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Oh gameloft..

polycounter lvl 18
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eld polycounter lvl 18
Just saw this nice collection of videos in another forum, and felt like pasting it here:

Halo rip-off:- NOVA


Starcraft rip off:- Starfront: Collision


World of Warcraft rip off:-


CoD: MW rip off:- Modern Combat


GTA Vice City rip off:- Gangstar: Miami Vindication


Uncharted rip off:- Shadow Guardian


Soul Calibur rip off:- Blades of Fury



  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    to be fair these ARE on the iphone and such
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Ryswick wrote: »
    to be fair these ARE on the iphone and such

    Oh no, I'm not claiming they are breaking any kind of laws. what they do is legally proper however creatively rotten.
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    I know what you mean eld and I mostly agree, but sometimes I think: better gameloft 'porting' these games to iOS than nothing at all.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    At least they still have a job, and the games are pretty decent by themselves, what I'm surprised about is the lack of clothing on the female characters.

    Apple is known for banning games like Unpleasant Horse for stupid reasons, even slightly 'exposed' ladies for a lack of better terms, how come this game got under the radar?
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Doesn't matter as long as they make money , this is a buisness after all more power to them!
  • binopittan
    I don't see anything really cross the line there.
    Calling them uncreative is a bit too much IMHO. Unless you expect originality, which i don't believe such thing exists.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    Apple is known for banning games like Unpleasant Horse for stupid reasons, even slightly 'exposed' ladies for a lack of better terms, how come this game got under the radar?
    Are you kidding? Do you know how much money Apple gets from Gameloft? Messing with Gameloft would be like Activision messing with Infinity Wa...

    Well that analogy went bad fast.

    Jokes aside, Gameloft is a big deal and Apple is also 'known' for rampant double-standards. They smack around some tiny developers once in a while to keep family watch-groups off their back but they don't touch the big players who have the money to fight back. This is business 101, man.

    Apple will screw them eventually, but not yet because Android is keeping them in check.
  • Saman
  • Moosey_G
    I don't know. A part of me is annoyed by it, but honestly, everyone likes these games, and if someone can take it what was fun about it and shrink it down to a portable size, for 6 bucks it's actually kind of nice.

    Mobile games don't really get the same love as consoles, and definitely not as much as computer games. Even if they're doing this for insincere reasons, they're still upping the level of games being developed.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah, you're right I guess...although I wish Android devices would get this level of love sometimes...
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6

    NOVA is an Android compatible game.


    You're setting a pretty low bar for "rip-off". I have no doubt in my mind that all the games you listed as being the source of those clones were derived from games that came before them. All art is built on the art that came before. Modern Warfare, for example, is highly derivative of other games that are centered around modern military combat and CoD:MW didn't invent military shooter simulations. Getting annoyed because Gameloft used obvious concepts and ideas doesn't make sense since ideas are not really exclusive to anyone in particular. They have a severe lack of creativity and imagination, for certain, but they didn't rip anyone off. They are derivative, without a doubt, but the game industry at large is pretty derivative.

    Oh, I just realized you're quoting someone else. So, I guess my comment goes to the fellow you quoted...
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Can't say I mind Gameloft "ripping off" major games. I actually like it quite a bit.

    I personally think its cool to have games on iphone that are similar to console titles that I like. Its not like we are going to see actual iOS modern warfare/halo/starcraft games in the forseeable future anyways.

    I have a few of their games, and I think they are pretty solid. They do a good job mimicking a console experience on a phone...which is something I look for when buying iphone games.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Goraaz, I totally agree - I was watching Dune today and yes the similarity is uncanny.
    I am mostly okay with the Gameloft clones (from a business standpoint it makes sense ...), but indeed the music in that trailer is crossing the ripoff line for me.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    HOLY CRAP! like i can understand maybe taking an idea.. but the amount of content that is being taken straight from the games!!!

    the pistols from Nova are COMPLETELY 100% identical to the halo pistols. its as if they didnt even try to make it different at all..

    but hey, if it aint broke dont fix it right?
  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    I find it... I can't get the word for... that the wow clone look almost as good as WoW, but it's on a mobile device.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    What bothers me more is simply put, the creative process those guys must have.

    Call me an starry eyes massive vagina if you will, but I was hoping that if you're going to copy something from a game, at least put your flava in it, make it something so that people are willing to defend, and be your fans on that.

    Conduit is a Halo rip-off also, but they varied things in it enough so that it's has it own looks, and doesn't scream 'stolen'. And it fun in it's own right.

