Finally able to show some of the stuff I worked on for a year. I was a track lead, responsible for upgrading several ported tracks with new lighting/textures/geo (no screenshots of the updates released yet) then I moved on to creating terrain for the Alpine racing ribbon. The Enzo is shown just because it's HAWT This is all 100% realtime in-game.
Not the most glamorous game to work on perhaps, but I surely loved my time working on it! When the game ships in October I'll be able to show some of the raw Zbrush and texture work I did on this.
This is one of the ones I'm excited about. Will there be anything imported from Forza3? (as in my creations/career/etc..)
I believe Dan said that cars and decals will port over. I'm not 100% sure so don't quote me on that. My contract ended in March, so I don't know a lot of the finalized details about the game.
I wasn't on the car team so I don't have complete knowledge, but I believe the LOD 0 cars from FIII are what's used in-game now and that the interactive car bits in the garages us a new super LOD mesh. I could be completely wrong though.
I wasn't on the car team so I don't have complete knowledge, but I believe the LOD 0 cars from FIII are what's used in-game now and that the interactive car bits in the garages us a new super LOD mesh. I could be completely wrong though.
ahh, good to hear.
That means that's our(my studio's) Pontiac G8 up there
Adjustable head tracking with Kinect
If anyone here has experience on the PC with Naturalpoint's TrackIR (head tracker for driving/flight/shooters - which I use), this works very much the same way except there's no need for a reflective tape visor or IR sensor clip.
Preview of the autovista interactive mode (all realtime) with some VO by Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear fame. Around the 3min mark there's also a full lap around one of the ribbons for the Alpine Raceway.
The new controller is shit, imo. I have no fucking clue what Microsoft was thinking. I mean, it's got gyros, haptic feedback so it's not just an air wheel or whatever the hell - I don't care. If I have an endurance race that's 20 laps around Laguna that's like 40minutes. I'm not holding my arms in the air for 40 minutes. Stopping production of the old wheel in favor of this is a major fucking bone-headed mistake.
Damnit, I was pissed, because MS stopped selling the previous wheel, in anticipation of the kinect release (I assume), right at the same time I bought Forza 3. I've been waiting for a decent replacement, and this is what gets offered? I don't want to suspend my arms in front of me for hours. I'd also like to have PEDALS.
This is why I asked if there would be a PS3 port this time, since I know it's been rumored in the past. At least Sony still offers a steering wheel.
I've been waiting for a decent replacement, and this is what gets offered? I don't want to suspend my arms in front of me for hours. I'd also like to have PEDALS.
Yeah I have no idea why they did this. With racing games getting big again I'd have expected a new (real) wheel. The only real hope left for 360-compatible wheels is Fanatec, which is a bit more expensive. Their base wheel (no pedals) is about $150, while the pedals/clutch kits are an additional $60 or so. You're looking at just under $200 for a wheel/pedal set (compared to $150 for the old MS wheel).
Granted, the quality is pretty damned nice. I've used them at Turn10. The pedals are all metal, very sturdy. Wheel is really nicely done as well.
I probably should have mentioned that. There are other cheap alternatives, but they are all wired (like Mad Katz). My arrangement would make it difficult to do wired. My xbox is hidden in a closet.
BTW, this whole thread is nothing more than digital car porn... just sayin...
Damn, I'm happy with that new FM Fanatec wheel. 6-spd shifter, metal pedals w/clutch, dual motor feedback, lots of metal construction. That shit looks tiiiight.
BTW, this whole thread is nothing more than digital car porn... just sayin...
Why's this a problem? Lack of Jergens?
The new steering wheel looks damn good. Now to see a prices
They also mentioned a new madcatz, but didn't mention if it's wireless. $230 is a bit pricey for me though, and it better have wireless at that rate
my face. its making a mmmmfffff shape. i have a raging clue right now.
i played a bit at E3 with a controller (too embarrased to play with a wheel. didnt want to fuck up with all those people watching.)
it definitely felt more realistic than f3. the tire physics especially. i felt like i couldnt just gun it or else it would completely spin out. but it felt like the tires were actually flexing, i cant put my finger on it. but it definitely felt better than the last game.
visually i couldnt tell much apart (since the screens were tiny, and i havent played the last game for a while) but im sure its definitely improved. also, you get more sense of speed this time around. last game, i could be going 80 and i felt like i was rolling around at 25 mph.
the only thing that really bothered me was that they kept the damn glare from the sun on the tarmac. i mean, it goes to pure white at times, ridiculous. needs to get toned down.
