Man with 80% of people in the crowds taking photos and video, these have the be the dumbest motherfuckers alive to pull this shit. What do you think they're going to do with all that evidence, keep it for personal use?
Ive played hockey all my life, so happy the nuks lost this riot was way worse then the one that happened in 1994 when they lost in game 7 as well. Nuk fans are pissed cause they have never won, but most of the people starting this crap were not hockey fans but anarchist. People had signs saying RIOT and BURN stuff like that. BUT thats still no excuse for the city following
So now the kids found in these photos are apparently getting taken away in cuffs in school. Various people caught on video have been taken to jail.
Good times. Good times.
Nice link Jacque! I don't think theses guys are "fans". They just try to find an excuse to break everything. Same thing happen in Montreal too for hockey. Looking at some pictures, they looks more happy than being sad or mad.
Man with 80% of people in the crowds taking photos and video, these have the be the dumbest motherfuckers alive to pull this shit. What do you think they're going to do with all that evidence, keep it for personal use?
I feel pretty sad for Brock and his kind. Anger, too, of course, but ultimately it's just so pathetic. So much elation at getting a reaction, any reaction, to what he obviously considers a pretty pointless life. What a miserable existence.
This whole thing makes me fucking sick by the way, everything's already been said so I wont repeat the usual stuff. However, it angers me that this causes so much *real* violence and it will just blow over in about a week after some arrests, yet there are people out there trying to ban video game content because of virtual violence that has had almost no affect on society at all.
But hey, I guess real sports just make more money and are part of history right? >_>
^ And I'm not saying ban sports of course, that would be silly, just comparing how nobody bats an eyelid when it's essentially the same case.
The guy who fell could have broke his neck and died (although he is an idiot for being on top in the first place) and the annoying thing is, that guy is probably going to make a case against that cop using force...
Still, was good to see one of them getting punched.
So those big and strong guys demolishing the city got kicked by couple of girls? This is just so sick... Kudos to them girls. Would they be able to track down so many of those silly kids?
Here is some positive photos of the next day - this looks way better.
Is it wrong that I actually raged physically? The only thing that kept going in my mind was how much I wanted to take a bat and wear some boxing gloves and beat the crap out of everyone, 'cept the car owners.
No we most certainly should not. There's having a proper perspective and then there's hopping the first bus to Jaded Apathy City.
Stoning is something that happens in places of poverty and ignorance, not a damn bustling metropolis. One of the things that makes this awful is how blatantly the people involved should have known better.
Cow: I think you're missing the point a bit, the reason we're posting here and so upset about it is because IT ISN'T a stoning or gov't oppression. It's a bunch of drunk fucking morons (and shady instigator assholes) responding to a sporting event. We are all very aware of just how much shit there is going on elsewhere, but there's usually some kind of logical motivation in those cases, wether we agree with em or not.
I didn't say or imply that it makes stoning less important. The fact that stoning, or X Y or Z tragedy happens elsewhere in the world also doesn't mean that we shouldn't be upset when something less incredibly horrific happens locally.
Yes, there is all kinds of horrible shit everywhere. What can we realistically do about that? I have no power to stop some ignorant people from stoning an innocent child to death on the other side of the planet. None. How does watching a video of something that horrible grant anything other than a numbness to lesser tragedies?
I genuinely do not understand the purpose of saying "there is worse stuff out there than this" in response to a tragedy. Yes, of course there is. So?
Nathan Kotylak, a Grade 12 student at Meadowridge School, has been named to the Canadian national water polo program’s U-18 development program this summer, the only athlete from B.C. to get an invite. Who instead decided to be the guy caught on film trying to light a police car on fire.... (near the bottom of the page)
Cow - I think that from what you've said it may be you that lacks a bit of perspective.
Places in which stonings and other terrible things happen are terrible. Everyone acknowleges that and wants it to stop. We want them to move towards a more enlightened, educated and mature society.
Which is also what many of us are trying to build towards in our own countries. So, when the people that are part of our society that we try so hard to make good, and to make a positive example of what a good society could be, go and do shit like these riots it's quite painful.
