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Obama birth certificate

polycounter lvl 17
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Oniram polycounter lvl 17
so naturally this was expected to happen.. but i didnt think it would be this quick or this apparent.



  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    If it was just the guy on the left, this would be interesting to watch. The guy on the right is what makes people roll their eyes and imagine him with the tin foil hat~
  • Martin Henriksson
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    ~ L M F A O. Martin Henriksson I love you man
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    hahaha, people who have degrees in photoshop, including his sister with a degree in photography. Are you fucking kidding me? He's reeling from this! The guy on the right claims he's sick of hearing about this, but based on how he opened the show, I think he's LOVING this. Here's a tip for him, most people don't give a fuck about this anymore.

    wow, five minutes in, and I can't take anymore of the BS. What angers me is that people will see this and completely believe it. They are acting as if they can access the separate layers of the released image.

    update: Cross post... this is referencing the first post.
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    The Alex Jones business model:

    1. Make up conspiracy theories.
    2. Scare the shit out of people.
    3. Endorse products designed to alleviate those fears.
    4. Profit from endorsement.

    alex Jones may get some shit right from time to time... but he's still a fraud. I listened to him a couple of times, and during those times the main subject was how big agriculture is trying to force legislation to only allow farmers to grow their patented genetically altered seeds. Then during the commercial break he endorses "Seed bank" packets that people are supposed to buy that will help them sustain themselves in the event that big agriculture got their evil legislation passed.

    He profits off of the fear that he instills in other people. plain and simple.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    This is honestly amazing, I can't think of another country where people are this fucking childish and pathetic in regards to it's politicians. It's a damned joke.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Makes for pretty good watching though. Nothing like watching a bit of American Politics to get my comedy fill...

    ...especially after watching Canadian politics and getting depressed. :(
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    imagin what these people could accomplish if they spent half of there time they spend on nonsense like this on important things...

    like finding bigfoot!
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Virtuosic wrote: »
    The Alex Jones business model:

    1. Make up conspiracy theories.
    2. Scare the shit out of people.
    3. Endorse products designed to alleviate those fears.
    4. Profit from endorsement.

    alex Jones may get some shit right from time to time... but he's still a fraud. I listened to him a couple of times, and during those times the main subject was how big agriculture is trying to force legislation to only allow farmers to grow their patented genetically altered seeds. Then during the commercial break he endorses "Seed bank" packets that people are supposed to buy that will help them sustain themselves in the event that big agriculture got their evil legislation passed.

    He profits off of the fear that he instills in other people. plain and simple.

    Yeah he's fucked in the head... you're completely right about the other stuff man, hit the nail on the head.

    His guests are sometimes really good though. Also his website has some good writers.
  • Sean VanGorder
    Virtuosic wrote: »
    the main subject was how big agriculture is trying to force legislation to only allow farmers to grow their patented genetically altered seeds.

    I agree that this guy is a douche, and usually full of shit, but that's actually true, haha. At least according to Food, Inc.

    Anyway, trying to profit from it is still a dick move.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    How can you people be so blind? Lets us think about it for a minute:

    Obama was in Grand Rapids Michigan, for those not savvy enough, it was 616. Obama won a majority vote there on October, he won a majority by 30 votes EXACTLY!


    Make the math people! 616 + 30 = 646 + October (10 month) = 666, the number of the beast!
    Not to forget, his book, Hope in which the ISBN number was the same of a Romanian gymnast who's score as of 2008 was the same date of book publication was, 616, a repeat of the previous number, essentially cycling the numbers in a loop.

    Moreover, Romania is an EX Communistic country, chance to the wind? I say not!

    His smile, very charismatic, maybe can even overpower Will Smith's smile? Think again, a creature from the sea will rise with a smile of a thousand charms, driving the world under it's looks, with the courage of a false tiger, and what does Obama do?


    He rises with such a grin on his face, that literally blinds several people! All while pumping his chest forward!

    I call dips on this when the world ends people, don't say I didn't say so!

    : If you think honestly that I was being serious, please stick you head in a beehive.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    i want photoshop degree!
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    that was amazing ace-angel. hats off to you.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    How can you people be so blind? Lets us think about it for a minute:

    Obama was in Grand Rapids Michigan, for those not savvy enough, it was 616. Obama won a majority vote there on October, he won a majority by 30 votes EXACTLY!


    Make the math people! 616 + 30 = 646 + October (10 month) = 666, the number of the beast!
    Not to forget, his book, Hope in which the ISBN number was the same of a Romanian gymnast who's score as of 2008 was the same date of book publication was, 616, a repeat of the previous number, essentially cycling the numbers in a loop.

    Moreover, Romania is an EX Communistic country, chance to the wind? I say not!

