"this is crazy, they should bring in the military"
Followed by:
"They aren't shooting blanks or bean bags..."
"Excuse me you parked your tank on my car and shot a hole through my apartment"
"Can you please get off my neck... (gun cock sound) Oh hey that's totally cool, I'll just turn purple, you enjoy yourself"
"Why are we digging a trench next to this big pile of bodies? I'm so telling the papers when you give me my phone back..."
"He said "f*ck you pig". You don't need to call in an air strike for that..."
"Is that a necklace made of human ears?"
People rioting, fighting, looting, posing for photos - they're all disgusting filth. There's no such thing as being "caught up in the moment" if you consider yourself normal. You're a fucking weak minded individual if you let yourself succumb to this shit behavior. Canada should be hosing down all of these people with water cannons and rubber bullets.
bwaha... the seattle WTO riots weren't even this hardcore, and those actually happened for a reason. Gonna be a while before you live this one down vancouver.
Nice thing about all the pics, the police are using them to collect names for peopel to arrest Lets just hope they do more than a slap of the wrist (they won't) Oh and also, I was there and had zero urge to partake in the vandalism...that crowd effect is a bs excuse to be an asshole.
I'd have to give the news some of the blame because they were constantly bring up the fact there was going to be a riot if the canucks lost. Just getting the ass's pumped up....
Canadian definition: Commonly used to refer to someone who stopped evolving, and bathing, during the 80's hair band era. Generally can be found wearing AC/DC muscle shirts, leather jackets, and sporting a mullet. The term "skid" is in part derived from "skid row", which is both a band enjoyed by those the term refers to, as well as their address.
I hope these people are properly dealt with and no Polycounter gets hurt.
YEs, people were hurt. over 100 people were hospitalize. 6 police officers have TEETH MARKS in their arms. 8 with concussions from being hit in the head and neck with bricks. 2 people were stabbed. and 1 person fell about 12 meters.
over 100 people were also arrested. Fun fact, almost all of them were either A) on the DO NOT ENTER list at the border for the olympics Arrested at the olympics or C) arrested at the G20 in Toronto.
and, btw, most of the people that were arrested for violence at the G20 werent even from ontario. Most of them were from Quebec
Also, here is proof that there are some good people out there (if the 15,000 that showed up to clean up today werent enough for you.... its not even 24 hours later and te place is pretty much cleaned up already)
Is anyone getting hurt, really? If not, I think you guys are taking the outrage a bit far.
"They should be shot."
I disagree. Those words or a bunch I wouldn't want to have to eat up.
The cost of property damage alone is enough to escalate the issue. But there are reports of people getting hurt anyways.
In reference to the shot statement, I really don't think lethality of said "shots" was their intention. AsI said, rubber bullets and/or beanbags should be used, in force. This kind of rioting should not be allowed to happen.
Look at the antiwar protesters in the 60's - massive protests of thousands and no issues like this. Protesting against war is a good thing, rioting because you're fucked up in the head and your little sports team lost? Not acceptable.
I watched most of it on the news and frankly the patience of the VPD and RCMP during this was phenominal, they gave the rioters every chance to go home and all they got was a bunch of fucking morons jumping in their face acting tough waving thier fingers and swearing so they can impress a bunch of other fucking morons.
we are still powerful,
dont think you won everything, its not over yet, look at how powerful we are!
brothers ,this is our last stand,
lets give everything we have,
we will give them hell!
Protesting against war is a good thing, rioting because you're fucked up in the head and your little sports team lost? Not acceptable.
Sadly it had nothing to do with the game. Vancouver fans -- ACTUAL HOCKEY FANS -- are used to disappointment. We get agitated, drunk, leave lots of trash, yell a lot and then all go home. Somewhere, one drunk punches another drunk once and they both fall over. That's about as eventful as it gets.
These were riots by a handful of people looking for an excuse to riot for fun (or career). They know that large crowds make a nice backdrop and bring lots of attention. It was premeditated, would have happened win or lose, and was absolutely not conducted by hockey fans.
Look closely at 90%+ of the riot footage and you'll see about three people causing problems with hundreds filming it for youtube.
Which is why it's disappointing that while the police response (overall) was organized, methodical and appropriate... they took WAY too long to start actually responding. The police presence was ridiculously poor during the game and even afterwards, considering how obvious it was that this would happen.
