yea..who cares about the loss, vancouver is being just fucking shamed by mindless cunts right now. This is insane and makes our city look like a bunch of fucking idiots.
Good luck with the cleanup... hope they track down all those involved. Weird timing with the news for Apple plans to block camera phones. Lots of people being exposed.
Jelmer posted this on his facebook a bit ago, pretty crazy.
I'm sorry but WHAT THE FUCK. Really? Humanity is pretty fucked up sometimes.
Fighting for freedom and independence? Sure, rampage. Your team can't hit a little black disk very well? TOO FUCKING BAD. STOP WHINING AND GO HOME. What the hell.
From what I've been hearing is that there was a group of folks planning to riot. That plus mob mentality and 100,000+ people is a mix just asking for trouble.
Joshua, indeed. I was disappointed with the Canucks losing the game, but a riot over it is bloody flat out retarded. There's footage of an idiot trying to jump over a bmw on fire only to fall on his ass on the roof of the car. Reports of some serious injuries, multiple stabbings...
Just disgraceful of small portion of Vancouver making the rest look like idiots.
And this is why I hate competitive sports...
I never really got why people get so fucking worked up about a bunch of overpaid douchebags they do not know personally that achieved something or ended up not achieving something that is completely fucking irrelevant in every day life!
It's illogical, barbaric and down right retarded.
And it's equally bad here with football (the foot using kind).
I can somehow understand "rallying behind a banner" if its ones nation, where you were born and (hopefully....) use that nations language as your mother tongue and whatever else might define you as a person.
Fuck me if I haven't cursed at that damn box with moving pictures in it, when Sweden lost gaems in whatever sport there might be (hockey!).
But a team, that has no connection to you other than where you may live currently...what?
Move across the pond and you have to cheer for another team, and hate the one you cheered on 5 minutes ago.
holy hell. I really hope no one winds up dead from all this. And I feel bad for those who have deal with all this mess today.
The football fans here in Pittsburgh have a history of doing stuff like this after the Steelers won their last two SuperBowls, but its not nearly to this degree.
When the steelers lost the thing this past season everyone just sort of awkwardly left the bars wandered the streets for a while. It was pretty awesome.
-Stop saying Vancouver should be ashamed of itself. It's not Vancouverites, people who love the city, that are doing this. They didn't go to the game, get drunk and flip cars over. It's shit head skids with green mohawks, cowards with ripped shirts and clothing covering their faces, and a couple people caught up in the moment doing this. "Fuck the New World Order!" is all that you need to hear to understand who is doing this sort of thing.
-Stop saying they're 'fans'. This one is really for the news outlets. "Fans are now rioting." Yes, they were downtown during the playoffs. CLEARLY they are not fans of the game nor the city. I understand its your job to sensationalize, though.
-Stop saying they're 'fans'. This one is really for the news outlets. "Fans are now rioting." Yes, they were downtown during the playoffs. CLEARLY they are not fans of the game nor the city. I understand its your job to sensationalize, though.
There's nothing stopping someone from being a fan and a violent asshole. Britain's soccer hooligans are proof enough.
Pent up aggression from the last election? WTO riot syndrome? Seriously there might be a link between what happened in Seattle a few years ago and this.
There's nothing stopping someone from being a fan and a violent asshole. Britain's soccer hooligans are proof enough.
I guess it somewhat depends on the definition of "fan." Fan could mean the occasional follower, the guy who only becomes a fan when his team his winning, or the die hard life long fan that sticks with a team through out their ups and downs. Perhaps a true fan would show respect, not just to a team, the game, and each other, but public property as well.
Pent up aggression from the last election? WTO riot syndrome? Seriously there might be a link between what happened in Seattle a few years ago and this.
That was a few broken windows, not flipped burning cars. I don't even recall any looting.
Thing is, the people who start these riots aren't even hockey fans. Similar shit has happened here in Montreal before. And it's never the hockey fans. It's people who use the loss of a game as an excuse to stir shit up. But this, this just makes the many good citizens of Vancouver look like a bunch of witless fools. Shame on the rioters, IMO.