    His smile, very charismatic, maybe can even overpower Will Smith's smile? Think again, a creature from the sea will rise with a smile of a thousand charms, driving the world under it's looks, with the courage of a false tiger, and what does Obama do?


    He rises with such a grin on his face, that literally blinds several people! All while pumping his chest forward!

    I call dips on this when the world ends people, don't say I didn't say so!

    PLUS, I heard he's got a pretty big dick!

    When he whips it out, the whole room smells like a dick!
  • RexM
    notman wrote: »
    They are acting as if they can access the separate layers of the released image.

    Download the .pdf file yourself from the whitehouse.gov website and see for yourself....

    All the layers are there and are easily manipulated with any .pdf editing program....

    It sure is suspicious. Martin H's youtube link tries to explain it, but it is very clear that it would be impossible to create the layers in the .pdf....

    Look at the birth certificate zoomed in... even if it wasn't in layers it still looks heavily edited.
  • beancube
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    beancube polycounter lvl 17
    The one printed on the green backing is NOT the OG birth certificate as they claim it is.

    Ive read that they scanned the original (which was on a blue /whitish background)as a black and white image. Which was then printed onto the green patterned paper what we see here. Then Re-Scanned and uploaded as a PDF.

    The printing from the original to the version with the green patterning was to replicate authenticty. As the official Hawaii government uses this type of paper.

    So that explains most of the discrepencies everyone keep babbling on about.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    beancube wrote: »
    The one printed on the green backing is NOT the OG birth certificate as they claim it is.

    Ive read that they scanned the original (which was on a blue /whitish background)as a black and white image. Which was then printed onto the green patterned paper what we see here. Then Re-Scanned and uploaded as a PDF.

    The printing from the original to the version with the green patterning was to replicate authenticty. As the official Hawaii government uses this type of paper.

    So that explains most of the discrepencies everyone keep babbling on about.

    THIS! A google search was all I needed to confirm this guys statement...and apparently it's true!

    Which reminds, why do we have google if we're not going to use it?
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    RexM wrote: »
    All the layers are there and are easily manipulated with any .pdf editing program....

    Scanned documents can be brought in as layers like that from Optical Character Recognition.

    Basically scanners try to separate text so it can be treated like text instead of an image (to be able to search text and things like that). This would also explain the whited out areas behind the text (I think the guy claims its white from erasing old text or something ridiculous.) When the text gets removed, something has to go in the layer underneath, so thats probably automatically created.

    This can also explain the "computer created text" The reason the text doesn't have opacity from being hand drawn could easily be from a contrast/sharpness filter applied by the scanner.
    PLUS, I heard he's got a pretty big dick!

    When he whips it out, the whole room smells like a dick!

    I lol'd pretty hard at this.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Virtuosic wrote: »
    The Alex Jones business model:

    1. Make up conspiracy theories.
    2. Scare the shit out of people.
    3. Endorse products designed to alleviate those fears.
    4. Profit from endorsement.

    alex Jones may get some shit right from time to time... but he's still a fraud. I listened to him a couple of times, and during those times the main subject was how big agriculture is trying to force legislation to only allow farmers to grow their patented genetically altered seeds. Then during the commercial break he endorses "Seed bank" packets that people are supposed to buy that will help them sustain themselves in the event that big agriculture got their evil legislation passed.

    He profits off of the fear that he instills in other people. plain and simple.

    Exactly this.
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    Skamberin wrote: »
    This is honestly amazing, I can't think of another country where people are this fucking childish and pathetic in regards to it's politicians. It's a damned joke.

    US political slur aside, this guy clearly needs to pull his head out of his arse and do something meaningful with his life.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Maph wrote: »
    US political slur aside, this guy clearly needs to pull his head out of his arse and do something meaningful with his life.
    Like stay away from the fridge for a few?
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Joe Rogan impersonating Alex Jones, "It's eugenics! What they're doing right now...Fema has black plastic coffins outside of Dallas. I've seen them, ladies and gentlemen. I have the photographs, and there's 200 BILLION of them. They know there's not even 200 billion people, so that's, we're talking clones now. Clones of people! Life extension. We'll be right back. Buy gold! You need to buy gold ladies and gentlemen. 2012! Solar impact! Gold will protect you!"

    http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/13631489 45 minutes in if you want the real.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    RexM wrote: »
    Download the .pdf file yourself from the whitehouse.gov website and see for yourself....

    All the layers are there and are easily manipulated with any .pdf editing program....

    Yeah, I originally missed that it was a PDF, because I was distracted by Alex Jones waging a war with his erection. He was going on about photoshop, and I thought initially that the other guy was making layers from selections in photoshop. Then I had to stop the video, because I couldn't take anymore of the interruptions of BS.

    Still, watch the second video and it explains why the layers are like they are.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    This is hilarious its like watching a bunch of monkey idiots.

