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Why do you like Macs?



  • rumblesushi
    Haha leilei, interesting post.

    I didn't know any of that, but from what I have seen of Linux, it doesn't exactly seem appealing as a personal OS.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    haven't read the most of the thread but here's my take:
    - I love the laptops. They're right next to Thinkpads on my list when it comes to portability vs. power vs. features. I'm torn about the desktops though.
    - I like the design (I'm just not into having a laptop with a nerdy alien head with glowy eyes on the back of the screen) - but that's personal choice.
    - I like the hardware more than the OS (illuminated keyboard, super large trackpad - awesome!).
    - Mac OS looks beautiful but it is dumbed down - the power user options are often well hidden (can be a boon and a curse at the same time).
    - they run Win 7 mwhahaha!

    I haven't had a mac for years but with the intel switch I started buying them again. First a mac mini as small personal server. Then a macbook pro because my Thinkpad died. Then a macbook air to replace my old EeePC (which had sucky GMA graphics and wasn't good for any 3D stuff).
    jarrede wrote: »
    yeah it's cheaper too.

    At one point I realized that my own time isn't worth nothing. Researching and ordering the best components, picking them up, waiting for them to arrive bit by bit, assembling everything does take time.
    I realized that if I would put a price to each hour I spend on this, the PC wouldn't be that cheap any more. I rather spend my time doing other things. Assembling your own PC once or twice is fun, but it does get old. I have better things to do nowadays.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    leilei wrote: »
    with linux you'll deal with more problems than the general lack of commercial pro software. Sound latency gets worse each year and GUI designs shift with some 'don't copy windows' mentality making things harder to use because the programmers insist so. Many distros have preachy fans that try to jedi mind trick denial of the issues with 'it's fast and free u bitch.' or something like that. Linux on the desktop can't move forward with fanboys.

    That's very refreshing, I don't think I've ever heard any negative feedback on Linux.
    When we used it at one of my jobs it sometimes annoyed me. Some of the applications we used (maya, firefox) were more stable on winXP back then(2006). Don't know how well they work now but they kept crashing for no apparent reason a lot of the times and it annoyed the hell out of me.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    I am a fan of the operating system.. Not because of no viruses or otber junk like that.. but i just like the work flow. Since vista i dont like the direction windows was headed.. win7 was great, but still didnt like the feel.
    to me windows has changed to become easier fir every one... except me. every new feature to make life easier made it harder to find the settings and options that i required ( networking is an example if this. they made ut quite easy fir most things. bjt when you need to manually connect to a server you have to drill diwn many menus)
    osx handles it differently ( so far at least). they make thibgs easy but still have all the advqnced options incase i need them.
    another os tjing is i have always liked linux and unix but found them to be very unpolished and incomplete feeling. osx gives me unix with the polish and support of windows.

    hardware wise, i think apples great attention to detail is whqt i like. very simple design featjres always seem well thought out. the quality of thenproduct and materials are usually great also.

    and for laptops, the trackpad that macbooks have is amazing. i can never use a typical track pad again.

    ps. sorry if this post is hard to read.. im typing on my new playbook and hate the keyboard soo much!
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    I had a macbook pro and ran boot camp on it, and it was solid as a rock. Only problem with it was that it happened to be apart of a line of Pros they released with a wonky GPU and had the tendency to just up and die, but they offered a free repair if that happened, cool right? Well not unless you spill coffee on your laptop half year prior. Seriously I spilled some coffee on it and it worked fine, then half a year later the screen died because of a faulty geforce card that they admitted to have in my laptop's design. Then hey refused to fix it because the logic board had some coffee drips on it, which voided any warranty, but offered to replace it for the cost of a decent enough windows laptop. Since they already fucked me over and my warranty was gone, I figured I might as well open up the laptop, and there were in fact 5 drips (I literally counted) of coffee on the logic board, no where near the video card. But I sold off the parts for enough money to buy a less than awesome laptop, but whatever, If I had the cash, I'd probably go for another macbook pro, and never drink anything around it ever.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    oh i would also like to add that the original post is wrong. you can upgrade the hd easily and it isnt specific apple hardware. many users on macrumors.com have done so on the new imacs with no issues
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    VPrime wrote: »
    oh i would also like to add that the original post is wrong. you can upgrade the hd easily and it isnt specific apple hardware. many users on macrumors.com have done so on the new imacs with no issues

    the new harddrives for the mid 2011 iMacs only have a special firmware it seems... look here. Doesn't look trivial to me.

