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BRAWL Contest Discussion - NEW INFO, CHECK OP ASAP!!!

polycounter lvl 20
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adam polycounter lvl 20
VERY IMPORTANT: We'll use this thread from here on out to discuss how much of a tool I am. In my editing of the thread to include those FIGHTER submissions that didn't make it due to technical difficulties I completely removed the thread from our database. I had merged in someone's post, which ended up being that thread's OP. When I went to delete it, not thinking the entire fucking thread would be deleted, I removed it off our database.

Amazing right?

So I ask this: 1.) Keep your belittling of me to an 11 over this. 2.) All FIGHTER submissions need to be resubmitted here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1348459#post1348459

Thank you :poly141:

We'll use this thread to discuss the BRAWL Contest while we prepare the voting process. Voting should begin some time next week. In the mean time, here's some information about the contest:

Unofficially, there is 47 FIGHTERS and 25 STAGES for this Tournament. Amazing.

We're not going to budge on the contest deadline for this contest or any others we run at Polycount. Everyone had an equal 7 week chance to read and educate themselves on the rules, the specs and the contest deadline. If you happend to miss the contest deadline, by all means please take pride in your work and show it in Pimping & Previews.

This is our first contest out on our own so it might be rough around the edges. We decided to work it within the confines of our own technology (Wordpress, vBulletin) so some of the whizbangery found on other sites probably won't be in this contest. We're sure you're cool with this though and hope you entered to make awesome art as a collective, inspiring group of artists and challenge yourself along the way.

I personally want to thank Chris 'Geezus' Zdana for all of his hardwork heading up the moderation and QA answering of this contest. He worked hard on making sure this train kept moving and for that everyone on the Polycount team says huge 'THANK YOU!' Thanks man :P

We're more or less ready for the voting to begin, but we just want to overlook the entries and check or bases before we go live with it. I'll put up a post on Polycount News stating when voting will open up officially some time next week so please be on the look out for that.


And something a little personal from myself if thats cool: I've been coming to Polycount now for 12 years. I'm 28 now so that means by the time I'm 32 I will have been a member, contributor and fan of Polycount and its group of artists for half of my life. I said all of that so that I may say this and have you know that it is really how I feel: You guys are fucking awesome. This contest, for me and for the rest of the team, was some what of a milestone. Yes we broke away from Game Artisans and there was all that drama, but going on our own wasn't what this a milestone. It was the Polycount community going on its own and collectively proving its love for the craft by joining a 'CONTEST' with no prizes attached to it. Yes you can argue that we do that every day here, but to see such focus crammed in to a 7 week period is some what... beautiful. Watching and reading everyone helping, driving and motivating each other along the way was a real treat for myself. Thanks guys.


  • thebubz
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    thebubz polycounter lvl 7
    I am blown away about how well the levels turned out. Good job to everyone though. This was a really fun comp and thanks Polycount for hosting. I hope you do more like it in the future.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I want an update now!
  • alexk
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    alexk polycounter lvl 12
    Loving the environments, but, man oh man, the characters submitted are insane!
  • PolyMonstar
    Needs thread of dissapointment for people who didnt finish . Like THIS GUY <-

    Honestly, theres tons of great work, ims ure everyones got an idea of who they think will be in the lead for character and levels, but we'll see...we - will - See.
  • atomicwasabi
    Man I was in the middle of putting my entry in when it closed on me. Was fun doing a contest for the first time though. The quality of work out there though is ridiculous.

    Thanks for putting this together!
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    Adam sorry man, i uploaded a bad PNG there.... shes going to have to have that white drop of pee on the ground between her legs............. ROFL!

    BTW i have to give a huge shoutout to Tamara & Vadim, for telling me approximately 45 mins ago from now, that the deadline was in 15 min - I was once again happily thinking i had another 3 hours of polishing and tweaking my maps, shaders and i was going to do one more pose for my final 'fight' png.... until i get a nice skype from Tamara.

    All of a sudden i spat my food out jumped into my seat and print screened my way to submission Luckily i had a template made up for my renders!!!

    Sadly Tamara didnt get to make it, as she was in the middle of composing for the PST Midnight... like i was, im sure Bogdan is busting his balls on his Cammy as well!

    Lastly, I just wanna say thanks Adam for organising this comp man, it was tonnes of fun - glad to have been apart of it.....