    "Man I'm freaking out over it, and so are the photoshop experts"

    And beware the CIA can make up videos, synthesize the voices and make anyone appear to be doing anything.

    And if you want more expert info, you'd better ask the audience.

    Running Man here we are. This is stupid on levels never before known.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Its funny how the "other" photoshop guys didnt want to be seen on TV.

    Can we just go back to saying the titanic was an inside job of a submarien moving the ice berg into its path and get past this?
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    Lol all valid points about alex jones... I still think he s got some pretty amazingly valid points to say about the way the world works. Ya, there s definitely some fear mongering going on, and ya alot of it is conspiracy bs, but his website prisonplanet.com is a pretty awesome place to review international news.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    I dunno Lincoln, I just checked that and the front page was stuffed full of ridiculous internet conspiracy stories. Not saying that there isn't news there as well, but I don't think it's a good place to get your news. It's very obviously biased, and it is also very obvious they don't really do much real research or cross referencing.

    There are surely better, more objective websites to get your news.

    For Alex Jones himself - I wouldn't put stock in anything he says about the way the world works. There are far better sources out there for that. He's a fear monger and a showman, not a political scientist. It'd be like getting your science news and views from a creationist site.
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    Most of the news articles on the website are from all over the internet (different international news websites etc). They aren't even written by Alex Jones or anybody working for him. I'd say it's a pretty globally unbiased telling of international news. Yes, there are alot of extra conspiracy articles that are probably bullshit, as well as the site is filled with fear-mongering ads, but if you know what to look for it's a pretty awesome news site. And what news website isn't biased?
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    For Alex Jones himself - I wouldn't put stock in anything he says about the way the world works. There are far better sources out there for that. He's a fear monger and a showman, not a political scientist. It'd be like getting your science news and views from a creationist site.

    I would. Ya there is alot of fear mongering going on, as well as the fact that he's making a living off of selling people products based off of fear, but he does have some pretty fucking awesome points about the middle east, American foreign policy, and our rights being taken away on a daily basis . Yes, he's an extremist, and yes, there's obviously a conflict of interest when he's making money off selling fear, but that doesn't mean that some of his points aren't completely valid.
  • Mark Dygert
    So because he strains and filters the crazy stories from all over that means whatever narrative he's driving is true? That's dangerously close to "it must be true, I read it on the internet!"

    I personally think you should cut out the middle man who's selling you a line of BS and drudging up whatever he can to make it look like he has a valid point. And just go look at news from all over on your own. Why people need other people to interpret the news for them I'm not sure... the snake oil salesmen of today are making some amazing amounts of cash filtering the news and peddling their brand of truth. "listen to me! I'm the only guy that knows the real story! Oh and buy my books and DVD's, Tshirts, and come to my concerts!"

    I'm much more interested in talking to people who aren't hard and fast on their version of the truth and are willing to debate and think about things with an open mind. I'm pretty sure if you explained how scanning a doc and PDF's worked to this guy he would just dig in deeper instead of admitting he's not a perfect expert on everything... Those people are dangerous and shouldn't get your time or attention.
  • Zephiris
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Sooo much fucking racism on Alex Jones site, especially coming from its readers (comments). Considering that, I wouldn't ever consider his site 'news' when it comes to politics.

    Aliens and secret hidden lairs and shit, for sure ;)
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Lincoln - It doesn't mean some of his points aren't valid, but it does mean that you can be pretty damned sure that any point he's making has an ulterior motive, and shouldn't be taken at face value. Anything he says should be heavily researched before having any stock put into it. The alternate side of that is that there are more intelligent and reasonable people talking about a lot of the same issues who's points of view can be trusted far more. So if you really want to listen to someone's opinions, might as well go out and find someone better than this guy.

    Honestly,you can find a good points made by almost anyone throughout history or the media. That doesn't mean that the person is a generally trustworthy source of opinions. So yeah, I'm sure he's said a couple of intelligent, valid things in his time. But that doesn't mean he's a good source for opinions or information.

    In the same way you can be sure that the news on that website is not a fair or reasonable selection of worldwide news. It will be cherry picked to support his agenda. Yes, it's news from all over, but it's also news specifically chosen to make a point. Therefore, the site is untrustworthy.
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    How do you think investigative journalism works? How do you think books are written? Usually by piecing together bits of information from different sources. We're in a rare time in history where access to information is as easy as the click of a few different buttons. I can go check out the local newspapers in Pakistan if I really want to right now on the internet. Yes, this promotes morons writing half-witted opinions about things, but it also promotes free speech and international flow of information.
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    Tulkamir wrote: »
    Honestly,you can find a good points made by almost anyone throughout history or the media. That doesn't mean that the person is a generally trustworthy source of opinions. So yeah, I'm sure he's said a couple of intelligent, valid things in his time. But that doesn't mean he's a good source for opinions or information.