    "In the current moment, any solution that involves a non-Apple hard drive in the HD bay means that iMac no longer has standard operation. 3rd party software is needed to maintain proper cooling via fan speed control." this applies to the current mid 2011 only, according to OWC.

    I did some research because I wanted to get one of those for my gf and I hate restrictions like this. This is pretty much the reason why I'm not getting an iMac right now.

    With thunderbolt, it may just be easier to wait for some thunderbolt drives than going thru all the hassle. Then again the default apple HDD might be good for a while until it's filled up.
  • Ahrkey
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    Ahrkey polycounter lvl 18
    The company I work fork just bought a Macbook Pro for presentations, solely because of the sexiness-factor. Then they installed win7 on it...
  • fiveways
    I like computers that work :) I'd probably never buy a mac desktop. The PC I have now is the equivalent to what a similar spec'd mac pro was at the time it was built but about half the price. As far as laptops go...mac laptops are reasonably priced for what they are. The displays that go into their laptops are better than the displays being put into most run-of-the-mill PC laptops as far as color reproduction, viewing angles, etc. Most of the mac laptops I've used have better battery life than the PC laptops I've used as well.

    I'll almost always build any desktop I have but when it comes to laptops, if you're looking for a quality system that's going to last you longer than the warranty you'll probably be spending the same amount of money regardless of whether you choose a PC or a mac.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Kwramm wrote: »
    the new harddrives for the mid 2011 iMacs only have a special firmware it seems... look here. Doesn't look trivial to me.

    "In the current moment, any solution that involves a non-Apple hard drive in the HD bay means that iMac no longer has standard operation. 3rd party software is needed to maintain proper cooling via fan speed control." this applies to the current mid 2011 only, according to OWC.

    I did some research because I wanted to get one of those for my gf and I hate restrictions like this. This is pretty much the reason why I'm not getting an iMac right now.

    With thunderbolt, it may just be easier to wait for some thunderbolt drives than going thru all the hassle. Then again the default apple HDD might be good for a while until it's filled up.

    ah didnt know they updated their article.. either way there will be a fix by yeafs end.. some are saying this is just a new hd standard that apple is adopting early. i guess time will tell. What i find weird is that there are people who have uograded their drives with no issues.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    fiveways wrote: »
    I like computers that work :) I'd probably never buy a mac desktop. The PC I have now is the equivalent to what a similar spec'd mac pro was at the time it was built but about half the price. As far as laptops go...mac laptops are reasonably priced for what they are. The displays that go into their laptops are better than the displays being put into most run-of-the-mill PC laptops as far as color reproduction, viewing angles, etc. Most of the mac laptops I've used have better battery life than the PC laptops I've used as well.

    I'll almost always build any desktop I have but when it comes to laptops, if you're looking for a quality system that's going to last you longer than the warranty you'll probably be spending the same amount of money regardless of whether you choose a PC or a mac.

    The base mac pros are expenskve yes. but when you get to the dual cou models the pricing is actually good. they are on par with other manufactureres, and only a few hundred to 500 more than building one your self.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    about the whole "it just works" thing.

    there are countless thousands, possibly millions of people who've fallen for this complete and utter bullshit. my girlfriend was one of them.

    she bought an iPhone, thinking "hey, it seems simple enough. everything goes through iTunes, seems easy to use etc". she's a writer, she does a lot of writing notes. so much so that she started doing it on her phone. then one day she plugged her phone in, and iTunes tells her it's time to update her phone. she clicks okay, and BAM everything on her phone is gone. her apps, her numbers, her messages, and most importantly her notes. all gone.
    and then the backup file wouldn't load onto the phone. and get this, it couldn't even be opened by 3rd party software (on a pc) to get the much needed information out. when porting the backup file to a mac (because the mac forums said that's the right thing to do), the mac didn't recognise the backup file because it was created on a PC.

    now, i realise that could be considdered simple compatability issues between pc and mac, and normally i'd say that fine. but when you advertise something as "just working" then it better "just fucking work"!

