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PS3 Network still down :(



  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Autocon wrote: »
    Exactly this. It amazes me how much hate Sony is getting for being the victim of hackers. I would never blame my bank if they were robbed. I would blame the fucker robbers.

    Well, first, your bank is insured, so you really aren't losing anything. If you lost your money, because the bank was robbed, you might be pissed at the bank (that's how people use to react before federal insurance).

    That aside, your bank also doesn't take customers to court, for playing with their money. Rumor has it, that this was done by Anonymous because Sony took George Hotz, and several others, to court for hacking the PS3 firmware. In case you hadn't heard: http://technologizer.com/2011/04/11/sony-george-hotz-settle-ps3-hacking-lawsuit/

    Additionally, Sony's response to this has been piss poor at best. It takes them a week to finally come out with details. They still don't really know what happened, and until the third party company figures it out, the system won't be back up. Personally, I would expect them to be back online, with at least the minimum services. A server that allows online play, and user accounts, without financial information. No PS Store.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Autocon wrote: »
    Exactly this. It amazes me how much hate Sony is getting for being the victim of hackers. I would never blame my bank if they were robbed. I would blame the fucker robbers.

    I honestly think it has all to do the with fear about peoples money being stolen when its not even sure that the hackers were able to access any of that info.

    because it's Sony's job to make sure their security is up to snuff - as far as the UK is concerned, if their security was lax they broke the law link

    I'm glad this happened right when I'm dropping thousands of dollars on a cross country move *grumble grumble*
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    notman wrote: »
    Well, first, your bank is insured, so you really aren't losing anything. If you lost your money, because the bank was robbed, you might be pissed at the bank (that's how people use to react before federal insurance).

    That aside, your bank also doesn't take customers to court, for playing with their money. Rumor has it, that this was done by Anonymous because Sony took George Hotz, and several others, to court for hacking the PS3 firmware. In case you hadn't heard: http://technologizer.com/2011/04/11/sony-george-hotz-settle-ps3-hacking-lawsuit/

    Additionally, Sony's response to this has been piss poor at best. It takes them a week to finally come out with details. They still don't really know what happened, and until the third party company figures it out, the system won't be back up. Personally, I would expect them to be back online, with at least the minimum services. A server that allows online play, and user accounts, without financial information. No PS Store.

    I still wouldn't be pissed at my bank for being robbed. Being angry at the victim is stupid. Unless it was gross misconduct on the banks fualt I would be pissed at the robbers for stealing my money, pissed that my money is gone and want my money back. I wouldnt be angry at the bank because they were robbed. But maybe thats me.

    Lets not start a huge debate in this thread but Sony had every right to sue George Hotz. He cracked the PS3's security features and then distributed the hack online which is illegal.

    Also I dont think Sony's response to this has been piss poor at all. They shut down the PSN as soon as they realized there was a breach to prevent any other data from being stolen and brought in a third company who specializing in this sort of thing. They didnt know any data had been potentially stolen until Monday and as soon as they did they announced it on the Playstation Blog. They also said they had been hacked a day or two after they shut down the PSN. Seems pretty sufficent too me.

    If you actually read the Playstation Blog you can get all of this info. But most people just read the snippets Kotaku and other websites find most important and make into a Blog post of there own.

    As for bringing the PSN back online to play games? That is absolutely the worst thing they could do. They are compeltly rebuilding the entire PSN infrastructure from the ground up to prevent this from happening again. Why would they continue to keep the PSN up which is vulnerable just so people can play online? That would be the worst thing they could do.

    Now on a lighter note. Here are some HILARIOUS tweets from people about the PSN going down. http://kotaku.com/#!5795984/twitter-cracks-wise-about-playstation-network-hack
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Funny thing is, Sony seems to have two devisions working at different directions - they recently tried to hire a programmer who cracked android security. I guess if the PS3 was a smartphone Sony wouldn't have a case against Hotz because "jailbreaking" is legal in the US.

    also this: Sony’s War On Makers, Hackers, And Innovators
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
  • PolyHertz
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Cojax wrote: »
    The PSN was always a joke. Voice communication never worked very well at all, network was always slow, and you had wait for what seemed like weekly firmware updates, which btw take FOREVER to download and install.

    I've never had a problem with it before this. For me it downloads stuff faster than LIVE, and is free if you so choose, but recently I shelled out for +. Will do again if they get the damn system back up soon, cause they have a 15 month for the price of 12 offer on at the moment. For people wonder if Playstation + is worth it, it most definitely is.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Cojax wrote: »
    The PSN was always a joke. Voice communication never worked very well at all, network was always slow, and you had wait for what seemed like weekly firmware updates, which btw take FOREVER to download and install.

