also, i'm not one for fizzy beers but I'll drink ginger beer all day long. This stuff is awesome on a hot summer day, but quite expensive usually.
Yeah I love crabbies, was introduced to it a year or two ago and I get it quite a lot now.. well quite a lot when I decide to drink.
I tend to try various ales that are in the pubs, but some of the common ones I have are Hobgolbin and Black Sheep. But when it gets warm I prefer something with ice.
HoeGaarden is great on a hot day with a bit of lemon. Really refreshing beer.
Love HoeGarden. I cant remember this one beer but it was French and the more it sat the more it tasted like wine :poly141: Had the same opening as a grolsch. Once had a giant bottle of grolsch....that was a bad idea though served well for flip cup.
Was at a Beer festival yesterday. favourite drink of the night turned out to be a cider. And I generally dont like cider. But this stuff was awesome. Really drinkable (and quite strong )
since we've drifted very much into the realm of - as colin farrell in In Bruges would have it - 'gay beer', this'll sort out the gay men from the gay boys.
There will only be manly man-luv when it comes to Cantillon! I fucking love that shit.
Definitely my favorite beer at the moment, all nice and sour like all Gueuzes are meant to be.
I'm a bitter beer fan. IPA, and anything heavily hopped.
Rogue Brutal Bitter (You really can't go wrong with anything from Rogue)
Deschutes Inversion IPA and Bachelor Bay ESB
Pike IPA
La Conner IPA
Stone IPA
Elysian ESB
Mac N Jack's African Amber
Ninkasi IPA
If you can't taste the alcohol in beer, I think it is missing something. Needs to be over 7% to be really good in my opinion.
I'm not a fan of the Belgian style stuff.
For Japanese beers, this red rice beer is pretty awesome:
Oh wow. Good call. I had totally forgotten about those. I had one of those (I think it was the Red Rice) a few years back, and it was awesome. I'm going to have to look for some more of that.
I was lucky enough to be able to have a Westvleteren 12 the other night. Many expensive things in life are incredibly overrated in my opinion. This isn't one of those things. It's pretty much the best beer I've ever had.
Where did you get that? I was under the impression that the monks at Westvleteren abby don't do retail. You have to make an appointment to pick up their beers, and you can only take a limited amount of it and only once a month.
Mind you, I've been dying to try it out myself.
And fuck yeah at Asahi! I always did luv me some Japanese beers.
I've been doing it for a while now. Great hobby and doesn't take loads of time or money. Well if you build some crazy good small brewery than it will take some investment, but once its done it will serve you for long time.
My next batch will be a Dogfish Raison d'etre clone. Can't wait.
I've been doing it for a while now. Great hobby and doesn't take loads of time or money. Well if you build some crazy good small brewery than it will take some investment, but once its done it will serve you for long time.
My next batch will be a Dogfish Raison d'etre clone. Can't wait.
Sounds awesome. definitely wanna try my hand at it, time to read up on what i need. Maybe next summer brew some or does it not matter what season you brew in?
Sounds awesome. definitely wanna try my hand at it, time to read up on what i need. Maybe next summer brew some or does it not matter what season you brew in?
Doesn't really matter if you have air conditioning, cooler is always better though. Lagers need lower temperatures than Ales and take longer - all that work for a beer you can see through? nonsense!
Kidding aside, my first homebrew was a lager when I didn't know any better, it just so happened that it was in the middle of winter and the closet I stored the fermenter in stayed a consistent 50 °F. It came out pretty good despite being a kit.
Drank this a bit. Its bloody gorgeous!
also, i'm not one for fizzy beers but I'll drink ginger beer all day long. This stuff is awesome on a hot summer day, but quite expensive usually.
Recently bought some Okanaga Spring Pale Ale - a craft brewery in British Columbia. Quite a tasty beer, lots of flavor.
Yeah I love crabbies, was introduced to it a year or two ago and I get it quite a lot now.. well quite a lot when I decide to drink.
I tend to try various ales that are in the pubs, but some of the common ones I have are Hobgolbin and Black Sheep. But when it gets warm I prefer something with ice.
anything STOUT because I'm a Manly Man. I like mine dark as they come!
But I do enjoy
Stella Artois, though my favourite thus far has been Guinness extra stout.
Just to flip the thread for a moment. The worst beer I can think of. Its like drinking liquidised tarmac.
Saying that, I hate lagers on the whole... give me a stout/ale/bitter what have you any day
Love HoeGarden. I cant remember this one beer but it was French and the more it sat the more it tasted like wine :poly141: Had the same opening as a grolsch. Once had a giant bottle of grolsch....that was a bad idea though served well for flip cup.
The last one is especially nice, it's a danish brewed ale with chilli, it's strong in the flavor and the chilli aftermath is awesome!
This is the best beer.
No, no, there is no point arguing. There is opinion and there is fact and this, ladies and gentlemen, is the latter.
I bought some
Taste like your funneling a forest into your mouth.
Toffee, dried fruit and star anise/clove taste? I sir, am very much intrigued!
Joshua: I would drink that for the name alone.
been sippin on these lately.
Definitely my favorite beer at the moment, all nice and sour like all Gueuzes are meant to be.
Rogue Brutal Bitter (You really can't go wrong with anything from Rogue)
Deschutes Inversion IPA and Bachelor Bay ESB
Pike IPA
La Conner IPA
Stone IPA
Elysian ESB
Mac N Jack's African Amber
Ninkasi IPA
Sierra Nevada!!
Boston lager
Magic hat (notion, no9, circus boy)
OMG so many! I LOVE BEERS!!
but anyone here like Japanese beer?
like kirin
I like a Sapporo with meh sushi ;D
I love Kirin... if I only knew where to get it.
I prefer chocolate milk!
This isn't the Chocolate Milk thread...move along, nothing to see here.
Asahi is a nice Japanese Beer.
I'm not a fan of the Belgian style stuff.
For Japanese beers, this red rice beer is pretty awesome:
Woo! Gladly!
got a 2 litre bottle for last christmas ...
...hoping for the 3 litre for my birthday. If it doesn't arrive i will be sorely
Oh wow. Good call. I had totally forgotten about those. I had one of those (I think it was the Red Rice) a few years back, and it was awesome. I'm going to have to look for some more of that.
Ok....back to the serious business of proper drinks
Now you're talking my language. :thumbup:
Sapporo is good but so bloody expensive at sushi places
Obviously not man enough to handle god's sweet nectar that flows from his tits. Not a fan of WINE
-came back from Cali visited bro before moving to Portland. Had Pacifico and Sunset Wheat
"post modern classic pale ale"
Where did you get that? I was under the impression that the monks at Westvleteren abby don't do retail. You have to make an appointment to pick up their beers, and you can only take a limited amount of it and only once a month.
Mind you, I've been dying to try it out myself.
And fuck yeah at Asahi! I always did luv me some Japanese beers.
I've been doing it for a while now. Great hobby and doesn't take loads of time or money. Well if you build some crazy good small brewery than it will take some investment, but once its done it will serve you for long time.
My next batch will be a Dogfish Raison d'etre clone. Can't wait.
Sounds awesome. definitely wanna try my hand at it, time to read up on what i need. Maybe next summer brew some or does it not matter what season you brew in?
Doesn't really matter if you have air conditioning, cooler is always better though. Lagers need lower temperatures than Ales and take longer - all that work for a beer you can see through? nonsense!
Kidding aside, my first homebrew was a lager when I didn't know any better, it just so happened that it was in the middle of winter and the closet I stored the fermenter in stayed a consistent 50 °F. It came out pretty good despite being a kit.