    Now to make some decent renders! ROFL
  • slipgatecentral
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    slipgatecentral polycounter lvl 13
    Hey guys, I understand deadlines are important, and this is serious shit right here, but few people fucked themselves over thinking they had 3 more hours to work on their entries (yes not everyone is familiar with american time zones)

    I'm talking about Bogdan's Cammy and FirstKeeper's Hakumen, it's a shame their entries will be discarded after all the hard work they put into it.
  • EzMeow
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    EzMeow polycounter lvl 10
    I kinda agree with Slipgate, the thread wasn't even open for 24h ~ I guess a couple of hours wouldn't be that bad O.o
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    The deadline time was pretty confusing for us as well. It would have been nice if there was a PST equivalent. Event posting the GMT 0 time for those to convert easier would have been another option.
    I feel bad for those who missed it due to confusion. I wouldn't blame polycount for not holding its deadline true if it was extended to 11.59pm PST.
    I was so surprised Hazardous made it as he was fumbling through PS trying to get the images out ASAP after he heard the actual deadline. I was certain he was going to be locked out.

    Good luck to all who made it!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Needs thread of dissapointment for people who didnt finish . Like THIS GUY <-

    Honestly, theres tons of great work, ims ure everyones got an idea of who they think will be in the lead for character and levels, but we'll see...we - will - See.

    Yeah poly we should make a shame thread XD I plan on reposting mine in pimping and previews once I have an update.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    If I was going to devote my personal time to something for the next 7 weeks I would know damn sure of what the rules and specs were. And if I was confused, I would ask until I found out. Thats what the QA thread was for.

    We are not going to be running contests & Polycount that have shifts in their times: Delays OR Extensions. Remember that for all future contests please!

    Having said that, Contests & Challenges is now reopened and will be closing in TWENTY minutes. At that time I will be closing the thread and heading to bed.

    Please pass the word on.
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    amazing turn out. PC is rad ;P
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    13 minutes: reopened threads. they were closed still :P
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    8 minutes: No new submissions made yet.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    4 minutes: I have drank an incredible amount of water tonight and have to pee badly.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    I edited the Pee out of my Chun Li PNG!!!!!
  • slipgatecentral
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    slipgatecentral polycounter lvl 13
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    1 minute: Hazardous has completely taken advantage of the extension. 30 seconds.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
  • jocz
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    jocz polygon
    congrats everyone, i thought the deadline was 6 june :poly141:

    hazardous > your second pic looks totally compressed, but the others are fine. It's a really nice piece, hope you'll get into top 3.
  • CJE
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    CJE polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks for setting this all up Adam, I think it was a fantastic contest, and something I would love to see more of in the future. Are you planning on making polycount contests a regular thing? (ie. a few times a year)
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    gratz guys ^^

    what a great compo, no fuzz no strange submitting system and a direct overview of everyone who finished, just what i should be.

    Glad to finally finish an entry for a compo myself for once, learned a lot and got some great feedback along the way so tnx adam and other contributors for setting this up
  • thebubz
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    thebubz polycounter lvl 7
    I was hoping Bogdan would sneak in there at the last minute. Maybe he could pull off a combo breaker on the closed thread and submit his entry. ;)
  • The_Onomatopoeia
    congrats to everyone who finished! amazing competition wish i had finished mine in time but ill join the disappointment thread later on :D. I love that so many great things came out of something with no reward other than crits and experience.
  • FirstKeeper
    FUUUUUHHH, thanks a lot for this additional time. I forgot about -3h in EST zone. Now I'm gonna get drunk as hell.
  • atomicwasabi
    Not finished with my character, but was able to at least finish uploading what I had done with the extra 16 minutes...thanks! Not that I have a chance, but it just feels better sending in an entry at least.

    Experience was great. Thanks again!
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    great finish everyone- good luck on the voting.
  • Poribo
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    Poribo polycounter lvl 14
    Congrats to everyone who got in. I enjoyed this competition, and I'm pretty pleased with myself that I'm improving lol. GO POLYCOUNT!!

    Just a suggestion for future contests. With the submission threads, you could open them two days earlier. Since I had to get up early and everything to just submit and I could of done it the night before.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    Jocz: damn man thanks for spotting that - bizzarely it doesnt look compressed on tinypic... i have no idea whats happened there!!! Oh well BAH!!!!
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    well done everyone, there are some stellar entries in the subs thread! picking a heirachy will be tricky.

    yup need a shame thread....my characters all done, I just couldn't get a decent pose out of him hehehehe
  • struve
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    struve polycounter lvl 18
    I missed it by a few mins, didn't realize it was tonight til a few mins before it closed, scrambled to get the sheets done then when i clicked on the go advanced button to submit, it was no go for me, haha. the page refeshed and the message box was gone, so close! no biggy tho, i just wanted to make a cool character model, and i did.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Yeah I agrre with opening the thread a bit earlier, I was suprrised that didn't happen. Not complaining here or anything, just makes more sense to me to give people more than 24h to submit. The old Game-Artist compo's opened submissions a few days in advance I think, that worked fine.

