Hey guys. This is the thread for feedback and critique of character art. Everyone is welcome to post ideas but please refrain from posting outside work if you are not currently assigned to the group.
Awwwww Yeeaaaaa
Im sure you gonna clean up those color/material changes later but thats all I can see that looks rough as of nao.
bakes look guuuu'uuud.
Itismario: Shits lookin tight holems. I dunno I dont have any crits right now cause my eyes are bleary and I cant see. I get to some in dept stuff tomorrow when I can see :P
UV mapped with the flatten function in 3dsmax, and DON'T ASK ME WHY THERE'S A TEAL RIM LIGHT, I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING HEAR IT.
Just thought I'd post my concept for now. Awesome concept is done by the awesome Ryan Hall: http://frogbillgo.deviantart.com/ Will update with a blockout soon
Hey guys. Not really an update. Just a cross post from the Group D thread to get things started over here.
Jordan Two Delta (Scarlett Johansson, The Island)
Started on the body proportion and first pass on the hands. I'll not be going into too much muscle detail on the body as she'll be full clothed but i'll block some in before I make the clothing geo.
I still need to find good reference for the clothing and wrist band things. Even though i've scanned through the film I havent got great reference. I know that Puma made the shoes as well. So i'll try and track them down.
Bonebrew22: I like how the shader is working so far, but the back of her head seems smashed in I think the back of the head needs to be elongated a bit. Other than that looking good, I like the detail on the arm as well!
Metal is starting to shape up nicely, and I think you're making progress with the suit, but there are some problems with it. I Think before you do any more work on it, I would recommend you throw together a quick style guide and post it for us to see. Just hit up Google and find some photos of boots, pants, jackets, or whatever that has the material you are trying to emulate. By doing this you will help us understand what look you are going for, and you'll also become more familiar with the material yourself as you do your research. Aside from that, I think the character could read a little better with a few small tweaks. Here's a quick to paint over to illustrate a some ideas that might help:
All I did was throw on some gradients to break up the solid brown colour of her suit. I mainly darkened the areas that are next to the armor pieces to add contrast, and I added a little pink here and there. You can use whatever colours you want, of course, I just think gradients would help.
Throwing my own chara project. Aiming at desert punk ;] Don't have much time now so will try to post some crit later. Sukotto - waiting for progress. Concept looks sick.
itismario - I think you should make the guys hands and arms a bit bigger, as well as the feet.
bonebrew22 - textures are look in nice! something is weird to me about proportions though, can we get an ortho view?
almightygir - lookin good, the face looks pretty similar to some of your other characters though, try exaggerating some things?
stinger88 - the head is looking pretty solid, I would pull the face inward a bit from profile view though.
LRoy - that metal looks super nice! the suit material is still pretty hard to read though. maybe some stitching or fabric patterns would help. Quasars paintover definitely helps out too
the metal needs lots of work i'm having some trouble with it.
stinger proportions look good. maybe try to add a bit more curves? Not sure how stylized you want to go.
Here's what I have so far. Close to calling it a day on the metal. Probably going to redo the bodysuit.
Super quick paintover just to get over what I think it needs.
The transition between materials is too harsh. The Hex material seem to just sit on top of the cloth as if glued on. Add a seam along the cloth and embed the hex material into the cloth a bit. Maybe break up the lines with "clip thingys" and indents. I've darkened down the Hex bit but I think the colour scheme could do with a re-think.
itismario: bake Looks clean for the most part man. cept the tips of the claws, did you split the end vert? cause it seems like if you kept a closed cage it would project the tip of the HP correctly.
Texture looks good for a base, I would maybe start laying down some tone variations.
But I like it so far.
Stinger: Arms felt a tiiiiny bit short to me but not sure. looks good.
Daphz: hahah Dude, fucking love the flowers. I think if your going for a painted metal look the thing that will sell it is the detail, scratches and stuff. look at cargo/shipping containers for the orange, and for the white part.. Im not sure metal would work with those. to me they look more like a ceramic matte type material. If you want it to be metal though try adding some reflections (color vairation too) , and grain, and a good ole scratch layer.
so heres a ortho shot with some proportion lines. Let me know what you see bros
Daphz nice shit bro.. but why is he black ?