It's not just watching a bunch of assholes be assholes. It's watching evidence that despite our highest hopes, humans are still a bunch of mindless animals. It's watching people who are part of a society that lets them move beyond such nonsense revert back to it as soon as a chance presents itself.
So there is very good reason for people to be upset. The narrow perspective of "no one was stoned" ignores the larger issues that riots like this expose.
(Atleast those are the reasons that I find it so upsetting).
[edit] I should also mention that these riots potentially represent a lot of other things. As a Canadian it shows a massive loss of international reputation. As a Vancouverite it forces me to question the safety of the city that I live and work in, as well as the people that I see around me. It gives ammo for those that would argue for stricter policing and more tightly controlled societies. There's a lot of repercussions to an event like this that are mightily depressing and frusterating. [/edit]
I'm glad some of these ass holes are being caught. Why the fuck would you ever do any of this? These people have major issues to hurt others and destroy their property over something like a hockey game. get the fuck out of society if you can't control yourself.
I'm kinda fascinated by this. Spent hours looking at photo's and videos of the riots. I'm surprised and sad on one hand that a city I see and have experienced as a pinnacle of civilization can really have something like this happen, but also impressed to see social media being used in a completely new way and actually having results (rioters being arrested).
Really the only time that the fans of a losing team seems to riot. Every other Canadian City (Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa) that lost in the Stanley Cup finals since 2004 had been a desolate depressed quiet place where nobody wants to go out post-loss.
1994 riot was even stranger, considering the game was played in New York. There was no 'Fan Zone'. People actually got off their couches, and commuted downtown to riot.
Same, I spent most of my evening just going through all the images on that facebook group or watching videos. I'm amazed by the cleanup effort the day after, and the sheer amount of effort made by people online trying to help the police with identifying people. I think if something like this happened in London nobody would give a shit about the city's image, or think about cleaning things up, partly because it's already a shit-hole, heh.
Since I was young, I've always imagined living in Canada one day, and seeing stuff like this is cool.
Saw this a long time ago, that's some pretty intense training, not super realistic i guess, but interesting formations nonetheless, especially when they like cut off a group of people. little unsettling though.
Saw this a long time ago, that's some pretty intense training, not super realistic i guess, but interesting formations nonetheless, especially when they like cut off a group of people. little unsettling though.
Sports have nothing to do with it. Humans are this stupid regardless. As a former athlete, I hate when people use stuff like this to hate on sports.
Totally Sports had nothing to do with this (and i hate sports )
If what's been said is true then this was stirred up by 'black block' anarchists. I knew a few folks who were part of that movement when I was in college. They might sound like convenient scapegoats but to be honest this was the shit they used to get up to.
All they ever did was vandalise public amenities and smash shop windows, or travel abroad to a protest and do it there 'smashing the state' as they liked to call it:poly142:. All the while bemoaning the fascist government that payed their social welfare and free education... (which they wasted)
Fact remains, the riot would have taken place even if the Canucks HAD won. The riot was planned in advance, and similar events have happened here in Montreal, following both defeats, and victories. People use the game as an excuse to be total assholes. Like mentioned many times before, these weren't fans.
Nice link Jacque! I don't think theses guys are "fans". They just try to find an excuse to break everything. Same thing happen in Montreal too for hockey. Looking at some pictures, they looks more happy than being sad or mad.
They aren't even smart enough to care.
Look, it's that guy again!
This whole thing makes me fucking sick by the way, everything's already been said so I wont repeat the usual stuff. However, it angers me that this causes so much *real* violence and it will just blow over in about a week after some arrests, yet there are people out there trying to ban video game content because of virtual violence that has had almost no affect on society at all.
But hey, I guess real sports just make more money and are part of history right? >_>
^ And I'm not saying ban sports of course, that would be silly, just comparing how nobody bats an eyelid when it's essentially the same case.
Haha, yea how can the police not go after him on this? Like taking candy from a retarded baby.
The guy who fell could have broke his neck and died (although he is an idiot for being on top in the first place) and the annoying thing is, that guy is probably going to make a case against that cop using force...
Still, was good to see one of them getting punched.
Here is some positive photos of the next day - this looks way better.