    not to mention, i had a macbook pro (my friend and i were going to start our own music production business), got all the software bundles for it (ableton ain't cheap yo!), got the external soundcard + mixing desk. plug it all in.... YAY!
    and then OSX has a mental fit and decides that if any of the tracks were more than 5 minutes long, it would just shut down and corrupt the work in progress file with it.

    sold the macbook 6 weeks after i'd gotten it, for half of what i paid for it, and got a laptop for half of that, which did a better job.

    oh, and there are soooooo many issues that could happen to either system, which are a million times easier to fix on a PC.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I like Macs because they are shiny and white and they never get viruses or break because they are pieces of pure perfection sent directly from a pure white heaven and never touched by the flawed hands of mortal men! they are also magical, its a feature. seriously, someone said it on the ipad advert so that makes it truth! If you are a designer you will suddenly produce awesome designs as soon as you use a mac, if you use a pc your designs will not be awesome, just the way it is man.

    in other words - its all marketing bull, it doesnt matter what you use.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Almighty, don't know what to tell you... The backup file should have worked on both Mac and pc.. I often switch back and forth with no issues. Sounds like a bug or some issue.
    But I do agree the whole "it just works" thing is stupid every system has it's faults no os or computer is perfect.
    Ged wrote: »

    in other words - its all marketing bull, it doesnt matter what you use.
    You should use what ever works for you. I work faster in OSX than I do in windows so to me it does matter what I use. If I were to use windows I would be less productive. and this isn't because I don't know how to use windows, I only switched to OSx a few years ago and have done lots of windows specific programming..
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I am not for or against Macs. In the end of the day it's just a tool. And I only own them because of iOS dev work and the only app I have installed is Unity.
  • rumblesushi
    VPrime, I'm talking about articles posted like yesterday or the day before. Not only firmware, but apparently they've changed from a standard SATA plug to a proprietary Apple one, a hard and fast fix to banish anything but Apple hardware as a replacement.
  • jarrede
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    jarrede polycounter lvl 7
    Kwramm wrote: »
    At one point I realized that my own time isn't worth nothing. Researching and ordering the best components, picking them up, waiting for them to arrive bit by bit, assembling everything does take time.
    I realized that if I would put a price to each hour I spend on this, the PC wouldn't be that cheap any more. I rather spend my time doing other things. Assembling your own PC once or twice is fun, but it does get old. I have better things to do nowadays.

    dude if it takes you longer than one hour TOPS your doing something wrong. An hour of my time is worth the savings, but, to each is own.
  • jarrede
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    jarrede polycounter lvl 7
    about the whole "it just works" thing.

    there are countless thousands, possibly millions of people who've fallen for this complete and utter bullshit. my girlfriend was one of them.

    Yeah plenty of catawampus bullshit has happened on my wifes mac. I guess its not so much that I like or dislike Macs, but the Mac fanatics seem to be the most ill informed imbeciles on the planet.

    sorry bout the double post.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    I would NEVER use a Mac for various reasons.

    I love my iphone though, can't imagine my life without it now.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    its funny the title of thread is why do you like macs and the only thing posted is why you dont like macs. i love how much effort people that dont like macs put into not liking them. so much that they feel the need to spew vitriolic statements whenever given the opportunity. real classy, i dont like hamburgers, so i am going to go post how shitty hamburgers taste on some random hamburger thread.

    i use both and have for years, all the mac kids that say PCs suck are full of shit, and all the PC kids that cry about apple are fucking retarded. its just like all the little kids on gaming sites claiming how superior the only console their mommy could afford at walmart is.

    BMW's cost more than a honda civic, they both do the same thing, get you from point A to point B, the BMW's parts cost more, usually need to be taken to a specialist and base price is twice as much, minor performance difference on low end base models but nothing to justify paying double. major difference is aesthetics/ materials used in production. i dont see how much different this is than any other consumer product. if you cant afford something, nobody gives a shit.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    arsh, there's a world of difference between "i can't afford that", and "i can't justify paying that".
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    arsh, there's a world of difference between "i can't afford that", and "i can't justify paying that".

    If you have the money and want something then whats the issue?

    jarrede wrote: »
    but the pc/mac fanboys seem to be the most ill informed imbeciles on the planet.

    I fixed that for you
  • jarrede
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    jarrede polycounter lvl 7
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    If you have the money and want something then whats the issue?