    Don't the guys over there wish to do more? Lack of ambition is a dangerous thing...
  • Moosey_G
    Conduit is a halo rip off? I feel like scifi shooters were possible before halo, and will be possible long after halo. Halo did revolutionize a type of game play, but they didn't create scifi shooters.
  • mishin
    When I saw the title of the thread I thought this was going to be a complaint about working for gameloft.
    Gameloft is strictly looking to get money and not trying to impress anyone. I won't be surprised if they do a minecraft rip off for IOS. Taking existing highly profitable game formulas and ripping them off to IOS land seems to be their new business model.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    Halo is such a ripoff of Tribes B]

    But yeah it looks like from a business standpoint this was a smart thing to do, not necessarily original but very smart. Blizzard hasn't banked on iphones or android phones yet so I figured it was a matter of time before somebody cashed in on it. I agree with Ace-Angel though, if you're going to ripoff the gameplay directly you might as well put ya flava in it lol
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    ceebee wrote: »
    Halo is such a ripoff of Tribes B]

    I was just thinking the same thing before you posted that!


    I agree, recycling ideas into your own work is pretty worthless unless you can add something to it, make it better, or redefine it entirely. I have to grant it, they did nothing to innovate and only imitated better games. Gameloft will go down in history as the most unimaginative studio ever. I know, because I've seen NOVA on my brother's G2x. It sucks.
  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 13
    Well, if the companies that made original games don't complain or have anything against Gameloft then it doesn't really matter what games they rip off and they'll just keep doing it.

    As ridiculous as this all may be, I'm just glad I played 80% of the games listed above on a PC and not on an iPhone/iPad with sub-par graphics, controls and gameplay.
  • Racer445
  • ikken
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    Call me an starry eyes massive vagina if you will, but I was hoping that if you're going to copy something from a game, at least put your flava in it, make it something so that people are willing to defend, and be your fans on that.

    well they ripped soulcalibur off and called Taki Enimia
    it's either quite indicative of their creative process, or just screams they're a bunch of douchebags, but who cares

    other than that, their games seem at least decent in production so why the hell not
    EA had Dante's inferno and that was an AAA level rip-off in lots of aspects.
    with gameloft, going AAA is too expensive, but B+ does its job.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Gameloft has most likely developed the method of getting as legally close to illegal as possible, as you'll even notice that must've been looking at the source-games animations, recreating them by hand.

    I guess what makes me sad is that there's no intention to actually make these games any deeper or better than the source-material they came from.

    It's mostly what I'd call an "unofficial port".
  • eld
  • Moosey_G
    I like the term "unofficial port." It denotes a since of obvious copying, but with moderately good intentions.

    What Gameloft is doing is questionable, but at the same time, no reasonable console devs right now are even remotely considering releasing their products for mobile devices, like how they've learned to port from xbox to ps3, pc, etc. and vice versa.

    Gameloft is trying to tap into a niche that console devs stuck their noses up at. The only problem is they're still thinking like small iphone developers and end up making a handful of crappy ports instead of a few quality ports, that really define iphone gaming. But then again, minimal effort>maximum profit is the business model of choice nowadays .

    After watching those videos: What's also distressing is the bluntness that Gameloft has boiled copying down to a method of cinematic bullshit that rides a line of plagiarism with what comes off as arrogance.
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    Hehe yeah their ripoffs are pretty shameless. It's still pretty cool to check out their games though, they do some interesting things with how they translate their inspirations to touch controls. Order & Chaos Online did a pretty nice job!
  • Renaud Galand
  • ikken
    they should clone pokemon (and call it Handleheld Monster or smthg) and openly bitch-slap nintendo now
    they have enough potential for that
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Im always surprised at the sheer amount of content in gameloft games, Ive got no idea how spending that much time and effort on a mobile game for hardcore gamers can be profitable. Casual games eg cut the rope etc seem to do much better and stay in the charts far longer without having any "one day only 59p sale!".
  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
    They should start taking multiple games and mixing them together to create crossover ripoffs. I would be tempted to buy Portal Kombat :P.

  • Sandro
  • Ben Apuna
    Hmm... Portal Kombat... I think we have a winner here! (just imagine the potential for fatalities) :)

    Seriously though I'm just glad Gameloft appears to be doing well and is employing people.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    Gameloft is like the Bollywood of gaming.

    From the previously posted Kotaku link.

    Made me laugh :D
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    eld wrote: »

    At first I wanted to play a devil's advocate and say that we always had low-budget clones of successful titles and that 8-bit era was filled with them. Then I saw that video and gave up.

    What I do find hilarious though, is that they had to create all these sprites from the scratch. In a way, they put more effort in this title than Konami, who have been recycling enemies since Super Castlevania IV :poly142:

    Tbh...that clone doesn't look half bad.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    At first I wanted to play a devil's advocate and say that we always had low-budget clones of successful titles and that 8-bit era was filled with them. Then I saw that video and gave up.