    I for one wont be missing the PSN, and those hackers wont get shit from an old address, password and no CC muhahahaha.

    Sony's response to this was piss poor. The second you learn of a breach, you contact your customers ASAP... not two days.

    That might be your crappy internet connection / ISP... ahaha
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    He's actually on a Dreamcast with a dial-up connection :P
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    I was like whatever when it first happened ..now.. its actually starting to irritate me.. fuckin sort it out already geeeez..
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    rolfness wrote: »
    I was like whatever when it first happened ..now.. its actually starting to irritate me.. fuckin sort it out already geeeez..


    (Yeah... I have a feeling this is outage is going to go on another week at least...)
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    LOL the main reason I find it irritating is because GT5 repeatedly asks me to sign in when I fire it up and I stupidly press yes everytimmeee and I have to wait for it to time out..
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
  • slipsius
    rolfness wrote: »
    LOL the main reason I find it irritating is because GT5 repeatedly asks me to sign in when I fire it up and I stupidly press yes everytimmeee and I have to wait for it to time out..

    THIS!!!!! every freakin race... "please sign in" I CAAANNNNTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!

    luckily i just picked up uncharted for the first time, so ive been playing that. :D
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    received the official email last night from Sony, probably all 77 million users also got the same email. You'd think for as big in infrastructure that Sony has their holding peoples information would be like Fort Knox. Makes me wonder if this could happen on Xbox Live? or since the PSN network is free it was because of this. Anyways, I probably won't be buying any PSN games for a while, which is a shame since theirs a lot of good indie content on their.

    Just makes you realize that nothing is safe on the internet/servers no matter how much security someone has.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Autocon wrote: »
    Lets not start a huge debate in this thread but Sony had every right to sue George Hotz. He cracked the PS3's security features and then distributed the hack online which is illegal.
    What he did was NOT illegal, except maybe for the distribution part.
    Also I dont think Sony's response to this has been piss poor at all. They shut down the PSN as soon as they realized there was a breach to prevent any other data from being stolen and brought in a third company who specializing in this sort of thing. They didnt know any data had been potentially stolen until Monday and as soon as they did they announced it on the Playstation Blog. They also said they had been hacked a day or two after they shut down the PSN. Seems pretty sufficent too me.

    Why should I have to get the information from their blog? Why were customers not notified immediately? I also don't believe that they weren't aware of how much information was compromised. They know what information is stored on their servers, and unless they have something to prove otherwise, they should assume ALL of it was compromised.
    As for bringing the PSN back online to play games? That is absolutely the worst thing they could do. They are compeltly rebuilding the entire PSN infrastructure from the ground up to prevent this from happening again. Why would they continue to keep the PSN up which is vulnerable just so people can play online? That would be the worst thing they could do.
    I don't think it would be so bad? It would not be very difficult for them to start up a the service without support for their store. I'm talking a minimized service that has player logins and that's it. Even if trophy/stats tracking is disabled. I'm sure people would prefer that over not having online available at all....
    Either way, it's just a thought. I think Sony may find this extremely hard to recover from, and personally, I think they should start doing something to calm the storm.
    Personally, it's not bothering me. I only game on the weekends, and even then, I'm usually playing single player/local. I'm just throwing some points out there about the subject in general.
  • Andreas
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    notman wrote: »
    What he did was NOT illegal, except maybe for the distribution part.

    Wait didn't Sony say something like:

    When you buy a PS3 you're pretty much renting it, and if you mess with it you're messing with their property... something like that?

    The credit card and personal info deal sucks... but Sony should have gotten better security... cmon you're one of the biggest technology oriented company in the world...

    I also think people should settle down... cancel your card, no one probably did anything to it anyways. Go play some offline games like we used to back in the day.
  • glottis8
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Technically it was the hacker(s) that did it... ahahah, but like I said before, Sony should have upped their security... cmon Sony, step it up.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Wait didn't Sony say something like:

    When you buy a PS3 you're pretty much renting it, and if you mess with it you're messing with their property... something like that?

    Isn't that Apple?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Wait didn't Sony say something like:

    When you buy a PS3 you're pretty much renting it, and if you mess with it you're messing with their property... something like that?
    Sony doesn't make the laws, so I don't care what THEY say :P
    The case against Apple set a precedence. Copyright laws do not protect against 'mere use or viewing'. The way that I understand the law, as long as Hotz was not selling the code, he was not breaking the law.

    I don't want to sidestep the conversation though. I don't think Sony deserved this for trying to protect their product. I'm just saying they poked a group of angry hackers, and this is the result.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Went to play Sonic 2, couldnt cause my + membership has run out and I won't be able to do anything about that for several days, really getting on my tits now! Grrr. Amazing how delicate all of this technology is eh? I want to see the post apocalyptic hollywood film where the world gets destroyed by hackers that kill the internet and then everything just collapses :P
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    That doesn't make sense, Sony set out their product as set rules and essentially told people, you sign the contract when you buy our product. Almost ALL products nowdays have some sort of keyword hidden which is pretty easy to decipher.

