpha completely horizontally across the whole shirt isn't how it would occur in actuality, but more importantly, it detracts from some of the underlying forms of the shirt itself.
The bake looked really good mate. I think you should spend more time on the textures, and really make the materials tell what materials they are. Keep at it man! : )
Still working on the texture maps for my archer, in the mean time some doodle sculpts
this guy is an owl handler in a fantasy like setting along the lines of fable. The owl is massive. Hopefully I can make this a really cool sculpt down the road.
just a guy I zdoodled
for my pre portfolio class I am redoing my old robot girl character. I modeled the low poly already. Here is the new WIP high poly.
I love revisiting old projects just to see how much better I have gotten. Its exciting. I will post my archer with finished textures and progress on other things soon!
Progress on my Robot girl rework. Experimenting with the diffuse a bit.
some animal studies
some quick life drawings as well
I will post more stuff as soon as possible. I have been polishing the maps for my Asian archer character, and have a few potential character sculpts going that might lead to new models. As always Crits and critiques are welcome.
I recently got an internship at Carnegie mellon university making character models for there computer science department. Its been really cool but it has been keeping me busy. That aside here is some recent art stuff I've been doing.
It's been too long Polycount. Been rendering and posing finished characters for my portfolio (which I am putting together now!)
characters like this guy....
I ended up giving him a complete overhaul sculpt and texture wise. I'm really happy with the way he turned out.
and some clean renders of the my robot girl and the exiled prince.
I have a crap ton to post now that school is winding down a bit. Figured I'd pace myself rather than throw down a ton of images.
For the art by papercut showdown challenge I am doing Robert Oppenheimer in sort of a guilty gear potemkin cross KOF Ralph character with atomic gauntlets and a jetpack. Still blocking things out and what not.
More stuff from my internship! this time they're pixies, the initial sculpt for these are just a few posts up.
Wow, your cloth sculpting has really improved! It'd be cool to see some fins on the outside of his atom bomb hands to add to his silhouette.
Also, quick note: When doing hand painted stuff, try and stick a range between 20-80 when it comes to your light intensity levels. It helps the forms read better and doesn't wash out the paint detail. Great work man.
trying to figure out how to properly use render passes from zbrush to put together a classy render. I have seen some tutorials on post processing and making beauty renders, so I figure now is as good a time as any to fiddle with things.
Just had a quick look through this thread. Your work towards the bottom of this page shows great improvements. Love the sculpt that is your avatar and the Monkey King is damn cool.
hey all, long time no see! Been practicing my 3d with a new character. He's almost done, but there's still a lot to fix and even more to flat out finish (shoes, hair, eye brows, etc.) I'm hoping to get back to posting more often.
finished for the most part. Might add props and a pedestal for renders, but it's time to move on and take what I've learned from this project and apply it to the next.
Also, this is the Doc Strange I finished a bit ago. Figured I should post it here
Working on a New Character in time fore the New Star Wars movie and stuff. Based off of Gus Mendonca's a concept for starwars 1313. Lot of things in place, but I'm still in the midst of tweaking and adjusting.
So I've been working on a new character, kind of going off of one of the sculpts I did around Christmas break. These two were old screen shots of the rough textures and wireframes................ \
..... and this is more of the final product. I don't plan to spend much more time on him. Just enough for a few more poses and renders, then on to the next thing.
Current project I'm working on based off the japanese actor Kunie Tanaka. Still messing with hair cards a bit and adding polish. I'm using Marvelous Designer for the first time with his clothing, so I'm trying to ensure I get the best results I can get.
I would say the implementation of the weft alpha you used in some areas could have been better - especially in the under arm region of the undershirt. The way the you laid down the alpha completely horizontally across the whole shirt isn't how it would occur in actuality, but more importantly, it detracts from some of the underlying forms of the shirt itself.
Keep up the hard work!
this guy is an owl handler in a fantasy like setting along the lines of fable. The owl is massive. Hopefully I can make this a really cool sculpt down the road.
just a guy I zdoodled
for my pre portfolio class I am redoing my old robot girl character. I modeled the low poly already. Here is the new WIP high poly.
I love revisiting old projects just to see how much better I have gotten. Its exciting. I will post my archer with finished textures and progress on other things soon!
some animal studies
some quick life drawings as well
I will post more stuff as soon as possible. I have been polishing the maps for my Asian archer character, and have a few potential character sculpts going that might lead to new models. As always Crits and critiques are welcome.
characters like this guy....
I ended up giving him a complete overhaul sculpt and texture wise. I'm really happy with the way he turned out.
and some clean renders of the my robot girl and the exiled prince.
I have a crap ton to post now that school is winding down a bit. Figured I'd pace myself rather than throw down a ton of images.
actually retoped, textured and posed him for a class but it was done sloppily. Heres what I handed in though
planning on polishing the textures and making him look good all around.
Tengu sculpt I have been doing on the side.Might go further with it.
for my internship I have been doing some kid friendly characters like the monkey king. Well under 4000 tris with a 512x512 diffuse.
More stuff from my internship! this time they're pixies, the initial sculpt for these are just a few posts up.
Also, quick note: When doing hand painted stuff, try and stick a range between 20-80 when it comes to your light intensity levels. It helps the forms read better and doesn't wash out the paint detail. Great work man.
more hand painted low poly stuff.
new character I am working. He is going to be a British tiger hunter. Just ironing out his base mesh right now.
what I got with him so far.
still roughing out armor and stuff. I still have a ton to do.
I started on monday and plan to get him finished asap. I recently moved to Seattle and to get a job with ArenaNet would be freaking sweet. But yeah
Will I ever get to page 6?! Will I ever move on!? Or will I be doomed to this scrolling hell!?
finished for the most part. Might add props and a pedestal for renders, but it's time to move on and take what I've learned from this project and apply it to the next.
Also, this is the Doc Strange I finished a bit ago. Figured I should post it here
doodling up a new character and stuff. Really kinda roughing stuff out right now.
been working on this guy here and there fleshing out some things and experimenting. Still some polish needed.
Calling him done. Learned some things. On to the next thing!
calling this one done
some zdoodles I did over the Holiday. I might make full characters of them at some point, but for now, here they are
So I've been working on a new character, kind of going off of one of the sculpts I did around Christmas break. These two were old screen shots of the rough textures and wireframes................
..... and this is more of the final product. I don't plan to spend much more time on him. Just enough for a few more poses and renders, then on to the next thing.