    Good point, there definitely are more trustworthy places to get international information. I've just looked at the site so long that i don't usually pay attention to any of the bs conspiracy stuff, and read only the financial / middle east stories that seem like they have relevance.

    Check out Noam Chomsky. Fucking awesome source of information on pretty much everything international politics-wise.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    man them degrees in photoshop. Is this like another 40k to get one?
  • Mark Dygert
    The thing is, if you know photoshop...
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    The thing is, if you know photoshop...

  • Mark Dygert
    ... and sell your degrees to other people for 20-40-60-80k per degree. Have them sit in your garage and or basement in front of a cardboard box and tell them to make computer noises for 2-3 years before printing one out.

    You can have them do extra curricular activities and electives, such as washing your car, mowing your lawn, doing your laundry, making you lunch...
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    ... and sell your degrees to other people for 20-40-60-80k per degree. Have them sit in your garage and or basement in front of a cardboard box and tell them to make computer noises for 2-3 years before printing one out.

    You can have them do extra curricular activities and electives, such as washing your car, mowing your lawn, doing your laundry, making you lunch...

    I think that only works with Karate.
  • Mark Dygert
    Hahahaha, "painting your fence" "waxing your car" . I dunno there has to be one or two people who will fall for it every year. It's not like you really need a whole lot of idiots, just a handful will do. But just in case I guess you could widen the scope of the degree to photoshop, ninja and or both "photoshop ninja".
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    correct me if i'm wrong.

    the only people REALLY concerned about whether Obama is legitimate as president, are people who're jealous of his position. correct?

    i mean... let's face it, the ability to lead a country has about as much to do with where they are born, as where the country itself is.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    correct me if i'm wrong.

    the only people REALLY concerned about whether Obama is legitimate as president, are people who're jealous of his position. correct?

    Racists too I think. :P
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    gir: it's old people - he's also the antichrist, is readying concentration camps for whitey and apparently has a time machine that allowed him to bail out the banks before he was elected president.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    He's also the cause of old racist people dying of old age.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    my girlfriend and i went to birmingham recently, and heard the fucking FUNNIEST thing i've ever heard.

    we got into an elevator with a bunch of... well... black people. all speaking with a carribean accent. and the oldest of them a little old lady, with this thick old accent, said:
    "i never thought i'd see the day... gettin' all up in here with the darkness... my my things have changed".

    i almost pissed myself laughing haha.
  • JB56Blacknine
    correct me if i'm wrong.

    the only people REALLY concerned about whether Obama is legitimate as president, are people who're jealous of his position. correct?

    i mean... let's face it, the ability to lead a country has about as much to do with where they are born, as where the country itself is.

    meh. I don't think it is ALL about that, but really would you want someone born in let's say, North Korea or Iran running our country?

    It is very simple to dismiss anything and everything today as "racist". That is the true extent of people's intelligence today I feel in politics.

    We are still a Sovereign country I think(..?), and I for one am NOT for a "New World Order". I have heard some Americans talk about how they don't care...that is until our very way of life is changed forever by some d-bag who doesn't give ten shits about this country or the Constitution()Idea) it was founded upon.

    So Yes, it does matter.

    Let me just state in advance, no, I do believe Obama is American born. Does that mean I agree with anything he is doing right now? No. He is still a shit president in my books. Just continuing the same BS Bush did, yet people's face is turned the other way because of "race" or some other hypocritical garbage.

    Amidst all of this celebration/talk on Usama Bin Laden's death, any of you bother to check the unemployment numbers? our rising debt and higher gas prices to which we are responded with a simple "deal with it"?

    How's that "Hope and Change" working out for some of you?
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    meh. I don't think it is ALL about that, but really would you want someone born in let's say, North Korea or Iran running our country?

    *I Disagree with the rest of your post so I wont reply directly to that*
    So if a guy is born in North Korea or Iran, and grows up in the united states (from age 1 or 2) he will be a secret sleeper agent or some shit?
  • RexM
    gsokol wrote: »
    Scanned documents can be brought in as layers like that from Optical Character Recognition.

    Basically scanners try to separate text so it can be treated like text instead of an image (to be able to search text and things like that). This would also explain the whited out areas behind the text (I think the guy claims its white from erasing old text or something ridiculous.) When the text gets removed, something has to go in the layer underneath, so thats probably automatically created.

    This can also explain the "computer created text" The reason the text doesn't have opacity from being hand drawn could easily be from a contrast/sharpness filter applied by the scanner.

    Apparently OCR was already debunked since there was no search index for the .pdf, in which OCR sets up a search index for all the text in the document.
  • JB56Blacknine
    Skamberin wrote: »
    So if a guy is born in North Korea or Iran, and grows up in the united states (from age 1 or 2) he will be a secret sleeper agent or some shit?

    No, unless we change our Constitution. Are you familiar with it?
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