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BRAWL Contest Discussion - NEW INFO, CHECK OP ASAP!!!



  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    ~ Thanks for opening up the discussion. I haven't completed mine yet, but it's honestly no big deal. I think the deadline time was fair, and the fact there was no extension is exactly how it should be too. I've learned my lesson now, and realise that some comps CAN be run very professionally, and my time management was very casual lol

    All in all. Thanks so much to Ryan and Geezus and the community for helping run an awesome reason to make a new model! Please do this again!

    I think people's general consensus is that perhaps the comp deadline should be displayed in Pacific Standard Time, and the submission thread should be opened a few days before deadline. Which are two very small issues to iron out in the future :)

    ~ I just looked at the entries and quality... Imo man, best character art comp ever?

  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    This comp was excellent imho. Not too large, not too small, loads of awesome artists to learn from, tight deadline and no extensions on said deadline.
    My kinda comp! When's the next one? :D
  • JR
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    JR polycounter lvl 15
    I'd like to thank Adam, Geezus, and all the PC staff, for running such a smooth competition. No delays, no cries, no martyrs, everything made in a professional way. Exactly as it should be. I liked very much the way Adam has conduced the deadline issue. Yeah, 7 weeks is time enough to people figure out what time zone PC is following and not to lose all your work just because of few hours, or minutes.

    I have just one request to do, on next competitions. Please give us 2d artists some love. I know that most people here can do 2d and 3d, but to me was kind of hard to complete a char on 3d. I think if we had a 2d category for characters, I could have made something much better in the end.

    Anyway, the comp was ace, and I like to congrat everyone who has finished, a lot of amazing entries. Specialy JFletcher's Mario, the best on my opinion.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    Grats guys, I saw some amazing work from a lot of people, this whole shindig was a huge success. Just goes to show you don't need rewards to give people incentive.

    Although I wish I could have done more with my character (was a bit rushed at the end, spent 2 weeks working on an art test* and got no work done over the easter week) although I'm happy I could finish it for the comp.

    Again, great job everyone, cannot wait to see the results, and see the compilation of the characters and environments. :)

    Also, thanks to the admins who managed this by themselves with no sponsors etc. :)

    * Starting as a Junior Character Artist here at Splash on 1st June, Woohoo! :)
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    yeah, over all this comp was great. Thanks a ton for running it adam, geezus, and crew. There are a ton of amazing and inspirational entries :D

    For future competitions, I agree it was pretty scary to see that the submission thread would only be open for 24 hours prior to the deadline though. Anyone taking a 3-day weekend might find themselves in a bit of a bind. And on a Friday at that - especially for those who may have jobs, it seems a little rough on the competitors and number/quality of final entries to stop just short of that one last weekend.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah the notes I have here for next contest are:

    -Longer submission window
    -Try a PST time deadline.
    -Sunday deadline
    -2D artists want in ;)

    Glad you guys liked it :D
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for organising the contest - it was great fun and though I've not hit the deadline it was good to have a tight focus on a personal work and I really enjoyed the process.

    The work created has been really really impressive, and in addition it's great to see some less experienced folks participating and working through a project like this - it's a great way to learn and this is a great place to do it, with the most frank and honest feedback and critique.

    Cheers! :D
  • david-richardson
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    david-richardson polycounter lvl 12
    HI! Just wanted to say what a great competition that was. I have learned a lot from watching others work. It's really my first time to finish something for a comp and a game character. I feel bad for not having a better presentation but at the same time I'm just happy to have been part of it with everyone! I want to make more characters now!!
  • andersoncascardi
    Hi everybody!!

    I'd just like to say thank you to the people who organized such a great way to share artwork with the artists community!!

    It was my first contest (I'm still a technical 3D modeler who's trying to become an artist) and I'd like to say I really learned a LOT making my character for the contest and seeing the evolution of the other entries was really inspiring!

    Congratulations to everyone who finished their work!!