    What I do find hilarious though, is that they had to create all these sprites from the scratch. In a way, they put more effort in this title than Konami, who have been recycling enemies since Super Castlevania IV :poly142:

    Tbh...that clone doesn't look half bad.

    Back when I was into mobile games I remember gameloft as that company that really put out high quality looking games, but much like back then they suffer from being short and hollow.

    I wish they could put that talent to good use.

    Oh well, better safe than financially sorry.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Moosey_G wrote: »
    Conduit is a halo rip off? I feel like scifi shooters were possible before halo, and will be possible long after halo. Halo did revolutionize a type of game play, but they didn't create scifi shooters.

    I know, I guess my wording was abit off, but what I was referring was to NOVA in this case. For example, I never considered Mass Effect to be Halo ripoff, yet many people claimed that, Section 8 for me was more of a Tribes successor, yet people still claimed it was a Halo ripoff.

    In the case of Conduit, the entire deal of traveling different worlds/times which Aliens are trying to stop you from, while having a oppressive regime, having a one eye balled object as a side kick (which doesn't betray you) but also, later on a cheerleader type character going for the sex appeal. You could say it's Halo, but for me it's not, Conduit is it's own thing...especially with the little quips here and there which is enough to make it stand on it's own.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that NOVA is shameless simply put, if you put a black material on most of the enemies, they'll look like Halo, no questions asked, expect the large robot mech's...those things look like the Sentinels from Crysis, and the texture work on those things look shoddy, as if they added that the last moment to add 'variety'. Again, call me a massive vagina full of cupcakes if you will, but doesn't a person want to add their own style to it? I know I would.
    pior wrote: »

    eld wrote: »
    Gameloft has most likely developed the method of getting as legally close to illegal as possible, as you'll even notice that must've been looking at the source-games animations, recreating them by hand.

    I guess what makes me sad is that there's no intention to actually make these games any deeper or better than the source-material they came from.

    It's mostly what I'd call an "unofficial port".

    The thing that bothers me more is that between reverse engineering of animations and mesh as well texture archives, someone could very well get the models out of Soul Caliber, take out a whole bunch of loops, downscale the texture, use CAT and copy the animation, and bam, you essentially create a model from a source model so hacked up that no one will care.

    I know this, because several people in my lab are planning on creating IPhone games like this, and applying to GameLoft with such...

    Again, I don't have anything against GameLoft, but I mean c'mon, don't the guy there want to feel proud about making a game that 'looks' like another game, but it isn't?

    How about instead of a God of War ripoff, we got...a...Ninja....in feudal Japan...who fought demons...to rescue his wife...but had two swords and two chainsaws chained together...and fought colossal monsters by hitting their weak points while climbing on them...

    And when then, out of nowhere, thousands of evil vegetables and fruits sprout as demons and you have to slice them, see? Two games in one, without looking like direct ripoffs...
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    to be honest I'd rather have those "rip-off" games than nothing at all. Tower defence games get old after a while.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Well, if we got a UDK compiler for Android that would be exciting for people like me who know UDK...
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Wish the Free Software world had a chinese workshop budget to be this classy in the gameplay ripoff department. :(
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    I wonder how it must be to work at such a company, I personaly would not like it, but hey someone's gotta 'port' these games:P .

  • Moosey_G
  • dempolys
    oh come on
    there's a difference between copying ideas and making a business out of making carbon copies of other people's ideas.

    Matthew Klees would be disgusted
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    dempolys, I know that the text on that images doesn't apply on gameloft, but it's an interesting thing to read anyway now that we're talking about copying/clones etc.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    If you read the last line, it's clever. He says copy what you want, but take it in your own direction.
  • Moosey_G
    And their direction is the untapped market of people who want better mobile games.
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    If Blizzard wanted to launch a mobile version of WoW they would blow Gameloft away. But they don't (for whatever reason) so there is an untapped market that Gameloft is capitalizing on by making a fantasy MMO with orcs and elves. Not exactly a blatant rip off, but certainly heavily influenced by WoW's art direction.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Well, my take is that the games are being put out on a platform that does not cause direct competition with the original, and thats almost ok, what i dont get is if theyre going to make such an effort to copy, why not put a little style of your own in it...
  • MasteroftheFork
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    MasteroftheFork polycounter lvl 18
    The thing I don't get is that the games have pretty decent production value for iphone games. Why can't they put some of that effort into creating somethin slightly orginal? Even if it rips off game play. I guess its because they want to take as little risk as possible and whats less risk then makign a game thats already wildly successful....
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