It is a retelling of Dantes story from the start, according to the producers, and shouldnt use other Devil May Cry games as a template. development at Enslaved and Heavenly Sword studio Ninja Theory, DmC Devil May Cry has the same director as past entries in the franchise: Hideaki Itsuno.
I dunno. I think they should have just gone with a different name if they're basically starting from the beginning again. I really like how colourful the screens are though!
P.S. DMC3 is the best DMC game in my opinion. 1 was a classic but 3 just said "F*ck yeah!"
i was so pissed when tim burton gave batman a black rubber suit,he got all goth looking. Batman is suppose to wear blue and grey spandex with satin cape like the old show, now there is only black rubber batman, what a douche bag, forever changing a character that was well defined. they should of called blackgothman, not batman, totally misleading to all the true batman fans out there. Also Bruce Wayne didnt look anything like Adam West, total bullshit.
i also remember when mario 64 came out, what a pile of crap, mario is a 2d game!!! always has been, what kind of asshole would make a 2d game 3d?? AND mario is made up of little squares , not rounded out like some fat emo kid.
Environments look great. Combat looks amazing. New Dante looks ridiculous. (Emo bullshit years too late) Just give me a choice of skins and I would buy it
Am I the only one that thinks they caused all this controversy on purpose ?
In the trailers wee see Dante transform in some moments, his hair turning white and his coat turning red. I think the whole point is to make us think "huh this is lame" just to make the scene in the game where he turns from "emo"-Dante to "this parts's getting crazy"-Dante so much more awesome
This just does not look very good to me. Combat doesn't SEEM to have that tight, technical, dmc feel, and doesn't seem to be replacing it with anything particularly innovative or unique.
as long as it's fun to play I don't really care about the changes
I hope the game isn't easy.... i find that most ninja theory games are super easy to play, like they're literally holding your hand. But, it looks awesome!
im glad the gameplay is looking promising. I just really hope the story delivers as good as they say. but i cannot help but worry what they will do with all the established story and characters later down the road after releasing this, will they completely abandon the old stuff?
Aye, looks pretty good. Sadly, half of the blasted comments down there make me feel like my IQ is dropping. Do these guys not understand the concept of 'In Development'?
I hate [...] that Ebony and Ivory are now a fucking machine guns.
combat looks really fun. I loved Nero's demon hand in 4, awesome to see a grapple The subtle action pauses are also really good, action feels a lot heavier and powerful now.
Gameplay is actually looking really sweet... I've been pretty skeptical about this remake, but I'm thinking now it definitely feels like a revamped DMC. Might try it out after all!
Wasted 10 bones on Devil May Cry 4 on steam the other day. I couldn't make it past the first 20 mins. Stiff gameplay, dialogue and cut-scenes had me rolling my eyes almost the entire time. The game was overly flashy with no depth or substance.
I was contracted on that trailer. This is actually the first time I've seen it as a final piece xD - it's cool becuase there's an awful lot of content in there I haven't seen yet.
Awesome trailer, great use of colour too. The NT guys are doing an awesome job, canne wait!
Yeah its cool to see that some one can use COLOURS!!! Not another brown and dark game. I love previous DMCs and this one looks cool too. One thing that makes me sad is that he says "Ebony and Ivory, I miss you girls.". He doesn't have his old guns ohhh and Enviroments are looking really cool!
Yeah its cool to see that some one can use COLOURS!!! Not another brown and dark game. I love previous DMCs and this one looks cool too. One thing that makes me sad is that he says "Ebony and Ivory, I miss you girls.". He doesn't have his old guns ohhh and Enviroments are looking really cool!
Ninja Theory does that with all their games. They sure know how to sport a gorgeous color palette!
Suffice to say, I love DMC! Love it to bits, easily one of my favorite games ever. I love how it looked that NT stayed true to the pure arcade fun that is DMC.
I agree with u about it looking interesting. I dont recall it saying that Unreal engine was limited, but it did imply that
its not suited for a fast paced action game like DMC.
From 60 fps to 30 fps, doesnt sound too pleasing to me, have to
wait for the game to see if its gona be an issue.
I know a lot of ppl on this forum support Unreal, don't get me wrong I agree that its a great engine that can deliver great games. but the texture popping really bugs me, Gears suffered a lot from it. I think the main concern regarding that is, NT is not good with using Unreal Engine. Enslaved for example suffered from the framerate problem. It was unplayable for me on ps3( which is the primary platform for DMC series)
Unreal does have texture popping issues which come from the way it streams things. The point where there are only '3-4' enemies in the game at once because of engine limitations is bollocks though - firstly because it's not an engine limitation, and secondly because I don't believe the game will only ever feature a maximum of five characters on the screen at once.
'the limitations of the engine where only 3-4 enemies can be present on scren at the one time'
Batman:AC would like to have a word with you
Game looks great to me, non of the gameplay faults seem to be really an issue (perhaps teh 30fps thing but we'll have to see on that), more of people screaming that its different, as for Dante 'what Dante stands for' can be changed in a reboot where the character is right at the start of his character developement, for all people know by the end of the game he could be the Dante everyone knows and loves. Also is it really Tameem who designed the new look dante? or is it NT concept artists along with feedback from Capcom?
