Come on, that type of music is so Devil May Cry it hurts.
The game is looking absolutely gorgeous! The shifting environments are so goddamned smexy! Kudos to the NT artists!
I am kinda surprised at the few number of enemies in that vid, must have been early into the game or something.
Played through the demo. It was very-very solid and looked badass.
NT definitely deserves more recognition for what they do. I hope capcom is going to market the shit out of DMC, compared to relative lack of marketing for Enslaved.
Yeah the demo completely put me back on board with this title. It plays just as good, if not better than previous DMCs. It has the same fluid gameplay and combos from DMC3, which I always thought was the best one, and it looks fantastic. You can be VERY creative with the way you dispatch baddies.
Anybody playing this at the moment? I'm quite early in but have to say I'm fudgin lovin it haha. It's super pretty and the environments are just mad when they explode out. I love ninja theory's emphasis on story, it really brings you in and my god is the combat fun. It's easily on par with 1 and 3 for me. My only complaint is the controls are a bit fiddly, switching between god and devil modes by holding L2 or R2 whilst attacking and each with their own particular set of moves takes some getting used to. It's still lovely though
Its been taunting me hard since tuesday, but haven't had a chance to play yet!!! ahhhhhh. Controls at E3 were a little issue for me, felt very crab-claw.
Finished it this weekend, started playing on Son of Sparda mode that unlocks after 1st completion. This game fucking rules. Dante is a cool character, combat is great, the environment is a super cool character, fluid, fun. Its silky smooth and fast on PC.
They start throwing some really technical fights at you near the end that feel a little out of place from the rest of the game, but overall its a solid A++ in my book Now im going for leaderboard dominance and high difficulties! woo.
I just finished it this weekend as well. I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see if they make another one. I think the gameplay and presentation was so well done, that if they add a memorable story it could be a fantastic game.
Everthing is there except for the story tho... its an ok story... don't get me wrong. I enjoyed it. But how the game wraps up, was kinda, lacking.
Apart from that i really dig the art. Specially the environments. Kudos to the art team behind the game. Everything look really awesome.
I have to go and play this on the hardest setting now. Played it on hard and it was still kinda easy. But i love the technical combat and all the different chains you can do. Very well done game imo.
The game is looking absolutely gorgeous! The shifting environments are so goddamned smexy! Kudos to the NT artists!
I am kinda surprised at the few number of enemies in that vid, must have been early into the game or something.
more here
yeah, but it was short as hell man, i beat enslaved in one sitting. but it was really fun.
looks pretty awesome.
NT definitely deserves more recognition for what they do. I hope capcom is going to market the shit out of DMC, compared to relative lack of marketing for Enslaved.
maybe tonight, or wednesday
New Dante is great
They start throwing some really technical fights at you near the end that feel a little out of place from the rest of the game, but overall its a solid A++ in my book
Anyone playing on Steam? add me!
Everthing is there except for the story tho... its an ok story... don't get me wrong. I enjoyed it. But how the game wraps up, was kinda, lacking.
Apart from that i really dig the art. Specially the environments. Kudos to the art team behind the game. Everything look really awesome.
I have to go and play this on the hardest setting now. Played it on hard and it was still kinda easy. But i love the technical combat and all the different chains you can do. Very well done game imo.
I'll add ya! im playing it on PC as well.