One rule to keep in mind:
For a person to be balanced in a contrapposto, there heel should be vertically aligned with the C7 vertibre (Bottom of the neck)
jus a thout
@LRoy Love your character. I remember following it through production in late 2010 before I made my PC account.
For your texturing needs (I know it's a tad late) but, I thought this could help you.. It's a custom character created for UT3 by an artist called Chris Lee. You have probably come accross it in the past, I thought it could have been your insperation in the first place. Here's the link for the character production on theUT3 Forum and the character page from the artist, Chris Lee'swebsite. You can't see his textures there but, if you download his model/unreal package from his site (or the forum) you can open the textures inside the Unreal Editor and see his texture sheets.
HAL: Nice man! Deffo an big improvement over last time I saw this.
one of nit if you feel like hitting it: The the lower lip looks like it runs over the upper, in reality the mucles of the low lip run under the upper at the corners.
posted thiss In WAYWO - getting done with this one, but if theres any crits on the peice as a whole Id love to hear them.
your character is looking nice, though the skin looks a bit like wax atm (nitpicking here) maybe try to paint the skin glossvalues with a noisy brush? Should break up the highlights a little bit
finally a update for me. I just redid the skull after collecting some more resources. Here is where it stands as of now. He needs some dental work yet.
Bone : The clothing is looking fantastic. Everything from the neck down is awesome, but I would say the thing holding your peice back right now is the face. Her eyes are way too wide open and the mouth is almost a frown. Reminds me of this. Try giving her a more relaxed expression.
Lroy, yeah, that pose doesn't look right.
with the head titled to match the whole flow down the leg, it looks like the whole picture is rotated sideways. danshillair's got the right idea.
when hips and shoulders are offset or tilted, they tend to be somewhat symmetrical (rotate hips x, rotate shoulders -x). currently, it looks fine up to the abdomen, then it looks like your upper torso and head are just leaning way off to the side, unbalanced. I hope this helps.
Holy Thanks LRoy!
I've been feeling like the eyes look way off but now Its so obvious.
I'm gonna cheat a little and just close them down a bit on the low Poly
I just HAVE TO finish this character. My first character and for the sake of my sanity i have to finish it. Its only print screen coz I can't make the bpr to render something that looks good.
Sorry its been so long since an update but here's my latest WIP. I have a question though, does anyone know what setting to change to keep the brush from going through more than one surface? I'm having a little trouble with the rolled-up part of his sleeve and the brush is going through it. I know its something other than turning down the intensity.
I'm having a little trouble with the rolled-up part of his sleeve and the brush is going through it. I know its something other than turning down the intensity.
If this is zbrush. Polygroups. Make the turned up part of the shirt a seperate polygroup. Hide the rest of the shirt and sculpt away.
tbh. I wouldnt have created the geometry like this. I would just sculpt the sleeve to make it look turned up rather than actually turning it up. If you get me.
Agree with Stinger, If you need to make it look like its folded over, just mask off a ring of polys and move the sleeve part up and out to give that effect.
I have a question though, does anyone know what setting to change to keep the brush from going through more than one surface? I'm having a little trouble with the rolled-up part of his sleeve and the brush is going through it. I know its something other than turning down the intensity.
If this is zbrush. Polygroups. Make the turned up part of the shirt a seperate polygroup. Hide the rest of the shirt and sculpt away.
tbh. I wouldnt have created the geometry like this. I would just sculpt the sleeve to make it look turned up rather than actually turning it up. If you get me.
Or under the Brush menu try : Auto masking and turn backface masking on.
I'd like to join in on this. I recently graduated and I have been applying for jobs, while I wait to hear back from people I want to spend some time adding more pieces to my site/portfolio.
His chest is too wide in the upper part of the body. Back seems too muscular because of all those muscles you can see under his arm in front pic. He seems unproportional in chest area, wide shoulders, wide boobs. I need to learn more anatomical english because its hard to describe it for me. Probably something closer to the pic you posted in post 89. Looks a lil bit better there.
Nice work guys!
How do I get in on this study group action?
Hey man, nice work!
There's something about the chest that makes me think manboobs.
Honestly I'm not really sure why, the form seems right...Maybe it's the angle.
Apart from that I think that the pelvis could be a bit longer and the back including the buttocks have a feminine curve to them.
The hands look great but I think the fingers could be a little longer.
Keep it up guys, Ill take some time for crits after I finish painting my room. lol
for now heres the latest progress on my face, I took what you guys said into consideration, and mess around with some of the features to make her a bit more beautiful?
Let me know if It worked
Really Nice work Bonewbrew! You're really close, but with a few small tweaks she'll look more lifelike. Here's an animated .gif showing what I believe needs tweaking:
-Colour variation in the skin:
Upper face is generally more yellowish as there's less flesh there, the nose and cheeks have more red/pink to them, and the jawline is slightly greenish. I prefer using green over blue because in won't look like a stuble, but still looks natural if done carefully.
-Shadows below her upper eyelids:
This is really important in my opinion because it grounds the eyelids and makes the eyeballs look less "floaty". This is fairly simple to achieve, just build a plain that hangs down from the bottom of the upper eyelid and apply a gradient to it with alpha.
-Darken inside of nose:
I think it's always a good idea to darken the inside of the nose on both the diffuse and specular so you don't get any highlights in there.
-Darken skin around the inside corner of the eyes:
If you look at a real person, you'll notice that the skin in this region is always darker a bit.
-Add pink to the inside corner of the eyes:
Pretty small detail but it adds a lot if you have that fleshy bit there. Doesn't really need to be well defined, you just need a small pink blob.