Ok, this clearily wasnt hockey fans. They were a bunch of retarded pricks that have no respect for anyone or anything. Not even the city they live in. Stabbings? seriously? I think the true colours of vancouver FANS were teh ones inside that stayed and CHEERED for the opposite team when they recieved the cup. THAT shows true sportsmanship. The little fuckers outside deserve to be shot. Fucking rediculous. It makes me sad to see this. Its definitely a city I would love to live in one day. but man... And im from toronto.... where all the G20 riots were a few months ago. But these are so much worse. More people involved. I honestly feel that the people rioting (at least... most. im sure some people joined in when they saw), went there planning to riot regardless of what happened. People brought moltov cocktails FFS....
That being said... here is some media.. Some funny. some down right shameful.
-Stop saying they're 'fans'. This one is really for the news outlets. "Fans are now rioting." Yes, they were downtown during the playoffs. CLEARLY they are not fans of the game nor the city. I understand its your job to sensationalize, though.
One usually associates wearing a team jersey as being a fan :P
And this is why I hate competitive sports...
I never really got why people get so fucking worked up about a bunch of overpaid douchebags they do not know personally that achieved something or ended up not achieving something that is completely fucking irrelevant in every day life!
It's illogical, barbaric and down right retarded.
And it's equally bad here with football (the foot using kind).
/\ This, I kicked a ball woohoo, I threw a ball into a basket woot, I hit a ball with a club into 18 holes, I can run in a circle, I can jump over things, I can jump into water, I swim faster than you, I can throw a disc pretty far, I can hit a ball with a stick, I touch mens asses and get piled on by other men so they don't take my balls. (All of this while wearing tights...)
The saddest shit is they get tons of money a year for this shit... this whole world is backwards, but this display is ridiculous, I hope we see this type of energy when the real shit goes down, Job losses, no one can pay rent, governments try to introduce new regulations that prohibit your freedoms, then I can understand.
I agree with most here this is barbaric, too much sexual frustration by the looks of It. :poly142:
I hope we see this type of energy when the real shit goes down, Job losses, no one can pay rent, governments try to introduce new regulations that prohibit your freedoms, then I can understand.
Haha, this is already happening man, has been for a while,and its only going to get worse. It was insane, on the news last night some civillian downtown when asked what he though, said
"this is crazy, they should bring in the military" yea....cause the military does suuuuch a good job of protecting peoples freedoms wherever they go...just shows the extent of how brainwashed the average person is.
Its gonna be like starwars, a major engineered crisis that leaves people begging/cheering for a new galactic dictatorship "THE NEW GALACTIC EMPIIIIIIIRE!" :P
The city of Vancouver does have an unusual knack for taking hockey way to seriously though, when they were playing the blackhawks in round one they had news paper articles calling for national prayers to beat them in game 7 on the front page of big newspapers...
thatanimator - I may live in Texas currently, but I was born and raised in Chicago so I'll be a Blackhawks fan until I die . I tried to get into the Stars so that I could have a local team in addition to my "home" team, but the 20% of the fans that were horrible shouting obnoxious rednecks cursing the opposing team made it kind of hard. Also I will never understand the need to interrupt the Star Spangled Banner to shout "STARS!!!!" when the word comes up in the song.
nvm I saw burning stuff on my friends facebook photo ...>.<. hide yo wife hide yo kid hide yo dawg
because only video games actually matter
Quite disappointing how Vancouver is behaving.
I'm sorry but WHAT THE FUCK. Really? Humanity is pretty fucked up sometimes.
Fighting for freedom and independence? Sure, rampage. Your team can't hit a little black disk very well? TOO FUCKING BAD. STOP WHINING AND GO HOME. What the hell.
Joshua, indeed. I was disappointed with the Canucks losing the game, but a riot over it is bloody flat out retarded. There's footage of an idiot trying to jump over a bmw on fire only to fall on his ass on the roof of the car. Reports of some serious injuries, multiple stabbings...