    My Mario
  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 18
    Huge props to Adam and the polycount team! The professionalism and dedication here is very appreciated and is something the other forums could take example on.

    Gratz everyone, have a nice weekend! (finally we can all recover some sleep)
  • Mark Dygert
    It was awesome. I learned a ton! I'm a lot more comfortable with UDK now and it really kicked up my passion for environment art again.

    Next time a Sunday 11:59pm deadline would be great. That way people can delicate their weekend to working on their submission.

    Just need to make sure it doesn't fall on a weekend that has a holiday in it.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    what i'd also like and actually suggested in the question topic is a general WIP topic where people can post their latest update. It's really hard keeping track of all the entries and that would make it a lot easier
  • Duds
    Really enjoyed this comp, only got one of my characters finished with Lego Solid Snake, didn't get time to finish my other character Old Super Mario.

    The standard of work is sh1t hot!!!!

    Can't wait for the next comp.....hopefully not 2 far away........:)
  • DLoud
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    DLoud polycounter lvl 15
    Big thanks to Adam, Geezus and the rest of the polycount mods for putting on such a professional and smoothly run competition. And kudos for including environment guys ;)

    I've been a long time polycount lurker (since the days of quake 2) and have recently tried to become more active in the community. I took this comp as a means too do just that. Polycount has been a tremendous source of talent and information for me over the years.

    This was my first UDK environment. I learned a ton and had a blast doing it. There are some amazing artists in this community. I was blown away by some of the entries and seeing them just motivates me more.

    Thanks again to everyone involved. I look forward to more polycount run comps in the future
  • xtremepenguin
    I ditto the praise in this thread, very well run and i look forward to the next one, thanks for all your hard work polycount. Also there are alot of amazing entries, gonna be really tough voting!
  • ViktorSan
    Yeah! I am joining with all the thanks! It's been great to see all the works taking shape along this seven weeks.

    Now, like that line of Ryu ending: "...already looking for the next challenge..."

    See you there! (and in the forums in the meantime, of course ;) )
  • Alemja
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    Alemja hero character
    Thanks for the awesome competition! Let me tell you, I was sweating bullets because I almost didn't make it! Like a lot of people said a weekend deadline would be nice especially since most people work during the week. I only had about a 6 hour window to finish my textures and get the presentation done.

    What I would like to see is more features on the front page like you did for Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. On the Mortal Kombat on it said Soul Caliber would be featured the next day... but that kinda never happened. It would definitely help people get more feedback on some entries, especially the people who are creating things based on characters or stages that not many people have heard of.

    Thanks again! Learned a lot, I feel like I've improved and have a much stronger portfolio piece!
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Amazing work everyone! Now to look at the breakdowns haha :)
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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    Awesome job everyone!

    I actually threw in the towel a day ago, I was so far from being finished I couldn't see how it was going to get done. When I got up yesterday I called into work and asked for it off, I was so dissappointed in myself I had to finish. 10 hours later it was done... just minus a lot of things...lots of things.

    Im also really impressed by the polish of so many pieces. I may not have left comments on many of your works, but just know, I hate you guys for being so good:)
  • EtotheRic
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    EtotheRic polycounter lvl 20
    Here's another log in the time confusion dept. I downloaded a copy of the rules from the get-go and nowhere in there is a cutoff time. (edit: so I looked back at the rule page and realized the time is listed on the long rule form and not the short one I downloaded.) So I was pretty surprised to log in last night to enter and find out I was locked out. If there's a hard cutoff time that should be prominently displayed front and center in the rules.

    Anyhow, thanks for putting the contest together and great entries.
  • AKAperly
    can't get over how smoothly this competition went; really refreshing. NO DELAY. also, this was the first time hanging out for an extended period of time on the polycount forums, and i have to say this is a pretty great community. thanks to everyone and congrats.
  • christermime
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    christermime polycounter lvl 8
    Hey - I edited my post a bit (Reuploaded an image) because of the extension, cleaned up some presentation things, hope this is okay. Thanks to all that helped and critiqued me, this comp was an awesome experience! I'll definitely be polishing and tweaking things, so expect to see me popping up in P&P with an updated version soon.

