Beer is never dumb! ;-) Makes the world go 'round.
Dogfish Head 90 Min IPA
Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier
Shipyard Pumpkin Ale (in-season)
Harpoon Barelywine
Sam Adams Black Lager (Noble Pils ain't that bad right now in season)
Landlord is a great ale that you can find on tap in alot of pubs in the UK. Black Sheep is lovely and easy to find as well.
Everyone I know loves and recommends Brew Dog beers, but I really dislike their Punk IPA.
Too many to mention I guess; but I generally prefer the strong & dark locally brewed -and usually organic- beers. Oh, and sour beers like Geuze (a Belgian speciality), love those!
Abbot Ale
Bishops Finger
Wylam Gold Tankard
Sneck lifter
Mordue No.9 (only available at The Strawberry in Newcastle. Lovely drop though)
Broon Dog (Newcastle Brown Ale) deserves a mention as well.
Abbot ale, Bishops Finger, Fursty Ferret, Old Speckled Hen. Basically any good, craft beer. Also love Guiness. Trying to find a better stout, but somehow all other try to be edgy and bitter, though stout should be nice and smooth.
Also love Belgian beer, though hard to find the rare, good ones. Germans have great Weissbiers, like Franziskaner, Hefeweizen and any other Bavarian ones.
Been reading alot about beers and recently started making my own. The first one was lager that turned out great (slightly too yeasty though) and just finished my own Weissbier with orange zest and coriander. Came out great. Will do more soon!
I mostly am a light beer kinda a guy. Stella ortois is highest on that list. Otherwise i enjoy Newcastle. For thous cheap days i always go with the beautiful tastes of a "STARK
Newcastle is probably my all time favorite at the moment, Shock Top is another one I pick up on occasion. Arrogant Bastard is good too, but an acquired taste for many.
Stone, Victory and Dogfish Head are great breweries, they actually collaborate on special brews now and then.
My local shop also carries beer by a Norwegian micro brewery called Haandbryggeriet, all their brews are awesome - just watch out for their Sour Ale, it's really sour and an acquired taste.
I usually stick to strong dark ales like Stormking Stout, Palo Santo Marron and Indian Brown Ale.
If you're in Massachusetts, Mayflower Brewing Company is a good microbrew, they focus on more balanced beer than the super intense beers most microbreweries like to make.
If you need to water your plants or your best friend is on fire I recommend Sam Adams. J/K, it's not a horrible beer, it's more of a gateway beer for people that are used to drinking Bud - it will get you ready for better beer.
When i was in Tanzania I fell in love with their beer, I still haven't been able to find them but I've heard you can get em lol ._.
Kilimanjaro is the way to do it !
Blue moon, and various seasonal variations
Fat tire
Pretty much any stout/porter
Hornsby's crisp apple cider
We actually have a super awesome selection of beer at our local grocery chain here, 100+ bears I would say, so its fun to just grab random stuff and try it, though I dont remember most of it. I like to pick random 6 packs of stout-y beers, good times.
Virgil's - best ever
Sioux City Sarsaparilla - also good
I see a few people outside of the UK saying "Newcastle". Are you referring to this.
If so. Bravo. Good to see "Broon Dog" is still a world renowned drink. Even though the Newcastle Brewery was recently knocked down. Heineken owns it now and its brewed in Tadcaster Yorkshire but its still Geordie at heart.
btw. Brown ale is Clint Eastwood's favourite drink and has it shipped out specially...nuff said.
Dogfish Head 60min IPA, 90min IPA, Raison De 'Etre, Aprihop, Midas Touch, Palo Santo Marron
New Belgium FatTire, Trippel, Abbey Grand Cru
Elysian Great Pumpkin Ale, Dragontooth Stout, Bifröst Winter Ale
Pyramid Thunderhead IPA
I see a few people outside of the UK saying "Newcastle". Are you referring to this.
If so. Bravo. Good to see "Broon Dog" is still a world renowned drink. Even though the Newcastle Brewery was recently knocked down. Heineken owns it now and its brewed in Tadcaster Yorkshire but its still Geordie at heart.
btw. Brown ale is Clint Eastwood's favourite drink and has it shipped out specially...nuff said.
Was the good eh almighty?
My friend was swilling them down the other day and wouldn't let me have a taste... I was on the Fursty Ferret at the time so wasn't complaining.. will have to give it a try next time around...
In the US, Newcastle Brown Ale is the only import ale you can easily get at the grocery or corner store - that's probably why it's so popular. It's ok but not great.
In my opinion spitfire for example, is to bitter. It's not much, but Newcastle have that round nice taste. But it's soooo much better on tap. Big difference. It's almost like a lager on bottle..
And yeah, when i'm out clubing i love me some Strongbow. That's shit is dangerous!