    I fixed that for you

    wow it sounds so much better now, thanks! Could you fix all my quotes from here on out?

    and BTW, comparing PC and MAC to a BMW and a HONDA is the most absurd thing I've heard in a long time, considering PC's and MACs have nearly identical internal hardware, where as BMW and HONDA simply don't. Depending on the PC you buy (or for the men on this forum BUILD) you could be paying just as much, if not more for replacement parts/repairs.

    Why do I like Macs? cause their pretty, small (usually) and quiet.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    jarrede wrote: »
    wow it sounds so much better now, thanks! Could you fix all my quotes from here on out?

    and BTW, comparing PC and MAC to a BMW and a HONDA is the most absurd thing I've heard in a long time, considering PC's and MACs have nearly identical internal hardware, where as BMW and HONDA simply don't. Depending on the PC you buy (or for the men on this forum BUILD) you could be paying just as much, if not more for replacement parts/repairs.

    Why do I like Macs? cause their pretty, small (usually) and quiet.

    A better comparison would be The BMW M3 VS the New mustang GT 5.0.. Same power, same 1/4 mile times.. very similar 'specs' but 2 very different prices and 2 very different groups.
  • jarrede
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    jarrede polycounter lvl 7
    VPrime wrote: »
    A better comparison would be The BMW M3 VS the New mustang GT 5.0.. Same power, same 1/4 mile times.. very similar 'specs' but 2 very different prices and 2 very different groups.

    better, but still not a good comparison, since both cars would have to have the same engines, etc. The internal hardware simply isn't the same on cars, BUT if you wanted to make that kind of whacked out comparison, it would have to be something like lexus and toyota.

    I feel all dirty now...

    back to why macs are good, how bout that packaging eh? I still have the box for mine.
  • NordicNinja
    I prefer Macs because the user experience is just better. Everything just feels cohesive.

    Need to back something up? Time machine is purdy, works well and is just there. Sure I got software with my Seagate drive but the version on the drive is 8 months old and its yet another thing to sit in the tray taking up CPU cycles.

    Want to read a PDF? No problem, just open her up and it works great. On the PC you have to go through the trouble of downloading Adobe's reader and then going into msconfig and making sure it doesnt bog down your machine on start up.

    Do I even need to get started on Quicktime vs. Windows Media Player? Can you believe you still cant even scrub video on the damn thing? Worthless.

    That's all OSX stuff. As others have said Apple makes some of the besst laptops you can buy and they have a good price / performance ratio (especially the newly refreshed version) compared with similar PC laptops.

    I'm tempted to get a mac mini after they update it so that I don't have to fire up the beast every time I want to surf the web or find a recipe. I swear, my mid tower makes almost as much noise as my 360 :poly142:
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Want to read a PDF? No problem, just open her up and it works great. On the PC you have to go through the trouble of downloading Adobe's reader and then going into msconfig and making sure it doesnt bog down your machine on start up

    Actually, smart people would install FoxIt instead. Also, Quicktime vs. Windows Media Player, really? Its more VLC vs Media Player Classic.
  • NordicNinja
    McGreed wrote: »
    Actually, smart people would install FoxIt instead. Also, Quicktime vs. Windows Media Player, really? Its more VLC vs Media Player Classic.

    Smart people shouldn't have to do any extra work to accomplish simple tasks such as view a PDF or competently analyze some video.

    So instead of having things work out of the box I should search the internet for programs that will actually work well? Sounds like windows alright! :thumbdown:
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    jarrede wrote: »
    The internal hardware simply isn't the same on cars.

    not the point at all, has nothing to do with the "parts" it has to do with a consumer product that costs more money that accomplishes the same task.
    also apple has a lot of proprietary parts, batteries, motherboards, housing, ect so doing a comparison of 2 computers with the same parts doesn't really work either, as a pc will never have all the same parts as a mac.
    for some people the name of the brand or the way a product looks is just as important as the way it preforms, this more along the lines of my comparison, i don't think the vast majority of people buy BMW's because of the parts under the hood, they want the name and style of car, engine or specs doesn't really matter.
  • nightshade
    Lol i just found this, its interesting and somewhat informative. http://blog.hunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/MacPCInfo7501.png
  • rumblesushi
    Disregarding the difference in performance, I guess a BMW Vs Honda is a legit enough comparison.