Just disgraceful of small portion of Vancouver making the rest look like idiots.
I heard they flipped a pool to.
It's the same here, with real football (the one where you use your feet).
It's a good job they found the car that lost them the trophy, though. Everyone kick the car! .......what?
I never really got why people get so fucking worked up about a bunch of overpaid douchebags they do not know personally that achieved something or ended up not achieving something that is completely fucking irrelevant in every day life!
It's illogical, barbaric and down right retarded.
And it's equally bad here with football (the foot using kind).
that's really all I've got say on the matter
My thoughts exactly
haha. Yeah this is pretty bad, looks worse than Toronto's G20.
He did post on Facebook that he would indeed riot.
Fuck me if I haven't cursed at that damn box with moving pictures in it, when Sweden lost gaems in whatever sport there might be (hockey!).
But a team, that has no connection to you other than where you may live currently...what?
Move across the pond and you have to cheer for another team, and hate the one you cheered on 5 minutes ago.
"Break the skin of civilization and you find the ape, roaring and red-handed."
"Barbarism is the natural state of mankind. Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always ultimately triumph"
ook ook
The football fans here in Pittsburgh have a history of doing stuff like this after the Steelers won their last two SuperBowls, but its not nearly to this degree.
When the steelers lost the thing this past season everyone just sort of awkwardly left the bars wandered the streets for a while. It was pretty awesome.
-Stop saying Vancouver should be ashamed of itself. It's not Vancouverites, people who love the city, that are doing this. They didn't go to the game, get drunk and flip cars over. It's shit head skids with green mohawks, cowards with ripped shirts and clothing covering their faces, and a couple people caught up in the moment doing this. "Fuck the New World Order!" is all that you need to hear to understand who is doing this sort of thing.
-Stop saying they're 'fans'. This one is really for the news outlets. "Fans are now rioting." Yes, they were downtown during the playoffs. CLEARLY they are not fans of the game nor the city. I understand its your job to sensationalize, though.
Course, doesnt change the fact that we still won :>
There's nothing stopping someone from being a fan and a violent asshole. Britain's soccer hooligans are proof enough.
I guess it somewhat depends on the definition of "fan." Fan could mean the occasional follower, the guy who only becomes a fan when his team his winning, or the die hard life long fan that sticks with a team through out their ups and downs. Perhaps a true fan would show respect, not just to a team, the game, and each other, but public property as well.
That was a few broken windows, not flipped burning cars. I don't even recall any looting.
That being said... here is some media.. Some funny. some down right shameful.
The Funny
The Utterly digusting and revolting
One usually associates wearing a team jersey as being a fan :P
/\ This, I kicked a ball woohoo, I threw a ball into a basket woot, I hit a ball with a club into 18 holes, I can run in a circle, I can jump over things, I can jump into water, I swim faster than you, I can throw a disc pretty far, I can hit a ball with a stick, I touch mens asses and get piled on by other men so they don't take my balls. (All of this while wearing tights...)
The saddest shit is they get tons of money a year for this shit... this whole world is backwards, but this display is ridiculous, I hope we see this type of energy when the real shit goes down, Job losses, no one can pay rent, governments try to introduce new regulations that prohibit your freedoms, then I can understand.
I agree with most here this is barbaric, too much sexual frustration by the looks of It. :poly142:
"this is crazy, they should bring in the military" yea....cause the military does suuuuch a good job of protecting peoples freedoms wherever they go...just shows the extent of how brainwashed the average person is.
Its gonna be like starwars, a major engineered crisis that leaves people begging/cheering for a new galactic dictatorship "THE NEW GALACTIC EMPIIIIIIIRE!" :P
The city of Vancouver does have an unusual knack for taking hockey way to seriously though, when they were playing the blackhawks in round one they had news paper articles calling for national prayers to beat them in game 7 on the front page of big newspapers...
thatanimator - I may live in Texas currently, but I was born and raised in Chicago so I'll be a Blackhawks fan until I die
On topic, these guys WISH they were soccer hooligans. They know how to riot