---- itismario I actually like the dragon.. his neck look awkward for a dragon and wings look a bit like sandpaper but still cool
Bonebrew looking good so far not really to crit at this stage. WATCH out for the top neck section looks a bit weird maybe too long from the side view. back needs to go more back looks unbalanced.
Hey guys, life has been a little crazy this week so I will have to post some work a bit later (after I start it :poly124:) Also, Lroy, this is 'caveman'. sorry for the confusion, just changed my name for various reasons. ANYWAYS, on to the art.
LRoy: Solid looking suit. The metal looks a bit dull though. intentional?
daphz: looking forward to see what else you can push on the texture of the torso area. Yes! flower pants rock!!
bonebrew22: It feels like she is leaning forward from the hips up. She also looks like she is extending her head forward a tad from the neck.
sukotto: sick concept you found. looking forward to seeing some progress, looks like a fun one!
danshillair - i hope you are using big bucket full of refs. When I started sculpting I didn't use refs...now it seems so stupid...
First of all look at the cut in where nose goes into forehead. Your eyes sockets should go down (this sad look ;p don't know how to better describe it). Check proportions with this ref. (or any other ;p I plugged this so you could know what I'm talking about.)
Will be updating on my model soon. Thanks for all the awseome feedback guys.
itismario : Anatomy is looking really nice. Only thing sticking out to me is the back of the neck. It looks a bit flat.
Bonebrew22 : I saw your post in the WAYWO thread and the cloth looks great. Especially like the wool patterned material underneath.
danshillair : Looks a bit lumpy at the moment. Try going down in sudvidision levels or using the hPolish and TrimDynamic brushes to get some nice planes.
NiteWalkr : Sure, just PM me your info!
MrOneTwo : He sure does look handsome. Maybe the lips could be ore defined? I've been looking at a lot of ref lately and noticed they are a bit bulkier in the middle than taper out. A link Mark Dygert gave me helped me out a ton!
started this guy off. let me know what you think so far. that's for viewing
danshillair: remember to work your forms before you go up divisions and you'll save yourself a lot of hassle later. also it might be worth using reference planes of skulls to help
MrOneTwo: he's looking very handsome, if i had to be picky though i'd soften those cheek bones a tad, they don't seem to flow as well as they could. also i agree about the lips being a tad thin but that could just be the look you're going for.
Sukotto: nice blockout, looking forward to seeing it progress
I wasnt going to post this but its been ages since i posted. I've knida got ahead of myself on this and started messing about with the clothing. So I need to rewind a bit and get the other stuff right first.
Hands need attention, face needs a-symmetry and detail, cloth is only rough.
lroy: what are you talking about? I am the master of lumpiness! Haha, just kidding. I have a bad habit of getting carried away and forgetting about the basic forms.
mronetwo: thanks for pointing out the sad look. I do have quite a few medical books for reference. I just need to look at them more. Having reference next to you doesn't magically make things look good...so weird.
Update: still need to work on the maxilla/teeth
LRoy: I like the texure on the body suit. The only thing is, I don't think of worn leather when it comes to a futuristic body suit.
Illusive: I know it might be early on to comment on this, but the hairline is off. Unless he likes to shave his head with a bowl on.
Stinger88: Nice start on the cloth. What type of fabric are you shooting for?
LRoy: hair's looking great dude, i'd maybe tone down the mascara under her eyes it seems quite strong, also the honeycomb parts look really good but i'm not so sure about the other parts seem a bit too dirty and not the greatest colour imo maybe a green??
Stinger88: i have the same problem i think i might have jumped the gun with my character's clothes too but ohwell i'm just sort of working everything at once which admittly probably isn't the best way to go but ohwell
bit of an update: did some work on the vest, a bit on the pants and some bling chain which is kind of making him look like a cop atm.. i'm hoping if i give him another smaller chain it'll help avoid the cop look though
Here is a little update from me. I still have quite a bit to work on, and a jaw to add. I might try to get to some spinage eventually.
Not sure if your shooting for stylised or realistic. Either way heres some great reference for skull modelling. Register and get a free e-book. Anatomy of the face by Ryan Kingslien
Yes! I love free stuff. Thanks for the link. As far as stylized or realistic, I'm not sure. (could be my problem) I think my goal is realistic proportions, stylized details (how bones are fused, textures, etc.)