Yeah, the tarmac glare can be extreme at times. It does blow out some like that in real life, though in the game it can sometimes get carried away a smidge.
Graphics wise, the lighting engine is entirely new, as well as the car shaders. We've also used some of the techniques for texture blending that were used in Uncharted 2 (at least, for the newer tracks).
If I get the opportunity to work at Turn10 again, I'd really love to rework some of the old terrain with the new methods we've developed on Forza 4
The one shot in the first vid where the car's leaving the tunnel and the reflection of the scenery is stretching across the hood is incredible to watch...
Yeah the new rendering and shaders on the car is pretty swanky
Here's a higher res vid from IGN. It's on a different ribbon of the alps, so it doesn't go through the tunnel =\
i have to ask though. for the garage scene where you can check out your car and everything, is the background modelled or is it just an hdri dome surrounding the ground plane that gets reflected by the car shader.
i have to ask though. for the garage scene where you can check out your car and everything, is the background modelled or is it just an hdri dome surrounding the ground plane that gets reflected by the car shader.
Not sure exactly, I wasn't the one responsible for making them. Though I believe it was a combo of both methods. I only saw earlier prototyping for these homespaces.
This is my most anticipated game of the year. Loved Forza 3. Put so much play time into that game. Got all DLC packs, and loved them all. No doubt I will be getting the collectors edition again for this brilliant series.
Wow, that track looks amazing!
I wonder though, are they going to feature any of these tracks at night?
I mean, the day looks incredible but how would night time racing translate with their new system in place?
I know it won't quite look as stunning but would be interesting nonethless.
Josh, did you work on anything night related?
Some new pics were released. I was track lead on Laguna, working with 1 other production artist, to bring the track up to visual spec for Forza 4. That included repainting a lot of textures from scratch at higher res, making new shaders and objects, redoing UV3's on everything and relighting the entire track.
I think this looks like a pretty glamorous game to work on Looks like you did a great job too. I love the lighting and the environment in these last shots.
Wooo! Cant wait for it to be out
I´ve been a Forza fan since the first one.
I bought a PS3 when GT5 came out since I wanted more driving awesomeness, and sadly I just hated it after having played Forza 3 just felt so sterile and robotic
God knows how many laps around the Nurb-ring I have driven in various cars so far.. My favorite track by far, since one mistake is so costly on your lap time.
Bought a Fanatec Porche club-sport set when F3 came out and love it with Forza..
I could spend hours in my old 80´s 911 racing around with manual+clutch..
The only downside of Forza 3 was the road glare.. I have never ever seen glare that bad in real life, not even remotely close to it, and I live in Iceland, where the sun is so low sometimes during the day that it should illuminate the road badly.
In F3 it often looked like ice-covered roads with the sun at about a 20 degree angle above the horizon :P
At those moments I was just glad to have my Gunnar gaming glasses to save my eyes from the pain hehe.. love those damn things.. I use them over my regular glasses when working as well, unless I need to do color correcting *blush*
Forza 3 was my first experience of the franchise when I got it about a year ago, although I'm a longtime GT fan (and actually loved GT5 also), something about Forza is really enjoyable.
Hopefully car customisation is still as in-depth. I remember the first time I discovered how awesome it was in Forza when I found out I could put a Type-R engine swap in a Honda Fit and a racing muffler, and just grinning as I roared (literally! Love the sounds in game) past the competition in the early races.
Also, the dude in that video seems like a really nice guy lol.
Oh yeah looking forward to playing with the decal maker. Really wish they'd make a web / PC version of just that.
I've never understood why they don't do that. Why can't they make a livery app for PC so people have more latitude in creating awesome designs. It wouldn't be hard, it's just projection painting and layers anyhow. So why not? It would make it so much easier than putting together vector shapes together like a puzzle with no interconnecting pieces. The internal method is so rife with limitations.
It's because of legal liability stuff. People could take a copyrighted image and just paste it on the car. When you create it via the livery tool in the game, it's merely your "interpretation" of said copyrighted content. Basically, it's just to cover their own asses.
I believe Dan said that cars and decals will port over. I'm not 100% sure so don't quote me on that. My contract ended in March, so I don't know a lot of the finalized details about the game.
i heard polycounts for the cars were up in the 1 million range?
That means that's our(my studio's) Pontiac G8 up there
If anyone here has experience on the PC with Naturalpoint's TrackIR (head tracker for driving/flight/shooters - which I use), this works very much the same way except there's no need for a reflective tape visor or IR sensor clip.