Sierra Nevada
Blue Moon
or anything cheap
Dogfish Head 90 Min IPA
Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier
Shipyard Pumpkin Ale (in-season)
Harpoon Barelywine
Sam Adams Black Lager (Noble Pils ain't that bad right now in season)
Landlord is a great ale that you can find on tap in alot of pubs in the UK. Black Sheep is lovely and easy to find as well.
Everyone I know loves and recommends Brew Dog beers, but I really dislike their Punk IPA.
Anyway, I love craft Beers and my current favorites are:
Flying Dog's Raging Bitch
Russian River's Damnation
Dogfish head's Palo Santo Marron
but my tried and true beers are:
Yeungling Lager
Yards IPA
Newbold IPA
PBR (I usually drink it with bottom shelf bourbon to complete it, haha)
I love beer. Cheaper the better!
*basically anything made by the big 3
It's tradition for me and my friends to have Desperados on our holidays :P These are from 3 different summers :poly142:
Chimay Red
Pretty much any of the Badger Beers , esp Fursty Ferret
Any quality ale really
Busch and PBR to remind me of my college days
Abbot Ale
Bishops Finger
Wylam Gold Tankard
Sneck lifter
Mordue No.9 (only available at The Strawberry in Newcastle. Lovely drop though)
Broon Dog (Newcastle Brown Ale) deserves a mention as well.
Fursty Ferret, nice, nice!
Polycounters got taste!
Chimay Bleue
I love living in Belgium!
Replace that Duvel with Gageleer, Kameleon or Moinette, and that Stella with Kwak, and then we're talking!
Also love Belgian beer, though hard to find the rare, good ones. Germans have great Weissbiers, like Franziskaner, Hefeweizen and any other Bavarian ones.
Been reading alot about beers and recently started making my own. The first one was lager that turned out great (slightly too yeasty though) and just finished my own Weissbier with orange zest and coriander. Came out great. Will do more soon!
Westmalle triple
Triple Karmeliet
Belgium monks all the way
All 9° of alcohol, not for children !
I heard Huntermaster is pretty good too.
Either shiner bock or shiner hefeweizen. shiner dortmunder is slowly becoming a fav.
Discovered this last year. If it weren't for the scarcity, I would drink this all day every day.
Love Kronenbourg! It tastes like Stella, but without the bloat. The other most mainstream beers I drink are Dos Equis, Stella, Asahi and Sapporo.
Favorite beer in Vancouver
Granville Island Pale Ale, or Granville Island Honey Brown.
Favorite Beers in Montreal:
Dieu de Ciel or Brewtopia.
My local shop also carries beer by a Norwegian micro brewery called Haandbryggeriet, all their brews are awesome - just watch out for their Sour Ale, it's really sour and an acquired taste.
I usually stick to strong dark ales like Stormking Stout, Palo Santo Marron and Indian Brown Ale.
If you're in Massachusetts, Mayflower Brewing Company is a good microbrew, they focus on more balanced beer than the super intense beers most microbreweries like to make.
If you need to water your plants or your best friend is on fire I recommend Sam Adams. J/K, it's not a horrible beer, it's more of a gateway beer for people that are used to drinking Bud - it will get you ready for better beer.
Kilimanjaro is the way to do it !
but here? I just drink BUD
Can't believe I forgot NBA... I haven't had it in a few years, must get some next time I go out for some Ferret
Fat tire
Pretty much any stout/porter
Hornsby's crisp apple cider
We actually have a super awesome selection of beer at our local grocery chain here, 100+ bears I would say, so its fun to just grab random stuff and try it, though I dont remember most of it. I like to pick random 6 packs of stout-y beers, good times.
Virgil's - best ever
Sioux City Sarsaparilla - also good
If so. Bravo. Good to see "Broon Dog" is still a world renowned drink. Even though the Newcastle Brewery was recently knocked down. Heineken owns it now and its brewed in Tadcaster Yorkshire but its still Geordie at heart.
btw. Brown ale is Clint Eastwood's favourite drink and has it shipped out specially...nuff said.
Dogfish Head 60min IPA, 90min IPA, Raison De 'Etre, Aprihop, Midas Touch, Palo Santo Marron
New Belgium FatTire, Trippel, Abbey Grand Cru
Elysian Great Pumpkin Ale, Dragontooth Stout, Bifröst Winter Ale
Pyramid Thunderhead IPA
Think they had mostly been drinking Coors Light or the Champagne of Beers
I mostly enjoy IPAs lately. Oppig
That's the one. Delicious.
My friend was swilling them down the other day and wouldn't let me have a taste... I was on the Fursty Ferret at the time so wasn't complaining.. will have to give it a try next time around...
With the power of ale, we cannot fail.
Blue Moon(with orange slice) always makes me think of Fallout:New Vegas and my energy weapon loadout..)
barely qualifies as beer outside the walls of a certain city but then real beer is not for me.
And yeah, when i'm out clubing i love me some Strongbow. That's shit is dangerous!