    BMW is obviously more trendy, ostentatious and showy, and the Honda offers more bang for buck, just does the job and is more reliable ;)

    Perhaps a better comparison would be an M3 vs a Skyline GTR. The Skyline offers better performance for less money, and the BMW offers a more prestigious brand and looks.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    isnt the gtrs msrp much higher than an m3?
  • rumblesushi
    30,000 dollars, basically half the price of an M3, and faster.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    jarrede wrote: »
    dude if it takes you longer than one hour TOPS your doing something wrong. An hour of my time is worth the savings, but, to each is own.

    did you actually read what I wrote?
    but maybe you live next to a fully stocked PC mall which has every component you could ever want (good job assuming that everyone else does so too) and maybe you're really good with a screwdriver. But if it were that easy, why do people keep asking for help on PC? Why do our studios not assembly PCs themselves? Since every DIY advocate stresses how much cheaper, faster (1 hour? they never ship a dell workstation in that time) and more reliable a self built PC is. So why are our IT departments so wrong buying all those dell and hp boxes?

    seriously, just because YOU are awesome at PC building and because YOU like spending your time building a box doesn't mean everyone else is a) awesome or b) finds it as entertaining or easy or as quick as you do....and no, not everyone has a PC mall around.

    All the time and money added up for driving to a remote mall or ordering from an online shop and paying shipping and then assembling the thing myself, I rather invest in my art or my family. And trust me, it's easily more than 1 hour. Without a PC mall close, you spend more and waste more time unless you manage to find one retailer that has everything you need (which is not an option in many other countries).
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    30,000 dollars, basically half the price of an M3, and faster.

    I assumed you were talking about the Nissan GTR.. The new "skyline" which is 90,000.
    Don't have the MSRP of the original skylines.. But I do know a used R32 GTR costs around 15-25k to import here in Canada (Has to be 15 years old to import).
  • polygonfreak
    Oh my gosh, I love macs. The packages the computers come in are so freaking awesome. And I love the marketing involved. But best of all, I love the how expensive they are. I guess its the fact that I live ten miles from apple, intel, amd, google, and yahoo, and know so many people that work at all those places that I have become cynical about tech brands.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    Kwramm wrote: »
    All the time and money added up for driving to a remote mall or ordering from an online shop and paying shipping and then assembling the thing myself, I rather invest in my art or my family. And trust me, it's easily more than 1 hour. Without a PC mall close, you spend more and waste more time unless you manage to find one retailer that has everything you need (which is not an option in many other countries).

    let's not forget about finishing the build and a few days/weeks down the line finding out about some serious compatibility issue that wasn't obvious from the info available on the web. and requires ripping out the motherboard to replace with a fancier version. i seem to have a real talent stumbling over those things.
    no time to waste fiddling with this stuff.

    anyway, OSX is the main attraction in macs to me, sweet OS to run on a laptop. the lack of applications for our line of work makes me stay far away from their desktops though.
  • dogzer
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    dogzer polycounter lvl 8
    One day I'm going to do a little experiment, I'll start a thread somewhere... titled "Macs", and I wont even write anything on the body. I have a theory that all it takes to start a mac vs pc war.
  • PhattyEwok
  • jarrede
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    jarrede polycounter lvl 7
    Kwramm wrote: »
    did you actually read what I wrote?
    but maybe you live next to a fully stocked PC mall which has every component you could ever want (good job assuming that everyone else does so too) and maybe you're really good with a screwdriver. But if it were that easy, why do people keep asking for help on PC? Why do our studios not assembly PCs themselves? Since every DIY advocate stresses how much cheaper, faster (1 hour? they never ship a dell workstation in that time) and more reliable a self built PC is. So why are our IT departments so wrong buying all those dell and hp boxes?

    seriously, just because YOU are awesome at PC building and because YOU like spending your time building a box doesn't mean everyone else is a) awesome or b) finds it as entertaining or easy or as quick as you do....and no, not everyone has a PC mall around.

    All the time and money added up for driving to a remote mall or ordering from an online shop and paying shipping and then assembling the thing myself, I rather invest in my art or my family. And trust me, it's easily more than 1 hour. Without a PC mall close, you spend more and waste more time unless you manage to find one retailer that has everything you need (which is not an option in many other countries).