    EDIT: Just realized that meant 1AM YESTERDAY! Oops! Re-uploaded the original, less pretty presentation ones. A deadline is a deadline!
  • DLoud
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    DLoud polycounter lvl 15
    I have to say, seeing Haggar give a piledriver to a shark was definitely the high point of my morning.
  • foreverendering
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    foreverendering polycounter lvl 12
    Congratulations to everyone who completed their entries, even if they missed the submission deadline. A lot of great work done for the Brawl :)

    Also congrats to Polycount for running such a stream-lined contest. No Drama. Just Art.
  • reiv
    That was an amazing contest with awesome entries. Big thanks to the Polycount team. This was actually my first posts on this forum, and I'd just say it was a great experience. Can't wait for the next competition :)
  • Apostolon
    What a great competition! Sorry for the bad cutout on my character. My brain rebelled against me towards the end due to sleep deprivation :)

    There are so many great submissions!

    rv_el: best poses ever haha!

    This contest pushed me as an artist big time and I hope there's another one soon. Good luck everyone.
  • Bogdanbl4
    Congratulations for everyone, it was great!
    I've not hit the deadline but I have more time to finish my work :)
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    reiv: Your character is amazing! Great luck to you, and please post more of your gorgeous art <3
  • confracto
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    confracto polycounter lvl 11
    congratulations to everyone who finished, and a special thanks to adam and the rest of the guys running this smooth show :D

    and my sincere condolences to everyone who didn't quite make it.

    ...it feels good to be done :D
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    This was a great comp. There were a lot of awesome entries. Looking forward to voting soon.
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    Great comp - lots of fantastic entries!

    Any chance of seeing some tracking camera shots for the stages and turntables for the characters?
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Just wanted to say once again, thank you so much guys for this rampant fest of art, comradery and, surprisingly, very little penises this time.

    It's been a pleasure and the amount of amazing art left me with my jaw on the floor this morning. You guys all are so awesome! It's such a pleasure to be a part of this.

    About the time issue I'd say that it's doesn't really matter what time zone it is since there are participants from all over the world and someone will naturally get confused again. I think the easier way would be to give a link to someplace like this:
    so everyone knows which clock to check up with.
    ENODMI wrote: »
    I actually threw in the towel a day ago, I was so far from being finished I couldn't see how it was going to get done. When I got up yesterday I called into work and asked for it off, I was so dissappointed in myself I had to finish. 10 hours later it was done... just minus a lot of things...lots of things...

    Hey man just so you know, scrolling through the character submissions thread I actually stopped and stared for a few minutes when I saw your piece. You did a fantastic job sir and I respect your commitment. This were 10 hours damn well spent, congratulations!
  • g2000
    Congratulations to all who participated and especially to those who finished their entries,great work everybody it was a real pleasure to look through them all,and thanks to Polycount of course for organizing this comp,hope to see it more in future,i'm gonna finish mine and post it in P&P section,too bad that Duncan's iron man wasn't there and obeyounapster Ken-master :(
  • EtotheRic
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    EtotheRic polycounter lvl 20
    Haha, wow, Haggar piledriving the shark is funny as hell.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Christ. Those character entries. Makes me happy i never went into that field. I'd be crying in a corner by now :)

    Really awesome stuff overall! Good work fellas.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    JFletcher wrote: »
    * Starting as a Junior Character Artist here at Splash on 1st June, Woohoo! :)
    Congratulations, you've earned it!

    Wow, there are some seriously great work done. Stunning stuff!

    Also I think that this competition has been really well executed. Congratulations!
  • Alkor
    Finally got some sleep and peaceful time... feeling way better now !

    It was one of my first contests, I'm not a huge forumer, but those past weeks have been a blast. I am reaaally impressed by the level of the contestants, and I was pleased to see that everything went smoothly.