I forgot to mention that I also slightly blurred the outside of the iris in my paint over as well.
For a person to be balanced in a contrapposto, there heel should be vertically aligned with the C7 vertibre (Bottom of the neck)
jus a thout
For your texturing needs (I know it's a tad late) but, I thought this could help you.. It's a custom character created for UT3 by an artist called Chris Lee. You have probably come accross it in the past, I thought it could have been your insperation in the first place. Here's the link for the character production on theUT3 Forum and the character page from the artist, Chris Lee'swebsite. You can't see his textures there but, if you download his model/unreal package from his site (or the forum) you can open the textures inside the Unreal Editor and see his texture sheets.
Hopefully this was some sort of help.
one of nit if you feel like hitting it: The the lower lip looks like it runs over the upper, in reality the mucles of the low lip run under the upper at the corners.
posted thiss In WAYWO - getting done with this one, but if theres any crits on the peice as a whole Id love to hear them.
your character is looking nice, though the skin looks a bit like wax atm (nitpicking here) maybe try to paint the skin glossvalues with a noisy brush? Should break up the highlights a little bit
Maybe go down a level and pronounce the skull's shape more
Dan : The proportions are looking better. Maybe just in with the hPolish brush and define some planes.
with the head titled to match the whole flow down the leg, it looks like the whole picture is rotated sideways. danshillair's got the right idea.
when hips and shoulders are offset or tilted, they tend to be somewhat symmetrical (rotate hips x, rotate shoulders -x). currently, it looks fine up to the abdomen, then it looks like your upper torso and head are just leaning way off to the side, unbalanced. I hope this helps.
I've been feeling like the eyes look way off but now Its so obvious.
I'm gonna cheat a little and just close them down a bit on the low Poly
I just HAVE TO finish this character. My first character and for the sake of my sanity i have to finish it. Its only print screen coz I can't make the bpr to render something that looks good.
Heres a .gif
If this is zbrush. Polygroups. Make the turned up part of the shirt a seperate polygroup. Hide the rest of the shirt and sculpt away.
tbh. I wouldnt have created the geometry like this. I would just sculpt the sleeve to make it look turned up rather than actually turning it up. If you get me.
Lroy - bonebrew is right about the contrapposto, and I think the shoulders should tilt in the opposite direction of the hips
HAL - that new head looks a ton better than the old one!
Bonebrew22 - that character's looking great, nice job with all the small details. I agree with HAL that the skin needs a tiny bit of tweaking though.
Or under the Brush menu try : Auto masking and turn backface masking on.
Upon request now front and sideview for head size upon which I cant decide. Mats arent the real deal just crappy marmo grabs.
e:// and now the head's rigged
Trying to sculpt Killer Croc. Can't really nail the grin ;/ He looks like retard. Any ideas ?
Hal - can you do something with those brows? A line won't cut it. Except that I really like it.
I'm no painter but maybe something like this?
dammit ez beat me to it.
use sharper shapes, atm the grin looks way too friendly.
regarding the brows, hmm gave the more volume in the texture I'll see when im done with it. (Do I read that you like those line brows or what?)
Nope ,those brows looks bad
12 : I would def use that paintover. Really makes him look more sinister.
e:// also thx for liking the metal
Yes Im completely sane, yes I wanted to spend that many tris.
Sits at 26k
I'll PM you LRoy.
but i'll get something up soon. cheers!
edit: something
started getting the hand up to scratch.
can you be more specific please? this is a study group after all.
How do I get in on this study group action?
Hey man, nice work!
There's something about the chest that makes me think manboobs.
Honestly I'm not really sure why, the form seems right...Maybe it's the angle.
Apart from that I think that the pelvis could be a bit longer and the back including the buttocks have a feminine curve to them.
The hands look great but I think the fingers could be a little longer.
Quick liquify for you:
Uploaded with
Keep it up dude!
Nice to see you kept working on the head.
It really shows
good to see you around btw =]
Modest update. Changed approche to the teeth.
will give him pants later...
Figured it's about time I throw something up:
I'm making kind of my own version of a Guild Wars Mesmer.
almighty_gir: thats coming along really nice
Alemja: Her neck looks way to massive at the moment, and her mouth looks way to wide as well
nearly done on my end here,
I hope to get it done tomorrow.
for now heres the latest progress on my face, I took what you guys said into consideration, and mess around with some of the features to make her a bit more beautiful?
Let me know if It worked
-Colour variation in the skin:
Upper face is generally more yellowish as there's less flesh there, the nose and cheeks have more red/pink to them, and the jawline is slightly greenish. I prefer using green over blue because in won't look like a stuble, but still looks natural if done carefully.
-Shadows below her upper eyelids:
This is really important in my opinion because it grounds the eyelids and makes the eyeballs look less "floaty". This is fairly simple to achieve, just build a plain that hangs down from the bottom of the upper eyelid and apply a gradient to it with alpha.
-Darken inside of nose:
I think it's always a good idea to darken the inside of the nose on both the diffuse and specular so you don't get any highlights in there.
-Darken skin around the inside corner of the eyes:
If you look at a real person, you'll notice that the skin in this region is always darker a bit.
-Add pink to the inside corner of the eyes:
Pretty small detail but it adds a lot if you have that fleshy bit there. Doesn't really need to be well defined, you just need a small pink blob.
I forgot to mention that I also slightly blurred the outside of the iris in my paint over as well.
Hope this helps
thanks bro
still working on this guy :
And a shot with some Marmoset postprocess :
trying to get those textures to look better, any suggestions much appreciated