    For example, Life-Time guarantee? It simply means the company will replace said item PENDING on the life of said item, if they stop making said item, they won't replace for it, so you have to buy the next generation item, simple as that.

    Say for example, you have kids, you tell them not to do something but they still go ahead and do it, will you sit idly by and not care that they didn't listen to you? No, most likely you'll slap their hands with a warning.

    Let me tell you something, if in this day and age, a parent can fly off the handle for something their kids does, not matter how much they love them, I don't see why a company like Sony who is conducting a business should do anything MORE then what a parent does for their child.

    You bought the console, you under contract, this contract can be broken if you get rid of your PS3.

    Frankly speaking, the only thing this current issue of the PSN has opened is a can of worms to which we must ask ourselves the hard questions in the industry and the public as well. Are we entitled to something more here? Can we accept mistakes due to human nature which is part of EVERY facet of life? Is DRM really worth it? Have we become oblivious to the the fact that online theft is always occurring, and not just now?

    Just saying, we're feeling too entitled to things we don't have power or right over, and that is more worrisome then a million layoffs.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    notman wrote: »
    Why should I have to get the information from their blog? Why were customers not notified immediately? I also don't believe that they weren't aware of how much information was compromised. They know what information is stored on their servers, and unless they have something to prove otherwise, they should assume ALL of it was compromised.

    And incite panic in people when they had no evidence yet that anything other then hackers were able to penetrate there security wall? People got up in arms when the PSN was down for a day. It took them until Monday to know the extent of the damage with information possibley being taken. You think it would have been best to be like "Our servers were hacked, we have no idea what/if anything was taken. Assume all of your personal info and credit card info was taken to be on the safe side."

    No, that is not how ANY company runs. That would incite panic in everyone and what could you do? The hackers already have your info, being told before they even knew that fact would not change a thing. Even now there is nothing you can do to change the fact that hackers potentially have the same info most people have on there facebook account. Inciting fear in people with no concrete evidence that there needs to be a reason to be afraid is FOX News job, not Sony.

    I don't think it would be so bad? It would not be very difficult for them to start up a the service without support for their store. I'm talking a minimized service that has player logins and that's it. Even if trophy/stats tracking is disabled. I'm sure people would prefer that over not having online available at all....
    I know where your coming from on this but I just personally just dont agree. I think people would prefer to wait to have the PSN up once its been re-written knowing that the same system that was originally hacked wasnt just brought back up online so people could play games.

    Also it would be far to difficult a task too do. They dont have the man power or time to have people branch off, work on bring up Online capability's of the PSN, testing it to make sure it cant be breached again. The PSN team has been working 24 hours a day in 12 to 14hour shifts since they learned of the intrusion on there networks to completely rebuild the entire infrastructure. It is no simple task. I know someone who has been on the PSN team since the project really began so I'm just trying to blow hot air hear :)

    Also that "It only dose Identify Theft" is my wallpaper at work ATM. Lol so clever and funny even though the situation is of course not.
  • Darth Tomi
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    Darth Tomi polycounter lvl 12
    Ha. My plans for wold domination have only just begun. Muwahahahahaha.
  • ScudzAlmighty
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Andreas : this movie is called Fight Club!
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    rolfness wrote: »
    LOL the main reason I find it irritating is because GT5 repeatedly asks me to sign in when I fire it up and I stupidly press yes everytimmeee and I have to wait for it to time out..

    Been playing the time trials in Sonic All-Stars Racing lately, game tries to get me to sign into psn after every single race, so I know the feeling. Why isn't the a 'cancel all psn login requests' feature in the FW or something to deal with games that do this when playing offline?
    Autocon wrote: »
    Also that "It only dose Identify Theft" is my wallpaper at work ATM.
    Works at 1st party Sony studio
    That's a special kind of awesome :)
  • Lee3dee
  • Jeremy Tabor
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    Jeremy Tabor polycounter lvl 14
    Yea, Lee3dee's link is very much still a rumor as far as I've heard. I received an email last night, as I'm sure a bunch of the rest of you did, saying that sony was not sure if credit card info was compromised, but it was a possibility.

    I haven't read through this entire thread, so I don't know if anyone has posted any definitive proof, but that would be terrible if it is found to be true.

    Here's a transcript of the email if anyone is interested:

  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    I heard rumors of Cross-Game Chat and other updates to compensate.... but I doubt it...


    I hope so!
  • slipsius
    cross game chat? so... what microsoft already has with parties?

    sounds to me like they were planning on doing that anyways, just decided to release it now to improve their rep. theres no way they created that after all this shit happened.

    either way, i still like my ps3. i wont be leaving. Might switch to psn cards, rather than credit card payments though.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Did PSN already bring out the update where you could use the browser while playing the game?? Sorry I haven't played in years!
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    Kaz Hirai is going to address the situation tomorrow.


    Hopefully they will just be straight up, as a lot is riding on what is said. It's a shame it happened to Sony now, as they had a ton of momentum behind them, but maybe as more people switch to online game-buying and such this will turn into a positive as the industry as a whole, not just Sony, makes sure that this doesn't happen again.
  • sicsided
    Notes handed out before a Sony press conference today (timed so conveniently at 1am EDT in the US, and noon on the Sunday of Golden Week in Japan) reveal that Sony plans to offer free downloads of unidentified "content," 30 days of free PlayStation Plus access to new and existing members, and 30 days of free Qriocity service. The paper also says that PSN service will be restored "soon."
  • XenoKratios
  • thatanimator
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    thatanimator polycounter lvl 6
    don't see why the japanese branch of sony has to bow and give their deepest apologies for something that happened in america..

    but shit, s'long I get to play mah gaemz online next weekend..
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Apparently there was another breach... we could be sitting here a while...

    Hope the assholes behind this are over 18 so they do some decent time.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    don't see why the japanese branch of sony has to bow and give their deepest apologies for something that happened in america..

    but shit, s'long I get to play mah gaemz online next weekend..

    The breach in America effected ALL psn accounts world wide.

    It seems Sony just cant catch a break. Also the new attack was an attack against Sony Online Entertainment, which doesn't deal with the PSN.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    i know i'm a westerner, but the gravity of the apology even hit me. after my one visit to tokyo, i do understand somewhat the importance and implications of bowing.

    that was one long, deep bow!
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator

    i know i'm a westerner, but the gravity of the apology even hit me. after my one visit to tokyo, i do understand somewhat the importance and implications of bowing.

    that was one long, deep bow!


    Yea, that's a very gracious and humble apology and I don't think i have ever seen a public apology like that from a Japanese company before.
    Its nice to see they are so sorry.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    protip: I called my credit card company and let them know what happened, they are issuing me a new card & number but it's keeping my credit history of the card I've had for about 10 years now. Outright canceling your card could negatively impact your credit score.
  • onionhead_o
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    " Sony says they are going to offer a “welcome back” package. "

    I hope that comes with a 'happy ending'.
    I can't even imagine how much money they are losing right now. Even though I replaced my xbox after its failure, I still had made the decision to buy only PS3 games if the game was available on both. But now, I'm back to buying xbox games (like Portal 2 that I bought this weekend). Until I know there will be a network, I won't be buying games for my PS3. Right now, I'm not confident that it will be securely back online in June. Even when they get it up, I suspect it will get hacked again :/
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I'd rather have the PSN down and wait a few more weeks so its to the point where its 1000% secure (and with newer and better features), then complain and get it up now and just have it get hacked again in a few months. Gamers have this idiotic sense of entitlement about everything. And the people who are complaining and bitching about PSN still being down need to grow up. Sony isn't taking this lightly and they are doing their absolute best to learn from their mistakes and make PSN better than ever and safer and more secure.

    They are even giving us free shit. Something they dont have to do (unless you have Playstation+ or just bought Socom). Imagine the stress the programmers are going through right now, putting in huge shifts just to get the service back to functional.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to be a whiney "I want my online now" bitches. I'm just saying my confidence is a little weak right now. I'm not very confident that they'll resolve this as soon as they think.

    I meant to comment more on how much they are probably losing over this. Obviously, they don't want this down either.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Oh, Notman! I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about people on the forums, or news site comments. =D
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Sony PSN servers were just as secure as almost every other company that holds credit card information was and is to this day running on the latest stable Apache software. People need to realize that this wasn't because of a software blunder on Sony's part but more on the part of determined hell bent hackers who had a grudge against Sony.

    Sony needs to do some damage control and explain the real reason why the PSN servers are not up as it has nothing to do with "making them more secure". But I guess that wouldn't be "polite" or "honorable" to have to admit to such things as it seems that is a very Japanese mentality towards business. Which is indeed noble and I mean no offense to any Japanese people or company at all but it is only hurting the company as a whole overall to keep taking the heat for why they haven't brought things back online when they could have/planned to almost a week and a half ago.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Its pretty insane for it to be down for as long as it is though.

    @Autocon What is the reason then?

    I thought it was a bit odd, I mean I've heard companys installing new servers in a week or less. I doubt other company's would spend this long wasting both time and money. If they wanted they could have surely got it up and running in a couple of days?
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