Well, my first impression with your cloth was a spandex type track/exercise suit, good stuff.
illusive: Watch out for the crotch area. It looks very boxy right now. Just need to look at some jeans and how they are seamed together down there
Stinger88 : Looks good so far. The folds seem to be very isolated though. Stretching fabric in one area should pull on another. Butt looks nice. :thumbup:
dan : check out this video by ryan kingslein. it goes over the anatomy of the face but its good to see how everything lays atop the skull.
gir : nice start! when you lay out the planes can you post a wire? hair is really tricky for me.
Update : Toned down makeup and played with colors.
Edit - Don't want to spam thread. Here's my final update I think. Been tweaking too long.
LRoy, i really like your piece, you've got some great material definition going on, but there are a couple of things that are irking me a little.
the silouhette of her arm seems a little off, almost too cylindrical, it might be nice to see a clear definition of the difference between where her forearm starts and her upper arm ends.
her face is coming along fantastically, however the lips are a little weird for me. they seem a little too big (but i don't like big lips... so that's more a preference choice). and the colour feels off, they're too red to not have lipstick on, but they don't have the same value or shine that lipstick does, it feels like they're trapped in limbo.
great stuff though, man!
and yes, hair is a biiiitch! i'm glad you can manually edit the z-draw order in UDK
Lroy: the textures on the metals in the gloves and feet are rediculous man really beautiful color choices and detail groups. maybe a little color breakup in the honeycombed section could add some more balance to the mid? its an awesome awesome piece, but atm i find myself staring at her feet and hands also i think that you should keep the yellowed spec on that area from the green suit shot it looks great.
Gir: Nice soft features, at the moment only thing that sticks out is the Corners of mouth look a bit off. seems like there not properly pushed together, If your having trouble working on the upper lip without affecting the lower or vise versa, try to using polygroupd to isolate the bottom so you can really move them togethe
LRoy: Deffinately looking more readable with the more warm brown, Makes the cools of the metal pop too. Arm/shoulder seem is visible and it seems a bit silly that you have a small strip of edges on a separater island when its right about to pass under the armor. although I can't be too critical about that because Ive had that crit in the past too. but its looking awesome!
Noticed people are making .gif turntables, though Id try my hand and show my progress on the texture.
danshillair: Lol haha its flying around so fast its impossible to tell isnt it?
...there bells, its.... its a thing from the book my character is based on lol...
It'll make sense
Looks awesome Mario! not much to crit TBH, if anything I think the sash looks like metal?
Lol maybe you havent gotten to it yet so yeah
I meant more to look at it and see what distinguishing features he used to make it look like the actress even though the other things like the hair are completely different. I think the major things right now are the lips and nose.
Im sure you gonna clean up those color/material changes later but thats all I can see that looks rough as of nao.
bakes look guuuu'uuud.
Itismario: Shits lookin tight holems. I dunno I dont have any crits right now cause my eyes are bleary and I cant see. I get to some in dept stuff tomorrow when I can see :P
UV mapped with the flatten function in 3dsmax, and DON'T ASK ME WHY THERE'S A TEAL RIM LIGHT, I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING HEAR IT.
update on the woman i was doing in my other thread, started workin' da booty.
edit: seriously though. i think she has a bit of an overbite, and her head is too long.
bone : The ponytail looks a bit funny being all texture and no geo.
mario : usually the sterno muscle in the neck can be seen all through the neck to the ear. maybe look at a horse for ref?
Jordan Two Delta (Scarlett Johansson, The Island)
Started on the body proportion and first pass on the hands. I'll not be going into too much muscle detail on the body as she'll be full clothed but i'll block some in before I make the clothing geo.
I still need to find good reference for the clothing and wrist band things. Even though i've scanned through the film I havent got great reference. I know that Puma made the shoes as well. So i'll try and track them down.
Bonebrew22: I like how the shader is working so far, but the back of her head seems smashed in I think the back of the head needs to be elongated a bit. Other than that looking good, I like the detail on the arm as well!
stinger proportions look good. maybe try to add a bit more curves? Not sure how stylized you want to go.
Here's what I have so far. Close to calling it a day on the metal. Probably going to redo the bodysuit.