This is why I asked if there would be a PS3 port this time, since I know it's been rumored in the past. At least Sony still offers a steering wheel.
Yeah I have no idea why they did this. With racing games getting big again I'd have expected a new (real) wheel. The only real hope left for 360-compatible wheels is Fanatec, which is a bit more expensive. Their base wheel (no pedals) is about $150, while the pedals/clutch kits are an additional $60 or so. You're looking at just under $200 for a wheel/pedal set (compared to $150 for the old MS wheel).
Granted, the quality is pretty damned nice. I've used them at Turn10. The pedals are all metal, very sturdy. Wheel is really nicely done as well.
Oh notman - it's also wireless
Damn, I'm happy with that new FM Fanatec wheel. 6-spd shifter, metal pedals w/clutch, dual motor feedback, lots of metal construction. That shit looks tiiiight.
The new steering wheel looks damn good. Now to see a prices
They also mentioned a new madcatz, but didn't mention if it's wireless. $230 is a bit pricey for me though, and it better have wireless at that rate
And lets not forget, TOP GEAR!
i played a bit at E3 with a controller (too embarrased to play with a wheel. didnt want to fuck up with all those people watching.)
it definitely felt more realistic than f3. the tire physics especially. i felt like i couldnt just gun it or else it would completely spin out. but it felt like the tires were actually flexing, i cant put my finger on it. but it definitely felt better than the last game.
visually i couldnt tell much apart (since the screens were tiny, and i havent played the last game for a while) but im sure its definitely improved. also, you get more sense of speed this time around. last game, i could be going 80 and i felt like i was rolling around at 25 mph.
the only thing that really bothered me was that they kept the damn glare from the sun on the tarmac. i mean, it goes to pure white at times, ridiculous. needs to get toned down.
Graphics wise, the lighting engine is entirely new, as well as the car shaders. We've also used some of the techniques for texture blending that were used in Uncharted 2 (at least, for the newer tracks).
If I get the opportunity to work at Turn10 again, I'd really love to rework some of the old terrain with the new methods we've developed on Forza 4
Here's a higher res vid from IGN. It's on a different ribbon of the alps, so it doesn't go through the tunnel =\
Skip to 4:40 to see the actual racing.
i have to ask though. for the garage scene where you can check out your car and everything, is the background modelled or is it just an hdri dome surrounding the ground plane that gets reflected by the car shader.
Not sure exactly, I wasn't the one responsible for making them. Though I believe it was a combo of both methods. I only saw earlier prototyping for these homespaces.
I wonder though, are they going to feature any of these tracks at night?
I mean, the day looks incredible but how would night time racing translate with their new system in place?
I know it won't quite look as stunning but would be interesting nonethless.
Josh, did you work on anything night related?
I´ve been a Forza fan since the first one.
I bought a PS3 when GT5 came out since I wanted more driving awesomeness, and sadly I just hated it after having played Forza 3
God knows how many laps around the Nurb-ring I have driven in various cars so far.. My favorite track by far, since one mistake is so costly on your lap time.
Bought a Fanatec Porche club-sport set when F3 came out and love it with Forza..
I could spend hours in my old 80´s 911 racing around with manual+clutch..
The only downside of Forza 3 was the road glare.. I have never ever seen glare that bad in real life, not even remotely close to it, and I live in Iceland, where the sun is so low sometimes during the day that it should illuminate the road badly.
In F3 it often looked like ice-covered roads with the sun at about a 20 degree angle above the horizon :P
At those moments I was just glad to have my Gunnar gaming glasses to save my eyes from the pain hehe.. love those damn things.. I use them over my regular glasses when working as well, unless I need to do color correcting *blush*
Atleast I hope so
Lots of info on the game.
Skip to 14:20 to see race gameplay. I did a about a third of the terrain in the alps track.
I'm your huckleberry.
Forza 3 was my first experience of the franchise when I got it about a year ago, although I'm a longtime GT fan (and actually loved GT5 also), something about Forza is really enjoyable.
Hopefully car customisation is still as in-depth. I remember the first time I discovered how awesome it was in Forza when I found out I could put a Type-R engine swap in a Honda Fit and a racing muffler, and just grinning as I roared (literally! Love the sounds in game) past the competition in the early races.
Also, the dude in that video seems like a really nice guy lol.
I've never understood why they don't do that. Why can't they make a livery app for PC so people have more latitude in creating awesome designs. It wouldn't be hard, it's just projection painting and layers anyhow. So why not? It would make it so much easier than putting together vector shapes together like a puzzle with no interconnecting pieces. The internal method is so rife with limitations.