Ikosan: I heard great things about Batman:AC, its definitely a great action game made with Unreal engine.
to answer your question:
"We've got our plan and we're not changing it," Tameem Antoniades said at a presentation at Gamescom 2011. Talking about character designs, producer Alex Jones claimed that Capcom Japan is just as responsible for Dante's controversial new look as Ninja Theory. Character design is what Capcom Japan is deeply, deeply involved with," said Jones. "[Ninja Theory and Capcom have had] dozens of meetings over character design," he added.
so what are the chances that capcom went 'oh we'd like it to look exactly like the head of your company' compared with NT concept artist (ie not Naheem himself) produced multiple concepts all looking completly different and capcom just happened to choose one which looked slightly like the head of nt (in the way he's a guy with black short hair who smokes)
Makes more sense for a trailer. If you are right, and now I suppose you are (listened it again), they redesigned them he is holding different looking guns. Maybe they redesigned it and gave him this line so people would know that those are still Ebony and Ivory. Shame. I really liked how they looked.
One way or another NT can give DMC something new. If someone don't like what they are doing just play previous parts. I hate the argument "It should be more like it was". WHY ?!?!?! It WAS and now it IS. Maybe it will be better than previous parts maybe worse. I trust NT. Talented crew.
The environment moving stuff is so sexy. I'm kinda impressed they pull it off with the unreal engine so well, with it mostly being baked lighting and such. The colors are really nice too.
Whoa, nice! I'm really liking the look and feel of this so far.
I sure hope they have an option to turn off the battle music, or at least the distracting screaming. Sheesh.
P.S. DMC3 is the best DMC game in my opinion. 1 was a classic but 3 just said "F*ck yeah!"
PS.S. LiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIght!
i also remember when mario 64 came out, what a pile of crap, mario is a 2d game!!! always has been, what kind of asshole would make a 2d game 3d?? AND mario is made up of little squares , not rounded out like some fat emo kid.
i just got way more pumped for this game
and what's that I spy at 0:36?
In the trailers wee see Dante transform in some moments, his hair turning white and his coat turning red. I think the whole point is to make us think "huh this is lame" just to make the scene in the game where he turns from "emo"-Dante to "this parts's getting crazy"-Dante so much more awesome
But i LOVED enslaved, so we'll see!
I hope the game isn't easy.... i find that most ninja theory games are super easy to play, like they're literally holding your hand. But, it looks awesome!
they came to your house and held your hand?
HAHAHAHHA well, maybe not literally.
part 2
i take back my word, it look damn promising
How do you even.
combat looks really fun. I loved Nero's demon hand in 4, awesome to see a grapple
ninja theory is by far my favorite western developer
Really? I enjoyed all of em. =\
I wanted to leave with "......O....M.....F....G...I'll be waiting for this for real." Until I saw your post.
Asian Twilight? o.O
But this... this gets my preorder.
Yeah its cool to see that some one can use COLOURS!!! Not another brown and dark game. I love previous DMCs and this one looks cool too. One thing that makes me sad is that he says "Ebony and Ivory, I miss you girls.". He doesn't have his old guns
Are you sure it wasn't "I missed you girls" ?
Ninja Theory does that with all their games. They sure know how to sport a gorgeous color palette!
Suffice to say, I love DMC! Love it to bits, easily one of my favorite games ever. I love how it looked that NT stayed true to the pure arcade fun that is DMC.
So I'm disregarding the whole thing
This is the first DMC I've seen that actually looks interesting, to me.
its not suited for a fast paced action game like DMC.
From 60 fps to 30 fps, doesnt sound too pleasing to me, have to
wait for the game to see if its gona be an issue.
I know a lot of ppl on this forum support Unreal, don't get me wrong I agree that its a great engine that can deliver great games. but the texture popping really bugs me, Gears suffered a lot from it. I think the main concern regarding that is, NT is not good with using Unreal Engine. Enslaved for example suffered from the framerate problem. It was unplayable for me on ps3( which is the primary platform for DMC series)
If im wrong on something please correct me.
Batman:AC would like to have a word with you
Game looks great to me, non of the gameplay faults seem to be really an issue (perhaps teh 30fps thing but we'll have to see on that), more of people screaming that its different, as for Dante 'what Dante stands for' can be changed in a reboot where the character is right at the start of his character developement, for all people know by the end of the game he could be the Dante everyone knows and loves. Also is it really Tameem who designed the new look dante? or is it NT concept artists along with feedback from Capcom?
to answer your question:
"We've got our plan and we're not changing it," Tameem Antoniades said at a presentation at Gamescom 2011. Talking about character designs, producer Alex Jones claimed that Capcom Japan is just as responsible for Dante's controversial new look as Ninja Theory. Character design is what Capcom Japan is deeply, deeply involved with," said Jones. "[Ninja Theory and Capcom have had] dozens of meetings over character design," he added.
found this on Gamepro
later builds look a lot better from recent trailers
Now he looks like Taylor Lautner...
Makes more sense for a trailer. If you are right, and now I suppose you are (listened it again), they redesigned them
One way or another NT can give DMC something new. If someone don't like what they are doing just play previous parts. I hate the argument "It should be more like it was". WHY ?!?!?! It WAS and now it IS. Maybe it will be better than previous parts maybe worse. I trust NT. Talented crew.
I sure hope they have an option to turn off the battle music, or at least the distracting screaming. Sheesh.
I am going to root for the fellas at NT, Enslaved deserved to sell more units than it actually did.