I firmly believe that it was a select few that STARTED the rioting, but more people jumped in after... just all the footage you see is of the same 3 cars burning. thats why all the ppl look the same. But there were at least a couple hundred people doing bad things. and thousands of people standing around, filming, and getting in the way of law enforcement and ambulance drivers. So you cant point fingers at JUST those people flipping the cars. if people went home like they should have, cops coulda did alot more, alot sooner.
I don't know... If i was a canucks fan I'd burn that jersey down real quick after seeing that game. A bunch of overpaid lazy hacks went out on the ice and took a dump infront of their fans and their city, that was some shameful shit.
Its one thing when your team loses because the other team is better, its another thing when your team pulls its pants down and takes it up the ass for 3 periods of probably the most important game of their entire worthless careers.
If i was the guy who paid somewhere between $1,600 and $12,000 to go see that I would be severely pissed.
I think all of the damage to the city and people getting hurt is bullshit and nobody should be doing that, but I do absolutely condone burning canucks jerseys.
I don't know... If i was a canucks fan I'd burn that jersey down real quick after seeing that game. A bunch of overpaid lazy hacks went out on the ice and took a dump infront of their fans and their city, that was some shameful shit.
Its one thing when your team loses because the other team is better, its another thing when your team pulls its pants down and takes it up the ass for 3 periods of probably the most important game of their entire worthless careers.
If i was the guy who paid somewhere between $1,600 and $12,000 to go see that I would be severely pissed.
I think all of the damage to the city and people getting hurt is bullshit and nobody should be doing that, but I do absolutely condone burning canucks jerseys.
You act as if the Canucks owe their fans some sort of ridiculous trophy. It's crazily absurd. Someone loses every year, and every game. Get. The. Fuck. Over. It.
The kind of attitude you just blathered on about is exactly what makes riots like this possible. If you want to burn a jersey because you are in some fit of immature, ape-like rage - fine. But do it in your own fucking house and get the hell off of my streets. And when you're done - seek some psychological help. You need it.
(And by the way, the people rioting were the ones that were watching the game for free on the jumbotrons that were graciously provided by the city. NOT the ones that paid for tickets.)
I firmly believe that it was a select few that STARTED the rioting, but more people jumped in after... just all the footage you see is of the same 3 cars burning. thats why all the ppl look the same. But there were at least a couple hundred people doing bad things. and thousands of people standing around, filming, and getting in the way of law enforcement and ambulance drivers. So you cant point fingers at JUST those people flipping the cars. if people went home like they should have, cops coulda did alot more, alot sooner.
A big part of it was also 100,000 or so people on the streets watching the game. The transit system was packed and not everyone could make it out of downtown easily
I walk to work in the morning, and go by ground zero of the Riot. Everything is almost spotless! cept the ash remains of 2 police cars, few broken windows, and emanants of melted garbage bins.
You act as if the Canucks owe their fans some sort of ridiculous trophy. It's crazily absurd. Someone loses every year, and every game. Get. The. Fuck. Over. It.
The kind of attitude you just blathered on about is exactly what makes riots like this possible. If you want to burn a jersey because you are in some fit of immature, ape-like rage - fine. But do it in your own fucking house and get the hell off of my streets. And when you're done - seek some psychological help. You need it.
Also, the being pissed about "not getting your money's worth"-argument is a bullshit one. Paying lots of money for some expensive seats to hopefully see "your" team win is no warrant for being a complete douchebag about it when they loose. You paid that money, you know that there's statistically a 50% chance of "your" team loosing, so it's your own fucking fault if you feel that money has gone to waste. So deal with it in a civilized fashion. If you do end up feeling so pissed about that so that some thrashing of property in any kind (that includes burning jerseys) is in order, it's time to re-evaluate your priorities and get your shit together.
Imagine these riots happening after every loss during the season... maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing that all these idiots just kill each other. There would be more mature fans left.
"They aren't shooting blanks or bean bags..."
"Excuse me you parked your tank on my car and shot a hole through my apartment"
"Can you please get off my neck... (gun cock sound) Oh hey that's totally cool, I'll just turn purple, you enjoy yourself"
"Why are we digging a trench next to this big pile of bodies? I'm so telling the papers when you give me my phone back..."
"He said "f*ck you pig". You don't need to call in an air strike for that..."
"Is that a necklace made of human ears?"
Absolutely fucking pathetic...
I'd have to give the news some of the blame because they were constantly bring up the fact there was going to be a riot if the canucks lost. Just getting the ass's pumped up....
What an appropriate video.
Bunch of man-babies playing with a stuffed animal.