    Also, rv_el: I fucking LOVE that shot where Haggar's dropping the shark, pure genius hahaha!
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    I had too much contract work going on in the last little while to participate, but damn, so many good entrys in both the environment and character categories. Congrats to everyone that participated.
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    Awesome work everybody. JFletcher.. WTF! dude. seriously. Bad ass Mario man. You really brought it all together man. Lots of awesome entries!!!!

    I'm completely out of my gord. I am ultimately sleep deprived and managed to slide in what I did in like the last hour to hour and 1/2. It got scary, praying for no crashes.

    So great looking at the entrires. Thanks for the Comp Adam!

    Bed time!

    Xoliul: haha awesome.
  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
    Great work out of everyone, great entries in both catagories. I am a tad bit annoyed now though, just realised tinypic has rescaled my images to 1600X1000 despite uploading them at 1680X1050. Is this going to be a problem admin?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    try imgur or dropbox
  • ViktorSan
    Well... I was one of those time zone confused guy... silly me :(
  • ZacD
    Offline / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    Maybe we should just have the contest end at midnight on that date in the latest time zone so no one gets confused.
  • Poribo
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    Poribo polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah, I'm a bit burned out as well. Time to have a break from modeling and time to start enjoying some video games :)
  • Hellstern
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    Hellstern polycounter lvl 11
    heh! a lo-o-ong night )))))
    but it's so worth it!

    Concratulatons guys! It's amazing i haven't got this much fun in ages)
    So much great work to see and be motivated.
    Thanks Adam!
  • koufuyo
    everyone's is looking solid indeed,
    real quality pieces
    mine froze during crunch time.. (I'll always do things ahead of time)...
    Oh, well I don't think a cellshaded/experimental low-poly dedede
    would fair well against some easy-bake oven super scuplts....

    oh well, there is always next contest...........
    And I took a long hard look and it's time to be a real fellow now.
    And brush with you dudes.

    Btw, just curious how many of you were last minute crunchers?
  • ViktorSan
    I suposse I am, hehehe... working till last minute... and reached late the timeline.

    I started soon, worked till sculpt, and then, changed work, changed home and forget about this until three days ago :P
  • Adam Curtis
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    Adam Curtis polycounter lvl 17
    I think no matter how long the deadline people (including me) would still leave things to the last minute :D
    Had a blast entering the comp, found it so motivating. It's the first character i've finished at home in a long time. Great entries, really inspiring stuff.
    rv-el your poses made my day
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Awesome contest so far. Keeping things simple is key. No flashy "whizbangery" and all that tripe.

    I'm quite gutted I didn't finish (excuse time) I was without a PC for 2.5weeks and I was on holiday for 1 week. But I will be continuing the character in my own time. tbh I kinda knew I wasn't going to hit the deadline but I still like taking part in these things whether I finish or not.

    Having said that I'm very glad there wasn't an extension (except for the little one). I'm of the opinion a deadline is a deadline and it should be for everyone. Even if your entry is probably a sure winner.

    Suggestion for future comps:
    Maybe there should be a way to "ping" everyone who opened a competition thread either by PM or Email a few days prior to the deadline.

    Look forward to voting and I hope a new competition is already planned. 1 or 2 a year isn't enough.
  • obeyurnapster
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    obeyurnapster polycounter lvl 9
    Hello Adam,

    i Have end my brawl since a long time.. on thursday i couldnt submit, thread wasnt open. Friday i wasnt at home so i couldn't submit, i wake up this morning and i see that submit entry is closed????

    1 day to submit?? i live in France, i didn't saw this thread open 1 second !!!

    Could you add me ? how am i suppose to do ? ( excuse my english )

    here is my thread with my submission
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Amazing work everyone! Really great too see all the stages and character. JFletcher... coolest Mario ever! :)
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    I really wish I had more time to do more lighting and shit...I built my scene to be more kismet ///actually moving ready and was focusing on my sandstorm+bigben

    I gotta get a video of it up for people to see...

    seriously though man I thought I had a somewhat chance on the env stuff but then you had jordan over there being a 1 man army of awesome wrecking everyone haha. Jesus man tone down that awesome, and give one of those fat guys red face paint already!

    Anyway thanks for doing this contest I needed a excuse to show I can do some more fancy work :)
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Man, I just went through the submissions threads. The entries blew me away. The overall quality of entries is so high I feel like a huge scrub now in comparison.

    Congrats to those who finished, voting is gonna be TOUGH.:)
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