    Yes, I read what you wrote, and well, I think your wrong. I made no assumption that everyone lives next to a mall stocked with parts, hell I don't! Our IT departments buy prebuilt machines because a) they have the extra money and b) they come with warranties. And don't make the assumption that all companies do that, because I've worked at a few that DO build their own machines, servers etc. And yeah, you gotta wait for parts but you spend that time doing other shit while it's being shipped to you, it's not rocket science dude.

    Again, if compatibility shit comes up in the future than your doing something wrong, and maybe it's just not for you.

    And, building one with the family is fun too :)

    But hey man, to each his own, I'm not trying to tell you what to do with your life, just voicing my opinion, if you don't like building them good for you!
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    PhattyEwok wrote: »

    that cant be for real.. can it?
  • polygonfreak
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    that cant be for real.. can it?

    You bet its real. Why do I know this? Because I'm the computer man.
  • rumblesushi
    Surely that isn't real, no way.
  • nordahl154
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    nordahl154 polycounter lvl 9
    I know some who use a mac monitors on their pc. Is the color better on a
    mac monitor than a pc?
    Does anyone know if this is a true theory of not?
    I know the mac monitors cost can get up there.

    No, that's silly. lol

    Mac desktops are out of the question, but the only real advantages of the Macbooks are that they feel more solid, and generally have longer battery lives. Alas, the cons severely outweigh the pros so I say it's a no-go.
    It's too damn expensive to look like a tool these days!
  • Tom Ellis
    IIRC the iMacs/Apple Displays use LED IPS panels so while they're not necessarily better than any other IPS display, they would probably look noticeably impressive to anyone used to a non-IPS panel.

    In any case, they're pretty gorgeous screens when you see them up close... I'd probably buy one if the available spec wasn't so weak, the HDD's were easily replaceable and they didn't use ATI GPU's.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    my conclusion , there all crap, Mac, windows, and every Linux distro out there.

    well expect windows 7 haven't found issues with it yet.

    apple is too controlling and over priced and makes things living hell for power users. Linux i really like working with for coding and i run all my servers on linux, a combination of opensuse and centos, really stable, been running these boxes for years with no issues or slowdowns, but when it comes to desktop work aside from coding it is utter crap, and the community likes to troll the fuck out of you, insisting you use only open-source stuff, while any person that needs to do real job see's that is not possible and doesn't want the crap experience of trying.

    and with windows, with previous versions there have been random bsod's and slowdown's but most issues are due to user error and the virus's that result from that. Win7 seemed to fix a lot, considering iv been running it since the RC releases and so far it is the only version of windows that didn't bsod on me at some point.


    oh got to add more to the apple bit, since they moved to x86 chips there is no difference between media work between mac and windows. I run Pro Tools daily for work, running it on a mac pro at work and on windows 7 at home and there is no difference at all latency's are the same for the same audio hardware. Though there still are some older tdm plugins that only run on mac but that us a user preference thing since there are alternatives of equal quality on windows.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    IIRC the iMacs/Apple Displays use LED IPS panels so while they're not necessarily better than any other IPS display, they would probably look noticeably impressive to anyone used to a non-IPS panel.
    Yep, if comparing IPS to IPS there is nothing special about the cinema displays. I think they use the same panels as the Dell IPS displays.
    Though, the apple monitors include speakers, mic, webcam and magsafe adapter to charge a macbook... I think USB ports as well. If those are features you are looking for I don't think there is another IPS display that offers them.
    (I was originally looking for an IPS display with built in speakers and couldn't find anything)
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    VPrime wrote: »
    (I was originally looking for an IPS display with built in speakers and couldn't find anything)
    There are none worth talking about. I wanted to get the Dell speakers for the 2407, but can't find them here (for cheap).
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    passerby wrote: »


    oh got to add more to the apple bit, since they moved to x86 chips there is no difference between media work between mac and windows. I run Pro Tools daily for work, running it on a mac pro at work and on windows 7 at home and there is no difference at all latency's are the same for the same audio hardware. Though there still are some older tdm plugins that only run on mac but that us a user preference thing since there are alternatives of equal quality on windows.

    Since going x86 things have got worse for the mac for sound editing. I don't think its an issue with the newist models but the Core 2 chip creates a static 'whine' in your audio. fecking joke.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
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