Metal is starting to shape up nicely, and I think you're making progress with the suit, but there are some problems with it. I Think before you do any more work on it, I would recommend you throw together a quick style guide and post it for us to see. Just hit up Google and find some photos of boots, pants, jackets, or whatever that has the material you are trying to emulate. By doing this you will help us understand what look you are going for, and you'll also become more familiar with the material yourself as you do your research. Aside from that, I think the character could read a little better with a few small tweaks. Here's a quick to paint over to illustrate a some ideas that might help:
All I did was throw on some gradients to break up the solid brown colour of her suit. I mainly darkened the areas that are next to the armor pieces to add contrast, and I added a little pink here and there. You can use whatever colours you want, of course, I just think gradients would help.
Keep it up!
Throwing my own chara project. Aiming at desert punk ;] Don't have much time now so will try to post some crit later. Sukotto - waiting for progress. Concept looks sick.
bonebrew22 - textures are look in nice! something is weird to me about proportions though, can we get an ortho view?
almightygir - lookin good, the face looks pretty similar to some of your other characters though, try exaggerating some things?
stinger88 - the head is looking pretty solid, I would pull the face inward a bit from profile view though.
LRoy - that metal looks super nice! the suit material is still pretty hard to read though. maybe some stitching or fabric patterns would help. Quasars paintover definitely helps out too
the metal needs lots of work
Super quick paintover just to get over what I think it needs.
The transition between materials is too harsh. The Hex material seem to just sit on top of the cloth as if glued on. Add a seam along the cloth and embed the hex material into the cloth a bit. Maybe break up the lines with "clip thingys" and indents. I've darkened down the Hex bit but I think the colour scheme could do with a re-think.
Really nice model so far though.
Texture looks good for a base, I would maybe start laying down some tone variations.
But I like it so far.
Stinger: Arms felt a tiiiiny bit short to me but not sure. looks good.
Daphz: hahah Dude, fucking love the flowers. I think if your going for a painted metal look the thing that will sell it is the detail, scratches and stuff. look at cargo/shipping containers for the orange, and for the white part.. Im not sure metal would work with those. to me they look more like a ceramic matte type material. If you want it to be metal though try adding some reflections (color vairation too) , and grain, and a good ole scratch layer.
so heres a ortho shot with some proportion lines. Let me know what you see bros
itismario I actually like the dragon.. his neck look awkward for a dragon and wings look a bit like sandpaper but still cool
Bonebrew looking good so far not really to crit at this stage. WATCH out for the top neck section looks a bit weird maybe too long from the side view. back needs to go more back looks unbalanced.
LRoy: Solid looking suit. The metal looks a bit dull though. intentional?
daphz: looking forward to see what else you can push on the texture of the torso area. Yes! flower pants rock!!
bonebrew22: It feels like she is leaning forward from the hips up. She also looks like she is extending her head forward a tad from the neck.
sukotto: sick concept you found. looking forward to seeing some progress, looks like a fun one!
Keep it up guys!
danshillair - i hope you are using big bucket full of refs. When I started sculpting I didn't use refs...now it seems so stupid...
First of all look at the cut in where nose goes into forehead. Your eyes sockets should go down (this sad look ;p don't know how to better describe it). Check proportions with this ref. (or any other ;p I plugged this so you could know what I'm talking about.)
itismario : Anatomy is looking really nice. Only thing sticking out to me is the back of the neck. It looks a bit flat.
Bonebrew22 : I saw your post in the WAYWO thread and the cloth looks great. Especially like the wool patterned material underneath.
danshillair : Looks a bit lumpy at the moment. Try going down in sudvidision levels or using the hPolish and TrimDynamic brushes to get some nice planes.
NiteWalkr : Sure, just PM me your info!
MrOneTwo : He sure does look handsome. Maybe the lips could be ore defined? I've been looking at a lot of ref lately and noticed they are a bit bulkier in the middle than taper out. A link Mark Dygert gave me helped me out a ton!
danshillair: remember to work your forms before you go up divisions and you'll save yourself a lot of hassle later. also it might be worth using reference planes of skulls to help
MrOneTwo: he's looking very handsome, if i had to be picky though i'd soften those cheek bones a tad, they don't seem to flow as well as they could. also i agree about the lips being a tad thin but that could just be the look you're going for.