Is it wrong that I actually raged physically? The only thing that kept going in my mind was how much I wanted to take a bat and wear some boxing gloves and beat the crap out of everyone, 'cept the car owners.
Stoning is something that happens in places of poverty and ignorance, not a damn bustling metropolis. One of the things that makes this awful is how blatantly the people involved should have known better.
You don't have enough police issues when young suburban dicks go amok like that.
putting things in perspective, lol ok:
Yes, there is all kinds of horrible shit everywhere. What can we realistically do about that? I have no power to stop some ignorant people from stoning an innocent child to death on the other side of the planet. None. How does watching a video of something that horrible grant anything other than a numbness to lesser tragedies?
I genuinely do not understand the purpose of saying "there is worse stuff out there than this" in response to a tragedy. Yes, of course there is. So?
Nathan Kotylak, a Grade 12 student at Meadowridge School, has been named to the Canadian national water polo program’s U-18 development program this summer, the only athlete from B.C. to get an invite. Who instead decided to be the guy caught on film trying to light a police car on fire.... (near the bottom of the page)
Places in which stonings and other terrible things happen are terrible. Everyone acknowleges that and wants it to stop. We want them to move towards a more enlightened, educated and mature society.
Which is also what many of us are trying to build towards in our own countries. So, when the people that are part of our society that we try so hard to make good, and to make a positive example of what a good society could be, go and do shit like these riots it's quite painful.
It's not just watching a bunch of assholes be assholes. It's watching evidence that despite our highest hopes, humans are still a bunch of mindless animals. It's watching people who are part of a society that lets them move beyond such nonsense revert back to it as soon as a chance presents itself.
So there is very good reason for people to be upset. The narrow perspective of "no one was stoned" ignores the larger issues that riots like this expose.
(Atleast those are the reasons that I find it so upsetting).
[edit] I should also mention that these riots potentially represent a lot of other things. As a Canadian it shows a massive loss of international reputation. As a Vancouverite it forces me to question the safety of the city that I live and work in, as well as the people that I see around me. It gives ammo for those that would argue for stricter policing and more tightly controlled societies. There's a lot of repercussions to an event like this that are mightily depressing and frusterating. [/edit]
Its awesome to see social media being used for something positive for once.
Really the only time that the fans of a losing team seems to riot. Every other Canadian City (Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa) that lost in the Stanley Cup finals since 2004 had been a desolate depressed quiet place where nobody wants to go out post-loss.
1994 riot was even stranger, considering the game was played in New York. There was no 'Fan Zone'. People actually got off their couches, and commuted downtown to riot.
wow. shit like this really pisses me off. jesus fucking christ.
Same, I spent most of my evening just going through all the images on that facebook group or watching videos. I'm amazed by the cleanup effort the day after, and the sheer amount of effort made by people online trying to help the police with identifying people. I think if something like this happened in London nobody would give a shit about the city's image, or think about cleaning things up, partly because it's already a shit-hole, heh.
Since I was young, I've always imagined living in Canada one day, and seeing stuff like this is cool.
but yeah, boo @ the retards!/media/set/?set=a.153117314759411.39301.152782464792896
That was bad-ass! Do the North American Riot Police get such training?
Link doesn't work for me, anything interesting you wanted to show us?
is this what all canadian youth are like?
you mean backward and homophobic...
Sports have nothing to do with it. Humans are this stupid regardless. As a former athlete, I hate when people use stuff like this to hate on sports.
Totally Sports had nothing to do with this (and i hate sports
If what's been said is true then this was stirred up by 'black block' anarchists. I knew a few folks who were part of that movement when I was in college. They might sound like convenient scapegoats but to be honest this was the shit they used to get up to.
All they ever did was vandalise public amenities and smash shop windows, or travel abroad to a protest and do it there 'smashing the state' as they liked to call it:poly142:. All the while bemoaning the fascist government that payed their social welfare and free education... (which they wasted)
That's like saying "THIS is why I hate video games. All of it." in response to Columbine.
EDIT: On second thought that's not the best example. You get the point though.
That's probably the most ridiculous statement I've read in a long, long time.