Canadian definition: Commonly used to refer to someone who stopped evolving, and bathing, during the 80's hair band era. Generally can be found wearing AC/DC muscle shirts, leather jackets, and sporting a mullet. The term "skid" is in part derived from "skid row", which is both a band enjoyed by those the term refers to, as well as their address.
I hope these people are properly dealt with and no Polycounter gets hurt.
over 100 people were also arrested. Fun fact, almost all of them were either A) on the DO NOT ENTER list at the border for the olympics
and, btw, most of the people that were arrested for violence at the G20 werent even from ontario. Most of them were from Quebec
Also, here is proof that there are some good people out there (if the 15,000 that showed up to clean up today werent enough for you.... its not even 24 hours later and te place is pretty much cleaned up already)
The cost of property damage alone is enough to escalate the issue. But there are reports of people getting hurt anyways.
In reference to the shot statement, I really don't think lethality of said "shots" was their intention. As I said, rubber bullets and/or beanbags should be used, in force. This kind of rioting should not be allowed to happen.
Look at the antiwar protesters in the 60's - massive protests of thousands and no issues like this. Protesting against war is a good thing, rioting because you're fucked up in the head and your little sports team lost? Not acceptable.
Right in the face with a beanbag.
I watched most of it on the news and frankly the patience of the VPD and RCMP during this was phenominal, they gave the rioters every chance to go home and all they got was a bunch of fucking morons jumping in their face acting tough waving thier fingers and swearing so they can impress a bunch of other fucking morons.
Guy gets beaten for trying to stand up to the dirtbags.
Stefan: the flashbang to the nuts video was awesome
we are still powerful,
dont think you won everything, its not over yet, look at how powerful we are!
brothers ,this is our last stand,
lets give everything we have,
we will give them hell!
they should just ban sports for a year to teach them a lesson
Yes, apparently there were stabbings, others were beaten.... so no, everyone's outrage is quite warranted.
These were riots by a handful of people looking for an excuse to riot for fun (or career). They know that large crowds make a nice backdrop and bring lots of attention. It was premeditated, would have happened win or lose, and was absolutely not conducted by hockey fans.
Look closely at 90%+ of the riot footage and you'll see about three people causing problems with hundreds filming it for youtube.
Which is why it's disappointing that while the police response (overall) was organized, methodical and appropriate... they took WAY too long to start actually responding. The police presence was ridiculously poor during the game and even afterwards, considering how obvious it was that this would happen.
How is destroying the property of others 'fun?'
Its one thing when your team loses because the other team is better, its another thing when your team pulls its pants down and takes it up the ass for 3 periods of probably the most important game of their entire worthless careers.
If i was the guy who paid somewhere between $1,600 and $12,000 to go see that I would be severely pissed.
I think all of the damage to the city and people getting hurt is bullshit and nobody should be doing that, but I do absolutely condone burning canucks jerseys.
You act as if the Canucks owe their fans some sort of ridiculous trophy. It's crazily absurd. Someone loses every year, and every game. Get. The. Fuck. Over. It.
The kind of attitude you just blathered on about is exactly what makes riots like this possible. If you want to burn a jersey because you are in some fit of immature, ape-like rage - fine. But do it in your own fucking house and get the hell off of my streets. And when you're done - seek some psychological help. You need it.
(And by the way, the people rioting were the ones that were watching the game for free on the jumbotrons that were graciously provided by the city. NOT the ones that paid for tickets.)
A big part of it was also 100,000 or so people on the streets watching the game. The transit system was packed and not everyone could make it out of downtown easily
I live in Massachusetts... and didn't even know the bruins won till now. lol
So now the kids found in these photos are apparently getting taken away in cuffs in school. Various people caught on video have been taken to jail.
Good times. Good times.
haha this is hialrious, it's a street fighter test-your-strength stage for faggots.
ps: this is gay
Also, the being pissed about "not getting your money's worth"-argument is a bullshit one. Paying lots of money for some expensive seats to hopefully see "your" team win is no warrant for being a complete douchebag about it when they loose. You paid that money, you know that there's statistically a 50% chance of "your" team loosing, so it's your own fucking fault if you feel that money has gone to waste. So deal with it in a civilized fashion. If you do end up feeling so pissed about that so that some thrashing of property in any kind (that includes burning jerseys) is in order, it's time to re-evaluate your priorities and get your shit together.
someone is just asking for stricter police regulation and enforced laws, those BC puppies need more cop cock to keep themselves sane.