Sukotto: nice blockout, looking forward to seeing it progress
Suk: Very solid base. Proportions are off but I'm sure you'll be tweaking it a ton.
Been working on the hair and trying to get the bodysuit looking not so terrible. Still working on that part. I have no idea why her crotch exploded.
Hands need attention, face needs a-symmetry and detail, cloth is only rough.
lroy: what are you talking about? I am the master of lumpiness! Haha, just kidding. I have a bad habit of getting carried away and forgetting about the basic forms.
mronetwo: thanks for pointing out the sad look. I do have quite a few medical books for reference. I just need to look at them more. Having reference next to you doesn't magically make things look good...so weird.
Update: still need to work on the maxilla/teeth
LRoy: I like the texure on the body suit. The only thing is, I don't think of worn leather when it comes to a futuristic body suit.
Illusive: I know it might be early on to comment on this, but the hairline is off. Unless he likes to shave his head with a bowl on.
Stinger88: Nice start on the cloth. What type of fabric are you shooting for?
Stinger88: i have the same problem i think i might have jumped the gun with my character's clothes too but ohwell i'm just sort of working everything at once which admittly probably isn't the best way to go but ohwell
bit of an update: did some work on the vest, a bit on the pants and some bling chain which is kind of making him look like a cop atm.. i'm hoping if i give him another smaller chain it'll help avoid the cop look though
Not sure if your shooting for stylised or realistic. Either way heres some great reference for skull modelling. Register and get a free e-book. Anatomy of the face by Ryan Kingslien
Also there's a ton more skull ref in the first post of the anatomy workshop in my signature.
The fabric i'm going for is the costume Jordan Two Delta wears in The Island. Light wieght, semi tight fitting track suit type thingy.
Well, my first impression with your cloth was a spandex type track/exercise suit, good stuff.
illusive: Watch out for the crotch area. It looks very boxy right now. Just need to look at some jeans and how they are seamed together down there
daphz, that dude reminds me of Ray Johnson)
doing some hair paintovers to get a feel for different styles.
dan : check out this video by ryan kingslein. it goes over the anatomy of the face but its good to see how everything lays atop the skull.
gir : nice start! when you lay out the planes can you post a wire? hair is really tricky for me.
Update : Toned down makeup and played with colors.
Edit - Don't want to spam thread. Here's my final update I think. Been tweaking too long.
the silouhette of her arm seems a little off, almost too cylindrical, it might be nice to see a clear definition of the difference between where her forearm starts and her upper arm ends.
her face is coming along fantastically, however the lips are a little weird for me. they seem a little too big (but i don't like big lips... so that's more a preference choice). and the colour feels off, they're too red to not have lipstick on, but they don't have the same value or shine that lipstick does, it feels like they're trapped in limbo.
great stuff though, man!
and yes, hair is a biiiitch! i'm glad you can manually edit the z-draw order in UDK
Is it possible to join this study group?
LRoy: Deffinately looking more readable with the more warm brown, Makes the cools of the metal pop too. Arm/shoulder seem is visible and it seems a bit silly that you have a small strip of edges on a separater island when its right about to pass under the armor. although I can't be too critical about that because Ive had that crit in the past too. but its looking awesome!
Noticed people are making .gif turntables, though Id try my hand and show my progress on the texture.
Stoked for the steam group, LET PLAY SUM GAMES ONES AND A WHILE
...there bells, its.... its a thing from the book my character is based on lol...
It'll make sense
Looks awesome Mario! not much to crit TBH, if anything I think the sash looks like metal?
Lol maybe you havent gotten to it yet so yeah
Here's an update:
a-sym done on face, hair added (not sure if I'll be using the geo ponytail for final low poly).
Woogity : Not sure what you mean? The fingertips you'r talking about?
Bone : Fabric is looking really great. Feels very soft. Now start workin on that hair!
mario : gave most of my feedback in the chat. Nice start.
Stinger : Not sure I'm getting the Scarlette Johansen resemblance right away. I found this artists painting of her profile.
btw. TOP TIP!
You shouldn't use other artists work as reference. Its a bad habbit and any mistakes the original artist has made will transfer to your work.