    So thanks to the Polycount team for this awesome contest, thanks to the contestants for their awesome entries, as well as the rest of the community !
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    BIG,BIG,BIG congrats everyone! Seriously kick ass work all around. I am shattered I missed the deadline, but I uploaded a LAST update in What are you working on thread if anyone is interested. I am really glad to see such a mighty turn out for the Brawl and I am keen as mustard to see who comes out on top. Great work guys and girls. Now it's time to expand my inspiration folder :)
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    HUGE props to the polycount staff for making this happen, and EVEN YET MORE HUGER props to the artists who participated. So much great work came out of this, it warms my weird little heart. Super proud of this site and community :D
  • NuclearWarrior
    I'm glad I participated in this contest, it was a really fun concept.
    Unfortunately, even though I finished my entry days ago, I must have missed that we had to post in a separate submission thread. Being out of town for a friend's bachelor party, and thinking my submission was complete, I missed the chance to officially submit.
    With the amazing artists in this competition, I didn't really have a hope of winning. I mostly do these contests to improve myself and make a new portfolio piece anyway - which I accomplished. So, I'm still glad I participated. Good luck to everyone that entered!
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Crazy awe inspiring work was made by all, I enjoyed watching you all work.
    Congrats on all final contestants & good luck in the future!
  • onelunglewis
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    onelunglewis polycounter lvl 10
    ducan: Awesome work man I loved your Iron Man, enjoyed watching your process.
    Bogdan: Always incredible work and craftsmanship. Sorry you guys didn't make it in time I wanted you guys in there, awesome work!

    Awesome job everybody. Polycount has clearly set the bar for everybody else on the outside to strive for. No prizes, no nothing, just discipline and pride. Thanks polycount for giving us all a chance to get better at our craft.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    Hey guys, wasn't able to enter this year but I have to say I am ecstatic about the people who have participated. Seeing the work that's been done is very inspirational for a student like me :]

    GREAT JAHB FELLAS! And thanks to those behind the scenes :D
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Oh and i'd like to say. The no extensions thing is fuckin awesome. Thanks for not punishing people that finish in time. Makes everything seem much more serious.

    We need to move away from the notion that there will be extensions on comps. A date is a date. Plan for it! Things come up? Work harder. That's how it is in the biz yo!
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    A small note & update: A couple people have PM'd me stating their situation of having their entries done within the scheduled time limit but had some technical difficulties when submitting (poor internet, etc.). I'll be working with them to get their entries in the threads before voting commences next week.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    nice :) i already saw some finished pieces poping up that should have been posted so i really hope they all get in there.

    Only bad news for hazardous because my hottest chick in the compo vote just changed :P
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    nice :) i already saw some finished pieces poping up that should have been posted so i really hope they all get in there.

    Only bad news for hazardous because my hottest chick in the compo vote just changed :P

    Toughest vote ever. Dem hips and thighs vs dat miniskirt and legs...
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    i guess we'll have to decide on the best cleavage then :p
  • tobeeffle
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    tobeeffle polycounter lvl 5
    Yeah thanks for this contest.
    Since long time we want to work together (mout and me).
    Awesome skill, especially JordanW and bogdanbl4 (want to see more about your materials guys :)).
    Just disapointed to read "we need just more hours to finish", seven weeks done 1176 hours... Of course, i know we have a job, and so just few hours to work on this contest... This is not a troll :) but deadline is here for, and rules are the same for everyone.
  • EzMeow
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    EzMeow polycounter lvl 10
    Just disapointed to read "we need just more hours to finish", seven weeks done 1176 hours... Of course, i know we have a job, and so just few hours to work on this contest... This is not a troll but deadline is here for, and rules are the same for everyone.

    I think the main point about the people who missed the deadline isn't really about begging for crunch time. It's mostly for people who did finish way before the deadline, but were not in front of their computers during the time frame while the submission topic was open.
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