I looked up the 3 point shader, looks like it's only for Max, but a suggestion for something similar was Xoliul's shader, so I updated the previous post with a real-time using that. I had attempted using that shader in Maya before and wasn't getting great results out of it, but since I know how it works better, I'll make it a staple so my renders don't make people want to gouge out their eyes with a popsicle stick.
As a pretty big fan of 40K and a fan of them crazy helmets and such on the Eldar, I'm going to go with modeling one of them bad boys. I had to pull out of the warm up challenge with DW due to school, but if I keep on top of things this quarter I'm looking to get a lot of learnin' done building characters.
Things I'm looking to pull from the Eldar:
-Cool Helmets
-Egyptian/Protoss looking armor
-Interesting shapes
-Detail to the Fabrics used (like the quarians in Mass Effect)
-Interesting gun design but still using blades
My favorite unit has and always will be the Seer Council. When you attach them onto the Farseer they are just rapetastic. I'm hoping to get a male character out of it, and bring some non space marine body type into it. Eldar have always been fast and agile to me, and they always wear sleek armor and such. I'm looking forward to this contest.
As for all the progress so far, they're looking awesome. It's gonna be a fun competition!!
I'm going to have to get in on this. I'll be doing a sort of subversion; A tau, but in the fantasy warhammer universe. Concepts to follow, i still have to hunt down some more reference.
For some reason I thought this challenge was canceled or something. Anyway, I had some spare time so I decided to start on something.
After reading through warhammer stuff and looking into the different ranks and soldiers within the Empire I decided to go with making a Captain of the Greatswords.
I just started with a head and messed around with it to get a good idea for a character and general style.
The tunic collar and hair are really just rough place holders.
As for the rest of him, I'll probably use the little screaming guy in the picture as a starting point I just really dig the poofy sleave.
I dont think so, havent heard of ravenslayer since his last update and there are others that just eneterd this week so lets say we extend the deadline a bit? I got little time myself due to my examns so I wouldnt mind a deadline extension
I'm gonna throw in the towel on this one, classes ramped up, and I was instructed to start focusing more on environment work, so I may finish this guy sometime, but now is not that time. Good luck to everyone else, and have fun with the comp!
woah the detail, zips and such look absolutely awesome HAL! the face looks a bit flat, maybe it will look better once it's textured though great progress
HAL! I am liking what you done here, good commitment. Nice thought to design on the armour, yet i would 2nd the knee joint, needs to bend, and the face might be alright.. maybe flat, depends how you want her to look in the end.
Neo God.. very nice work so far also. Good to see the fantasy version as well.
I referenced a load of stuff for a ratling sniper, or the harlequin death jester with skull face... and then this thread seemed to die out!
Things I'm looking to pull from the Eldar:
-Cool Helmets
-Egyptian/Protoss looking armor
-Interesting shapes
-Detail to the Fabrics used (like the quarians in Mass Effect)
-Interesting gun design but still using blades
My favorite unit has and always will be the Seer Council. When you attach them onto the Farseer they are just rapetastic. I'm hoping to get a male character out of it, and bring some non space marine body type into it. Eldar have always been fast and agile to me, and they always wear sleek armor and such. I'm looking forward to this contest.
As for all the progress so far, they're looking awesome. It's gonna be a fun competition!!
After reading through warhammer stuff and looking into the different ranks and soldiers within the Empire I decided to go with making a Captain of the Greatswords.
I just started with a head and messed around with it to get a good idea for a character and general style.
The tunic collar and hair are really just rough place holders.
As for the rest of him, I'll probably use the little screaming guy in the picture as a starting point
@Neo_God: Nice start!
Had some more free time today while waiting for a package to come, so I blocked out his overall size and structure.
Also drew out a design for his great sword
Thinking of maybe toning it down a bit though.
Made a basemesh for the head
So.. who's actually in besides me?
Worked more on the head
hope you like it
Will take a look at the head again
Neo God.. very nice work so far also. Good to see the fantasy version as well.
I referenced a load of stuff for a ratling sniper, or the harlequin death jester with skull face... and then this thread seemed to die out!
(also some older bake testwith 2 min uv layout)
e: qick bake of the head: