Friendly Starcraft Fanart contest!
Hello everyone and thank you for checking this thread out! This post marks the start of a friendly competition between myself and the one and only Growgor!
We've both recently started thee school part of our internships and this leaves us with enough time to complete a larger project, so we decided we would combine our powers and make a friendly competition out of it.
So, on to the contest rules:
- This is not a game art contest. Wait what? A no gameart contest on a gameart forum? Yeah that's right. We both firmly believe that polycount is the best source and collection of talented artists on the interwebs, so we decided we would post it on here.
- The end result with we be offline rendered with Vray as this is our speciality.
- Other then that, it's all out
So, lets meet our contestants and their projects:
Casper "Zpanzer" Thomsen
20 years old and currently 14 months into a 2,5 year internship at Cadpeople in
This is the blocking phase so everything is getting made quickly and then I will start tweaking the proportions until they're good Still missing some parts, but I think the silhouette reads quite good.
Juuust kidding, this should be sweet!
just kidding, hey boys i did tones of stuff for sc2 (units,portraits/sets/UI/characters, etc) a bit of everything really. just like to offer anything if needed, be it judging, tech info or just general crits. cant wait to see you guys one up my weak hackery,(shouldn't be hard). and shoot me a pm if i can help!
meshiah - yes, you do lol. thats cool to offer your services, really enjoy your work!
I'll hopefully finish my mockup this weekend, so stay tuned
I would love if you'd stick around and share your opinion, nothing is beter then having the guy that actually did the original model giving feedback!
My main problem at the moment is figuring out the shape of the chest piece.. It seems like round like a sphere, but he also flat on the chest, it's gonna take some time to get right. I'm slowly iterating the different parts of the marauder now to boost their poly count and make the shapes read better. If I could draw I would have made some modelling sheets, but that ain't gonna happen :<
I have some time today, so I'll continue to mess around with it and post my result later
meshiah, thats very kind from your side, respect.
Still need some spikes and armor pieces etc.
feeback on proportions are welcome.
Let me welcome Daniel Mikkelsen, who is a good friend of me and Growgor. He will represent the protoss in our little battle.
As forprogress from myself, I've found myself at a 5 day lan party and tomorrow I'm going home to my parents to spent the rest of my easter vacation.. Expect updates on sunday!
Keep it up guys!!
Gogo Damik!
So the late commer better join in... I've just made a fast block-in of the body and a few of the armor pieces.
At the moment I can't decide how much of the hard-surface stuff I'm gonna do in max. Just the basic like the shoulderpads, a bit more controlling like the knepad or go all out in Max and then only use Zbrush for scrathes... Think there's gonna be some testing there:)
More to come later:)
Nice looking basemesh you got there, cant wait to see the early sculpt.
I've been thinking about recording a few videos later on to show some of the techniques I'm gonna be using, and I think it could be pretty cool if Damik and Growgor did the same, not only may it help others, but it could also turn out be a learning experience if someone points out flaws or inefficient parts in ones workflow.
Anyways, hope you all have a nice easter and on sunday I'm gonna wreck the shit out of that marauder!
Zpanzer over and out.
So here's another update on the basemesh. The only thing missing are the straps on the legs, but i'm gonna wait with them until the body is done.
I think i'm gonna go the semi-blockout-way on the hardsurface-stuff. So this is gonna be a learning experience since I haven't played with hardsurfaces in Zbrush before:)
And i'm not looking forward to the cloth parts:poly122:
Next up Zbrushing...!
newest update, decided to redo the blockout from scratch and it's already alot more accurate.
So I only have a day or two more to spend on my blockout before having to move into the high poly refinement.
if you have the time, tear it apart!
Also just wanna note:
I'm having some problems with the feet at the moment, they are very feminine because they're so slender compared to the rest of the body, I'll try working abit with them so I can get them right.
also an quick update from me, started on the high poly parts of the backapck, still alot of work to do
This is after first 2 hours in Zbrush.
Continuing with the basemesh/body now.
Highpoly day 2.
So now you guys can skip school a couple of days so that I can keep up!
Feedback is very appreciated
Calling the backpack done for now, probably gonna have a quick revisit later on.
Feedback is appreciated
-maybe do a test bake now before you head on to other parts...
..else the blockout is ace and the thruster thingy is awesome
@growgor : nice sculpt! but i have the feeling that the area of the tail where it goes up to the upper body is a bit too bulky making it a bit to snail like... whereas most concepts are a bit thinner at this area and let it seem more dragon/snake like... just my thoughts
nice progress keep it coming waiting for more!
Yeah, I think it's safe to say we're inspired by the overall shape and theme by the characters and then making up some stuff as we go.
@ growgo: Not a critique per say, but make sure you work your way up the subd levels getting as much as you can from every level.
@feanix, yea that part is still just roughed out, I'll add more details on those parts later on. But thanks! I'll also keep the idea with the stretched flesh between his jaws in mind.
@butt_sahib Thanks for your advise, I'll keep that in mind
So yea, I'll do that.
Don't you dare stop till it's skinned and in-game!